/* * SchemaCrawler * Copyright (c) 2000-2009, Sualeh Fatehi. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package schemacrawler.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import java.sql.Connection; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; import schemacrawler.schema.Catalog; import schemacrawler.schema.Database; import schemacrawler.schema.Schema; import schemacrawler.schema.Table; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.ConnectionOptions; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.InclusionRule; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaCrawlerException; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaCrawlerOptions; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaInfoLevel; import schemacrawler.utility.SchemaCrawlerUtility; public class SchemaCrawlerSystemTest { final ApplicationContext appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("context.xml"); @Test public void schemaCounts() throws Exception { final String[] dataSources = { "MicrosoftSQLServer", "MySQL", "Oracle", "PostgreSQL", "SQLite", }; final int[] catalogCounts = { 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, }; final int[][] schemaCounts = { { 5, 5, 5, 5, }, { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, { 14, }, { 5, }, { 1, }, }; final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = createOptions(".*", ".*"); final SchemaInfoLevel infoLevel = SchemaInfoLevel.minimum(); infoLevel.setRetrieveTables(false); infoLevel.setRetrieveProcedures(false); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(infoLevel); for (int i = 0; i < dataSources.length; i++) { final String dataSource = dataSources[i]; final Database database = retrieveDatabase(dataSource, schemaCrawlerOptions); final Catalog[] catalogs = database.getCatalogs(); assertEquals("Incorrect number of catalogs for " + dataSource, catalogCounts[i], catalogs.length); for (int j = 0; j < catalogs.length; j++) { final Catalog catalog = catalogs[j]; final Schema[] schemas = catalog.getSchemas(); assertEquals("Incorrect number of schemas for " + dataSource + " catalog #" + j, schemaCounts[i][j], schemas.length); } } } @Test public void tablesAndCounts() throws Exception { String dataSourceName; Schema schema; dataSourceName = "MicrosoftSQLServer"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "schemacrawler", "schemacrawler.dbo"); tables(dataSourceName, schema); counts(dataSourceName, schema); dataSourceName = "MySQL"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "schemacrawler", null); tables(dataSourceName, schema); counts(dataSourceName, schema); dataSourceName = "Oracle"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, null, "SCHEMACRAWLER"); tables(dataSourceName, schema); counts(dataSourceName, schema); dataSourceName = "PostgreSQL"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, null, "schemacrawler"); tables(dataSourceName, schema); counts(dataSourceName, schema); dataSourceName = "SQLite"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, null, null); tables(dataSourceName, schema); // counts(dataSourceName, schema); } @Test public void unknownCatalog() throws Exception { String dataSourceName; Schema schema; dataSourceName = "MicrosoftSQLServer"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "unknown", "schemacrawler.dbo"); assertNull(dataSourceName, schema); dataSourceName = "MySQL"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "unknown", null); assertNull(schema); // Oracle does not support catalogs, so the catalog rule is ignored dataSourceName = "Oracle"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "unknown", "SCHEMACRAWLER"); assertNotNull(dataSourceName, schema); // PostgreSQL does not support catalogs, so the catalog rule is // ignored dataSourceName = "PostgreSQL"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "unknown", "schemacrawler"); assertNotNull(dataSourceName, schema); // SQLite does not support catalogs or schemas, so rules are ignored dataSourceName = "SQLite"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "unknown", null); assertNotNull(dataSourceName, schema); } @Test public void unknownSchema() throws Exception { String dataSourceName; Schema schema; dataSourceName = "MicrosoftSQLServer"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "schemacrawler", "unknown"); assertNull(dataSourceName, schema); dataSourceName = "MySQL"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, "schemacrawler", "unknown"); assertNull(dataSourceName, schema); dataSourceName = "Oracle"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, null, "unknown"); assertNull(dataSourceName, schema); dataSourceName = "PostgreSQL"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, null, "unknown"); assertNull(dataSourceName, schema); // SQLite does not support catalogs or schemas, so rules are ignored dataSourceName = "SQLite"; schema = retrieveSchema(dataSourceName, null, "unknown"); assertNotNull(dataSourceName, schema); } private void counts(final String dataSourceName, final Schema schema) throws Exception { final int[] tableColumnCounts = { 5, 3, 3, 5, 3, 2 }; final int[] checkConstraints = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // final int[] indexCounts = { // 0, 0, 2, 4, 0, 2 // }; final int[] fkCounts = { 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0 }; final Table[] tables = schema.getTables(); assertEquals(dataSourceName + " table count does not match", tableColumnCounts.length, tables.length); for (int tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < tables.length; tableIdx++) { final Table table = tables[tableIdx]; assertEquals(String.format("%s table %s columns count does not match", dataSourceName, table.getFullName()), tableColumnCounts[tableIdx], table.getColumns().length); assertEquals(String .format("%s table %s check constraints count does not match", dataSourceName, table.getFullName()), checkConstraints[tableIdx], table .getCheckConstraints().length); // assertEquals(String.format("%s table %s index count does not match",dataSourceName, // table // .getFullName()), indexCounts[tableIdx], // table.getIndices().length); assertEquals(String .format("%s table %s foreign key count does not match", dataSourceName, table.getFullName()), fkCounts[tableIdx], table .getForeignKeys().length); } } private Database retrieveDatabase(final String dataSourceName, final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions) throws Exception { final ConnectionOptions connectionOptions = (ConnectionOptions) appContext .getBean(dataSourceName); final Connection connection = connectionOptions.createConnection(); try { final Database database = SchemaCrawlerUtility .getDatabase(connection, schemaCrawlerOptions); return database; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new SchemaCrawlerException(dataSourceName, e); } } private SchemaCrawlerOptions createOptions(final String catalogInclusion, final String schemaInclusion) { final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.maximum()); if (catalogInclusion != null) { schemaCrawlerOptions .setCatalogInclusionRule(new InclusionRule(catalogInclusion, InclusionRule.NONE)); } if (schemaInclusion != null) { schemaCrawlerOptions .setSchemaInclusionRule(new InclusionRule(schemaInclusion, InclusionRule.NONE)); } return schemaCrawlerOptions; } private Schema retrieveSchema(final String dataSourceName, final String catalogInclusion, final String schemaInclusion) throws Exception { final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = createOptions(catalogInclusion, schemaInclusion); final Database database = retrieveDatabase(dataSourceName, schemaCrawlerOptions); final Schema schema; final Catalog[] catalogs = database.getCatalogs(); if (catalogs != null && catalogs.length > 0) { final Catalog catalog = catalogs[0]; if (catalog == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No catalog found for " + dataSourceName); } final Schema[] schemas = catalog.getSchemas(); schema = schemas[0]; } else { schema = null; } return schema; } private void tables(final String dataSourceName, final Schema schema) throws Exception { final String[] tableNames = { "CUSTOMER", "CUSTOMERLIST", "INVOICE", "ITEM", "PRODUCT", "SUPPLIER" }; final String[] tableTypes = { "TABLE", "VIEW", "TABLE", "TABLE", "TABLE", "TABLE" }; final Table[] tables = schema.getTables(); assertEquals(dataSourceName + " table count does not match", tableNames.length, tables.length); for (int tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < tables.length; tableIdx++) { final Table table = tables[tableIdx]; assertEquals(dataSourceName + " table name does not match", tableNames[tableIdx], table.getName().toUpperCase()); assertEquals(dataSourceName + " table type does not match", tableTypes[tableIdx], table.getType().toString().toUpperCase()); } } }