package org.sef4j.core.helpers.ext.influxdb; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import org.sef4j.core.api.EventSender; import org.sef4j.core.helpers.senders.http.HttpPostBytesSender; import org.sef4j.core.helpers.senders.http.HttpPostBytesSenderFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * EventSender<String> to concatenate Json fragments as InfluxDB accepts them, then to delegate sending as HTTP POST to InfluxDB<br/> * * <PRE> * +-----------------+ HttpPostBytesSender * sendEvents(String...) | | sendEvents(byte[]) +------------+ HTTP POST * -------------------------> | | --------------> | | -----------> InfluxDB Server * json fragments | | byte[]: +------------+ * "{ ..frag1 }" +-----------------+ "[ {frag1}, * "{ ..frag2 }" {frag2} * "{ ..frag3 }" ... * ]" * </PRE> * * <BR/> * Each String event to send is supposed to be formatted as a Json fragment : "{ ... }"<BR/> * This class may join multiple fragments in a single call, as"[ frag1, frag2, ... fragN ]"<BR/> * * see json formatter helper class, to convert stat value object to Json text * @see org.sef4j.callstack.export.influxdb.jsonprinters.AbstractInfluxDBValuePrinter * and all sub-classes: PerfStatsInfluxDBPrinter, BasicTimeStatsLogHistogramInfluxDBPrinter, PendingPerfCountInfluxDBPrinter * */ public class InfluxDBJsonSender implements EventSender<String> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InfluxDBJsonSender.class); /** * displayName/url...mainly for display message... * see real connection implementation in sub-classes */ protected String displayUrl; protected URL seriesURL; protected EventSender<byte[]> delegateHttpPostBytesSender; private int warnElapsedThreshold = 20*1000; // 20 seconds private int countSent = 0; private int countSentFailed = 0; private int countSentSlow = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public InfluxDBJsonSender(String url, String dbName, String username, String password) { this(url, dbName, username, password, HttpPostBytesSenderFactory.DEFAULT_FACTORY); } public InfluxDBJsonSender(String url, String dbName, String username, String password, HttpPostBytesSenderFactory httpPostBytesSenderFactory) { this.displayUrl = url; this.seriesURL = influxDBSeriesURL(url, dbName, username, password); this.delegateHttpPostBytesSender = httpPostBytesSenderFactory.create(displayUrl, seriesURL, HttpPostBytesSender.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, null); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static URL influxDBSeriesURL(String baseUrl, String dbName, String username, String password) { try { return new URL(baseUrl + "/db/" + dbName + "/series?u=" + username + "&p=" + password); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad url", ex); } } protected void doSendJSonBody(byte[] json) { delegateHttpPostBytesSender.sendEvent(json); } public void sendJSonBody(byte[] json) { countSent++; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { doSendJSonBody(json); long timeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (timeMillis > warnElapsedThreshold) { countSentSlow++; } } catch(RuntimeException ex){ countSentFailed++; LOG.warn("Failed to send json to InfluxDB '" + displayUrl + "' ... rethrow ex:" + ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } public void sendEvent(String jsonFragment) { // wrap body with "[ ... ]" String text = "[\n" + jsonFragment + "\n]"; sendJSonBody(text.getBytes()); } public void sendEvents(Collection<String> jsonFragments) { if (jsonFragments == null || jsonFragments.isEmpty()) return; // join text with ",\n" + wrap with "[\n" .. "]\n" // see in jdk8 (or apache commons-lang): ... String.join(",\n", jsonFragments); ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(buffer); try { out.append("[\n"); Iterator<String> iter = jsonFragments.iterator(); out.append(; if (iter.hasNext()) { for(; iter.hasNext(); ) { String e =; out.append(",\n"); out.append(e); } } out.append("\n]"); out.flush(); } catch(IOException ex) { // in memory buffer ... IOException should not occurs! } byte[] bytes = buffer.toByteArray(); sendJSonBody(bytes); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public int getWarnElapsedThreshold() { return warnElapsedThreshold; } public void setWarnElapsedThreshold(int warnElapsedThreshold) { this.warnElapsedThreshold = warnElapsedThreshold; } public int getCountSent() { return countSent; } public void setCountSent(int countSent) { this.countSent = countSent; } public int getCountSentFailed() { return countSentFailed; } public void setCountSentFailed(int countSentFailed) { this.countSentFailed = countSentFailed; } public int getCountSentSlow() { return countSentSlow; } public void setCountSentSlow(int countSentSlow) { this.countSentSlow = countSentSlow; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public String toString() { return "InfluxDBJsonSender[url=" + displayUrl + "]"; } }