/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * $Id: ReportProcessor.java,v 2004/07/16 23:32:29 vlad_r Exp $ */ package com.vladium.emma.report; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import com.vladium.logging.Logger; import com.vladium.util.Files; import com.vladium.util.IConstants; import com.vladium.util.IProperties; import com.vladium.util.Strings; import com.vladium.util.asserts.$assert; import com.vladium.util.exception.Exceptions; import com.vladium.emma.IAppConstants; import com.vladium.emma.IAppErrorCodes; import com.vladium.emma.EMMARuntimeException; import com.vladium.emma.Processor; import com.vladium.emma.data.DataFactory; import com.vladium.emma.data.ICoverageData; import com.vladium.emma.data.IMergeable; import com.vladium.emma.data.IMetaData; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * This class was not meant to be public by design. It is made to to work around * access bugs in reflective invocations. */ /** * @author Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003 */ public final class ReportProcessor extends Processor implements IAppErrorCodes { // public: ................................................................ public static ReportProcessor create () { return new ReportProcessor (); } /** * * @param path [null is equivalent to an empty array] */ public synchronized final void setDataPath (final String [] path) { if ((path == null) || (path.length == 0)) m_dataPath = IConstants.EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY; else m_dataPath = Files.pathToFiles (path, true); } /** * @param path [null is equivalent to no source path] */ public synchronized void setSourcePath (final String [] path) { if (path == null) m_sourcePath = null; else m_sourcePath = Files.pathToFiles (path, true); // always canonicalize source path } /** * * @param types [may not be null] */ public synchronized void setReportTypes (final String [] types) { if (types == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: types"); final String [] reportTypes = Strings.removeDuplicates (types, true); if (reportTypes.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("empty input: types"); if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (reportTypes != null && reportTypes.length > 0); final IReportGenerator [] reportGenerators = new IReportGenerator [reportTypes.length]; for (int t = 0; t < reportTypes.length; ++ t) { reportGenerators [t] = AbstractReportGenerator.create (reportTypes [t]); } m_reportGenerators = reportGenerators; } // protected: ............................................................. protected void validateState () { super.validateState (); if (m_dataPath == null) throw new IllegalStateException ("data path not set"); // [m_sourcePath can be null] if ((m_reportGenerators == null) || (m_reportGenerators.length == 0)) throw new IllegalStateException ("report types not set"); // [m_propertyOverrides can be null] } protected void _run (final IProperties toolProperties) { final Logger log = m_log; final boolean verbose = m_log.atVERBOSE (); if (verbose) { log.verbose (IAppConstants.APP_VERBOSE_BUILD_ID); // [assertion: m_dataPath != null] log.verbose ("input data path:"); log.verbose ("{"); for (int p = 0; p < m_dataPath.length; ++ p) { final File f = m_dataPath [p]; final String nonexistent = f.exists () ? "" : "{nonexistent} "; log.verbose (" " + nonexistent + f.getAbsolutePath ()); } log.verbose ("}"); if ((m_sourcePath == null) || (m_sourcePath.length == 0)) { log.verbose ("source path not set"); } else { log.verbose ("source path:"); log.verbose ("{"); for (int p = 0; p < m_sourcePath.length; ++ p) { final File f = m_sourcePath [p]; final String nonexistent = f.exists () ? "" : "{nonexistent} "; log.verbose (" " + nonexistent + f.getAbsolutePath ()); } log.verbose ("}"); } } else { log.info ("processing input files ..."); } RuntimeException failure = null; try { final long start = log.atINFO () ? System.currentTimeMillis () : 0; IMetaData mdata = null; ICoverageData cdata = null; // merge all data files: try { for (int f = 0; f < m_dataPath.length; ++ f) { final File dataFile = m_dataPath [f]; if (verbose) log.verbose ("processing input file [" + dataFile.getAbsolutePath () + "] ..."); final IMergeable [] fileData = DataFactory.load (dataFile); final IMetaData _mdata = (IMetaData) fileData [DataFactory.TYPE_METADATA]; if (_mdata != null) { if (verbose) log.verbose (" loaded " + _mdata.size () + " metadata entries"); if (mdata == null) mdata = _mdata; else mdata = (IMetaData) mdata.merge (_mdata); // note: later datapath entries override earlier ones } final ICoverageData _cdata = (ICoverageData) fileData [DataFactory.TYPE_COVERAGEDATA]; if (_cdata != null) { if (verbose) log.verbose (" loaded " + _cdata.size () + " coverage data entries"); if (cdata == null) cdata = _cdata; else cdata = (ICoverageData) cdata.merge (_cdata); // note: later datapath entries override earlier ones } ++ m_dataFileCount; } if (log.atINFO ()) { final long end = System.currentTimeMillis (); log.info (m_dataFileCount + " file(s) read and merged in " + (end - start) + " ms"); } if ((mdata == null) || mdata.isEmpty ()) { log.warning ("nothing to do: no metadata found in any of the data files"); return; } if (cdata == null) { log.warning ("nothing to do: no runtime coverage data found in any of the data files"); return; } if (cdata.isEmpty ()) { log.warning ("no collected coverage data found in any of the data files [all reports will be empty]"); } if (verbose) { if (mdata != null) { log.verbose (" merged metadata contains " + mdata.size () + " entries"); } if (cdata != null) { log.verbose (" merged coverage data contains " + cdata.size () + " entries"); } } SourcePathCache srcpathCache = null; if (m_sourcePath != null) srcpathCache = new SourcePathCache (m_sourcePath, true); // ignore non-existent source dirs for (int g = 0; g < m_reportGenerators.length; ++ g) { final IReportGenerator generator = m_reportGenerators [g]; try { // no shallow copies of 'mdata' or 'cdata' are needed here // because this command never runs in a concurrent situation generator.process (mdata, cdata, srcpathCache, toolProperties); } catch (Throwable t) { // TODO: handle and continue t.printStackTrace (System.out); // TODO: continue here break; } finally { try { generator.cleanup (); } catch (Throwable ignore) {} } } } catch (IOException ioe) { // TODO: handle ioe.printStackTrace (System.out); } } catch (SecurityException se) { failure = new EMMARuntimeException (SECURITY_RESTRICTION, new String [] {IAppConstants.APP_NAME}, se); } catch (RuntimeException re) { failure = re; } finally { reset (); } if (failure != null) { if (Exceptions.unexpectedFailure (failure, EXPECTED_FAILURES)) { throw new EMMARuntimeException (UNEXPECTED_FAILURE, new Object [] {failure.toString (), IAppConstants.APP_BUG_REPORT_LINK}, failure); } else throw failure; } } // package: ............................................................... // private: ............................................................... private ReportProcessor () { m_dataPath = IConstants.EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY; } private void reset () { m_dataFileCount = 0; } // caller-settable state [scoped to this runner instance]: private File [] m_dataPath; // required to be non-null for run() private File [] m_sourcePath; // can be null/empty for run() private IReportGenerator [] m_reportGenerators; // required to be non-null for run() // internal run()-scoped state: private int m_dataFileCount; private static final Class [] EXPECTED_FAILURES; // set in <clinit> static { EXPECTED_FAILURES = new Class [] { EMMARuntimeException.class, IllegalArgumentException.class, IllegalStateException.class, }; } } // end of class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------