/* * * SchemaCrawler * http://sourceforge.net/projects/schemacrawler * Copyright (c) 2000-2012, Sualeh Fatehi. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ package schemacrawler.crawl; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import schemacrawler.schema.ForeignKeyDeferrability; import schemacrawler.schema.ForeignKeyUpdateRule; import schemacrawler.schema.IndexColumnSortSequence; import schemacrawler.schema.IndexType; import schemacrawler.schema.TableType; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.InclusionRule; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaCrawlerSQLException; import sf.util.Utility; /** * A retriever uses database metadata to get the details about the * database tables. * * @author Sualeh Fatehi */ final class TableRetriever extends AbstractRetriever { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TableRetriever.class .getName()); TableRetriever(final RetrieverConnection retrieverConnection, final MutableDatabase database) throws SQLException { super(retrieverConnection, database); } void retrieveColumns(final MutableTable table, final InclusionRule columnInclusionRule) throws SQLException { MetadataResultSet results = null; try { results = new MetadataResultSet(getMetaData() .getColumns(unquotedName(table.getSchema().getCatalogName()), unquotedName(table.getSchema().getSchemaName()), unquotedName(table.getName()), null)); while (results.next()) { // Get the "COLUMN_DEF" value first as it the Oracle drivers // don't handle it properly otherwise. // http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DDLUTILS-29?page=all final String defaultValue = results.getString("COLUMN_DEF"); // final String columnCatalogName = quotedName(results .getString("TABLE_CAT")); final String schemaName = quotedName(results.getString("TABLE_SCHEM")); final String tableName = quotedName(results.getString("TABLE_NAME")); final String columnName = quotedName(results.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, String.format("Retrieving column: %s.%s", tableName, columnName)); MutableColumn column; column = lookupOrCreateColumn(table, columnName, false/* add */); final String columnFullName = column.getFullName(); // Note: If the table name contains an underscore character, // this is a wildcard character. We need to do another check to // see if the table name matches. if (columnInclusionRule.include(columnFullName) && table.getName().equals(tableName) && belongsToSchema(table, columnCatalogName, schemaName)) { column = lookupOrCreateColumn(table, columnName, true/* add */); final int ordinalPosition = results.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION", 0); final int dataType = results.getInt("DATA_TYPE", 0); final String typeName = results.getString("TYPE_NAME"); final int size = results.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE", 0); final int decimalDigits = results.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS", 0); final boolean isNullable = results .getInt("NULLABLE", DatabaseMetaData.columnNullableUnknown) == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable; final String remarks = results.getString("REMARKS"); column.setOrdinalPosition(ordinalPosition); column.setType(lookupOrCreateColumnDataType((MutableSchema) table .getSchema(), dataType, typeName)); column.setSize(size); column.setDecimalDigits(decimalDigits); column.setRemarks(remarks); column.setNullable(isNullable); if (defaultValue != null) { column.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); } column.addAttributes(results.getAttributes()); table.addColumn(column); } } } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new SchemaCrawlerSQLException("Could not retrieve columns for table " + table, e); } finally { if (results != null) { results.close(); } } } void retrieveForeignKeys(final MutableTable table) throws SQLException { final NamedObjectList<MutableForeignKey> foreignKeys = new NamedObjectList<MutableForeignKey>(); MetadataResultSet results; final DatabaseMetaData metaData = getMetaData(); try { results = new MetadataResultSet(metaData.getImportedKeys(unquotedName(table .getSchema() .getCatalogName()), unquotedName(table .getSchema() .getSchemaName()), unquotedName(table .getName()))); createForeignKeys(results, foreignKeys); results = new MetadataResultSet(metaData.getExportedKeys(unquotedName(table .getSchema() .getCatalogName()), unquotedName(table .getSchema() .getSchemaName()), unquotedName(table .getName()))); createForeignKeys(results, foreignKeys); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new SchemaCrawlerSQLException("Could not retrieve forign keys for table " + table, e); } } void retrieveIndices(final MutableTable table, final boolean unique) throws SQLException { SQLException sqlEx = null; try { retrieveIndices1(table, unique); } catch (final SQLException e) { sqlEx = e; } if (sqlEx != null) { try { sqlEx = null; retrieveIndices2(table, unique); } catch (final SQLException e) { sqlEx = e; } } if (sqlEx != null) { throw sqlEx; } } void retrievePrimaryKey(final MutableTable table) throws SQLException { MetadataResultSet results = null; try { results = new MetadataResultSet(getMetaData() .getPrimaryKeys(unquotedName(table.getSchema().getCatalogName()), unquotedName(table.getSchema().getSchemaName()), unquotedName(table.getName()))); MutablePrimaryKey primaryKey; while (results.next()) { // "TABLE_CAT", "TABLE_SCHEM", "TABLE_NAME" final String columnName = quotedName(results.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); final String primaryKeyName = quotedName(results.getString("PK_NAME")); final int keySequence = Integer.parseInt(results.getString("KEY_SEQ")); primaryKey = table.getPrimaryKey(); if (primaryKey == null) { primaryKey = new MutablePrimaryKey(table, primaryKeyName); } // Register primary key information final MutableColumn column = table.getColumn(columnName); if (column != null) { column.setPartOfPrimaryKey(true); final MutableIndexColumn indexColumn = new MutableIndexColumn(primaryKey, column); indexColumn.setSortSequence(IndexColumnSortSequence.ascending); indexColumn.setIndexOrdinalPosition(keySequence); // primaryKey.addColumn(indexColumn); } table.setPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new SchemaCrawlerSQLException("Could not retrieve primary keys for table " + table, e); } finally { if (results != null) { results.close(); } } } void retrieveTables(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String tableNamePattern, final TableType[] tableTypes, final InclusionRule tableInclusionRule) throws SQLException { if (tableInclusionRule == null || tableInclusionRule.equals(InclusionRule.EXCLUDE_ALL)) { return; } MetadataResultSet results = null; try { results = new MetadataResultSet(getMetaData() .getTables(unquotedName(catalogName), unquotedName(schemaName), tableNamePattern, TableType.toStrings(tableTypes))); while (results.next()) { // "TABLE_CAT", "TABLE_SCHEM" final String tableName = quotedName(results.getString("TABLE_NAME")); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, String.format("Retrieving table: %s.%s", schemaName, tableName)); final TableType tableType = results.getEnum("TABLE_TYPE", TableType.unknown); final String remarks = results.getString("REMARKS"); final MutableSchema schema = lookupSchema(catalogName, schemaName); if (schema == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Cannot find schema, %s.%s", catalogName, schemaName)); continue; } final MutableTable table; if (tableType == TableType.view) { table = new MutableView(schema, tableName); } else { table = new MutableTable(schema, tableName); } if (tableInclusionRule.include(table.getFullName())) { table.setType(tableType); table.setRemarks(remarks); schema.addTable(table); } } } finally { if (results != null) { results.close(); } } } private void createForeignKeys(final MetadataResultSet results, final NamedObjectList<MutableForeignKey> foreignKeys) throws SQLException { try { while (results.next()) { String foreignKeyName = quotedName(results.getString("FK_NAME")); if (Utility.isBlank(foreignKeyName)) { foreignKeyName = UNKNOWN; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Retrieving foreign key: " + foreignKeyName); final String pkTableCatalogName = quotedName(results .getString("PKTABLE_CAT")); final String pkTableSchemaName = quotedName(results .getString("PKTABLE_SCHEM")); final String pkTableName = quotedName(results.getString("PKTABLE_NAME")); final String pkColumnName = quotedName(results .getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME")); final String fkTableCatalogName = quotedName(results .getString("FKTABLE_CAT")); final String fkTableSchemaName = quotedName(results .getString("FKTABLE_SCHEM")); final String fkTableName = quotedName(results.getString("FKTABLE_NAME")); final String fkColumnName = quotedName(results .getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME")); MutableForeignKey foreignKey = foreignKeys.lookup(foreignKeyName); if (foreignKey == null) { foreignKey = new MutableForeignKey(foreignKeyName); foreignKeys.add(foreignKey); } final int keySequence = results.getInt("KEY_SEQ", 0); final int updateRule = results.getInt("UPDATE_RULE", ForeignKeyUpdateRule.unknown .getId()); final int deleteRule = results.getInt("DELETE_RULE", ForeignKeyUpdateRule.unknown .getId()); final int deferrability = results .getInt("DEFERRABILITY", ForeignKeyDeferrability.unknown.getId()); final MutableColumn pkColumn = lookupOrCreateColumn(pkTableCatalogName, pkTableSchemaName, pkTableName, pkColumnName); final MutableColumn fkColumn = lookupOrCreateColumn(fkTableCatalogName, fkTableSchemaName, fkTableName, fkColumnName); // Make a direct connection between the two columns if (pkColumn != null && fkColumn != null) { foreignKey.addColumnPair(keySequence, pkColumn, fkColumn); foreignKey.setUpdateRule(ForeignKeyUpdateRule.valueOf(updateRule)); foreignKey.setDeleteRule(ForeignKeyUpdateRule.valueOf(deleteRule)); foreignKey.setDeferrability(ForeignKeyDeferrability .valueOf(deferrability)); foreignKey.addAttributes(results.getAttributes()); fkColumn.setReferencedColumn(pkColumn); ((MutableTable) pkColumn.getParent()).addForeignKey(foreignKey); ((MutableTable) fkColumn.getParent()).addForeignKey(foreignKey); } } } finally { results.close(); } } private void createIndices(final MutableTable table, final MetadataResultSet results) throws SQLException { try { while (results.next()) { // "TABLE_CAT", "TABLE_SCHEM", "TABLE_NAME" String indexName = quotedName(results.getString("INDEX_NAME")); if (Utility.isBlank(indexName)) { indexName = UNKNOWN; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, String.format("Retrieving index: %s.%s", table.getFullName(), indexName)); final String columnName = quotedName(results.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); if (Utility.isBlank(columnName)) { continue; } MutableIndex index = table.getIndex(indexName); if (index == null) { index = new MutableIndex(table, indexName); table.addIndex(index); } final boolean uniqueIndex = !results.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE"); final int type = results.getInt("TYPE", IndexType.unknown.getId()); final int ordinalPosition = results.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION", 0); final IndexColumnSortSequence sortSequence = IndexColumnSortSequence .valueOfFromCode(results.getString("ASC_OR_DESC")); final int cardinality = results.getInt("CARDINALITY", 0); final int pages = results.getInt("PAGES", 0); final MutableColumn column = table.getColumn(columnName); if (column != null) { column.setPartOfUniqueIndex(uniqueIndex); final MutableIndexColumn indexColumn = new MutableIndexColumn(index, column); indexColumn.setIndexOrdinalPosition(ordinalPosition); indexColumn.setSortSequence(sortSequence); // index.addColumn(indexColumn); index.setUnique(uniqueIndex); index.setType(IndexType.valueOf(type)); index.setCardinality(cardinality); index.setPages(pages); index.addAttributes(results.getAttributes()); } } } finally { results.close(); } } private MutableColumn lookupOrCreateColumn(final MutableTable table, final String columnName, final boolean add) { MutableColumn column = null; if (table != null) { column = table.getColumn(columnName); } if (column == null) { column = new MutableColumn(table, columnName); if (add) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, String.format("Adding column to table: %s", column.getFullName())); table.addColumn(column); } } return column; } /** * Looks up a column in the database. If the column and table are not * found, they are created, and added to the schema. This is prevent * foreign key relationships from having a null pointer. */ private MutableColumn lookupOrCreateColumn(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String tableName, final String columnName) { final boolean supportsCatalogs = getRetrieverConnection() .getDatabaseSystemParameters().isSupportsCatalogs(); MutableColumn column = null; final MutableSchema schema = lookupSchema(supportsCatalogs? catalogName : null, schemaName); if (schema != null) { MutableTable table = schema.getTable(tableName); if (table != null) { column = table.getColumn(columnName); } if (column == null) { // Create the table, but do not add it to the schema table = new MutableTable(schema, tableName); column = new MutableColumn(table, columnName); table.addColumn(column); LOGGER .log(Level.FINER, String .format("Creating new column that is referenced by a foreign key: %s", column.getFullName())); } } return column; } private void retrieveIndices1(final MutableTable table, final boolean unique) throws SQLException { MetadataResultSet results = null; try { results = new MetadataResultSet(getMetaData() .getIndexInfo(unquotedName(table.getSchema().getCatalogName()), unquotedName(table.getSchema().getSchemaName()), unquotedName(table.getName()), unique, true/* approximate */)); createIndices(table, results); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new SchemaCrawlerSQLException("Could not retrieve indices for table " + table, e); } finally { if (results != null) { results.close(); } } } private void retrieveIndices2(final MutableTable table, final boolean unique) throws SQLException { MetadataResultSet results = null; try { results = new MetadataResultSet(getMetaData() .getIndexInfo(null, null, table.getName(), unique, true/* approximate */)); createIndices(table, results); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new SchemaCrawlerSQLException("Could not retrieve indices for table " + table, e); } finally { if (results != null) { results.close(); } } } }