/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.tools.idea.rendering; import com.android.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.builder.model.AndroidLibrary; import com.android.ide.common.resources.IntArrayWrapper; import com.android.resources.ResourceType; import com.android.tools.idea.gradle.IdeaAndroidProject; import com.android.tools.idea.gradle.project.GradleBuildListener; import com.android.tools.idea.gradle.project.GradleSyncListener; import com.android.util.Pair; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap; import gnu.trove.TObjectIntHashMap; import org.jetbrains.android.facet.AndroidFacet; import org.jetbrains.android.util.AndroidUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.File; import java.util.*; import static com.android.SdkConstants.DOT_AAR; import static org.jetbrains.android.facet.ResourceFolderManager.EXPLODED_AAR; import static org.jetbrains.android.facet.ResourceFolderManager.addAarsFromModuleLibraries; /** * Resource repository which merges in resources from all the libraries and all the modules * in a project */ public class AppResourceRepository extends MultiResourceRepository { private final AndroidFacet myFacet; private List<LocalResourceRepository> myLibraries; protected AppResourceRepository(@NotNull AndroidFacet facet, @NotNull List<? extends LocalResourceRepository> delegates, @NotNull List<LocalResourceRepository> libraries) { super(facet.getModule().getName() + " with modules and libraries", delegates); myFacet = facet; myLibraries = libraries; } /** * Returns the Android merge resource repository for the resources in this module, any other modules in this project, * and any libraries this project depends on. * * @param module the module to look up resources for * @param createIfNecessary if true, create the app resources if necessary, otherwise only return if already computed * @return the resource repository */ @Nullable public static AppResourceRepository getAppResources(@NotNull Module module, boolean createIfNecessary) { AndroidFacet facet = AndroidFacet.getInstance(module); if (facet != null) { return facet.getAppResources(createIfNecessary); } return null; } /** * Returns the Android merge resource repository for the resources in this module, any other modules in this project, * and any libraries this project depends on. * * @param facet the module facet to look up resources for * @param createIfNecessary if true, create the app resources if necessary, otherwise only return if already computed * @return the resource repository */ @Contract("!null, true -> !null") @Nullable public static AppResourceRepository getAppResources(@NotNull AndroidFacet facet, boolean createIfNecessary) { return facet.getAppResources(createIfNecessary); } @NotNull public static AppResourceRepository create(@NotNull final AndroidFacet facet) { List<LocalResourceRepository> libraries = computeLibraries(facet); List<LocalResourceRepository> delegates = computeRepositories(facet, libraries); final AppResourceRepository repository = new AppResourceRepository(facet, delegates, libraries); facet.addListener(new GradleSyncListener.Adapter() { @Override public void syncSucceeded(@NotNull Project project) { repository.updateRoots(); } }); return repository; } private static List<LocalResourceRepository> computeRepositories(@NotNull final AndroidFacet facet, List<LocalResourceRepository> libraries) { List<LocalResourceRepository> repositories = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(10); LocalResourceRepository resources = ProjectResourceRepository.getProjectResources(facet, true); repositories.addAll(libraries); repositories.add(resources); return repositories; } private static List<LocalResourceRepository> computeLibraries(@NotNull final AndroidFacet facet) { List<AndroidFacet> dependentFacets = AndroidUtils.getAllAndroidDependencies(facet.getModule(), true); List<File> aarDirs = findAarLibraries(facet, dependentFacets); if (aarDirs.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<LocalResourceRepository> resources = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(aarDirs.size()); for (File root : aarDirs) { resources.add(FileResourceRepository.get(root)); } return resources; } @NotNull private static List<File> findAarLibraries(AndroidFacet facet, List<AndroidFacet> dependentFacets) { // Use the gradle model if available, but if not, fall back to using plain IntelliJ library dependencies // which have been persisted since the most recent sync if (facet.isGradleProject() && facet.getIdeaAndroidProject() != null) { List<AndroidLibrary> libraries = Lists.newArrayList(); addGradleLibraries(libraries, facet); for (AndroidFacet f : dependentFacets) { addGradleLibraries(libraries, f); } return findAarLibrariesFromGradle(dependentFacets, libraries); } return findAarLibrariesFromIntelliJ(facet, dependentFacets); } /** * Reads IntelliJ library definitions ({@link com.intellij.openapi.roots.LibraryOrSdkOrderEntry}) and if possible, finds a corresponding * {@code .aar} resource library to include. This works before the Gradle project has been initialized. */ private static List<File> findAarLibrariesFromIntelliJ(AndroidFacet facet, List<AndroidFacet> dependentFacets) { // Find .aar libraries from old IntelliJ library definitions Set<File> dirs = Sets.newHashSet(); addAarsFromModuleLibraries(facet, dirs); for (AndroidFacet f : dependentFacets) { addAarsFromModuleLibraries(f, dirs); } List<File> sorted = new ArrayList<File>(dirs); // Sort to ensure consistent results between pre-model sync order of resources and // the post-sync order. (Also see sort comment in the method below.) Collections.sort(sorted); return sorted; } /** * Looks up the library dependencies from the Gradle tools model and returns the corresponding {@code .aar} * resource directories. */ @NotNull private static List<File> findAarLibrariesFromGradle(List<AndroidFacet> dependentFacets, List<AndroidLibrary> libraries) { // Pull out the unique directories, in case multiple modules point to the same .aar folder Set<File> files = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(dependentFacets.size()); Set<String> moduleNames = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AndroidFacet f : dependentFacets) { moduleNames.add(f.getModule().getName()); } for (AndroidLibrary library : libraries) { // We should only add .aar dependencies if they aren't already provided as modules. // For now, the way we associate them with each other is via the library name; // in the future the model will provide this for us String libraryName = null; String projectName = library.getProject(); if (projectName != null && !projectName.isEmpty()) { libraryName = projectName.substring(projectName.lastIndexOf(':') + 1); // Since this library has project!=null, it exists in module form; don't // add it here. moduleNames.add(libraryName); continue; } else { File folder = library.getFolder(); String name = folder.getName(); if (name.endsWith(DOT_AAR)) { libraryName = name.substring(0, name.length() - DOT_AAR.length()); } else if (folder.getPath().contains(EXPLODED_AAR)) { libraryName = folder.getParentFile().getName(); } } if (libraryName != null && !moduleNames.contains(libraryName)) { File resFolder = library.getResFolder(); if (resFolder.exists()) { files.add(resFolder); // Don't add it again! moduleNames.add(libraryName); } } } List<File> dirs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (File resFolder : files) { dirs.add(resFolder); } // Sort alphabetically to ensure that we keep a consistent order of these libraries; // otherwise when we jump from libraries initialized from IntelliJ library binary paths // to gradle project state, the order difference will cause the merged project resource // maps to have to be recomputed Collections.sort(dirs); return dirs; } private static void addGradleLibraries(List<AndroidLibrary> list, AndroidFacet facet) { IdeaAndroidProject gradleProject = facet.getIdeaAndroidProject(); if (gradleProject != null) { List<AndroidLibrary> libraries = gradleProject.getSelectedVariant().getMainArtifact().getDependencies().getLibraries(); Set<File> unique = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AndroidLibrary library : libraries) { addGradleLibrary(list, library, unique); } } } private static void addGradleLibrary(List<AndroidLibrary> list, AndroidLibrary library, Set<File> unique) { File folder = library.getFolder(); if (!unique.add(folder)) { return; } list.add(library); for (AndroidLibrary dependency : library.getLibraryDependencies()) { addGradleLibrary(list, dependency, unique); } } /** Returns the libraries among the app resources, if any */ @NotNull public List<LocalResourceRepository> getLibraries() { return myLibraries; } void updateRoots() { List<LocalResourceRepository> libraries = computeLibraries(myFacet); List<LocalResourceRepository> repositories = computeRepositories(myFacet, libraries); updateRoots(repositories, libraries); } @VisibleForTesting void updateRoots(List<LocalResourceRepository> resources, List<LocalResourceRepository> libraries) { if (resources.equals(myChildren)) { // Nothing changed (including order); nothing to do return; } myLibraries = libraries; setChildren(resources); } @VisibleForTesting @NotNull static AppResourceRepository createForTest(AndroidFacet facet, List<LocalResourceRepository> modules, List<LocalResourceRepository> libraries) { assert modules.containsAll(libraries); assert modules.size() == libraries.size() + 1; // should only combine with the module set repository return new AppResourceRepository(facet, modules, libraries); } @Nullable public FileResourceRepository findRepositoryFor(@NotNull File aarDirectory) { String aarPath = aarDirectory.getPath(); assert aarPath.endsWith(DOT_AAR) || aarPath.contains(EXPLODED_AAR) : aarPath; for (LocalResourceRepository r : myLibraries) { if (r instanceof FileResourceRepository) { FileResourceRepository repository = (FileResourceRepository)r; if (repository.getResourceDirectory().getPath().startsWith(aarPath)) { return repository; } } else { assert false : r.getClass(); } } return null; } // For LayoutlibCallback // Project resource ints are defined as 0x7FXX#### where XX is the resource type (layout, drawable, // etc...). Using FF as the type allows for 255 resource types before we get a collision // which should be fine. private static final int DYNAMIC_ID_SEED_START = 0x7fff0000; /** Map of (name, id) for resources of type {@link com.android.resources.ResourceType#ID} coming from R.java */ private Map<ResourceType, TObjectIntHashMap<String>> myResourceValueMap; /** Map of (id, [name, resType]) for all resources coming from R.java */ private TIntObjectHashMap<Pair<ResourceType, String>> myResIdValueToNameMap; /** Map of (int[], name) for styleable resources coming from R.java */ private Map<IntArrayWrapper, String> myStyleableValueToNameMap; private final TObjectIntHashMap<String> myName2DynamicIdMap = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); private final TIntObjectHashMap<Pair<ResourceType, String>> myDynamicId2ResourceMap = new TIntObjectHashMap<Pair<ResourceType, String>>(); private int myDynamicSeed = DYNAMIC_ID_SEED_START; private final IntArrayWrapper myWrapper = new IntArrayWrapper(null); @Nullable public Pair<ResourceType, String> resolveResourceId(int id) { Pair<ResourceType, String> result = null; if (myResIdValueToNameMap != null) { result = myResIdValueToNameMap.get(id); } if (result == null) { final Pair<ResourceType, String> pair = myDynamicId2ResourceMap.get(id); if (pair != null) { result = pair; } } return result; } @Nullable public String resolveStyleable(int[] id) { if (myStyleableValueToNameMap != null) { myWrapper.set(id); // A normal map lookup on int[] would only consider object identity, but the IntArrayWrapper // will check all the individual elements for equality. We reuse an instance for all the lookups // since we don't need a new one each time. return myStyleableValueToNameMap.get(myWrapper); } return null; } @Nullable public Integer getResourceId(ResourceType type, String name) { final TObjectIntHashMap<String> map = myResourceValueMap != null ? myResourceValueMap.get(type) : null; if (map == null || !map.containsKey(name)) { return getDynamicId(type, name); } return map.get(name); } private int getDynamicId(ResourceType type, String name) { synchronized (myName2DynamicIdMap) { if (myName2DynamicIdMap.containsKey(name)) { return myName2DynamicIdMap.get(name); } final int value = ++myDynamicSeed; myName2DynamicIdMap.put(name, value); myDynamicId2ResourceMap.put(value, Pair.of(type, name)); return value; } } public void setCompiledResources(TIntObjectHashMap<Pair<ResourceType, String>> id2res, Map<IntArrayWrapper, String> styleableId2name, Map<ResourceType, TObjectIntHashMap<String>> res2id) { // Regularly clear dynamic seed such that we don't run out of numbers (we only have 255) synchronized (myName2DynamicIdMap) { myDynamicSeed = DYNAMIC_ID_SEED_START; myName2DynamicIdMap.clear(); myDynamicId2ResourceMap.clear(); } myResourceValueMap = res2id; myResIdValueToNameMap = id2res; myStyleableValueToNameMap = styleableId2name; // AarResourceClassRegistry.get().clear(); } }