/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.support.v4.text.util; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import android.support.test.filters.SmallTest; import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4; import android.support.v4.util.PatternsCompat; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.style.URLSpan; import android.text.util.Linkify; import android.text.util.Linkify.MatchFilter; import android.text.util.Linkify.TransformFilter; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Test {@link LinkifyCompat}. */ @SmallTest @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class LinkifyCompatTest { private static final Pattern LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "(test:)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\\.pattern)?"); private MatchFilter mMatchFilterStartWithDot = new MatchFilter() { public final boolean acceptMatch(final CharSequence s, final int start, final int end) { if (start == 0) { return true; } if (s.charAt(start - 1) == '.') { return false; } return true; } }; private TransformFilter mTransformFilterUpperChar = new TransformFilter() { public final String transformUrl(final Matcher match, String url) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); String matchingRegion = match.group(); for (int i = 0, size = matchingRegion.length(); i < size; i++) { char character = matchingRegion.charAt(i); if (character == '.' || Character.isLowerCase(character) || Character.isDigit(character)) { buffer.append(character); } } return buffer.toString(); } }; @Test public void testAddLinksToSpannable() { // Verify URLs including the ones that have new gTLDs, and the // ones that look like gTLDs (and so are accepted by linkify) // and the ones that should not be linkified due to non-compliant // gTLDs final String longGTLD = "abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabc"; SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString("name@gmail.com, " + "www.google.com, http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en, " + "a.bd, " // a URL with accepted TLD so should be linkified + "d.e, f.1, g.12, " // not valid, so should not be linkified + "http://h." + longGTLD + " " // valid, should be linkified + "j." + longGTLD + "a"); // not a valid URL (gtld too long), no linkify assertTrue(LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, Linkify.WEB_URLS)); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); assertEquals(4, spans.length); assertEquals("http://www.google.com", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en", spans[1].getURL()); assertEquals("http://a.bd", spans[2].getURL()); assertEquals("http://h." + longGTLD, spans[3].getURL()); assertTrue(LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES)); spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); assertEquals(1, spans.length); assertEquals("mailto:name@gmail.com", spans[0].getURL()); try { LinkifyCompat.addLinks((Spannable) null, Linkify.WEB_URLS); fail("Should throw NullPointerException!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expect } assertFalse(LinkifyCompat.addLinks((Spannable) null, 0)); } @Test public void testAddLinksToSpannableWithScheme() { String text = "google.pattern, test:AZ0101.pattern"; SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString(text); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN, "Test:"); URLSpan[] spans = (spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class)); assertEquals(2, spans.length); assertEquals("test:google.pattern", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("test:AZ0101.pattern", spans[1].getURL()); try { LinkifyCompat.addLinks((Spannable) null, LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN, "Test:"); fail("Should throw NullPointerException!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, null, "Test:"); fail("Should throw NullPointerException!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } spannable = new SpannableString(text); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN, null); spans = (spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class)); assertEquals(2, spans.length); assertEquals("google.pattern", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("test:AZ0101.pattern", spans[1].getURL()); } @Test public void testAddLinks3() { String text = "FilterUpperCase.pattern, 12.345.pattern"; SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString(text); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN, "Test:", mMatchFilterStartWithDot, mTransformFilterUpperChar); URLSpan[] spans = (spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class)); assertEquals(2, spans.length); assertEquals("test:ilterpperase.pattern", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("test:12", spans[1].getURL()); try { LinkifyCompat.addLinks((Spannable)null, LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN, "Test:", mMatchFilterStartWithDot, mTransformFilterUpperChar); fail("Should throw NullPointerException!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expect } try { LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, null, "Test:", mMatchFilterStartWithDot, mTransformFilterUpperChar); fail("Should throw NullPointerException!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expect } spannable = new SpannableString(text); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN, null, mMatchFilterStartWithDot, mTransformFilterUpperChar); spans = (spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class)); assertEquals(2, spans.length); assertEquals("ilterpperase.pattern", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("12", spans[1].getURL()); spannable = new SpannableString(text); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN, "Test:", null, mTransformFilterUpperChar); spans = (spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class)); assertEquals(3, spans.length); assertEquals("test:ilterpperase.pattern", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("test:12", spans[1].getURL()); assertEquals("test:345.pattern", spans[2].getURL()); spannable = new SpannableString(text); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, LINKIFY_TEST_PATTERN, "Test:", mMatchFilterStartWithDot, null); spans = (spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class)); assertEquals(2, spans.length); assertEquals("test:FilterUpperCase.pattern", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("test:12", spans[1].getURL()); } @Test public void testAddLinksPhoneNumbers() { String numbersInvalid = "123456789 not a phone number"; String numbersUKLocal = "tel:(0812)1234560 (0812)1234561"; String numbersUSLocal = "tel:(812)1234562 (812)123.4563 " + " tel:(800)5551210 (800)555-1211 555-1212"; String numbersIntl = "tel:+4408121234564 +44-0812-123-4565" + " tel:+18005551213 +1-800-555-1214"; SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString( numbersInvalid + " " + numbersUKLocal + " " + numbersUSLocal + " " + numbersIntl); // phonenumber linkify is locale-dependent if (Locale.US.equals(Locale.getDefault())) { assertTrue(LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS)); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); // We cannot assert the contents of the spans as support library falls back to the // framework libphonenumber which behaves differently for different API levels. assertNotEquals("There should be more than zero phone number spans.", 0, spans.length); } try { LinkifyCompat.addLinks((Spannable) null, Linkify.WEB_URLS); fail("Should throw NullPointerException!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expect } assertFalse(LinkifyCompat.addLinks((Spannable) null, 0)); } @Test public void testAddLinks_spanOverlapPruning() { SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString("800-555-1211@gmail.com 800-555-1222.com" + " phone800-555-1233"); // phonenumber linkify is locale-dependent if (Locale.US.equals(Locale.getDefault())) { assertTrue(LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, Linkify.ALL)); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); assertEquals(3, spans.length); assertEquals("tel:8005551233", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("mailto:800-555-1211@gmail.com", spans[1].getURL()); assertEquals("http://800-555-1222.com", spans[2].getURL()); } } @Test public void testAddLinks_addsLinksWhenDefaultSchemeIsNull() { Spannable spannable = new SpannableString("any https://android.com any android.com any"); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, PatternsCompat.AUTOLINK_WEB_URL, null, null, null); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); assertEquals("android.com and https://android.com should be linkified", 2, spans.length); assertEquals("https://android.com", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("android.com", spans[1].getURL()); } @Test public void testAddLinks_addsLinksWhenSchemesArrayIsNull() { Spannable spannable = new SpannableString("any https://android.com any android.com any"); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, PatternsCompat.AUTOLINK_WEB_URL, "http://", null, null); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); assertEquals("android.com and https://android.com should be linkified", 2, spans.length); // expected behavior, passing null schemes array means: prepend defaultScheme to all links. assertEquals("http://https://android.com", spans[0].getURL()); assertEquals("http://android.com", spans[1].getURL()); } @Test public void testAddLinks_prependsDefaultSchemeToBeginingOfLink() { Spannable spannable = new SpannableString("any android.com any"); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, PatternsCompat.AUTOLINK_WEB_URL, "http://", new String[] { "http://", "https://"}, null, null); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); assertEquals("android.com should be linkified", 1, spans.length); assertEquals("http://android.com", spans[0].getURL()); } @Test public void testAddLinks_doesNotPrependSchemeIfSchemeExists() { Spannable spannable = new SpannableString("any https://android.com any"); LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, PatternsCompat.AUTOLINK_WEB_URL, "http://", new String[] { "http://", "https://"}, null, null); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); assertEquals("android.com should be linkified", 1, spans.length); assertEquals("https://android.com", spans[0].getURL()); } // WEB_URLS Related Tests @Test public void testAddLinks_doesNotAddLinksForUrlWithoutProtocolAndWithoutKnownTld() { Spannable spannable = new SpannableString("hey man.its me"); boolean linksAdded = LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, Linkify.ALL); assertFalse("Should not add link with unknown TLD", linksAdded); } @Test public void testAddLinks_shouldNotAddEmailAddressAsUrl() { String url = "name@gmail.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlFails("Should not recognize email address as URL", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_acceptsUrlsWithCommasInRequestParameterValues() { String url = "https://android.com/path?ll=37.4221,-122.0836&z=17&pll=37.4221,-122.0836"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should accept commas", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_addsLinksForUrlWithProtocolWithoutTld() { String url = "http://android/#notld///a/n/d/r/o/i/d&p1=1&p2=2"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should accept URL starting with protocol but does not" + " have TLD", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesProtocolCaseInsensitive() { String url = "hTtP://android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Protocol matching should be case insensitive", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesValidUrlWithSchemeAndHostname() { String url = "http://www.android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match valid URL with scheme and hostname", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesValidUrlWithSchemeHostnameAndNewTld() { String url = "http://www.android.me"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match valid URL with scheme hostname and new TLD", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesValidUrlWithHostnameAndNewTld() { String url = "android.camera"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match valid URL with hostname and new TLD", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesPunycodeUrl() { String url = "http://xn--fsqu00a.xn--unup4y"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match Punycode URL", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesPunycodeUrlWithoutProtocol() { String url = "xn--fsqu00a.xn--unup4y"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match Punycode URL without protocol", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_doesNotMatchPunycodeTldThatStartsWithDash() { String url = "xn--fsqu00a.-xn--unup4y"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlFails("Should not match Punycode TLD that starts with dash", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_partiallyMatchesPunycodeTldThatEndsWithDash() { String url = "http://xn--fsqu00a.xn--unup4y-"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlPartiallyMatches("Should partially match Punycode TLD that ends " + "with dash", "http://xn--fsqu00a.xn--unup4y", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesUrlWithUnicodeDomainName() { String url = "http://\uD604\uAE08\uC601\uC218\uC99D.kr"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL with Unicode domain name", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesUrlWithUnicodeDomainNameWithoutProtocol() { String url = "\uD604\uAE08\uC601\uC218\uC99D.kr"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL without protocol and with Unicode " + "domain name", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesUrlWithUnicodeDomainNameAndTld() { String url = "\uB3C4\uBA54\uC778.\uD55C\uAD6D"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL with Unicode domain name and TLD", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesUrlWithUnicodePath() { String url = "http://android.com/\u2019/a"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL with Unicode path", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesValidUrlWithPort() { String url = "http://www.example.com:8080"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL with port", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesUrlWithPortAndQuery() { String url = "http://www.example.com:8080/?foo=bar"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL with port and query", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesUrlWithTilde() { String url = "http://www.example.com:8080/~user/?foo=bar"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL with tilde", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesUrlStartingWithHttpAndDoesNotHaveTld() { String url = "http://android/#notld///a/n/d/r/o/i/d&p1=1&p2=2"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL without a TLD and starting with http", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_doesNotMatchUrlsWithoutProtocolAndWithUnknownTld() { String url = "thank.you"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlFails("Should not match URL that does not start with a protocol " + "and does not contain a known TLD", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesValidUrlWithEmoji() { String url = "Thank\u263A.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match URL with emoji", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_doesNotMatchUrlsWithEmojiWithoutProtocolAndWithoutKnownTld() { String url = "Thank\u263A.you"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlFails("Should not match URLs containing emoji and with unknown " + "TLD", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesDomainNameWithSurrogatePairs() { String url = "android\uD83C\uDF38.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match domain name with Unicode surrogate pairs", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesTldWithSurrogatePairs() { String url = "http://android.\uD83C\uDF38com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match TLD with Unicode surrogate pairs", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_doesNotMatchUrlWithExcludedSurrogate() { String url = "android\uD83F\uDFFE.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlFails("Should not match URL with excluded Unicode surrogate" + " pair", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesPathWithSurrogatePairs() { String url = "http://android.com/path-with-\uD83C\uDF38?v=\uD83C\uDF38f"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match path and query with Unicode surrogate pairs", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks__doesNotMatchUnicodeSpaces() { String part1 = "http://and"; String part2 = "roid.com"; String[] emptySpaces = new String[]{ "\u00A0", // no-break space "\u2000", // en quad "\u2001", // em quad "\u2002", // en space "\u2003", // em space "\u2004", // three-per-em space "\u2005", // four-per-em space "\u2006", // six-per-em space "\u2007", // figure space "\u2008", // punctuation space "\u2009", // thin space "\u200A", // hair space "\u2028", // line separator "\u2029", // paragraph separator "\u202F", // narrow no-break space "\u3000" // ideographic space }; for (String emptySpace : emptySpaces) { String url = part1 + emptySpace + part2; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlPartiallyMatches("Should not include empty space with code: " + emptySpace.codePointAt(0), part1, url); } } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesDomainNameWithDash() { String url = "http://a-nd.r-oid.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match domain name with '-'", url); url = "a-nd.r-oid.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match domain name with '-'", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesDomainNameWithUnderscore() { String url = "http://a_nd.r_oid.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match domain name with '_'", url); url = "a_nd.r_oid.com"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match domain name with '_'", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesPathAndQueryWithDollarSign() { String url = "http://android.com/path$?v=$val"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match path and query with '$'", url); url = "android.com/path$?v=$val"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match path and query with '$'", url); } @Test public void testAddLinks_matchesEmptyPathWithQueryParams() { String url = "http://android.com?q=v"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match empty path with query params", url); url = "android.com?q=v"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match empty path with query params", url); url = "http://android.com/?q=v"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match empty path with query params", url); url = "android.com/?q=v"; verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds("Should match empty path with query params", url); } // EMAIL_ADDRESSES Related Tests @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesShortValidEmail() { String email = "a@a.co"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesRegularEmail() { String email = "email@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesEmailWithMultipleSubdomains() { String email = "email@e.somelongdomainnameforandroid.abc.uk"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartWithDot() { String email = "e.mail@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartWithPlus() { String email = "e+mail@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartWithUnderscore() { String email = "e_mail@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartWithDash() { String email = "e-mail@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartWithApostrophe() { String email = "e'mail@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartWithDigits() { String email = "123@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesUnicodeLocalPart() { String email = "\uD604\uAE08\uC601\uC218\uC99D@android.kr"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartWithEmoji() { String email = "smiley\u263A@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartWithSurrogatePairs() { String email = "a\uD83C\uDF38a@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesDomainWithDash() { String email = "email@an-droid.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesUnicodeDomain() { String email = "email@\uD604\uAE08\uC601\uC218\uC99D.kr"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesUnicodeLocalPartAndDomain() { String email = "\uD604\uAE08\uC601\uC218\uC99D@\uD604\uAE08\uC601\uC218\uC99D.kr"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesDomainWithEmoji() { String email = "smiley@\u263Aandroid.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesDomainWithSurrogatePairs() { String email = "email@\uD83C\uDF38android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartAndDomainWithSurrogatePairs() { String email = "a\uD83C\uDF38a@\uD83C\uDF38android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_partiallyMatchesEmailEndingWithDot() { String email = "email@android.co.uk."; verifyAddLinksWithEmailPartiallyMatches("Should partially match email ending with dot", "mailto:email@android.co.uk", email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_partiallyMatchesLocalPartStartingWithDot() { String email = ".email@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailPartiallyMatches("Should partially match email starting " + "with dot", "mailto:email@android.com", email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_doesNotMatchStringWithoutAtSign() { String email = "android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_doesNotMatchPlainString() { String email = "email"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_doesNotMatchEmailWithoutTld() { String email = "email@android"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_doesNotMatchLocalPartEndingWithDot() { String email = "email.@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_doesNotMatchDomainStartingWithDash() { String email = "email@-android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_doesNotMatchDomainWithConsecutiveDots() { String email = "email@android..com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_doesNotMatchEmailWithIp() { String email = "email@"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_doesNotMatchEmailWithInvalidTld() { String email = "email@android.c"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email: " + email, email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesLocalPartUpTo64Chars() { String localPart = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { localPart += "a"; } String email = localPart + "@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email local part of length: " + localPart.length(), email); email = localPart + "a@android.com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email local part of length:" + localPart.length(), email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesSubdomainUpTo63Chars() { String subdomain = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 63; i++) { subdomain += "a"; } String email = "email@" + subdomain + ".com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email subdomain of length: " + subdomain.length(), email); subdomain += "a"; email = "email@" + subdomain + ".com"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email subdomain of length:" + subdomain.length(), email); } @Test public void testAddLinks_email_matchesDomainUpTo255Chars() { String domain = ""; while (domain.length() <= 250) { domain += "d."; } domain += "com"; assertEquals(255, domain.length()); String email = "a@" + domain; verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds("Should match email domain of length: " + domain.length(), email); email = email + "m"; verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails("Should not match email domain of length:" + domain.length(), email); } // Utility functions private static void verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlSucceeds(String msg, String url) { verifyAddLinksSucceeds(msg, url, Linkify.WEB_URLS); } private static void verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlFails(String msg, String url) { verifyAddLinksFails(msg, url, Linkify.WEB_URLS); } private static void verifyAddLinksWithWebUrlPartiallyMatches(String msg, String expected, String url) { verifyAddLinksPartiallyMatches(msg, expected, url, Linkify.WEB_URLS); } private static void verifyAddLinksWithEmailSucceeds(String msg, String url) { verifyAddLinksSucceeds(msg, url, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES); } private static void verifyAddLinksWithEmailFails(String msg, String url) { verifyAddLinksFails(msg, url, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES); } private static void verifyAddLinksWithEmailPartiallyMatches(String msg, String expected, String url) { verifyAddLinksPartiallyMatches(msg, expected, url, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES); } private static void verifyAddLinksSucceeds(String msg, String string, int type) { String str = "start " + string + " end"; Spannable spannable = new SpannableString(str); boolean linksAdded = LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, type); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, str.length(), URLSpan.class); assertTrue(msg, linksAdded); assertEquals("Span should start from the beginning of: " + string, "start ".length(), spannable.getSpanStart(spans[0])); assertEquals("Span should end at the end of: " + string, str.length() - " end".length(), spannable.getSpanEnd(spans[0])); } private static void verifyAddLinksFails(String msg, String string, int type) { Spannable spannable = new SpannableString("start " + string + " end"); boolean linksAdded = LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, type); assertFalse(msg, linksAdded); } private static void verifyAddLinksPartiallyMatches(String msg, String expected, String string, int type) { Spannable spannable = new SpannableString("start " + string + " end"); boolean linksAdded = LinkifyCompat.addLinks(spannable, type); URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class); assertTrue(msg, linksAdded); assertEquals(msg, expected, spans[0].getURL().toString()); } }