package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static; import static; import static; /** * Unit tests for the Gradle importer. * <p> * TODO: * - Test emitting proguard rules in android-library (check build.gradle declaration) * - Test compile options * - Skip instrumentation stuff if same as default? * - Test having more than one SDK proguard list? * - Escaped groovy paths * - Path variable in .classpath * - Case where a lib is both in libs/ and in .classpath (cull and only include once) * - Filename clashes (collapsing into libs/, etc.) * - Finding a lib that is using a workspace path which isn't found but is a direct child * - Instrumentation libs/ .jar which gets replaced by a gradle dependency */ @SuppressWarnings("ConcatenationWithEmptyString") public class GradleImportTest extends AndroidTestCase { // Only because we need VFS to locate the template folder for the gradle wrapper private static File createProject(String name, String pkg) throws IOException { File dir = Files.createTempDir(); return createProject(dir, name, pkg); } private static File createProject(File dir, String name, String pkg) throws IOException { createDotProject(dir, name, true); File src = new File("src"); File gen = new File("gen"); createSampleJavaSource(dir, "src", pkg, "MyActivity"); createSampleJavaSource(dir, "gen", pkg, "R"); createClassPath(dir, new File("bin", "classes"), Arrays.asList(src, gen), Collections.<File>emptyList()); createProjectProperties(dir, "android-17", null, null, null, Collections.<File>emptyList()); createAndroidManifest(dir, pkg, 8, 16, null); createDefaultStrings(dir); createDefaultIcon(dir); return dir; } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testResolveExpressions() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); File projectDir = new File(root, "dir1" + separator + "dir2" + separator + "dir3" + separator + "dir4" + separator + "prj"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "test1", "test.pkg"); File var1 = new File(root, "sub1" + separator + "sub2" + separator + "sub3"); var1.mkdirs(); File var4 = new File(projectDir.getParentFile(), "var4"); var4.mkdirs(); File tpl = new File(projectDir.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile(), "TARGET" + separator + "android" + separator + "third-party"); tpl.mkdirs(); File supportLib = new File(tpl, "android-support-v4.r19.jar"); supportLib.createNewFile(); Files.write("" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<projectDescription>\n" + "\t<name>UnitTest</name>\n" + "\t<comment></comment>\n" + "\t<projects>\n" + "\t</projects>\n" + "\t<buildSpec>\n" + "\t\t<buildCommand>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<arguments>\n" + "\t\t\t</arguments>\n" + "\t\t</buildCommand>\n" + "\t</buildSpec>\n" + "\t<natures>\n" + "\t\t<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>\n" + "\t</natures>\n" + "\t<linkedResources>\n" + "\t\t<link>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>MYLIBS</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<type>2</type>\n" + "\t\t\t<locationURI>MYLIBS</locationURI>\n" + "\t\t</link>\n" + "\t\t<link>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>3rd_java_libs</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<type>2</type>\n" + "\t\t\t<locationURI>PARENT-3-PROJECT_LOC/TARGET/android/third-party</locationURI>\n" + "\t\t</link>\n" + "\t\t<link>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>jnilibs</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<type>2</type>\n" + "\t\t\t<locationURI>virtual:/virtual</locationURI>\n" + "\t\t</link>\n" + "\t</linkedResources>\n" + "\t<variableList>\n" + "\t\t<variable>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>MY_VAR_1</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<value>" + SdkUtils.fileToUrl(var1) + "</value>\n" + "\t\t</variable>\n" + "\t\t<variable>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>MY_VAR_2</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<value>$%7BMY_VAR_1%7D</value>\n" + "\t\t</variable>\n" + "\t\t<variable>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>MY_VAR_3</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<value>$%7BPROJECT_LOC%7D/src</value>\n" + "\t\t</variable>\n" + "\t\t<variable>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>MY_VAR_4</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<value>$%7BPARENT-1-PROJECT_LOC%7D/var4</value>\n" + "\t\t</variable>\n" + "\t\t<variable>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>MY_VAR_5</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<value>$%7BPARENT_LOC%7D/var4</value>\n" + "\t\t</variable>\n" + "\t</variableList>\n" + "</projectDescription>", new File(projectDir, ".project"), UTF_8); GradleImport importer = new GradleImport(); EclipseProject project = EclipseProject.getProject(importer, projectDir); importer.getPathMap(); // Test absolute paths assertEquals(var1, project.resolveVariableExpression(var1.getPath())); assertEquals(var1, project.resolveVariableExpression(var1.getAbsolutePath())); assertEquals(var1.getCanonicalFile(), project.resolveVariableExpression(var1.getCanonicalPath())); assertEquals(var1, project.resolveVariableExpression(var1.getPath().replace('/', separatorChar))); // on Windows, make sure we handle workspace files with forwards // Test project relative paths String relative = "src" + separator + "test" + separator + "pkg" + separator + ""; assertEquals(new File(projectDir, relative), project.resolveVariableExpression(relative)); assertEquals(new File(projectDir, relative), project.resolveVariableExpression( relative.replace('/', separatorChar))); // Test workspace paths // This is handled by testLibraries2 // Test path variables assertEquals(var1, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_VAR_1")); assertEquals(var1, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_VAR_2")); assertEquals(new File(projectDir, "src"), project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_VAR_3")); assertEquals(var4, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_VAR_4")); assertEquals(var4, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_VAR_5")); // Test linked variables assertEquals(supportLib, project.resolveVariableExpression( "3rd_java_libs/android-support-v4.r19.jar")); // Test user-supplied values assertEquals(var1, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_VAR_1")); importer.getPathMap().put("MY_VAR_1", projectDir); assertEquals(projectDir, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_VAR_1")); importer.getPathMap().put("/some/unresolved/path", var4); assertEquals(var4, project.resolveVariableExpression("/some/unresolved/path")); // Setup for workspace tests assertNull(project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_GLOBAL_VAR")); final File workspace = new File(root, "workspace"); workspace.mkdirs(); File prefs = new File(workspace, ".metadata" + separator + ".plugins" + separator + "org.eclipse.core.runtime" + separator + ".settings" + separator + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs"); prefs.getParentFile().mkdirs(); File global1 = var1.getParentFile(); Files.write("" + "eclipse.preferences.version=1\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathVariable.MY_GLOBAL_VAR=" + global1.getPath().replace(separatorChar,'/').replace(":","\\:") + "\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.visibilityCheck=enabled\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.inlineJsrBytecode=enabled\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform=1.6\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.6\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.assertIdentifier=error\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.enumIdentifier=error\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source=1.6\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.tabulation.char=space", prefs, UTF_8); File global2 = var4.getParentFile(); prefs = new File(workspace, ".metadata" + separator + ".plugins" + separator + "org.eclipse.core.runtime" + separator + ".settings" + separator + "org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs"); prefs.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "eclipse.preferences.version=1\n" + "pathvariable.MY_GLOBAL_VAR_2=" + global2.getPath().replace(separatorChar,'/').replace(":", "\\:") + "\n" + "version=1", prefs, UTF_8); importer.setEclipseWorkspace(workspace); // Test global path variables assertEquals(global1, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_GLOBAL_VAR")); assertEquals(var1, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_GLOBAL_VAR/sub3")); assertEquals(var1, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_GLOBAL_VAR" + separator + "sub3")); // Test workspace linked resources assertEquals(global2, project.resolveVariableExpression("MY_GLOBAL_VAR_2")); deleteDir(projectDir); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testBasic() throws Exception { File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); // Add some files in there that we are ignoring new File(projectDir, "ic_launcher-web.png").createNewFile(); new File(projectDir, "").createNewFile(); new File(projectDir, "").createNewFile(); new File(projectDir, "").createNewFile(); new File(projectDir, "src" + separator + ".git").mkdir(); new File(projectDir, "src" + separator + ".svn").mkdir(); File unhandled = new File(projectDir, "unhandledDir1" + separator + "unhandledDir2"); unhandled.mkdirs(); new File(unhandled, "unhandledFile").createNewFile(); new File(unhandled, "unhandledDir3").mkdirs(); new File(unhandled.getParentFile(), "unhandledDir4").mkdirs(); new File(projectDir, "lint.xml").createNewFile(); // Project being imported assertEquals("" + ".classpath\n" + ".project\n" + "\n" + "AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "\n" + "gen\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "ic_launcher-web.png\n" + "lint.xml\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "src\n" + " .git\n" + " .svn\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "unhandledDir1\n" + " unhandledDir2\n" + " unhandledDir3\n" + " unhandledFile\n" + " unhandledDir4\n", fileTree(projectDir, true)); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_UNHANDLED + "*\n" + "*\n" + "* ic_launcher-web.png\n" + "* unhandledDir1/\n" + "* unhandledDir1/unhandledDir2/\n" + "* unhandledDir1/unhandledDir2/unhandledFile\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* lint.xml => app/lint.xml\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " lint.xml\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testImportWithoutMinSdkVersion() throws Exception { // Regression test for importing project which does not explicitly set minSdkVersion // and/or targetSdkVersion; this would earlier result in "-1" being written into // build.gradle which fails the build with "> Cannot invoke method minus() on null object" File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); // Remove <uses-sdk ...> File manifestFile = new File(projectDir, FN_ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML); String manifestContents = Files.toString(manifestFile, UTF_8); int index = manifestContents.indexOf("<uses-sdk"); int endIndex = manifestContents.indexOf('>', index); assertFalse(index == -1); assertFalse(endIndex == -1); manifestContents = manifestContents.substring(0, index) + manifestContents.substring(endIndex + 1); Files.write(manifestContents, manifestFile, UTF_8); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testMoveRsAndAidl() throws Exception { File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); createSampleAidlFile(projectDir, "src", "test.pkg"); createSampleRsFile(projectDir, "src", "test.pkg"); // Project being imported assertEquals("" + ".classpath\n" + ".project\n" + "AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "gen\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "src\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + " IHardwareService.aidl\n" + "\n" + "\n", fileTree(projectDir, true)); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + "* src/test/pkg/IHardwareService.aidl => app/src/main/aidl/test/pkg/IHardwareService.aidl\n" + "* src/test/pkg/ => app/src/main/rs/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " aidl\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + " IHardwareService.aidl\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + " rs\n" + "\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testImportAndroidSample() throws Exception { String testSdkPath = getTestSdkPathLocal(); if (testSdkPath == null) { return; } File samples = new File(testSdkPath, "samples"); if (!samples.exists()) { return; } File[] platforms = samples.listFiles(); if (platforms == null) { return; } File projectDir = null; for (File platform : platforms) { if (platform.isDirectory()) { String name = platform.getName(); if (name.startsWith("android-")) { try { int version = Integer.parseInt(name.substring("android-".length())); if (version > GradleImport.CURRENT_COMPILE_VERSION) { // skip versions higher than the default compileSdkVersion since it's not specified in the ApiDemos // project and we'll pick up the default continue; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // e.g. android-L continue; } } File apiDemos = new File(platform, "legacy" + separator + "ApiDemos"); if (apiDemos.isDirectory()) { projectDir = apiDemos; break; } } } if (projectDir == null) { return; } File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_UNHANDLED + "* README.txt\n" + "* tests/\n" + "* tests/\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* assets/ => app/src/main/assets/\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + "* src/com/example/android/apis/app/IRemoteService.aidl => app/src/main/aidl/com/example/android/apis/app/IRemoteService.aidl\n" + "* src/com/example/android/apis/app/IRemoteServiceCallback.aidl => app/src/main/aidl/com/example/android/apis/app/IRemoteServiceCallback.aidl\n" + "* src/com/example/android/apis/app/ISecondary.aidl => app/src/main/aidl/com/example/android/apis/app/ISecondary.aidl\n" + "* tests/src/ => app/src/androidTest/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testNoProjectMetadata() throws Exception { File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); // Add some files in there that we are ignoring new File(projectDir, "ic_launcher-web.png").createNewFile(); new File(projectDir, "").createNewFile(); new File(projectDir, "").createNewFile(); new File(projectDir, "").createNewFile(); new File(projectDir, "src" + separator + ".git").mkdir(); new File(projectDir, "src" + separator + ".svn").mkdir(); File unhandled = new File(projectDir, "unhandledDir1" + separator + "unhandledDir2"); unhandled.mkdirs(); new File(unhandled, "unhandledFile").createNewFile(); new File(unhandled, "unhandledDir3").mkdirs(); new File(unhandled.getParentFile(), "unhandledDir4").mkdirs(); new File(projectDir, ".classpath").delete(); new File(projectDir, ".project").delete(); // Project being imported assertEquals("" + "\n" + "AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "\n" + "gen\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "ic_launcher-web.png\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "src\n" + " .git\n" + " .svn\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "unhandledDir1\n" + " unhandledDir2\n" + " unhandledDir3\n" + " unhandledFile\n" + " unhandledDir4\n", fileTree(projectDir, true)); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_UNHANDLED + "*\n" + "*\n" + "* ic_launcher-web.png\n" + "* unhandledDir1/\n" + "* unhandledDir1/unhandledDir2/\n" + "* unhandledDir1/unhandledDir2/unhandledFile\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testNoProjectProperties() throws Exception { // Missing File projectDir = createProject("testError3", "test.pkg"); new File(projectDir, FN_PROJECT_PROPERTIES).delete(); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); } }); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testLibraries() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); File app = createLibrary(root, "test.lib2.pkg", false); // ADT Directory structure created by the above: assertEquals("" + "App\n" + " .classpath\n" + " .gitignore\n" + " .project\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " gen\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + " src\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "Lib1\n" + " .classpath\n" + " .project\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " gen\n" + " test\n" + " lib\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " src\n" + " test\n" + " lib\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "Lib2\n" + " .classpath\n" + " .project\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " gen\n" + " test\n" + " lib2\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " src\n" + " test\n" + " lib2\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "subdir1\n" + " subdir2\n" + " JavaLib\n" + " .classpath\n" + " .gitignore\n" + " .project\n" + " src\n" + " test\n" + " lib2\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n", fileTree(root, true)); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "From App:\n" + "* .gitignore\n" + "From JavaLib:\n" + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "In JavaLib:\n" + "* src/ => javaLib/src/main/java/\n" + "In Lib1:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => lib1/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => lib1/src/main/java/\n" + "In Lib2:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => lib2/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => lib2/src/main/java/\n" + "In App:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */); // Imported project assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + "javaLib\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " lib2\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "lib1\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " lib\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "lib2\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " lib2\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); // Let's peek at some of the key files to make sure we codegen'ed the right thing //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: 'java'\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "javaLib" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); // Let's peek at some of the key files to make sure we codegen'ed the right thing //noinspection ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + "// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.\n" + (DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "allprojects {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : ""), Files.toString(new File(imported, "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 17\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 16\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile project(':lib1')\n" + " compile project(':lib2')\n" + " compile project(':javaLib')\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "app" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL,"\n")); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 18\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.lib2.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 8\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile project(':lib1')\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "lib2" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); assertEquals("" + "include ':javaLib'\n" + "include ':lib1'\n" + "include ':lib2'\n" + "include ':app'\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "settings.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") private static File createLibrary(File root, String lib2Pkg, boolean startLibrariesAt1) throws IOException { // Plain Java library, used by Library 1 and App String javaLibName = "JavaLib"; String javaLibRelative = "subdir1" + separator + "subdir2" + separator + javaLibName; File javaLib = new File(root, javaLibRelative); javaLib.mkdirs(); String javaLibPkg = "test.lib2.pkg"; createDotProject(javaLib, javaLibName, false); File javaLibSrc = new File("src"); createSampleJavaSource(javaLib, "src", javaLibPkg, "Utilities"); createClassPath(javaLib, new File("bin"), Collections.singletonList(javaLibSrc), Collections.<File>emptyList()); // Make Android library 1 String lib1Name = "Lib1"; File lib1 = new File(root, lib1Name); lib1.mkdirs(); String lib1Pkg = "test.lib.pkg"; createDotProject(lib1, lib1Name, true); File lib1Src = new File("src"); File lib1Gen = new File("gen"); createSampleJavaSource(lib1, "src", lib1Pkg, "MyLibActivity"); createSampleJavaSource(lib1, "gen", lib1Pkg, "R"); createClassPath(lib1, new File("bin", "classes"), Arrays.asList(lib1Src, lib1Gen), Collections.<File>emptyList()); createProjectProperties(lib1, "android-19", null, true, null, // Using \ instead of File.separator deliberately to test path conversion // handling: you can import a Windows relative path on a non-Windows system // and vice versa Collections.singletonList(new File(".." + '\\' + javaLibRelative)), startLibrariesAt1); createAndroidManifest(lib1, lib1Pkg, -1, -1, "<application/>"); String lib2Name = "Lib2"; File lib2 = new File(root, lib2Name); lib2.mkdirs(); createDotProject(lib2, lib2Name, true); File lib2Src = new File("src"); File lib2Gen = new File("gen"); createSampleJavaSource(lib2, "src", lib2Pkg, "MyLib2Activity"); createSampleJavaSource(lib2, "gen", lib2Pkg, "R"); createClassPath(lib2, new File("bin", "classes"), Arrays.asList(lib2Src, lib2Gen), Collections.<File>emptyList()); createProjectProperties(lib2, "android-18", null, true, null, // Deliberately using / instead of Files.separator, for opposite // test of file separator for lib1 above Collections.singletonList(new File(".." + '/' + lib1Name))); createAndroidManifest(lib2, lib2Pkg, 7, -1, "<application/>"); // Main app project, depends on library1, library2 and java lib String appName = "App"; File app = new File(root, appName); app.mkdirs(); String appPkg = "test.pkg"; createDotProject(app, appName, true); File appSrc = new File("src"); File appGen = new File("gen"); createSampleJavaSource(app, "src", appPkg, "MyActivity"); createSampleJavaSource(app, "gen", appPkg, "R"); createClassPath(app, new File("bin", "classes"), Arrays.asList(appSrc, appGen), Collections.<File>emptyList()); createProjectProperties(app, "android-17", null, null, null, Arrays.asList( new File(".." + separator + lib1Name), new File(".." + separator + lib2Name), new File(".." + separator + javaLibRelative))); createAndroidManifest(app, appPkg, 8, 16, null); createDefaultStrings(app); createDefaultIcon(app); // Add some files in there that we are ignoring new File(app, ".gitignore").createNewFile(); new File(javaLib, ".gitignore").createNewFile(); return app; } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testReplaceJar() throws Exception { // Add in some well known jars and make sure they get migrated as dependencies File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "android-support-v4.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "android-support-v7-appcompat.jar").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "android-support-v4.jar =>\n" + "android-support-v7-appcompat.jar =>\n" + "android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar =>\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + (getTestSdkPathLocal() == null ? MSG_MISSING_REPO_1 + "null\n" + MSG_MISSING_REPO_2 : "") + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 17\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 16\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile ''\n" + " compile ''\n" + " compile ''\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "app" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testOptions() throws Exception { // Check options like turning off jar replacement and leaving module names capitalized File projectDir = createProject("Test1", "test.pkg"); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "android-support-v4.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "android-support-v7-appcompat.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "armeabi").mkdirs(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => Test1/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* libs/android-support-v4.jar => Test1/libs/android-support-v4.jar\n" + "* libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar => Test1/libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar\n" + "* libs/android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar => Test1/libs/android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar\n" + "* res/ => Test1/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => Test1/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setGradleNameStyle(false); importer.setReplaceJars(false); importer.setReplaceLibs(false); } }); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "Test1\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " libs\n" + " android-support-v4.jar\n" + " android-support-v7-appcompat.jar\n" + " android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 17\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 16\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')\n" + " compile files('libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar')\n" + " compile files('libs/android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar')\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "Test1" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testJni() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); final File sdkLocation = new File(root, "sdk"); sdkLocation.mkdirs(); final File ndkLocation = new File(root, "ndk"); ndkLocation.mkdirs(); File projectDir = new File(root, "project"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "testJni", "test.pkg"); createDotProject(projectDir, "testJni", true, true); File jni = new File(projectDir, "jni"); jni.mkdirs(); File makefile = new File(jni, ""); Files.write("" + "LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)\n" + "\n" + "include $(CLEAR_VARS)\n" + "\n" + "LOCAL_MODULE := hello-jni\n" + "LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello-jni.c\n" + "\n" + "include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)", makefile, UTF_8); new File(jni, "").createNewFile(); new File(jni, "HelloJni.cpp").createNewFile(); new File(jni, "hello-jni.c").createNewFile(); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); File armeabi = new File(libs, "armeabi"); armeabi.mkdirs(); new File(armeabi, "").createNewFile(); new File(armeabi, "").createNewFile(); File mips = new File(libs, "mips"); mips.mkdirs(); new File(mips, "").createNewFile(); new File(mips, "").createNewFile(); Files.write( escapeProperty("sdk.dir", sdkLocation.getPath()) + "\n" + escapeProperty("ndk.dir", ndkLocation.getPath()) + "\n", new File(projectDir, FN_LOCAL_PROPERTIES), UTF_8); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => testJni/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* jni/ => testJni/src/main/jni/\n" + "* libs/armeabi/ => testJni/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi/\n" + "* libs/mips/ => testJni/src/main/jniLibs/mips/\n" + "* res/ => testJni/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => testJni/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { assertFalse(importer.isImportIntoExisting()); assertFalse(importer.isPerModuleRepositories()); importer.setGradleNameStyle(false); importer.setSdkLocation(null); importer.setReplaceJars(false); importer.setReplaceLibs(false); } }); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + "\n" + "settings.gradle\n" + "testJni\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " jni\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " HelloJni.cpp\n" + " hello-jni.c\n" + " jniLibs\n" + " armeabi\n" + "\n" + " mips\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n", fileTree(imported, true)); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 17\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + MIN_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 16\n" + "\n" + " ndk {\n" + " moduleName \"hello-jni\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "testJni" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); assertEquals(sdkLocation.getPath(), PropertiesUtil.getProperties(new File(imported, FN_LOCAL_PROPERTIES)). getProperty("sdk.dir")); assertEquals(ndkLocation.getPath(), PropertiesUtil.getProperties(new File(imported, FN_LOCAL_PROPERTIES)). getProperty("ndk.dir")); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testJniLibs() throws Exception { // Check that ABI libs are copied to the right place File projectDir = createProject("Test1", "test.pkg"); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "android-support-v4.jar").createNewFile(); File armeabi = new File(libs, "armeabi"); armeabi.mkdirs(); new File(armeabi, "").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => Test1/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* libs/android-support-v4.jar => Test1/libs/android-support-v4.jar\n" + "* libs/armeabi/ => Test1/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi/\n" + "* res/ => Test1/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => Test1/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setGradleNameStyle(false); importer.setReplaceJars(false); importer.setReplaceLibs(false); } }); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "Test1\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " libs\n" + " android-support-v4.jar\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " jniLibs\n" + " armeabi\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testInstrumentation1() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); File projectDir = new File(root, "project"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "Test2", "test.pkg"); createDotProject(projectDir, "Test2", true, true); File tests = new File(projectDir, "tests"); tests.mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "<manifest xmlns:android=\"\"\n" + " package=\"\"\n" + " android:versionCode=\"1\"\n" + " android:versionName=\"1.0\" >\n" + "\n" + " <instrumentation\n" + " android:name=\"android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner\"\n" + " android:targetPackage=\"test.pkg\"" + " android:functionalTest=\"false\"\n" + " android:handleProfiling=\"true\" />\n" + "\n" + " <uses-sdk\n" + " android:minSdkVersion=\"7\"\n" + " android:targetSdkVersion=\"15\" />\n" + "\n" + " <application\n" + " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/sym_def_app_icon\"\n" + " android:label=\"My Unit Test Instrumentation Tests\" >\n" + " <uses-library android:name=\"android.test.runner\" />\n" + " </application>\n" + "\n" + "</manifest>", new File(tests, FN_ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML), UTF_8); File testSrc = new File(tests, "src"); testSrc.mkdirs(); File testPkg = new File(testSrc, "mytestpkg"); testPkg.mkdirs(); new File(testPkg, "").createNewFile(); File testRes = new File(tests, "res"); testRes.mkdirs(); File testValues = new File(testRes, "values"); testValues.mkdirs(); new File(testValues, "strings.xml").createNewFile(); File testLibs = new File(tests, "libs"); testLibs.mkdirs(); new File(testLibs, "myTestSupportLib.jar").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => Test2/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => Test2/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => Test2/src/main/java/\n" + "* tests/libs/myTestSupportLib.jar => Test2/libs/myTestSupportLib.jar\n" + "* tests/res/ => Test2/src/androidTest/res/\n" + "* tests/src/ => Test2/src/androidTest/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setGradleNameStyle(false); } }); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "Test2\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " libs\n" + " myTestSupportLib.jar\n" + " src\n" + " androidTest\n" + " java\n" + " mytestpkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 17\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 16\n" + "\n" + " testApplicationId \"\"\n" + " testInstrumentationRunner \"android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner\"\n" + " testFunctionalTest false\n" + " testHandlingProfiling true\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " androidTestCompile files('libs/myTestSupportLib.jar')\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "Test2" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testInstrumentation2() throws Exception { // Like testInstrumentation1, but the unit test is found in a sibling directory // (which also means various paths should be relative - ../ etc) File root = Files.createTempDir(); File projectDir = new File(root, "project"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "Test2", "test.pkg"); createDotProject(projectDir, "Test2", true, true); File tests = new File(root, "tests"); tests.mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "<manifest xmlns:android=\"\"\n" + " package=\"\"\n" + " android:versionCode=\"1\"\n" + " android:versionName=\"1.0\" >\n" + "\n" + " <instrumentation\n" + " android:name=\"android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner\"\n" + " android:targetPackage=\"test.pkg\"" + " android:functionalTest=\"false\"\n" + " android:handleProfiling=\"true\" />\n" + "\n" + " <uses-sdk\n" + " android:minSdkVersion=\"7\"\n" + " android:targetSdkVersion=\"15\" />\n" + "\n" + " <application\n" + " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/sym_def_app_icon\"\n" + " android:label=\"My Unit Test Instrumentation Tests\" >\n" + " <uses-library android:name=\"android.test.runner\" />\n" + " </application>\n" + "\n" + "</manifest>", new File(tests, FN_ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML), UTF_8); File testSrc = new File(tests, "src"); testSrc.mkdirs(); File testPkg = new File(testSrc, "mytestpkg"); testPkg.mkdirs(); new File(testPkg, "").createNewFile(); File testRes = new File(tests, "res"); testRes.mkdirs(); File testValues = new File(testRes, "values"); testValues.mkdirs(); new File(testValues, "strings.xml").createNewFile(); File testLibs = new File(tests, "libs"); testLibs.mkdirs(); new File(testLibs, "myTestSupportLib.jar").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + "* $ROOT_PARENT/tests/libs/myTestSupportLib.jar => app/libs/myTestSupportLib.jar\n" + "* $ROOT_PARENT/tests/res/ => app/src/androidTest/res/\n" + "* $ROOT_PARENT/tests/src/ => app/src/androidTest/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { } }); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testReplaceSourceLibraryProject() throws Exception { // Make a library project which looks like it can just be replaced by a project File root = Files.createTempDir(); // Pretend lib2 is ActionBarSherlock; it should then be stripped out and replaced // by a set of dependencies File app = createLibrary(root, "com.actionbarsherlock", true); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "From App:\n" + "* .gitignore\n" + "From JavaLib:\n" + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_REPLACED_LIBS + "Lib2 =>\n" + " com.actionbarsherlock:actionbarsherlock:4.4.0@aar\n" + "\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE // TODO: The summary should describe the library!! + "In JavaLib:\n" + "* src/ => javaLib/src/main/java/\n" + "In Lib1:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => lib1/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => lib1/src/main/java/\n" + "In App:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() == null ? MSG_MISSING_REPO_1 + "null\n" + MSG_MISSING_REPO_2 : "") + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */); // Imported project; note how lib2 is gone assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + "javaLib\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " lib2\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "lib1\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " lib\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 17\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 16\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile project(':lib1')\n" + " compile project(':javaLib')\n" + " compile 'com.actionbarsherlock:actionbarsherlock:4.4.0@aar'\n" + " compile ''\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "app" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testMissingRepositories() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); final File sdkLocation = new File(root, "sdk"); sdkLocation.mkdirs(); File projectDir = new File(root, "project"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "test1", "test.pkg"); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "android-support-v4.jar").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "android-support-v4.jar =>\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + MSG_MISSING_REPO_1 + "$ROOT_PARENT/sdk\n" + MSG_MISSING_REPO_2 + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setSdkLocation(sdkLocation); } }); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testMissingPlayRepositories() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); final File sdkLocation = new File(root, "sdk"); sdkLocation.mkdirs(); File projectDir = new File(root, "project"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "test1", "test.pkg"); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "gcm.jar").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "gcm.jar =>\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + MSG_MISSING_GOOGLE_REPOSITORY_1 + "$ROOT_PARENT/sdk\n" + MSG_MISSING_GOOGLE_REPOSITORY_2 + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setSdkLocation(sdkLocation); } }); // Imported project: confirm that gcm.jar is not in the output tree assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + "\n" + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testGuessedVersion() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); final File sdkLocation = new File(root, "sdk"); sdkLocation.mkdirs(); File projectDir = new File(root, "project"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "test1", "test.pkg"); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "guava-13.0.1.jar").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "guava-13.0.1.jar =>\n" + MSG_GUESSED_VERSIONS + "guava-13.0.1.jar => version 13.0.1 in\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setSdkLocation(sdkLocation); } }); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testClassPathFilePaths() throws Exception { // Test a project where the .classpath file contains additional // issues: workspace-local dependencies for projects, // absolute paths to the framework, etc. File root = Files.createTempDir(); File projectDir = new File(root, "prj"); projectDir.mkdirs(); projectDir = createProject(projectDir, "1 Weird 'name' of project!", "test.pkg"); File lib = new File(root, "android-support-v7-appcompat"); lib.mkdirs(); File classpath = new File(projectDir, ".classpath"); assertTrue(classpath.exists()); classpath.delete(); //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection Files.write("" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<classpath>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"src\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"gen\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"lib\" path=\"libs/basic-http-client-android-0.88.jar\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"lib\" path=\"/opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-14/android.jar\">\n" + "\t\t<attributes>\n" + "\t\t\t<attribute name=\"javadoc_location\" value=\"file:/opt/android-sdk/docs/reference\"/>\n" + "\t\t</attributes>\n" + "\t\t<accessrules>\n" + "\t\t\t<accessrule kind=\"nonaccessible\" pattern=\"com/android/internal/**\"/>\n" + "\t\t</accessrules>\n" + "\t</classpathentry>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"lib\" path=\"libs/htmlcleaner-2.6.jar\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry combineaccessrules=\"false\" kind=\"src\" path=\"/android-support-v7-appcompat\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"output\" path=\"bin/classes\"/>\n" + "</classpath>", classpath, UTF_8); //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* $ROOT_PARENT/android-support-v7-appcompat/ => _1Weirdnameofproject/src/main/java/\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => _1Weirdnameofproject/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => _1Weirdnameofproject/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => _1Weirdnameofproject/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setGradleNameStyle(false); } }); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") private static Pair<File,File> createLibrary2(File library1Dir) throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); // Workspace Setup // /Library1, compiled with 1.7, and depends on an external jar outside the project (guava) // /Library2 (depends on /Library1) // /AndroidLibraryProject (depend on /Library1, /Library2) // /AndroidAppProject (depends on /AndroidLibraryProject) // In addition to make things complicated, /Library1 can live outside the workspace // (based on the path we pass in) // and /Library2 lives in a subdirectory of the workspace // Plain Java library, used by Library 1 and App // Make Java Library library 1 String lib1Name = "Library1"; File lib1 = library1Dir.isAbsolute() ? library1Dir : new File(root, library1Dir.getPath()); lib1.mkdirs(); String lib1Pkg = "test.lib1.pkg"; createDotProject(lib1, lib1Name, false); createSampleJavaSource(lib1, "src", lib1Pkg, "Library1"); File guavaPath = new File(root, "some" + separator + "path" + separator + "guava-13.0.1.jar"); guavaPath.getParentFile().mkdirs(); guavaPath.createNewFile(); Files.write("" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<classpath>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"src\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"con\" path=\"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/Java 7\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"lib\" path=\"" + guavaPath.getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile().getPath() + "\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"output\" path=\"bin\"/>\n" + "</classpath>", new File(lib1, ".classpath"), UTF_8); createEclipseSettingsFile(lib1, "1.6"); // Make Java Library 2 String lib2Name = "Library2"; File lib2 = new File(root, lib2Name); lib2.mkdirs(); createDotProject(lib2, lib2Name, false); String lib2Pkg = "test.lib2.pkg"; createSampleJavaSource(lib2, "src", lib2Pkg, "Library2"); Files.write("" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<classpath>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"src\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"con\" path=\"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/Java 7\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry combineaccessrules=\"false\" kind=\"src\" path=\"/Library1\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"output\" path=\"bin\"/>\n" + "</classpath>", new File(lib2, ".classpath"), UTF_8); createEclipseSettingsFile(lib2, "1.7"); // Make Android Library Project 1 String androidLibName = "AndroidLibrary"; File androidLib = new File(root, androidLibName); androidLib.mkdirs(); createDotProject(androidLib, androidLibName, true); String androidLibPkg = ""; createSampleJavaSource(androidLib, "src", androidLibPkg, "AndroidLibrary"); createSampleJavaSource(androidLib, "gen", androidLibPkg, "R"); Files.write("" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<classpath>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"src\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"gen\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry combineaccessrules=\"false\" exported=\"true\" kind=\"src\" path=\"/Library1\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry combineaccessrules=\"false\" exported=\"true\" kind=\"src\" path=\"/Library2\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry kind=\"output\" path=\"bin/classes\"/>\n" + "</classpath>", new File(androidLib, ".classpath"), UTF_8); createProjectProperties(androidLib, "android-18", null, true, null, // Note how Android library projects don't point to non-Android projects // in the file; only via the .classpath file! Collections.<File>emptyList()); createAndroidManifest(androidLib, androidLibPkg, 7, -1, ""); // Main app project, depends on library project String appName = "AndroidApp"; File app = new File(root, appName); app.mkdirs(); String appPkg = "test.pkg"; createDotProject(app, appName, true); File appSrc = new File("src"); File appGen = new File("gen"); createSampleJavaSource(app, "src", appPkg, "AppActivity"); createSampleJavaSource(app, "gen", appPkg, "R"); createClassPath(app, new File("bin", "classes"), Arrays.asList(appSrc, appGen), Collections.<File>emptyList()); createProjectProperties(app, "android-17", null, null, null, Collections.singletonList(new File(".." + separator + androidLibName))); createAndroidManifest(app, appPkg, 8, 16, null); createDefaultStrings(app); createDefaultIcon(app); // Add some files in there that we are ignoring new File(app, ".gitignore").createNewFile(); return Pair.of(root, app); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testLibraries2() throws Exception { Pair<File,File> pair = createLibrary2(new File("Library1")); File root = pair.getFirst(); File app = pair.getSecond(); // ADT Directory structure created by the above: assertEquals("" + "AndroidApp\n" + " .classpath\n" + " .gitignore\n" + " .project\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " gen\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + " src\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "AndroidLibrary\n" + " .classpath\n" + " .project\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " gen\n" + " test\n" + " android\n" + " lib\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " src\n" + " test\n" + " android\n" + " lib\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "Library1\n" + " .classpath\n" + " .project\n" + " .settings\n" + " org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs\n" + " src\n" + " test\n" + " lib1\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "Library2\n" + " .classpath\n" + " .project\n" + " .settings\n" + " org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs\n" + " src\n" + " test\n" + " lib2\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "some\n" + " path\n" + " guava-13.0.1.jar\n", fileTree(root, true)); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "guava-13.0.1.jar =>\n" + MSG_GUESSED_VERSIONS + "guava-13.0.1.jar => version 13.0.1 in\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "In Library1:\n" + "* src/ => library1/src/main/java/\n" + "In Library2:\n" + "* src/ => library2/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidLibrary:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidLibrary/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => androidLibrary/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidApp:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidApp/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => androidApp/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => androidApp/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); } }); assertEquals("{/Library1=" + new File(root, "Library1").getCanonicalPath() + ", /Library2=" + new File(root, "Library2").getCanonicalPath() +"}", describePathMap(importReference.get())); // Imported project assertEquals("" + "androidApp\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "androidLibrary\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " android\n" + " lib\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + "library1\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " lib1\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + "library2\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " lib2\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); // Let's peek at some of the key files to make sure we codegen'ed the right thing //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: 'java'\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile ''\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "library1" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 17\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 16\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile project(':androidLibrary')\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "androidApp" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL,"\n")); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 18\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 8\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile project(':library1')\n" + " compile project(':library2')\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "androidLibrary" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL,"\n")); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: 'java'\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile ''\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "library1" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: 'java'\n" + "\n" + "sourceCompatibility = \"1.7\"\n" + "targetCompatibility = \"1.7\"\n" + "\n" + "dependencies {\n" + " compile project(':library1')\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "library2" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); // TODO: Should this ONLY include the root module? assertEquals("" + "include ':library1'\n" + "include ':library2'\n" + "include ':androidLibrary'\n" + "include ':androidApp'\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "settings.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); //noinspection ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + "// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.\n" + (DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "allprojects {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : ""), Files.toString(new File(imported, "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testLibrariesWithWorkspaceMapping1() throws Exception { // Provide manually edited workspace mapping /Library1 = actual dir final String library1Path = "subdir1" + separator + "subdir2" + separator + "UnrelatedName"; final File library1Dir = new File(library1Path); Pair<File,File> pair = createLibrary2(library1Dir); final File root = pair.getFirst(); File app = pair.getSecond(); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "guava-13.0.1.jar =>\n" + MSG_GUESSED_VERSIONS + "guava-13.0.1.jar => version 13.0.1 in\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "In Library1:\n" + "* src/ => library1/src/main/java/\n" + "In Library2:\n" + "* src/ => library2/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidLibrary:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidLibrary/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => androidLibrary/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidApp:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidApp/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => androidApp/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => androidApp/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); importer.getPathMap().put("/Library1", new File(root, library1Path)); } }); assertEquals("{/Library1=" + new File(root, library1Path).getCanonicalPath() + ", /Library2=" + new File(root, "Library2").getCanonicalPath() + "}", describePathMap(importReference.get())); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void test65167() throws Exception { // Regression test for Pair<File,File> pair = createLibrary2(new File("Library1")); File root = pair.getFirst(); File app = pair.getSecond(); File libs = new File(app, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "unknown-lib.jar").createNewFile(); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "guava-13.0.1.jar =>\n" + MSG_GUESSED_VERSIONS + "guava-13.0.1.jar => version 13.0.1 in\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "In Library1:\n" + "* src/ => library1/src/main/java/\n" + "In Library2:\n" + "* src/ => library2/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidLibrary:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidLibrary/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => androidLibrary/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidApp:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidApp/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* libs/unknown-lib.jar => androidApp/libs/unknown-lib.jar\n" + "* res/ => androidApp/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => androidApp/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); } }); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings({"ResultOfMethodCallIgnored", "SpellCheckingInspection"}) public void testImportModule() throws Exception { // Create a Gradle project that we'll be importing a new module into File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */); // Pre-module import state of the Gradle project: assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); // Now create a second project, and import that as a *module* File moduleDir = createProject("test2", ""); File destDir = new File(imported, "newmodule"); destDir.mkdirs(); checkImport(imported, moduleDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => newmodule/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => newmodule/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => newmodule/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, true /* checkBuild */, null, destDir, imported); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "build.gradle\n" + "src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " my\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n", fileTree(destDir, true)); // Check that it's in the right place: assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "newmodule\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " my\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); // Make sure that settings.gradle did the right thing assertEquals("" + "include ':app'\n" + "include ':test2'\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "settings.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(moduleDir); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testModuleNamesFromDir() throws Exception { // Regression test for issue where there is no .project file and // the project name has to be inferred from the directory name instead Pair<File,File> pair = createLibrary2(new File("Library1")); File root = pair.getFirst(); File app = pair.getSecond(); File propertyFile = new File(app, ".project"); propertyFile.delete(); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "guava-13.0.1.jar =>\n" + MSG_GUESSED_VERSIONS + "guava-13.0.1.jar => version 13.0.1 in\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "In Library1:\n" + "* src/ => library1/src/main/java/\n" + "In Library2:\n" + "* src/ => library2/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidLibrary:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidLibrary/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => androidLibrary/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidApp:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidApp/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => androidApp/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => androidApp/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); } }); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } private static String describePathMap(GradleImport importer) throws IOException { Map<String, File> map = importer.getPathMap(); List<String> keys = Lists.newArrayList(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); boolean first = true; for (String key : keys) { File file = map.get(key); if (file != null) { file = file.getCanonicalFile(); } if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(key); sb.append("="); sb.append(file); } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testLibrariesWithWorkspaceMapping2() throws Exception { // Provide manually edited workspace location; importer reads workspace data // to find it final String library1Path = "subdir1" + separator + "subdir2" + separator + "UnrelatedName"; final File library1Dir = new File(library1Path); Pair<File,File> pair = createLibrary2(library1Dir); final File root = pair.getFirst(); File app = pair.getSecond(); final File library1AbsDir = new File(root, library1Path); final File workspace = new File(root, "workspace"); workspace.mkdirs(); File metadata = new File(workspace, ".metadata"); metadata.mkdirs(); new File(metadata, "version.ini").createNewFile(); assertTrue(GradleImport.isEclipseWorkspaceDir(workspace)); File projects = new File(metadata, ".plugins" + separator + "org.eclipse.core.resources" + separator + ".projects"); projects.mkdirs(); File library1 = new File(projects, "Library1"); library1.mkdirs(); File location = new File(library1, ".location"); byte[] data = ("blahblahblahURI//" + SdkUtils.fileToUrl(library1AbsDir) + "\000blahblahblah").getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); Files.write(data, location); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "guava-13.0.1.jar =>\n" + MSG_GUESSED_VERSIONS + "guava-13.0.1.jar => version 13.0.1 in\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "In Library1:\n" + "* src/ => library1/src/main/java/\n" + "In Library2:\n" + "* src/ => library2/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidLibrary:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidLibrary/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => androidLibrary/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidApp:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidApp/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => androidApp/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => androidApp/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); importer.setEclipseWorkspace(workspace); } }); assertEquals("{/Library1=" + new File(root, library1Path).getCanonicalPath() + ", /Library2=" + new File(root, "Library2").getCanonicalPath() + "}", describePathMap(importReference.get())); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testLibrariesWithWorkspacePathVars() throws Exception { // Provide manually edited workspace location which contains workspace locations final String library1Path = "subdir1" + separator + "subdir2" + separator + "UnrelatedName"; final File library1Dir = new File(library1Path); Pair<File,File> pair = createLibrary2(library1Dir); final File root = pair.getFirst(); File app = pair.getSecond(); final File library1AbsDir = new File(root, library1Path); final File workspace = new File(root, "workspace"); workspace.mkdirs(); File metadata = new File(workspace, ".metadata"); metadata.mkdirs(); new File(metadata, "version.ini").createNewFile(); assertTrue(GradleImport.isEclipseWorkspaceDir(workspace)); File projects = new File(metadata, ".plugins" + separator + "org.eclipse.core.resources" + separator + ".projects"); projects.mkdirs(); File library1 = new File(projects, "Library1"); library1.mkdirs(); File location = new File(library1, ".location"); byte[] data = ("blahblahblahURI//" + SdkUtils.fileToUrl(library1AbsDir) + "\000blahblahblah").getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); Files.write(data, location); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "guava-13.0.1.jar =>\n" + MSG_GUESSED_VERSIONS + "guava-13.0.1.jar => version 13.0.1 in\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "In Library1:\n" + "* src/ => library1/src/main/java/\n" + "In Library2:\n" + "* src/ => library2/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidLibrary:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidLibrary/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => androidLibrary/src/main/java/\n" + "In AndroidApp:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => androidApp/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => androidApp/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => androidApp/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); importer.setEclipseWorkspace(workspace); } }); assertEquals("{/Library1=" + new File(root, library1Path).getCanonicalPath() + ", /Library2=" + new File(root, "Library2").getCanonicalPath() + "}", describePathMap(importReference.get())); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testErrorHandling1() throws Exception { // Broken .classpath file File projectDir = createProject("testError1", "test.pkg"); File classPath = new File(projectDir, ".classpath"); Files.write("" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<classpath>\n" + " <classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"src\"/\n" // <== XML error + " <classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"gen\"/>\n" + " <classpathentry kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + " <classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + " <classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + " <classpathentry kind=\"output\" path=\"bin/classes\"/>\n" + "</classpath>", classPath, UTF_8); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + "\n" + " * $ROOT/.classpath:\n" + "Invalid XML file: $ROOT/.classpath:\n" + "Element type \"classpathentry\" must be followed by either attribute specifications, \">\" or \"/>\".\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); } }); assertEquals("[$CLASSPATH_FILE:\n" + "Invalid XML file: $CLASSPATH_FILE:\n" + "Element type \"classpathentry\" must be followed by either attribute " + "specifications, \">\" or \"/>\".]", importReference.get().getErrors().toString().replace( classPath.getPath(), "$CLASSPATH_FILE"). replace(classPath.getCanonicalPath(), "$CLASSPATH_FILE")); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testErrorHandling2() throws Exception { // Broken manifest File root = Files.createTempDir(); // Place project in a deep subdirectory such that it does not leave a broken // sibling project for other unit tests to discover as an instrumentation test File projectDir = new File(root, "sub1" + separator + "sub2" + separator + "sub3"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "testError2", "test.pkg"); File manifest = new File(projectDir, "AndroidManifest.xml"); Files.write("" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<x>\n", manifest, UTF_8); final AtomicReference<GradleImport> importReference = new AtomicReference<GradleImport>(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + "\n" + " * $ROOT/AndroidManifest.xml:\n" + "Invalid XML file: $ROOT/AndroidManifest.xml:\n" + "XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importReference.set(importer); } }); assertEquals("[$MANIFEST_FILE:\n" + "Invalid XML file: $MANIFEST_FILE:\n" + "XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.]", importReference.get().getErrors().toString().replace( manifest.getPath(), "$MANIFEST_FILE"). replace(manifest.getCanonicalPath(), "$MANIFEST_FILE")); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testProguardMigration() throws Exception { // Check that ABI libs are copied to the right place File projectDir = createProject("Test1", "test.pkg"); Files.write("" + "proguard.config=${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt:proguard-project.txt:proguard/${user.home}/proguard/\n" + "\n" + "# Indicates whether an apk should be generated for each density.\n" + "split.density=false\n" + "# Project target.\n" + "target=android-16\n", new File(projectDir, FN_PROJECT_PROPERTIES), UTF_8); File proguard = new File(projectDir, "proguard"); proguard.mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "-optimizationpasses 2\n" + "-dontusemixedcaseclassnames\n" + "-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses\n" + "-dontpreverify\n", new File(proguard, ""), UTF_8); new File(projectDir, "proguard-project.txt").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* proguard-project.txt => app/proguard-project.txt\n" + "* proguard/ => app/\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_USER_HOME_PROGUARD + "${user.home}/proguard/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */); // Imported contents assertEquals("" + "app\n" + " build.gradle\n" + " proguard-project.txt\n" + "\n" + " src\n" + " main\n" + " AndroidManifest.xml\n" + " java\n" + " test\n" + " pkg\n" + "\n" + " res\n" + " drawable\n" + " ic_launcher.xml\n" + " values\n" + " strings.xml\n" + "build.gradle\n" + "import-summary.txt\n" + (getTestSdkPathLocal() != null ? "\n" : "") + "settings.gradle\n", fileTree(imported, true)); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 16\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 8\n" + " targetSdkVersion 16\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard true\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-project.txt', ''\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "app" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testPreviewPlatform() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); File projectDir = new File(root, "project"); projectDir.mkdirs(); createProject(projectDir, "Test2", "test.pkg"); createDotProject(projectDir, "Test2", true, true); // Write out Manifest and files which point to L as a preview platform Files.write("" + "<manifest xmlns:android=\"\"\n" + " package=\"test.pkg\"\n" + " android:versionCode=\"1\"\n" + " android:versionName=\"1.0\" >\n" + "\n" + " <uses-sdk\n" + " android:minSdkVersion=\"L\"\n" + " android:targetSdkVersion=\"L\" />\n" + "\n" + " <application\n" + " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/sym_def_app_icon\"\n" + " android:label=\"My Unit Test Instrumentation Tests\" >\n" + " <uses-library android:name=\"android.test.runner\" />\n" + " </application>\n" + "\n" + "</manifest>", new File(projectDir, FN_ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML), UTF_8); Files.write("# blah blah blah\n" + "target=android-L\n", new File(projectDir, FN_PROJECT_PROPERTIES), UTF_8); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => Test2/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => Test2/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => Test2/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setGradleNameStyle(false); } }); //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression,ConstantConditions assertEquals("" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "buildscript {\n" + " repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + " }\n" + " dependencies {\n" + " classpath '" + ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN + "'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" : "") + "apply plugin: ''\n" + (!DECLARE_GLOBAL_REPOSITORIES ? "\n" + "repositories {\n" + " " + MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" + "}\n" : "") + "\n" + "android {\n" + " compileSdkVersion 'android-L'\n" + " buildToolsVersion \"" + BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION + "\"\n" + "\n" + " defaultConfig {\n" + " applicationId \"test.pkg\"\n" + " minSdkVersion 'L'\n" + " targetSdkVersion 'L'\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " buildTypes {\n" + " release {\n" + " runProguard false\n" + " proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n", Files.toString(new File(imported, "Test2" + separator + "build.gradle"), UTF_8) .replace(NL, "\n")); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings({"ResultOfMethodCallIgnored", "SpellCheckingInspection"}) public void testRiskyPathChars() throws Exception { File root = Files.createTempDir(); File projectDir = createProject("PathChars", "test.pkg"); final File destDir = new File(root, "My Code" + separator + "Source & Data" + separator + "Foo's Bar"); destDir.mkdirs(); checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_RISKY_PROJECT_LOCATION + "$DESTDIR/My Code/Source & Data/Foo's Bar\n" + " - --- - - \n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, null, destDir, root); deleteDir(root); } @SuppressWarnings("SpellCheckingInspection") public void testIgnoreFile() { assertTrue(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File(".git"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File(".hg"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File(".svn"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File("foo" + File.separator + ".git"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File("foo" + File.separator + ".hg"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File("foo" + File.separator + ".svn"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File("foo~"))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File(".gitt"))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File("~"))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isIgnoredFile(new File("~foo"))); } public void testSdkNdkSetters() { GradleImport importer = new GradleImport(); File ndkLocation = new File("ndk"); File sdkLocation = new File("sdk"); importer.setNdkLocation(ndkLocation); importer.setSdkLocation(sdkLocation); assertSame(sdkLocation, importer.getSdkLocation()); assertSame(ndkLocation, importer.getNdkLocation()); String sdkPath = getTestSdkPathLocal(); if (sdkPath != null) { ILogger logger = new StdLogger(StdLogger.Level.INFO); SdkManager sdkManager = SdkManager.createManager(sdkPath, logger); if (sdkManager != null) { importer.setSdkManager(sdkManager); assertSame(sdkManager, importer.getSdkManager()); assertEquals(new File(sdkPath), importer.getSdkLocation()); } } } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testEncoding() throws Exception { // Checks that we properly convert source files from other encodings to UTF-8. // The following scenarios are tested: // - For files that have a specific encoding associated with that file, use it // - For XML files that specify an encoding in the prologue, use it // - For files that have a specific encoding specified by a BOM, use it // - For files that are in a project where there is a project-specific encoding, use it // - For all other files, use the default encoding specified in the workspace File root = Files.createTempDir(); File app = createLibrary(root, "test.lib2.pkg", false); // Write some source files where encoding matters // The Project App will have a default project encoding of MacRoman // The workspace will have a default encoding of windows1252 // Some individual files will specify a file encoding of iso-8859-1 Charset macRoman; Charset windows1252; Charset utf32; Charset iso8859 = Charsets.ISO_8859_1; try { macRoman = Charset.forName("MacRoman"); windows1252 = Charset.forName("windows-1252"); utf32 = Charset.forName("UTF_32"); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException uce) { System.err.println("This test machine does not have all the charsets we need: " + uce.getCharsetName() + ": skipping test"); return; } String java = "" + "package test.pkg;\n" + "\n" + "public class Text {\n" + "\tpublic static final String TEXT_1 = \"This is plain\";\n" + "\tpublic static final String TEXT_2 = \"\u00e6\u00d8\u00e5\";\n" + "\tpublic static final String TEXT_3 = \"10\u00a3\";\n" + "}\n"; String xml = "" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + + "\"?>\n" + "<LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" + " android:orientation=\"vertical\" >\n" + "<!-- \u00a3 -->\n" + "</LinearLayout>"; File appFile = new File(root, "App/src/test/pkg/".replace('/', separatorChar)); File lib1File = new File(root, "Lib1/src/test/pkg/".replace('/', separatorChar)); File lib2File = new File(root, "Lib2/src/test/pkg/".replace('/', separatorChar)); File xmlFile = new File(root, "App/res/layout/foo.xml".replace('/', separatorChar)); appFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); lib1File.getParentFile().mkdirs(); lib2File.getParentFile().mkdirs(); xmlFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write(java, appFile, iso8859); Files.write(java, lib1File, macRoman); Files.write(java, lib2File, windows1252); Files.write(xml, xmlFile, windows1252); assertEquals(java, Files.toString(appFile, iso8859)); assertEquals(java, Files.toString(lib1File, macRoman)); assertEquals(java, Files.toString(lib2File, windows1252)); assertEquals(xml, Files.toString(xmlFile, windows1252)); // Make sure that these contents don't happen to be the same regardless of encoding assertFalse(java.equals(Files.toString(appFile, UTF_8))); assertFalse(java.equals(Files.toString(lib1File, UTF_8))); assertFalse(java.equals(Files.toString(lib2File, UTF_8))); assertFalse(xml.equals(Files.toString(xmlFile, UTF_8))); // Write App project specific encoding, and file specific encoding File file = new File(root, "App" + separator + ".settings" + separator + "org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs"); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "eclipse.preferences.version=1\n" + "encoding//src/test/pkg/" + + "\n" + "encoding/<project>=" +, file, Charsets.US_ASCII); // Write Lib1 project specific encoding file = new File(root, "Lib1" + separator + ".settings" + separator + "org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs"); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "eclipse.preferences.version=1\n" + "encoding/<project>=" +, file, Charsets.US_ASCII); // Write workspace default encoding, used for the Lib2 file final File workspace = new File(root, "workspace"); workspace.mkdirs(); File metadata = new File(workspace, ".metadata"); metadata.mkdirs(); new File(metadata, "version.ini").createNewFile(); assertTrue(GradleImport.isEclipseWorkspaceDir(workspace)); File resourceFile = new File(workspace, (".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/" + ".settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs").replace('/', separatorChar)); resourceFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "eclipse.preferences.version=1\n" + "encoding=" + + "\n" + "version=1", resourceFile, Charsets.US_ASCII); File imported = checkProject(app, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_MANIFEST + MSG_UNHANDLED + "From App:\n" + "* .gitignore\n" + "From JavaLib:\n" + "* .gitignore\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + "In JavaLib:\n" + "* src/ => javaLib/src/main/java/\n" + "In Lib1:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => lib1/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => lib1/src/main/java/\n" + "In Lib2:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => lib2/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* src/ => lib2/src/main/java/\n" + "In App:\n" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n" + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */, new ImportCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(GradleImport importer) { importer.setEclipseWorkspace(workspace); } }); // Read back text files *as UTF-8* and make sure it's correct File newAppFile = new File(imported, "app/src/main/java/test/pkg/".replace('/', separatorChar)); File newLib1File = new File(imported, "lib1/src/main/java/test/pkg/".replace('/', separatorChar)); File newLib2File = new File(imported, "lib2/src/main/java/test/pkg/".replace('/', separatorChar)); File newXmlFile = new File(imported, "app/src/main/res/layout/foo.xml".replace('/', separatorChar)); assertTrue(newAppFile.exists()); assertTrue(newLib1File.exists()); assertTrue(newLib2File.exists()); assertTrue(newXmlFile.exists()); assertEquals(java, Files.toString(newAppFile, UTF_8)); assertEquals(java, Files.toString(newLib1File, UTF_8)); assertEquals(java, Files.toString(newLib2File, UTF_8)); assertFalse(xml.equals(Files.toString(newXmlFile, UTF_8))); // references old encoding assertEquals(xml.replace(, "utf-8"), Files.toString(newXmlFile, UTF_8)); deleteDir(root); deleteDir(imported); } public void testIsTextFile() { assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File(""))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("foo.xml"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.xml"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.h"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.c"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.cpp"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + ""))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.aidl"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + ""))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.fs"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.rsh"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "README.txt"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "build.gradle"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "proguard.cfg"))); assertTrue(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + ""))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "Foo.class"))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.jar"))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.png"))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.9.png"))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.jpg"))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + ""))); assertFalse(GradleImport.isTextFile(new File("parent" + separator + "foo.dll"))); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testFindLatestSupportLib1() throws Exception { // Test that we find the latest available version of the 19.x support libraries File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); createProjectProperties(projectDir, "android-19", null, null, null, Collections.<File>emptyList()); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "android-support-v4.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "android-support-v7-appcompat.jar").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "android-support-v4.jar =>\n" + "android-support-v7-appcompat.jar =>\n" + "android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar =>\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + (getTestSdkPathLocal() == null ? MSG_MISSING_REPO_1 + "null\n" + MSG_MISSING_REPO_2 : "") + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testFindLatestSupportLib2() throws Exception { // Like testFindLatestSupportLib1, but uses a preview platform (L) // Test that we find the latest available version of the 19.x support libraries File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); createProjectProperties(projectDir, "android-L", null, null, null, Collections.<File>emptyList()); File libs = new File(projectDir, "libs"); libs.mkdirs(); new File(libs, "android-support-v4.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar").createNewFile(); new File(libs, "android-support-v7-appcompat.jar").createNewFile(); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_REPLACED_JARS + "android-support-v4.jar =>\n" + "android-support-v7-appcompat.jar =>\n" + "android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar =>\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + (getTestSdkPathLocal() == null ? MSG_MISSING_REPO_1 + "null\n" + MSG_MISSING_REPO_2 : "") + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void testUnresolvedLibrary() throws Exception { // Test that we recognize and handle unresolved support libraries File projectDir = createProject("test1", "test.pkg"); //noinspection ConstantConditions createProjectProperties(projectDir, "android-19", null, null, null, Collections.<File>emptyList()); // Append unresolved library project references String s = Files.toString(new File(projectDir, FN_PROJECT_PROPERTIES), Charsets.UTF_8); s += "\n"; s += String.format(ANDROID_LIBRARY_REFERENCE_FORMAT, 1) + "=../appcompat_v7\n"; s += String.format(ANDROID_LIBRARY_REFERENCE_FORMAT, 2) + "=../support-v4\n"; //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection s += String.format(ANDROID_LIBRARY_REFERENCE_FORMAT, 3) + "=../extras/android/compatibility/v7/gridlayout\n"; Files.write(s, new File(projectDir, FN_PROJECT_PROPERTIES), Charsets.UTF_8); File imported = checkProject(projectDir, "" + MSG_HEADER + MSG_REPLACED_LIBS + "appcompat-v7 => []\n" + "gridlayout-v7 => []\n" + "support-v4 => []\n" + MSG_FOLDER_STRUCTURE + DEFAULT_MOVED + (getTestSdkPathLocal() == null ? MSG_MISSING_REPO_1 + "null\n" + MSG_MISSING_REPO_2 : "") + MSG_FOOTER, false /* checkBuild */); deleteDir(projectDir); deleteDir(imported); } // --- Unit test infrastructure from this point on ---- @SuppressWarnings({"ResultOfMethodCallIgnored", "SpellCheckingInspection"}) private static void createEclipseSettingsFile(File prj, String languageLevel) throws IOException { File file = new File(prj, ".settings" + separator + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs"); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "eclipse.preferences.version=1\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.inlineJsrBytecode=enabled\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform=" + languageLevel + "\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.unusedLocal=preserve\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=" + languageLevel + "\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.lineNumber=generate\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.localVariable=generate\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.sourceFile=generate\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.assertIdentifier=error\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.enumIdentifier=error\n" + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source=" + languageLevel, file, Charsets.UTF_8); } interface ImportCustomizer { void customize(GradleImport importer); } private static File checkProject(File adtProjectDir, String expectedSummary, boolean checkBuild) throws Exception { return checkProject(adtProjectDir, expectedSummary, checkBuild, null); } private static File checkProject(File adtProjectDir, String expectedSummary, boolean checkBuild, @Nullable ImportCustomizer customizer) throws Exception { File destDir = Files.createTempDir(); return checkProject(adtProjectDir, expectedSummary, checkBuild, customizer, destDir, destDir); } private static File checkProject(File adtProjectDir, String expectedSummary, boolean checkBuild, @Nullable ImportCustomizer customizer, File destDir, File rootDir) throws Exception { return checkImport(null, adtProjectDir, expectedSummary, checkBuild, customizer, destDir, rootDir); } private static File checkImport( @Nullable File gradleProjectDir, @NonNull File adtProjectDir, @NonNull String expectedSummary, boolean checkBuild, @Nullable ImportCustomizer customizer, @NonNull File destDir, @NonNull File rootDir) throws Exception { assertTrue(GradleImport.isAdtProjectDir(adtProjectDir)); List<File> projects = Collections.singletonList(adtProjectDir); GradleImport importer = new GradleImport(); boolean isImport = gradleProjectDir != null; if (isImport) { importer.setImportIntoExisting(true); } else { gradleProjectDir = destDir; } String sdkPath = getTestSdkPathLocal(); if (sdkPath != null) { importer.setSdkLocation(new File(sdkPath)); } File wrapper = findGradleWrapper(); if (wrapper != null) { importer.setGradleWrapperLocation(wrapper); } if (customizer != null) { customizer.customize(importer); } importer.importProjects(projects); importer.getSummary().setWrapErrorMessages(false); if (isImport) { Map<File,File> map = Maps.newHashMap(); map.put(adtProjectDir, destDir); importer.exportIntoProject(gradleProjectDir, true, true, map); } else { importer.exportProject(destDir, false); } String summary = Files.toString(new File(gradleProjectDir, IMPORT_SUMMARY_TXT), UTF_8); summary = summary.replace("\r", ""); summary = stripOutRiskyPathMessage(summary, rootDir); String testSdkPath = getTestSdkPathLocal(); if (testSdkPath != null) { summary = summary.replace(testSdkPath, "$ADT_TEST_SDK_PATH"); } summary = summary.replace(separatorChar, '/'); summary = summary.replace(adtProjectDir.getPath().replace(separatorChar,'/'), "$ROOT"); File parentFile = adtProjectDir.getParentFile(); if (parentFile != null) { summary = summary.replace(parentFile.getPath().replace(separatorChar,'/'), "$ROOT_PARENT"); } assertEquals(expectedSummary, summary); if (checkBuild) { assertBuildsCleanly(gradleProjectDir, true); } return gradleProjectDir; } private static String stripOutRiskyPathMessage(String summary, File rootDir) { int index = summary.indexOf(MSG_RISKY_PROJECT_LOCATION); if (index == -1) { return summary; } index += MSG_RISKY_PROJECT_LOCATION.length(); String path = rootDir.getPath(); assertTrue(summary.startsWith(path, index)); int nextLineIndex = summary.indexOf('\n', index) + 1; return summary.substring(0, index) + "$DESTDIR" + summary.substring(index + path.length(), nextLineIndex) + " " + summary.substring(nextLineIndex + path.length()); } @Nullable private static File findGradleWrapper() throws IOException { File templates = TemplateManager.getTemplateRootFolder(); if (templates != null) { File wrapper = TemplateManager.getWrapperLocation(templates); if (wrapper.exists()) { return wrapper; } } return null; } private static boolean isWindows() { return SdkUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(System.getProperty(""), "windows"); } public static void assertBuildsCleanly(File base, boolean allowWarnings) throws Exception { File gradlew = new File(base, isWindows() ? FN_GRADLE_WRAPPER_WIN : FN_GRADLE_WRAPPER_UNIX); if (!gradlew.exists()) { // Not using a wrapper; can't easily test building (we don't have a gradle prebuilt) return; } File pwd = base.getAbsoluteFile(); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{gradlew.getPath(), "assembleDebug"}, null, pwd); int exitCode = process.waitFor(); byte[] stdout = ByteStreams.toByteArray(process.getInputStream()); byte[] stderr = ByteStreams.toByteArray(process.getErrorStream()); String errors = new String(stderr, UTF_8); String output = new String(stdout, UTF_8); int expectedExitCode = 0; if (output.contains("BUILD FAILED") && errors.contains( "Could not find any version that matches")) { // We ignore this assertion. We got here because we are using a version of the // Android Gradle plug-in that is not available in Maven Central yet. expectedExitCode = 1; } else { assertTrue(output + "\n" + errors, output.contains("BUILD SUCCESSFUL")); if (!allowWarnings) { assertEquals(output + "\n" + errors, "", errors); } } assertEquals(expectedExitCode, exitCode); System.out.println("Built project successfully; output was:\n" + output); } private static String fileTree(File file, boolean includeDirs) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000); appendFiles(sb, includeDirs, file, 0); return sb.toString(); } private static void appendFiles(StringBuilder sb, boolean includeDirs, File file, int depth) { // Skip output if ((depth == 1 || depth == 2) && file.getName().equals("build")) { return; } // Skip wrapper, since it may or may not be present for unit tests if (depth == 1) { String name = file.getName(); if (name.equals(DOT_GRADLE) || name.equals(FD_GRADLE) || name.equals(FN_GRADLE_WRAPPER_UNIX) || name.equals(FN_GRADLE_WRAPPER_WIN)) { return; } } boolean isDirectory = file.isDirectory(); if (depth > 0 && (!isDirectory || includeDirs)) { for (int i = 0; i < depth - 1; i++) { sb.append(" "); } sb.append(file.getName()); sb.append("\n"); } if (isDirectory) { File[] children = file.listFiles(); if (children != null) { Arrays.sort(children, new Comparator<File>() { @Override public int compare(File file, File file2) { return file.getName().compareTo(file2.getName()); } }); for (File child : children) { appendFiles(sb, includeDirs, child, depth + 1); } } } } private static void createDotProject( @NonNull File projectDir, String name, boolean addAndroidNature) throws IOException { createDotProject(projectDir, name, addAndroidNature, addAndroidNature); } private static void createDotProject( @NonNull File projectDir, String name, boolean addAndroidNature, boolean addNdkNature) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<projectDescription>\n" + "\t<name>").append(name).append("</name>\n" + "\t<comment></comment>\n" + "\t<projects>\n" + "\t</projects>\n" + "\t<buildSpec>\n" + "\t\t<buildCommand>\n" + "\t\t\t<name></name>\n" + "\t\t\t<arguments>\n" + "\t\t\t</arguments>\n" + "\t\t</buildCommand>\n" + "\t\t<buildCommand>\n" + "\t\t\t<name></name>\n" + "\t\t\t<arguments>\n" + "\t\t\t</arguments>\n" + "\t\t</buildCommand>\n" + "\t\t<buildCommand>\n" + "\t\t\t<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>\n" + "\t\t\t<arguments>\n" + "\t\t\t</arguments>\n" + "\t\t</buildCommand>\n" + "\t\t<buildCommand>\n" + "\t\t\t<name></name>\n" + "\t\t\t<arguments>\n" + "\t\t\t</arguments>\n" + "\t\t</buildCommand>\n" + "\t</buildSpec>\n" + "\t<natures>\n"); if (addAndroidNature) { sb.append("\t\t<nature></nature>\n"); } if (addNdkNature) { sb.append("\t\t<nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature</nature>\n"); sb.append("\t\t<nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnature</nature>\n"); } sb.append("\t\t<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>\n" + "\t</natures>\n" + "</projectDescription>\n"); Files.write(sb.toString(), new File(projectDir, ".project"), UTF_8); } private static void createClassPath( @NonNull File projectDir, @Nullable File output, @NonNull List<File> sources, @NonNull List<File> jars) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<classpath>\n"); for (File source : sources) { sb.append("\t<classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"").append(source.getPath()). append("\"/>\n"); } sb.append("\t<classpathentry kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n" + "\t<classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"con\" path=\"\"/>\n"); for (File jar : jars) { sb.append("<classpathentry exported=\"true\" kind=\"lib\" path=\"").append(jar.getPath()).append("\"/>\n"); } if (output != null) { sb.append("\t<classpathentry kind=\"output\" path=\"").append(output.getPath()).append("\"/>\n"); } sb.append("</classpath>"); Files.write(sb.toString(), new File(projectDir, ".classpath"), UTF_8); } private static void createProjectProperties( @NonNull File projectDir, @Nullable String target, Boolean mergeManifest, Boolean isLibrary, @Nullable String proguardConfig, @NonNull List<File> libraries) throws IOException { createProjectProperties(projectDir, target, mergeManifest, isLibrary, proguardConfig, libraries, true); } private static void createProjectProperties( @NonNull File projectDir, @Nullable String target, Boolean mergeManifest, Boolean isLibrary, @Nullable String proguardConfig, @NonNull List<File> libraries, boolean startLibrariesAt1) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.\n" + "# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!\n" + "#\n" + "# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.\n" + "#\n" + "# To customize properties used by the Ant build system edit\n" + "# \"\", and override values to adapt the script to your\n" + "# project structure.\n" + "#\n"); if (proguardConfig != null) { sb.append("# To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code, uncomment this " + "(available properties: sdk.dir, user.home):\n"); // TODO: When using this, escape proguard properly sb.append(proguardConfig); sb.append("\n"); } if (target != null) { String escaped = escapeProperty("target", target); sb.append("# Project target.\n").append(escaped).append("\n"); } if (mergeManifest != null) { String escaped = escapeProperty("manifestmerger.enabled", Boolean.toString(mergeManifest)); sb.append(escaped).append("\n"); } if (isLibrary != null) { String escaped = escapeProperty("android.library", Boolean.toString(isLibrary)); sb.append(escaped).append("\n"); } for (int i = 0, n = libraries.size(); i < n; i++) { String path = libraries.get(i).getPath(); // Libraries normally start at index 1, but I want to handle cases where they start // at 0 too so we have a test parameter for that int index = i + (startLibrariesAt1 ? 1 : 0); String escaped = escapeProperty("android.library.reference." + Integer.toString(index), path); sb.append(escaped).append("\n"); } Files.write(sb.toString(), new File(projectDir, ""), UTF_8); } private static String escapeProperty(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value) throws IOException { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(key, value); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();, null); return writer.toString(); } private static void createAndroidManifest( @NonNull File projectDir, @NonNull String packageName, int minSdkVersion, int targetSdkVersion, @Nullable String customApplicationBlock) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<manifest xmlns:android=\"\"\n" + " package=\"").append(packageName).append("\"\n" + " android:versionCode=\"1\"\n" + " android:versionName=\"1.0\" >\n" + "\n"); if (minSdkVersion != -1 || targetSdkVersion != -1) { sb.append(" <uses-sdk\n"); if (minSdkVersion >= 1) { sb.append(" android:minSdkVersion=\"8\"\n"); } if (targetSdkVersion >= 1) { sb.append(" android:targetSdkVersion=\"16\"\n"); } sb.append(" />\n"); sb.append("\n"); } if (customApplicationBlock != null) { sb.append(customApplicationBlock); } else { sb.append("" + " <application\n" + " android:allowBackup=\"true\"\n" + " android:icon=\"@drawable/ic_launcher\"\n" + " android:label=\"@string/app_name\"\n" + " >\n" + " </application>\n"); } sb.append("\n" + "</manifest>\n"); Files.write(sb.toString(), new File(projectDir, ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML), UTF_8); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") private static File createSourceFile(@NonNull File projectDir, String relative, String contents) throws IOException { File file = new File(projectDir, relative.replace('/', separatorChar)); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write(contents, file, UTF_8); return file; } private static File createSampleJavaSource(@NonNull File projectDir, String src, String pkg, String name) throws IOException { return createSourceFile(projectDir, src + '/' + pkg.replace('.','/') + '/' + name + DOT_JAVA, "" + "package " + pkg + ";\n" + "public class " + name + " {\n" + "}\n"); } private static File createSampleAidlFile(@NonNull File projectDir, String src, String pkg) throws IOException { return createSourceFile(projectDir, src + '/' + pkg.replace('.','/') + "/IHardwareService.aidl", "" + "package " + pkg + ";\n" + "\n" + "/** {@hide} */\n" + "interface IHardwareService\n" + "{\n" + " // Vibrator support\n" + " void vibrate(long milliseconds);\n" + " void vibratePattern(in long[] pattern, int repeat, IBinder token);\n" + " void cancelVibrate();\n" + "\n" + " // flashlight support\n" + " boolean getFlashlightEnabled();\n" + " void setFlashlightEnabled(boolean on);\n" + " void enableCameraFlash(int milliseconds);\n" + "\n" + " // sets the brightness of the backlights (screen, keyboard, button) 0-255\n" + " void setBacklights(int brightness);\n" + "\n" + " // for the phone\n" + " void setAttentionLight(boolean on);\n" + "}"); } private static File createSampleRsFile(@NonNull File projectDir, String src, String pkg) throws IOException { return createSourceFile(projectDir, src + '/' + pkg.replace('.', '/') + '/' + "", "" + "#pragma version(1)\n" + "#pragma rs java_package_name(\n" + "#pragma rs_fp_relaxed\n" + "\n" + "void root(const uint32_t *v_in, uint32_t *v_out) {\n" + "\n" + "}"); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") private static void createDefaultStrings(File dir) throws IOException { File strings = new File(dir, "res" + separator + "values" + separator + "strings.xml"); strings.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<resources>\n" + "\n" + " <string name=\"app_name\">Unit Test</string>\n" + "\n" + "</resources>", strings, UTF_8); } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") private static void createDefaultIcon(File dir) throws IOException { File strings = new File(dir, "res" + separator + "drawable" + separator + "ic_launcher.xml"); strings.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write("" + "<shape xmlns:android=\"\">\n" + " <solid android:color=\"#00000000\"/>\n" + " <stroke android:width=\"1dp\" color=\"#ff000000\"/>\n" + " <padding android:left=\"1dp\" android:top=\"1dp\"\n" + " android:right=\"1dp\" android:bottom=\"1dp\" />\n" + "</shape>", strings, UTF_8); } private static void deleteDir(File root) { if (root.exists()) { File[] files = root.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { deleteDir(file); } else { boolean deleted = file.delete(); assert deleted : file; } } } boolean deleted = root.delete(); assert deleted : root; } } /** Environment variable or system property containing the full path to an SDK install */ public static final String SDK_PATH_PROPERTY = "ADT_TEST_SDK_PATH"; @Nullable protected static String getTestSdkPathLocal() { String override = System.getProperty(SDK_PATH_PROPERTY); if (override != null) { assertTrue(override, new File(override).exists()); return override; } override = System.getenv(SDK_PATH_PROPERTY); if (override != null) { return override; } return null; } private static final String BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION; static { String candidate = CURRENT_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION; String sdkLocation = getTestSdkPathLocal(); if (sdkLocation != null) { ILogger logger = new StdLogger(StdLogger.Level.INFO); SdkManager sdkManager = SdkManager.createManager(sdkLocation, logger); if (sdkManager != null) { final BuildToolInfo buildTool = sdkManager.getLatestBuildTool(); if (buildTool != null) { candidate = buildTool.getRevision().toString(); } } } BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION = candidate; } private static final String DEFAULT_MOVED = "" + "* AndroidManifest.xml => app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml\n" + "* res/ => app/src/main/res/\n" + "* src/ => app/src/main/java/\n"; }