package org.sef4j.callstack; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.sef4j.callstack.stats.ThreadTimeUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Element of a CallStack * <p/> * This class is managed from current thread local facade: LocalCallStack, using push()/pop() on current thread. * <p/> * * <PRE> * "try { toPop = LocalCallStack().meth(clss, "meth") * .param("p1, "v1").param("p2", "v2") * .inheritedProp("prop1", "p1"). ... * .push()" * when entering new "method" : push new element on stack * <-- * \ * / * +-------------------------+ * | callElt Curr | <-- curr stack position * | - clss, meth | * | - startTimes | * | (elapsed,cpu,user) | * | - params | * | - inheritableProps | * | - inheritedProps | * | - pushPopHandlers | * +-------------------------+ \ * | / * | <-- * | "} finally { toPop.close(); }" * | when exiting curr "method" : pop element on stack * | .. * | .. * +-------------------------+ * | callElt 2 | * +-------------------------+ * | callElt 1 | * +-------------------------+ * </PRE> */ public final class CallStackElt { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CallStackElt.class); private final CallStack ownerStack; private final CallStackElt parentCallStackElt; private final int stackEltIndex; private String className; private String name; private Map<String,Object> params; private Map<String,Object> inheritableProps; /* lazily computed from inheritableProps + parentCallStackElt... **/ private Map<String,Object> inheritedProps; /*pp*/ StackPusher pusher; /*pp*/ StackPopper popper; private long startTime; private long threadCpuStartTime; private long threadUserStartTime; private long endTime; private long threadCpuEndTime; private long threadUserEndTime; private int pushPopHandlersLen; private CallStackPushPopHandler[] pushPopHandlers = new CallStackPushPopHandler[2]; private int progressExpectedCount; private int progressIndex; private String progressMessage; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public CallStackElt(CallStack ownerStack, int stackEltIndex, CallStackElt parentCallStackElt) { super(); this.ownerStack = ownerStack; this.stackEltIndex = stackEltIndex; this.parentCallStackElt = parentCallStackElt; // this.pusher .. initialized in parent stack with next stack elt on stack this.popper = new StackPopper(this); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*pp*/ StackPusher pusher(String className, String name) { return pusher.withName(className, name); } /*pp*/ void onPush() { this.startTime = ThreadTimeUtils.getTime(); this.threadUserStartTime = ThreadTimeUtils.getCurrentThreadUserTime(); this.threadCpuStartTime = ThreadTimeUtils.getCurrentThreadCpuTime(); final int handlersLen = parentCallStackElt.pushPopHandlersLen; final CallStackPushPopHandler[] handlers = parentCallStackElt.pushPopHandlers; for (int i = 0; i < handlersLen; i++) { try { // implementation note: this is up to each handler responsibility to re-register a handler // on newly push (this) CallStackElt // => cf this.addCallStackPushPopHandler(newChildHandler) handlers[i].onPush(this); } catch(Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to call CallStackPushPopHandler.onPush()! .. ignore, no rethrow", ex); } } } /*pp*/ void onPushWithParentStartTime() { CallStackElt parent = parentCallStackElt; this.startTime = parent.startTime; this.threadUserStartTime = parent.threadUserStartTime; this.threadCpuStartTime = parent.threadCpuStartTime; // cf remaining code as copy&paste from onPush() final int handlersLen = parentCallStackElt.pushPopHandlersLen; final CallStackPushPopHandler[] handlers = parentCallStackElt.pushPopHandlers; for (int i = 0; i < handlersLen; i++) { try { // implementation note: this is up to each handler responsibility to re-register a handler // on newly push (this) CallStackElt // => cf this.addCallStackPushPopHandler(newChildHandler) handlers[i].onPush(this); } catch(Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to call CallStackPushPopHandler.onPush()! .. ignore, no rethrow", ex); } } } /*pp*/ void onPop() { this.threadCpuEndTime = ThreadTimeUtils.getCurrentThreadCpuTime(); this.threadUserEndTime = ThreadTimeUtils.getCurrentThreadUserTime(); this.endTime = ThreadTimeUtils.getTime(); final int handlersLen = pushPopHandlersLen; final CallStackPushPopHandler[] handlers = pushPopHandlers; for (int i = 0; i < handlersLen; i++) { try { handlers[i].onPop(this); } catch(Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to call CallStackPushPopHandler.onPop()! .. ignore, no rethrow", ex); } handlers[i] = null; // clear handler array } this.pushPopHandlersLen = 0; this.progressExpectedCount = 0; this.progressIndex = 0; this.progressMessage = null; } /*pp*/ void onProgressStep(int incr, String progressMessage) { this.progressIndex += incr; this.progressMessage = progressMessage; final int handlersLen = pushPopHandlersLen; final CallStackPushPopHandler[] handlers = pushPopHandlers; for (int i = 0; i < handlersLen; i++) { try { handlers[i].onProgressStep(this); } catch(Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to call CallStackPushPopHandler.onProgressStep()! .. ignore, no rethrow", ex); } } } /** * there is no corresponding remove()! .. all handlers will be automatically removed during onPop() * @param handler * * this method is unsynchronized... should be called only by child handler, from self-thread */ public void onPushAddCallStackPushPopHandler(CallStackPushPopHandler handler) { doAddCallStackPushPopHandler(handler); } private void doAddCallStackPushPopHandler(CallStackPushPopHandler handler) { if (pushPopHandlersLen+1 >= pushPopHandlers.length) { // realloc larger buffer CallStackPushPopHandler[] tmpnew = new CallStackPushPopHandler[pushPopHandlers.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(pushPopHandlers, 0, tmpnew, 0, pushPopHandlers.length); this.pushPopHandlers = tmpnew; } this.pushPopHandlers[pushPopHandlersLen] = handler; this.pushPopHandlersLen++; } public int tmpMaskOnPushAddCallStackPushPopHandler() { return pushPopHandlersLen; } public void tmpUnmaskOnPushAddCallStackPushPopHandler(int prevPushPopHandlersLen) { if (pushPopHandlersLen >= prevPushPopHandlersLen) { for (int i = prevPushPopHandlersLen+1; i <= pushPopHandlersLen; i++) { this.pushPopHandlers[i] = null; } } this.pushPopHandlersLen = prevPushPopHandlersLen; } public void addRootCallStackHandler(CallStackPushPopHandler handler) { onPushAddCallStackPushPopHandler(handler); } public void removeRootCallStackHandler(CallStackPushPopHandler handler) { int foundIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < pushPopHandlersLen; i++) { if (pushPopHandlers[i] == handler) { foundIndex = i; break; } } if (foundIndex != -1) { System.arraycopy(pushPopHandlers, foundIndex+1, pushPopHandlers, foundIndex, pushPopHandlersLen-foundIndex); pushPopHandlers[pushPopHandlersLen-1] = null; pushPopHandlersLen--; } } public List<CallStackPushPopHandler> getPushPopHandlers() { ArrayList<CallStackPushPopHandler> res = new ArrayList<CallStackPushPopHandler>(); for (int i = 0; i < pushPopHandlersLen; i++) { res.add(pushPopHandlers[i]); } return res; } // public getter (value are immutable after push(), until pop() is called) // private accessor, cf corresponding Pusher // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public CallStack getOwnerStack() { return ownerStack; } public CallStackElt getParentCallStackElt() { return parentCallStackElt; } public int getStackEltIndex() { return stackEltIndex; } public String getClassName() { return className; } public String getName() { return name; } public String[] getPath() { String[] res = new String[stackEltIndex+1]; CallStackElt curr = this; for (int i = stackEltIndex; i >= 0; i--, curr = curr.getParentCallStackElt()) { res[i] = curr.getClassName() + ":" + curr.getName(); } return res; } // return pointer, should return unmodifiable ref public Map<String, Object> getParams() { if (params == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); return params; } public Map<String, Object> getInheritableProps() { if (inheritableProps == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); return inheritableProps; } public Map<String, Object> getInheritedProps() { if (inheritedProps == null) { Map<String,Object> tmpres = new HashMap<String,Object>(); if (parentCallStackElt != null) { tmpres.putAll(parentCallStackElt.getInheritedProps()); // **recurse *** } if (inheritableProps != null) { tmpres.putAll(inheritableProps); } inheritedProps = tmpres; } return inheritedProps; } public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } public long getStartTimeApproxMillis() { return ThreadTimeUtils.nanosToApproxMillis(startTime); } public long getThreadCpuStartTime() { return threadCpuStartTime; } public long getThreadUserStartTime() { return threadUserStartTime; } public long getEndTime() { return endTime; } public long getElapsedTime() { return endTime - startTime; } public long getThreadCpuEndTime() { return threadCpuEndTime; } public long getThreadUserEndTime() { return threadUserEndTime; } public int getProgressExpectedCount() { return progressExpectedCount; } public int getProgressIndex() { return progressIndex; } public String getProgressMessage() { return progressMessage; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** called from Pusher */ private void putParam(String paramName, Object value) { if (params == null) params = new HashMap<String,Object>(); params.put(paramName, value); } /** called from Pusher */ private void putAllParams(Map<String,Object> p) { if (params == null) params = new HashMap<String,Object>(); params.putAll(p); } /** called from Pusher */ private void putInheritableProp(String paramName, Object value) { if (inheritableProps == null) inheritableProps = new HashMap<String,Object>(); inheritableProps.put(paramName, value); } /** called from Pusher */ private void putAllInheritableProps(Map<String,Object> p) { if (inheritableProps == null) inheritableProps = new HashMap<String,Object>(); inheritableProps.putAll(p); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * This is the builder pattern for configuring the information passed to CallStack.push() * */ public static class StackPusher { private final CallStackElt pushedElt; /*pp*/ StackPusher(CallStackElt pushedElt) { this.pushedElt = pushedElt; } public StackPopper push() { return pushedElt.ownerStack.doPush(pushedElt); } public StackPopper pushWithParentStartTime() { return pushedElt.ownerStack.doPushWithParentStartTime(pushedElt); } /*pp?*/ public StackPusher withName(String className, String name) { pushedElt.className = className; = name; return this; } /** alias for withParam() */ public StackPusher p(String paramName, Object value) { return withParam(paramName, value); } public StackPusher withParam(String paramName, Object value) { pushedElt.putParam(paramName, value); return this; } public StackPusher withParams(Map<String,Object> p) { pushedElt.putAllParams(p); return this; } public StackPusher withInheritableProp(String paramName, Object value) { pushedElt.putInheritableProp(paramName, value); return this; } public StackPusher withAllInheritableProps(Map<String,Object> p) { pushedElt.putAllInheritableProps(p); return this; } public StackPusher withProgressExpectedCount(int p) { pushedElt.progressExpectedCount = p; return this; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static class StackPopper implements Closeable { private final CallStackElt callStackElt; public StackPopper(CallStackElt callStackElt) { this.callStackElt = callStackElt; } @Override public void close() { callStackElt.ownerStack.doPop(callStackElt); } public StackPopper progressStep(int incr, String progressMessage) { callStackElt.onProgressStep(incr, progressMessage); return this; } public StackPopper withParamValue(String paramName, Object value) { callStackElt.putParam(paramName, value); return this; } /** alias for withParamValue("reurn", value) */ public StackPopper withReturnValue(Object value) { return withParamValue("return", value); } /** * usefull for returning value and adding it as param "return" to current CallStackElt * cf also LocalCallStack.pushPopParentReturn() ... */ public <T> T returnParamValue(String paramName, T value) { withParamValue(paramName, value); return value; } public <T> T returnValue(T value) { withParamValue("return", value); return value; } /** idem returnValue(Object) with primitive value to avoid boxing/unboxing*/ public boolean returnValue(boolean value) { withParamValue("return", value); return value; } /** idem returnValue(Object) with primitive value to avoid boxing/unboxing*/ public int returnValue(int value) { return returnParamValue("return", value); } /** idem returnValue(Object) with primitive value to avoid boxing/unboxing*/ public long returnValue(long value) { return returnParamValue("return", value); } public <T extends Throwable> T returnException(T ex) { String eltName = "exception-" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName(); returnException(eltName, ex); return ex; } /** idem pushPopParentException() but using custom exception eltName instead of default (<code>eltName= "exception-" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName()</code>) */ public void returnException(String eltName, Throwable ex) { String className = callStackElt.className; StackPopper toPop = callStackElt.pusher(className, eltName).withParam("ex", ex).pushWithParentStartTime(); toPop.close(); } } }