package; import; /** * delegate class for implementing "object->link->object to stmt" part of the algorithm in * class ValueHolderToBeanASTStmt. * * implementations sub-classes must be thread safe, and stateless, * but the owner ValueHolderToBeanASTStmt is used as a context/callback for processing. * * * This class is used to extends ObjectVHToStmtProcessor capabilities, * for objects that are not accessible by references, and * can not be converted without analysing the dependency links between objects. * * Typical examples are objects protected/private in other objects, * and partially accessible only. * example: * <ul> * <li>aggregate objet</li> * <li>SCC object (=Second Citizen Class... usually for List/Set/Map in orms..)</li> * <li>inverse relationship objects... </li> * </ul> * * * see also ObjectVHToStmtProcessor, for simpler conversions, * where object is accessible by reference. */ public interface RefObjectVHToStmtConverter { public boolean canConvert(Class<?> fromType, String[] path, Class<?> toType); public void convert(VHToStmt owner, RefObjectValueHolder refObjToObj); }