// This class was generated from com.iiordanov.freebVNC.ISentText by a tool // Do not edit this file directly! PLX THX package com.iiordanov.freebVNC; public class SentTextBean extends com.antlersoft.android.dbimpl.IdImplementationBase implements ISentText { public static final String GEN_TABLE_NAME = "SENT_TEXT"; public static final int GEN_COUNT = 2; // Field constants public static final String GEN_FIELD__ID = "_id"; public static final int GEN_ID__ID = 0; public static final String GEN_FIELD_SENTTEXT = "SENTTEXT"; public static final int GEN_ID_SENTTEXT = 1; // SQL Command for creating the table public static String GEN_CREATE = "CREATE TABLE SENT_TEXT (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + "SENTTEXT TEXT" + ")"; // Members corresponding to defined fields private long gen__Id; private java.lang.String gen_sentText; public static final com.antlersoft.android.dbimpl.NewInstance<SentTextBean> GEN_NEW = new com.antlersoft.android.dbimpl.NewInstance<SentTextBean>() { public SentTextBean get() { return new SentTextBean(); } } ; public String Gen_tableName() { return GEN_TABLE_NAME; } // Field accessors public long get_Id() { return gen__Id; } public void set_Id(long arg__Id) { gen__Id = arg__Id; } public java.lang.String getSentText() { return gen_sentText; } public void setSentText(java.lang.String arg_sentText) { gen_sentText = arg_sentText; } public android.content.ContentValues Gen_getValues() { android.content.ContentValues values=new android.content.ContentValues(); values.put(GEN_FIELD__ID,Long.toString(this.gen__Id)); values.put(GEN_FIELD_SENTTEXT,this.gen_sentText); return values; } /** * Return an array that gives the column index in the cursor for each field defined * @param cursor Database cursor over some columns, possibly including this table * @return array of column indices; -1 if the column with that id is not in cursor */ public int[] Gen_columnIndices(android.database.Cursor cursor) { int[] result=new int[GEN_COUNT]; result[0] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD__ID); // Make compatible with database generated by older version of plugin with uppercase column name if (result[0] == -1) { result[0] = cursor.getColumnIndex("_ID"); } result[1] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD_SENTTEXT); return result; } /** * Populate one instance from a cursor */ public void Gen_populate(android.database.Cursor cursor,int[] columnIndices) { if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID__ID] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID__ID])) { gen__Id = cursor.getLong(columnIndices[GEN_ID__ID]); } if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID_SENTTEXT] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID_SENTTEXT])) { gen_sentText = cursor.getString(columnIndices[GEN_ID_SENTTEXT]); } } /** * Populate one instance from a ContentValues */ public void Gen_populate(android.content.ContentValues values) { gen__Id = values.getAsLong(GEN_FIELD__ID); gen_sentText = values.getAsString(GEN_FIELD_SENTTEXT); } }