package; import; import; import; import; import; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import*; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author Eugene.Kudelevsky */ class AndroidDbUtil { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(""); public static final Object DB_SYNC_LOCK = new Object(); public static final String TEMP_REMOTE_DB_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/intellij_temp_db_file"; public static final String TEMP_REMOTE_GET_MODIFICATION_TIME_TOOL_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/intellij_native_tools/get_modification_time"; public static final long DB_COPYING_TIMEOUT_SEC = 30; public static final int SHELL_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 2; private static final String DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR_PREFIX = "EMULATOR_"; private static final String DEVICE_ID_SERIAL_NUMBER_PREFIX = "SERIAL_NUMBER_"; private static final Pattern RUN_AS_UNKNOWN_PACKAGE_ERROR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("run-as: Package '\\S+' is unknown"); private AndroidDbUtil() { } public static boolean uploadDatabase(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull String packageName, @NotNull String dbName, boolean external, @NotNull String localDbPath, @NotNull final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter errorReporter) { try { final SyncService syncService = device.getSyncService(); try { syncService.pushFile(localDbPath, TEMP_REMOTE_DB_PATH, new MySyncProgressMonitor(progressIndicator)); } finally { syncService.close(); } final String remoteDbPath = getDatabaseRemoteFilePath(packageName, dbName, external); final String remoteDbDirPath = remoteDbPath.substring(0, remoteDbPath.lastIndexOf('/')); MyShellOutputReceiver outputReceiver = new MyShellOutputReceiver(progressIndicator, device); device.executeShellCommand(getRunAsPrefix(packageName, external) + "mkdir " + remoteDbDirPath, outputReceiver, DB_COPYING_TIMEOUT_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS); String output = outputReceiver.getOutput(); if (!output.isEmpty() && !output.startsWith("mkdir failed")) { errorReporter.reportError(output); return false; } // recreating is needed for Genymotion emulator (IDEA-114732) if (!external && !recreateRemoteFile(device, packageName, remoteDbPath, errorReporter, progressIndicator)) { return false; } outputReceiver = new MyShellOutputReceiver(progressIndicator, device); device.executeShellCommand(getRunAsPrefix(packageName, external) + "cat " + TEMP_REMOTE_DB_PATH + " >" + remoteDbPath, outputReceiver, DB_COPYING_TIMEOUT_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS); output = outputReceiver.getOutput(); if (!output.isEmpty()) { errorReporter.reportError(output); return false; } progressIndicator.checkCanceled(); } catch (Exception e) { errorReporter.reportError(e); return false; } return true; } @NotNull private static String getRunAsPrefix(@NotNull String packageName, boolean external) { return external ? "" : "run-as " + packageName + " "; } private static boolean recreateRemoteFile(IDevice device, String packageName, String remotePath, AndroidDbErrorReporter errorReporter, ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) throws Exception { MyShellOutputReceiver outputReceiver = new MyShellOutputReceiver(progressIndicator, device); device.executeShellCommand("run-as " + packageName + " rm " + remotePath, outputReceiver, DB_COPYING_TIMEOUT_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS); String output = outputReceiver.getOutput(); if (!output.isEmpty() && !output.startsWith("rm failed")) { errorReporter.reportError(output); return false; } outputReceiver = new MyShellOutputReceiver(progressIndicator, device); device.executeShellCommand("run-as " + packageName + " touch " + remotePath, outputReceiver, DB_COPYING_TIMEOUT_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS); output = outputReceiver.getOutput(); if (!output.isEmpty()) { errorReporter.reportError(output); return false; } return true; } public static boolean downloadDatabase(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull String packageName, @NotNull String dbName, boolean external, @NotNull File localDbFile, @NotNull final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter errorReporter) { try { final MyShellOutputReceiver receiver = new MyShellOutputReceiver(progressIndicator, device); device.executeShellCommand(getRunAsPrefix(packageName, external) + "cat " + getDatabaseRemoteFilePath(packageName, dbName, external) + " >" + TEMP_REMOTE_DB_PATH, receiver, DB_COPYING_TIMEOUT_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS); final String output = receiver.getOutput(); if (!output.isEmpty()) { errorReporter.reportError(output); return false; } progressIndicator.checkCanceled(); final File parent = localDbFile.getParentFile(); if (!parent.exists()) { if (!parent.mkdirs()) { errorReporter.reportError("cannot create directory '" + parent.getPath() + "'"); return false; } } final SyncService syncService = device.getSyncService(); try { syncService.pullFile(TEMP_REMOTE_DB_PATH, localDbFile.getPath(), new MySyncProgressMonitor(progressIndicator)); } finally { syncService.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { errorReporter.reportError(e); return false; } return true; } @Nullable public static AndroidDbConnectionInfo checkDataSource(@NotNull AndroidDataSource dataSource, @NotNull AndroidDebugBridge debugBridge, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter errorReporter) { final AndroidDataSource.State state = dataSource.getState(); final String deviceId = state.deviceId; if (deviceId == null) { errorReporter.reportError("device is not specified"); return null; } final IDevice device = getDeviceById(debugBridge, deviceId); if (device == null) { errorReporter.reportError("device '" + getPresentableNameFromDeviceId(deviceId) + "' is not connected"); return null; } if (!device.isOnline()) { errorReporter.reportError("the device is not online"); return null; } final String packageName = dataSource.getState().packageName; if (packageName == null || packageName.length() == 0) { errorReporter.reportError("package name is not specified"); return null; } final String dbName = dataSource.getState().databaseName; if (dbName == null || dbName.length() == 0) { errorReporter.reportError("database name is not specified"); return null; } return new AndroidDbConnectionInfo(device, packageName, dbName, dataSource.getState().external); } @Nullable private static IDevice getDeviceById(@NotNull AndroidDebugBridge debugBridge, @NotNull String deviceId) { for (IDevice device : debugBridge.getDevices()) { if (deviceId.equals(getDeviceId(device))) { return device; } } return null; } private static boolean installGetModificationTimeTool(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter reporter, @NotNull ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) { String abi = device.getProperty("ro.product.cpu.abi"); if (abi == null) { abi = "armeabi"; } final String urlStr = "/native_tools/" + abi + "/get_modification_time"; final URL url = AndroidDbUtil.class.getResource(urlStr); if (url == null) { LOG.error("Cannot find resource " + urlStr); return false; } final String remoteToolPath = TEMP_REMOTE_GET_MODIFICATION_TIME_TOOL_PATH; if (!pushGetModificationTimeTool(device, url, reporter, progressIndicator, remoteToolPath)) { return false; } final String chmodResult = executeSingleCommand(device, reporter, "chmod 755 " + remoteToolPath); if (chmodResult == null) { return false; } if (!chmodResult.isEmpty()) { reporter.reportError(chmodResult); return false; } return true; } private static boolean pushGetModificationTimeTool(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull URL url, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter reporter, @NotNull ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, @NotNull String remotePath) { final File toolLocalCopy; try { toolLocalCopy = FileUtil.createTempFile("android_get_modification_time_tool", "tmp"); } catch (IOException e) { reporter.reportError(e); return false; } try { if (!copyResourceToFile(url, toolLocalCopy, reporter)) { return false; } try { final SyncService service = device.getSyncService(); try { service.pushFile(toolLocalCopy.getPath(), remotePath, new MySyncProgressMonitor(progressIndicator)); } finally { service.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { reporter.reportError(e); return false; } } finally { FileUtil.delete(toolLocalCopy); } return true; } private static boolean copyResourceToFile(@NotNull URL url, @NotNull File file, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter reporter) { try { final InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(URLUtil.openStream(url)); final OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); try { FileUtil.copy(is, os); } finally { is.close(); os.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { reporter.reportError(e); return false; } return true; } @Nullable public static Long getModificationTime(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull final String packageName, @NotNull String dbName, boolean external, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter errorReporter, @NotNull ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) { final String path = TEMP_REMOTE_GET_MODIFICATION_TIME_TOOL_PATH; final String lsResult = executeSingleCommand(device, errorReporter, "ls " + path); if (lsResult == null) { return null; } boolean reinstalled = false; if (!lsResult.equals(path)) { if (!installGetModificationTimeTool(device, errorReporter, progressIndicator)) { return null; } reinstalled = true; } Long l = doGetModificationTime(device, packageName, dbName, external, errorReporter); if (l != null) { return l; } if (!reinstalled) { // get_modification_time tools seems to be broken, so reinstall it for future installGetModificationTimeTool(device, errorReporter, progressIndicator); } return null; } @Nullable private static Long doGetModificationTime(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull String packageName, @NotNull String dbName, boolean external, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter errorReporter) { final String command = getRunAsPrefix(packageName, external) + TEMP_REMOTE_GET_MODIFICATION_TIME_TOOL_PATH + " " + getDatabaseRemoteFilePath(packageName, dbName, external); final String s = executeSingleCommand(device, errorReporter, command); if (s == null) { return null; } try { return Long.parseLong(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errorReporter.reportError(s); return null; } } @Nullable private static String executeSingleCommand(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull AndroidDbErrorReporter errorReporter, @NotNull String command) { final MyShellOutputReceiver receiver = new MyShellOutputReceiver(null, device); try { device.executeShellCommand(command, receiver, SHELL_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { errorReporter.reportError(e); return null; } return receiver.getOutput(); } @Nullable public static String getDeviceId(@NotNull IDevice device) { if (device.isEmulator()) { String avdName = device.getAvdName(); return avdName == null ? null : DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR_PREFIX + replaceByDirAllowedName(avdName); } else { final String serialNumber = device.getSerialNumber(); if (serialNumber != null && serialNumber.length() > 0) { return DEVICE_ID_SERIAL_NUMBER_PREFIX + replaceByDirAllowedName(serialNumber); } final String manufacturer = DevicePropertyUtil.getManufacturer(device, ""); final String model = DevicePropertyUtil.getModel(device, ""); if (manufacturer.length() > 0 || model.length() > 0) { return replaceByDirAllowedName(manufacturer + "_" + model); } return null; } } @NotNull public static String getPresentableNameFromDeviceId(@NotNull String deviceId) { if (deviceId.startsWith(DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR_PREFIX)) { return "emulator: " + deviceId.substring(DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR_PREFIX.length()); } if (deviceId.startsWith(DEVICE_ID_SERIAL_NUMBER_PREFIX)) { return "serial: " + deviceId.substring(DEVICE_ID_SERIAL_NUMBER_PREFIX.length()); } return deviceId; } @NotNull private static String replaceByDirAllowedName(@NotNull String s) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, n = s.length(); i < n; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) { c = '_'; } builder.append(c); } return builder.toString(); } @NotNull public static String getInternalDatabasesRemoteDirPath(@NotNull String packageName) { return "/data/data/" + packageName + "/databases"; } @NotNull public static String getDatabaseRemoteFilePath(@NotNull String packageName, @NotNull String dbName, boolean external) { if (dbName.startsWith("/")) { dbName = dbName.substring(1); } if (!external) { return getInternalDatabasesRemoteDirPath(packageName) + "/" + dbName; } return "$EXTERNAL_STORAGE/Android/data/" + packageName + "/" + dbName; } private static class MyShellOutputReceiver extends MultiLineReceiver { @Nullable private final ProgressIndicator myProgressIndicator; private final StringBuilder myOutputBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private final boolean myAndroid43; public MyShellOutputReceiver(@Nullable ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, @NotNull IDevice device) { myProgressIndicator = progressIndicator; myAndroid43 = "18".equals(device.getProperty("")); } @Override public void processNewLines(String[] lines) { for (String line : lines) { String s = line.trim(); if (s.length() > 0) { LOG.debug("ADB_SHELL: " + s); if (myOutputBuilder.length() > 0) { myOutputBuilder.append('\n'); } myOutputBuilder.append(s); if (myAndroid43 && RUN_AS_UNKNOWN_PACKAGE_ERROR_PATTERN.matcher(s).matches()) { myOutputBuilder.append(". \nUnfortunately database support doesn't work for Android 4.3 devices because of the bug " + ""); } } } } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return myProgressIndicator != null && myProgressIndicator.isCanceled(); } @NotNull public String getOutput() { return myOutputBuilder.toString(); } } private static class MySyncProgressMonitor implements SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor { private final ProgressIndicator myProgressIndicator; public MySyncProgressMonitor(@NotNull ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) { myProgressIndicator = progressIndicator; } @Override public void start(int totalWork) { } @Override public void stop() { } @Override public boolean isCanceled() { return myProgressIndicator.isCanceled(); } @Override public void startSubTask(String name) { } @Override public void advance(int work) { } } }