/* * SchemaCrawler * Copyright (c) 2000-2010, Sualeh Fatehi. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package schemacrawler.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import schemacrawler.schema.Column; import schemacrawler.schema.Database; import schemacrawler.schema.EventManipulationType; import schemacrawler.schema.Procedure; import schemacrawler.schema.Schema; import schemacrawler.schema.Table; import schemacrawler.schema.Trigger; import schemacrawler.schema.View; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.InformationSchemaViews; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaCrawlerOptions; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaInfoLevel; import schemacrawler.utility.TestDatabase; import sf.util.Utility; public class SchemaCrawlerTest { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SchemaCrawlerTest.class .getName()); private static TestDatabase testUtility = new TestDatabase(); @AfterClass public static void afterAllTests() { testUtility.shutdownDatabase(); } @BeforeClass public static void beforeAllTests() throws Exception { TestDatabase.initializeApplicationLogging(); testUtility.createMemoryDatabase(); } @Test public void columns() throws Exception { final String[] schemaNames = { "INFORMATION_SCHEMA", "PUBLIC", "SCHEMACRAWLER" }; final int[] tableCounts = { 0, 6, 6 }; final String[][][] columnNames = { {}, { { "AUTHORS.ID", "AUTHORS.FIRSTNAME", "AUTHORS.LASTNAME", "AUTHORS.ADDRESS1", "AUTHORS.ADDRESS2", "AUTHORS.CITY", "AUTHORS.STATE", "AUTHORS.POSTALCODE", "AUTHORS.COUNTRY", }, { "AUTHORSLIST.ID", "AUTHORSLIST.FIRSTNAME", "AUTHORSLIST.LASTNAME", }, { "BOOKAUTHORS.BOOKID", "BOOKAUTHORS.AUTHORID", }, { "BOOKS.ID", "BOOKS.TITLE", "BOOKS.DESCRIPTION", "BOOKS.PUBLISHERID", "BOOKS.PUBLICATIONDATE", "BOOKS.PRICE", }, { "GLOBALCOUNT.GLOBALCOUNT", }, { "PUBLISHERS.ID", "PUBLISHERS.PUBLISHER", }, }, { { "CUSTOMER.ID", "CUSTOMER.FIRSTNAME", "CUSTOMER.LASTNAME", "CUSTOMER.STREET", "CUSTOMER.CITY" }, { "CUSTOMERLIST.ID", "CUSTOMERLIST.FIRSTNAME", "CUSTOMERLIST.LASTNAME", }, { "INVOICE.ID", "INVOICE.CUSTOMERID", "INVOICE.TOTAL" }, { "ITEM.INVOICEID", "ITEM.ITEM", "ITEM.PRODUCTID", "ITEM.QUANTITY", "ITEM.COST" }, { "PRODUCT.ID", "PRODUCT.NAME", "PRODUCT.PRICE" }, { "SUPPLIER.SUPPLIER_ID", "SUPPLIER.SUPPLIER_NAME" }, }, }; final String[][][] columnDataTypes = { {}, { { "INTEGER", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", }, { "INTEGER", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", }, { "INTEGER", "INTEGER", }, { "INTEGER", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "INTEGER", "TIMESTAMP", "FLOAT" }, { "INTEGER", }, { "INTEGER", "VARCHAR", }, }, { { "INTEGER", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR" }, { "INTEGER", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR" }, { "INTEGER", "INTEGER", "FLOAT" }, { "INTEGER", "INTEGER", "INTEGER", "INTEGER", "FLOAT" }, { "INTEGER", "VARCHAR", "FLOAT" }, { "INTEGER", "VARCHAR" } }, }; final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); final Database database = testUtility.getDatabase(schemaCrawlerOptions); final Schema[] schemas = database.getSchemas(); assertEquals("Schema count does not match", 3, schemas.length); for (int schemaIdx = 0; schemaIdx < schemas.length; schemaIdx++) { final Schema schema = schemas[schemaIdx]; assertEquals("Schema name does not match", schemaNames[schemaIdx], schema .getName()); final Table[] tables = schema.getTables(); assertEquals("Table count does not match", tableCounts[schemaIdx], tables.length); for (int tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < tables.length; tableIdx++) { final Table table = tables[tableIdx]; final Column[] columns = table.getColumns(); final String[] columnsNamesForTable = columnNames[schemaIdx][tableIdx]; for (int columnIdx = 0; columnIdx < columns.length; columnIdx++) { final Column column = columns[columnIdx]; LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, column.toString()); assertEquals("Column full name does not match for column " + column, schemaNames[schemaIdx] + "." + columnsNamesForTable[columnIdx], column.getFullName()); assertEquals("Column type does not match for column " + column, columnDataTypes[schemaIdx][tableIdx][columnIdx], column.getType().getDatabaseSpecificTypeName()); assertEquals("Column JDBC type does not match", columnDataTypes[schemaIdx][tableIdx][columnIdx], column.getType().getTypeName()); } } } } @Test public void counts() throws Exception { final int[] tableCounts = { 0, 6, 6 }; final int[][] tableColumnCounts = { {}, { 9, 3, 2, 6, 1, 2 }, { 5, 3, 3, 5, 3, 2 } }; final int[][] checkConstraints = { {}, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; final int[][] indexCounts = { {}, { 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, }, { 0, 0, 2, 4, 0, 2 } }; final int[][] fkCounts = { {}, { 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, }, { 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0 } }; final int[][] exportedFkCounts = { {}, { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, }, { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 } }; final int[][] importedFkCounts = { {}, { 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, }, { 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0 } }; final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.maximum()); final Database database = testUtility.getDatabase(schemaCrawlerOptions); final Schema[] schemas = database.getSchemas(); assertEquals("Schema count does not match", 3, schemas.length); for (int schemaIdx = 0; schemaIdx < schemas.length; schemaIdx++) { final Schema schema = schemas[schemaIdx]; final Table[] tables = schema.getTables(); assertEquals("Table count does not match", tableCounts[schemaIdx], tables.length); for (int tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < tables.length; tableIdx++) { final Table table = tables[tableIdx]; assertEquals(String.format("Table %s columns count does not match", table.getFullName()), tableColumnCounts[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table.getColumns().length); assertEquals(String .format("Table %s check constraints count does not match", table .getFullName()), checkConstraints[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table .getCheckConstraints().length); assertEquals(String.format("Table %s index count does not match", table .getFullName()), indexCounts[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table.getIndices().length); assertEquals(String.format("Table %s foreign key count does not match", table.getFullName()), fkCounts[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table.getForeignKeys().length); assertEquals(String .format("Table %s exported foreign key count does not match", table .getFullName()), exportedFkCounts[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table .getExportedForeignKeys().length); assertEquals(String .format("Table %s imported foreign key count does not match", table .getFullName()), importedFkCounts[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table .getImportedForeignKeys().length); } } } @Test public void procedureDefinitions() throws Exception { final InformationSchemaViews informationSchemaViews = new InformationSchemaViews(); informationSchemaViews.setRoutinesSql(Utility.readFully(this.getClass() .getResourceAsStream("/procedure_definitions.sql"))); final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setShowStoredProcedures(true); schemaCrawlerOptions.setInformationSchemaViews(informationSchemaViews); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.maximum()); final Schema schema = testUtility.getSchema(schemaCrawlerOptions, "PUBLIC"); final Procedure[] procedures = schema.getProcedures(); assertTrue("No procedures found", procedures.length > 0); for (final Procedure procedure: procedures) { assertNotNull("Procedure definition is null, for " + procedure.getFullName(), procedure.getDefinition()); assertFalse("Procedure definition not found", procedure.getDefinition() .trim().equals("")); } } @Test public void schemaEquals() throws Exception { final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setShowStoredProcedures(true); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.detailed()); final Schema schema1 = testUtility .getSchema(schemaCrawlerOptions, "PUBLIC"); assertTrue("Could not find any tables", schema1.getTables().length > 0); assertTrue("Could not find any procedures", schema1.getProcedures().length > 0); final Schema schema2 = testUtility .getSchema(schemaCrawlerOptions, "PUBLIC"); assertEquals("Schema not not match", schema1, schema2); assertArrayEquals("Tables do not match", schema1.getTables(), schema2 .getTables()); assertArrayEquals("Procedures do not match", schema1.getProcedures(), schema2.getProcedures()); // Try negative test final Table table1 = schema1.getTables()[0]; final Table table2 = schema1.getTables()[1]; assertFalse("Tables should not be equal", table1.equals(table2)); } @Test public void tables() throws Exception { final String[] schemaNames = { "INFORMATION_SCHEMA", "PUBLIC", "SCHEMACRAWLER" }; final String[][] tableNames = { {}, { "AUTHORS", "AUTHORSLIST", "BOOKAUTHORS", "BOOKS", "GLOBALCOUNT", "PUBLISHERS", }, { "CUSTOMER", "CUSTOMERLIST", "INVOICE", "ITEM", "PRODUCT", "SUPPLIER", } }; final String[][] tableTypes = { {}, { "TABLE", "VIEW", "TABLE", "TABLE", "TABLE", "TABLE", }, { "TABLE", "VIEW", "TABLE", "TABLE", "TABLE", "TABLE", } }; final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.standard()); final Database database = testUtility.getDatabase(schemaCrawlerOptions); final Schema[] schemas = database.getSchemas(); assertEquals("Schema count does not match", 3, schemas.length); for (int schemaIdx = 0; schemaIdx < schemas.length; schemaIdx++) { final Schema schema = schemas[schemaIdx]; assertEquals("Schema name does not match", schemaNames[schemaIdx], schema .getName()); final Table[] tables = schema.getTables(); for (int tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < tables.length; tableIdx++) { final Table table = tables[tableIdx]; assertEquals("Table name does not match", tableNames[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table.getName()); assertEquals("Full table name does not match", schema.getName() + "." + tableNames[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table.getFullName()); assertEquals("Table type does not match", tableTypes[schemaIdx][tableIdx], table.getType().toString().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } } } @Test public void tablesSort() throws Exception { final String[] tableNames = { "SUPPLIER", "CUSTOMER", "PRODUCT", "INVOICE", "ITEM", "CUSTOMERLIST", }; final Random rnd = new Random(); final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setAlphabeticalSortForTables(false); final Database database = testUtility.getDatabase(schemaCrawlerOptions); final Schema[] schemas = database.getSchemas(); assertEquals("Schema count does not match", 3, schemas.length); final Schema schema = schemas[2]; assertTrue("CUSTOMER -- CUSTOMER", schema.getTable("CUSTOMER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("CUSTOMER")) == 0); assertTrue("CUSTOMER -- PRODUCT", schema.getTable("CUSTOMER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("PRODUCT")) < 0); assertTrue("CUSTOMER -- INVOICE", schema.getTable("CUSTOMER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("INVOICE")) < 0); assertTrue("CUSTOMER -- ITEM", schema.getTable("CUSTOMER").compareTo(schema .getTable("ITEM")) < 0); assertTrue("CUSTOMER -- CUSTOMERLIST", schema.getTable("CUSTOMER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("CUSTOMERLIST")) < 0); assertTrue("CUSTOMER -- SUPPLIER", schema.getTable("CUSTOMER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("SUPPLIER")) > 0); assertTrue("PRODUCT -- PRODUCT", schema.getTable("PRODUCT") .compareTo(schema.getTable("PRODUCT")) == 0); assertTrue("PRODUCT -- INVOICE", schema.getTable("PRODUCT") .compareTo(schema.getTable("INVOICE")) < 0); assertTrue("PRODUCT -- ITEM", schema.getTable("PRODUCT").compareTo(schema .getTable("ITEM")) < 0); assertTrue("PRODUCT -- CUSTOMERLIST", schema.getTable("PRODUCT") .compareTo(schema.getTable("CUSTOMERLIST")) < 0); assertTrue("PRODUCT -- SUPPLIER", schema.getTable("PRODUCT") .compareTo(schema.getTable("SUPPLIER")) > 0); assertTrue("PRODUCT -- CUSTOMER", schema.getTable("PRODUCT") .compareTo(schema.getTable("CUSTOMER")) > 0); assertTrue("SUPPLIER -- SUPPLIER", schema.getTable("SUPPLIER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("SUPPLIER")) == 0); assertTrue("SUPPLIER -- CUSTOMER", schema.getTable("SUPPLIER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("CUSTOMER")) < 0); assertTrue("SUPPLIER -- PRODUCT", schema.getTable("SUPPLIER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("PRODUCT")) < 0); assertTrue("SUPPLIER -- INVOICE", schema.getTable("SUPPLIER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("INVOICE")) < 0); assertTrue("SUPPLIER -- ITEM", schema.getTable("SUPPLIER").compareTo(schema .getTable("ITEM")) < 0); assertTrue("SUPPLIER -- CUSTOMERLIST", schema.getTable("SUPPLIER") .compareTo(schema.getTable("CUSTOMERLIST")) < 0); assertTrue("INVOICE -- INVOICE", schema.getTable("INVOICE") .compareTo(schema.getTable("INVOICE")) == 0); assertTrue("INVOICE -- ITEM", schema.getTable("INVOICE").compareTo(schema .getTable("ITEM")) < 0); assertTrue("INVOICE -- CUSTOMERLIST", schema.getTable("INVOICE") .compareTo(schema.getTable("CUSTOMERLIST")) < 0); assertTrue("INVOICE -- SUPPLIER", schema.getTable("INVOICE") .compareTo(schema.getTable("SUPPLIER")) > 0); assertTrue("INVOICE -- CUSTOMER", schema.getTable("INVOICE") .compareTo(schema.getTable("CUSTOMER")) > 0); assertTrue("INVOICE -- PRODUCT", schema.getTable("INVOICE") .compareTo(schema.getTable("PRODUCT")) > 0); assertTrue("ITEM -- ITEM", schema.getTable("ITEM").compareTo(schema .getTable("ITEM")) == 0); assertTrue("ITEM -- CUSTOMERLIST", schema.getTable("ITEM").compareTo(schema .getTable("CUSTOMERLIST")) < 0); assertTrue("ITEM -- SUPPLIER", schema.getTable("ITEM").compareTo(schema .getTable("SUPPLIER")) > 0); assertTrue("ITEM -- CUSTOMER", schema.getTable("ITEM").compareTo(schema .getTable("CUSTOMER")) > 0); assertTrue("ITEM -- PRODUCT", schema.getTable("ITEM").compareTo(schema .getTable("PRODUCT")) > 0); assertTrue("ITEM -- INVOICE", schema.getTable("ITEM").compareTo(schema .getTable("INVOICE")) > 0); final Table[] tables = schema.getTables(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < tables.length; tableIdx++) { final Table table = tables[tableIdx]; assertEquals("Table name does not match in iteration " + i, tableNames[tableIdx], table.getName()); } // Shuffle array, and sort it again for (int k = tables.length; k > 1; k--) { final int i1 = k - 1; final int i2 = rnd.nextInt(k); final Table tmp = tables[i1]; tables[i1] = tables[i2]; tables[i2] = tmp; } Arrays.sort(tables); } } @Test public void triggers() throws Exception { // Set up information schema properties final InformationSchemaViews informationSchemaViews = new InformationSchemaViews(); informationSchemaViews .setTriggersSql("SELECT " + "TRIGGER_CAT AS TRIGGER_CATALOG, " + "TRIGGER_SCHEM AS TRIGGER_SCHEMA, " + "TRIGGER_NAME, " + "TRIGGERING_EVENT AS EVENT_MANIPULATION, " + "TABLE_CAT AS EVENT_OBJECT_CATALOG, " + "TABLE_SCHEM AS EVENT_OBJECT_SCHEMA, " + "TABLE_NAME AS EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE, " + "1 AS ACTION_ORDER, " + "WHEN_CLAUSE AS ACTION_CONDITION, " + "REFERENCING_NAMES AS ACTION_ORIENTATION, " + "DESCRIPTION AS ACTION_STATEMENT, " + "CASE WHEN TRIGGER_TYPE LIKE \'BEFORE%\' THEN \'BEFORE\' ELSE \'\' END AS CONDITION_TIMING, " + "TRIGGER_BODY AS DEFINITION " + "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_TRIGGERS"); final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setShowStoredProcedures(true); schemaCrawlerOptions.setInformationSchemaViews(informationSchemaViews); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.maximum()); final Schema schema = testUtility.getSchema(schemaCrawlerOptions, "PUBLIC"); final Table[] tables = schema.getTables(); boolean foundTrigger = false; for (final Table table: tables) { final Trigger[] triggers = table.getTriggers(); for (final Trigger trigger: triggers) { foundTrigger = true; assertEquals("Triggers full name does not match", "PUBLIC.AUTHORS.TRG_AUTHORS", trigger.getFullName()); assertEquals("Trigger EventManipulationType does not match", EventManipulationType.delete, trigger.getEventManipulationType()); } } assertTrue("No triggers found", foundTrigger); } @Test public void viewDefinitions() throws Exception { final InformationSchemaViews informationSchemaViews = new InformationSchemaViews(); informationSchemaViews .setViewsSql("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_VIEWS"); final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setTableTypesString("VIEW"); schemaCrawlerOptions.setInformationSchemaViews(informationSchemaViews); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.maximum()); final Schema schema = testUtility.getSchema(schemaCrawlerOptions, "PUBLIC"); assertNotNull("Schema not found", schema); final View view = (View) schema.getTable("AUTHORSLIST"); assertNotNull("View not found", view); assertNotNull("View definition not found", view.getDefinition()); assertFalse("View definition not found", view.getDefinition().trim() .equals("")); } }