/* * * SchemaCrawler * http://sourceforge.net/projects/schemacrawler * Copyright (c) 2000-2013, Sualeh Fatehi. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ package schemacrawler.tools.text.schema; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import schemacrawler.schema.Column; import schemacrawler.schema.ColumnDataType; import schemacrawler.schema.ColumnReference; import schemacrawler.schema.ForeignKey; import schemacrawler.schema.NamedObject; import schemacrawler.schema.Routine; import schemacrawler.schema.Schema; import schemacrawler.schema.Synonym; import schemacrawler.schema.Table; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaCrawlerException; import schemacrawler.tools.analysis.associations.DatabaseWithAssociations; import schemacrawler.tools.options.OutputOptions; import schemacrawler.tools.text.base.BaseDotFormatter; import schemacrawler.tools.traversal.SchemaTraversalHandler; import schemacrawler.utility.MetaDataUtility; import schemacrawler.utility.MetaDataUtility.Connectivity; import schemacrawler.utility.NamedObjectSort; import sf.util.Utility; /** * GraphViz DOT formatting of schema. * * @author Sualeh Fatehi */ public final class SchemaDotFormatter extends BaseDotFormatter<SchemaTextOptions> implements SchemaTraversalHandler { private final boolean isVerbose; private final boolean isList; private final Map<Schema, String> colorMap; /** * Text formatting of schema. * * @param schemaTextDetailType * Types for text formatting of schema * @param options * Options for text formatting of schema * @param outputOptions * Options for text formatting of schema * @throws SchemaCrawlerException * On an exception */ public SchemaDotFormatter(final SchemaTextDetailType schemaTextDetailType, final SchemaTextOptions options, final OutputOptions outputOptions) throws SchemaCrawlerException { super(options, schemaTextDetailType == SchemaTextDetailType.details, outputOptions); isVerbose = schemaTextDetailType == SchemaTextDetailType.details; isList = schemaTextDetailType == SchemaTextDetailType.list; colorMap = new HashMap<Schema, String>(); } @Override public void handle(final ColumnDataType columnDataType) throws SchemaCrawlerException { } /** * Provides information on the database schema. * * @param routine * Routine metadata. */ @Override public void handle(final Routine routine) { } /** * Provides information on the database schema. * * @param synonym * Synonym metadata. */ @Override public void handle(final Synonym synonym) { } /** * Provides information on the database schema. * * @param table * Table metadata. */ @Override public void handle(final Table table) { final Schema schema = table.getSchema(); final String tableName; if (options.isShowUnqualifiedNames()) { tableName = table.getName(); } else { tableName = table.getFullName(); } final String tableType = "[" + table.getTableType() + "]"; final String tableNameBgColor; if (!colorMap.containsKey(schema)) { tableNameBgColor = Utility.pastelColorHTMLValue(schema.getFullName()); colorMap.put(schema, tableNameBgColor); } else { tableNameBgColor = colorMap.get(schema); } out.append(" /* ").append(table.getFullName()) .append(" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */").append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" \"").append(nodeId(table)).append("\" [") .append(Utility.NEWLINE).append(" label=<").append(Utility.NEWLINE); out .append(" <table border=\"1\" cellborder=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"white\">") .append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" <tr>").append(Utility.NEWLINE); final int colspan = options.isShowOrdinalNumbers()? 3: 2; out.append(" <td colspan=\"").append(String.valueOf(colspan)) .append("\" bgcolor=\"").append(tableNameBgColor) .append("\" align=\"left\"><b>").append(tableName).append("</b></td>") .append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" <td bgcolor=\"").append(tableNameBgColor) .append("\" align=\"right\">").append(tableType).append("</td>") .append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" </tr>").append(Utility.NEWLINE); if (!isList) { final List<Column> columns = table.getColumns(); printTableColumns(columns); } out.append(" </table>").append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" >").append(Utility.NEWLINE).append(" ];") .append(Utility.NEWLINE).append(Utility.NEWLINE); if (!isList) { for (final ForeignKey foreignKey: table.getForeignKeys()) { for (final ColumnReference columnReference: foreignKey .getColumnReferences()) { if (table.equals(columnReference.getPrimaryKeyColumn().getParent())) { out.write(printColumnReference(foreignKey.getName(), columnReference)); } } } if (isVerbose) { printWeakAssociations(table); } } out.append(Utility.NEWLINE).append(Utility.NEWLINE); } @Override public void handleColumnDataTypesEnd() { } @Override public void handleColumnDataTypesStart() { } @Override public void handleRoutinesEnd() throws SchemaCrawlerException { } @Override public void handleRoutinesStart() throws SchemaCrawlerException { } @Override public void handleSynonymsEnd() throws SchemaCrawlerException { } @Override public void handleSynonymsStart() throws SchemaCrawlerException { } @Override public void handleTablesEnd() throws SchemaCrawlerException { } @Override public void handleTablesStart() throws SchemaCrawlerException { } private String arrowhead(final Connectivity connectivity) { switch (connectivity) { case unknown: return "vee"; case zero_one: return "teeodot"; case zero_many: return "crowodot"; case one_one: return "teetee"; default: return "vee"; } } private String[] getPortIds(final Column column) { final String portIds[] = new String[2]; boolean isColumnReference; try { column.getColumnDataType(); isColumnReference = false; } catch (final Exception e) { isColumnReference = true; } if (!isColumnReference) { portIds[0] = String.format("\"%s\":\"%s.start\"", nodeId(column.getParent()), nodeId(column)); portIds[1] = String.format("\"%s\":\"%s.end\"", nodeId(column.getParent()), nodeId(column)); } else { // Create new node final String nodeId = print(column); // portIds[0] = nodeId; portIds[1] = nodeId; } return portIds; } private String nodeId(final NamedObject namedObject) { if (namedObject == null) { return ""; } else { return Utility.convertForComparison(namedObject.getName()) + "_" + Integer.toHexString(namedObject.getFullName().hashCode()); } } private String print(final Column column) { final String nodeId = "\"" + nodeId(column) + "\""; final String columnNode = String.format(" %s [label=<%s>];%n", nodeId, column.getFullName()); out.write(columnNode); return nodeId; } private String printColumnReference(final String associationName, final ColumnReference columnReference) { final Column primaryKeyColumn = columnReference.getPrimaryKeyColumn(); final Column foreignKeyColumn = columnReference.getForeignKeyColumn(); final String[] pkPortIds = getPortIds(primaryKeyColumn); final String[] fkPortIds = getPortIds(foreignKeyColumn); final Connectivity connectivity = MetaDataUtility .getConnectivity(foreignKeyColumn); final String pkSymbol = "teetee"; final String fkSymbol = arrowhead(connectivity); final String style; if (Utility.isBlank(associationName)) { style = "dashed"; } else { style = "solid"; } return String .format(" %s:w -> %s:e [label=<%s> style=\"%s\" dir=\"both\" arrowhead=\"%s\" arrowtail=\"%s\"];%n", pkPortIds[0], fkPortIds[1], options.isHideForeignKeyNames()? "": associationName, style, fkSymbol, pkSymbol); } private void printTableColumns(final List<Column> columns) { Collections.sort(columns, NamedObjectSort.getNamedObjectSort(options .isAlphabeticalSortForTableColumns())); for (final Column column: columns) { String columnTypeName = column.getColumnDataType() .getDatabaseSpecificTypeName(); if (options.isShowStandardColumnTypeNames()) { columnTypeName = column.getColumnDataType().getTypeName(); } final String columnType = columnTypeName + column.getWidth(); final String nullable = column.isNullable()? "": " not null"; final String columnDetails = columnType + nullable; out.append(" <tr>").append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" <td port=\"").append(nodeId(column)) .append(".start\" "); if (options.isShowOrdinalNumbers()) { out.append("align=\"right\">"); final String ordinalNumberString = String.valueOf(column .getOrdinalPosition()); out.append(ordinalNumberString); out.append("</td>").append(Utility.NEWLINE).append(" <td "); } out.append("align=\"left\">"); if (column.isPartOfPrimaryKey()) { out.append("<b><i><u>"); } out.append(column.getName()); if (column.isPartOfPrimaryKey()) { out.append("</u></i></b>"); } out.append("</td>").append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" <td> </td>").append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" <td port=\"").append(nodeId(column)) .append(".end\" align=\"right\">"); out.append(columnDetails); out.append("</td>").append(Utility.NEWLINE); out.append(" </tr>").append(Utility.NEWLINE); } } private void printWeakAssociations(final Table table) { final Collection<ColumnReference> weakAssociations = DatabaseWithAssociations .getWeakAssociations(table); for (final ColumnReference weakAssociation: weakAssociations) { out.write(printColumnReference("", weakAssociation)); } } }