package org.sef4j.jdbc.wrappers; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.sql.Statement; import org.sef4j.callstack.CallStackElt.StackPopper; import org.sef4j.callstack.LocalCallStack; import org.sef4j.jdbc.util.StatementUtils; /** * Proxy for java.sql.Statement + wrapp all calls with push()/pop() * */ public class SefStatementProxy implements Statement { // .. implements Wrapper, AutoCloseable private static final String CNAME = SefStatementProxy.class.getName(); /** underlying of proxy */ protected Statement to; /** parent/owner connection */ protected SefConnectionProxy owner; /* may be set by ctor */ private int ctorResultSetType; private int ctorResultSetConcurrency; private int ctorResultSetHoldability; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Ctor */ public SefStatementProxy(SefConnectionProxy owner, Statement to) { this.owner = owner; = to; } /** Ctor */ public SefStatementProxy(SefConnectionProxy owner, Statement to, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) { this.owner = owner; = to; this.ctorResultSetType = resultSetType; this.ctorResultSetConcurrency = resultSetConcurrency; } /** Ctor */ public SefStatementProxy(SefConnectionProxy owner, Statement to, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) { this.owner = owner; = to; this.ctorResultSetType = resultSetType; this.ctorResultSetConcurrency = resultSetConcurrency; this.ctorResultSetHoldability = resultSetHoldability; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public Statement getUnderlying() { return to; } public final SefConnectionProxy getSefWrappedConnection() { return owner; } public final int getCtorResultSetConcurrency() { return ctorResultSetConcurrency; } public final int getCtorResultSetType() { return ctorResultSetType; } public int getCtorResultSetHoldability() { return ctorResultSetHoldability; } // Implements java.sql.Statement // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public final Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return owner; // return owner wrapper instead of target.getConnection() } public final void close() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "close").push(); try { to.close(); } catch(SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } // also notify parent wrapper of closed resource if (owner != null) { owner.onChildStatementClose(this); } } public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException { return to.isClosed(); } public boolean isPoolable() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "isPoolable").push(); try { boolean res = to.isPoolable(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public void setPoolable(boolean poolable) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "setPoolable") .withParam("poolable", poolable) .push(); try { to.setPoolable(poolable); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public void closeOnCompletion() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "closeOnCompletion").push(); try { to.closeOnCompletion(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public boolean isCloseOnCompletion() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "isCloseOnCompletion").push(); try { boolean res = to.isCloseOnCompletion(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public final ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getResultSet").push(); try { ResultSet tmpres = to.getResultSet(); SefResultSetProxy res = new SefResultSetProxy(this, tmpres); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final boolean getMoreResults() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getMoreResults").push(); try { boolean res = to.getMoreResults(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "executeQuery") .withParam("sql", sql) .push(); try { ResultSet tmpres = to.executeQuery(sql); SefResultSetProxy res = new SefResultSetProxy(this, tmpres); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "execute") .withParam("sql", sql) .push(); try { boolean res = to.execute(sql); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getUpdateCount").push(); try { int res = to.getUpdateCount(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final boolean execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "execute(String,int[])") .withParam("sql", sql) .withParam("columnIndexes", columnIndexes) .push(); try { boolean res = to.execute(sql, columnIndexes); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final boolean execute(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "execute(String,String[])") .withParam("sql", sql) .withParam("columnNames", columnNames) .push(); try { boolean res = to.execute(sql, columnNames); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final boolean execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { String meth = "execute(String," + StatementUtils.autoGeneratedKeysToString(autoGeneratedKeys) +")"; StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, meth) .withParam("sql", sql) .withParam("autoGeneratedKeys", autoGeneratedKeys) .push(); try { boolean res = to.execute(sql, autoGeneratedKeys); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "executeUpdate") .withParam("sql", sql) .push(); try { int res = to.executeUpdate(sql); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { String meth = "executeUpdate(String," + StatementUtils.autoGeneratedKeysToString(autoGeneratedKeys); StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, meth) .withParam("sql", sql) .withParam("autoGeneratedKeys", autoGeneratedKeys) .push(); try { int res = to.executeUpdate(sql, autoGeneratedKeys); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "executeUpdate(String,int[])") .withParam("sql", sql) .withParam("columnIndexes", columnIndexes) .push(); try { int res = to.executeUpdate(sql, columnIndexes); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "executeUpdate(String,String[])") .withParam("sql", sql) .withParam("columnNames", columnNames) .push(); try { int res = to.executeUpdate(sql, columnNames); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "addBatch") .withParam("sql", sql) .push(); try { to.addBatch(sql); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void clearBatch() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "clearBatch").push(); try { to.clearBatch(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "executeBatch").push(); try { int[] res = to.executeBatch(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getMaxFieldSize() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getMaxFieldSize").push(); try { int res = to.getMaxFieldSize(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void setMaxFieldSize(int max) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "setMaxFieldSize") .withParam("max", max) .push(); try { to.setMaxFieldSize(max); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getMaxRows() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getMaxRows").push(); try { int res = to.getMaxRows(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void setMaxRows(int max) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "setMaxRows") .withParam("max", max) .push(); try { to.setMaxRows(max); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "setEscapeProcessing") .withParam("enable", enable) .push(); try { to.setEscapeProcessing(enable); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getQueryTimeout() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getQueryTimeout").push(); try { int res = to.getQueryTimeout(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void setQueryTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "setQueryTimeout") .withParam("seconds", seconds) .push(); try { to.setQueryTimeout(seconds); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void cancel() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "cancel").push(); try { to.cancel(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getWarnings").push(); try { SQLWarning tmpres = to.getWarnings(); SQLWarning res = tmpres; // TODO may wrap with SefSQLWarningProxy() return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void clearWarnings() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "clearWarnings").push(); try { to.clearWarnings(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void setCursorName(String name) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "setCursorName") .withParam("name", name) .push(); try { to.setCursorName(name); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void setFetchDirection(int direction) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "setFetchDirection") .withParam("direction", direction) .push(); try { to.setFetchDirection(direction); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getFetchDirection").push(); try { int res = to.getFetchDirection(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "setFetchSize") .withParam("rows", rows) .push(); try { to.setFetchSize(rows); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getFetchSize() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getFetchSize").push(); try { int res = to.getFetchSize(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getResultSetConcurrency() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getResultSetConcurrency").push(); try { int res = to.getResultSetConcurrency(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getResultSetType() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getResultSetType").push(); try { int res = to.getResultSetType(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getGeneratedKeys").push(); try { ResultSet tmpres = to.getGeneratedKeys(); ResultSet res = new SefResultSetProxy(this, tmpres); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final boolean getMoreResults(int current) throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getMoreResults") .withParam("current", current) .push(); try { boolean res = to.getMoreResults(current); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public final int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException { StackPopper toPop = LocalCallStack.meth(CNAME, "getResultSetHoldability").push(); try { int res = to.getResultSetHoldability(); return toPop.returnValue(res); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw toPop.returnException(ex); } finally { toPop.close(); } } public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException { return to.isWrapperFor(iface); } public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException { return to.unwrap(iface); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public String toString() { return "SefStatementProxy [to=" + to + "]"; } }