/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * $Id: MetaData.java,v 2004/07/16 23:32:29 vlad_r Exp $ */ package com.vladium.emma.data; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import com.vladium.logging.Logger; import com.vladium.util.asserts.$assert; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Average mem size/class entry: 6166 bytes [1.4.1, rt.jar], 5764 bytes [1.3.1, rt.jar] */ /** * @author Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003 */ final class MetaData implements IMetaData, Cloneable { // public: ................................................................ // TODO: MT-safety model // TODO: no duplicate detection is done here at the moment // [may require supporting fast lookup for already added descriptors] public IMetaData shallowCopy () { final MetaData _clone; try { _clone = (MetaData) super.clone (); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) { throw new Error (cnse.toString ()); } final HashMap _classMap; synchronized (lock ()) { _classMap = (HashMap) m_classMap.clone (); } // [m_packagesWarned is not cloned by design] _clone.m_classMap = _classMap; return _clone; } public CoverageOptions getOptions () { return m_options; } public int size () { return m_classMap.size (); } public boolean hasSrcFileData () { return m_hasSrcFileInfo; } public boolean hasLineNumberData () { return m_hasLineNumberInfo; } public Iterator iterator () { return m_classMap.values ().iterator (); } // public boolean hasDescriptor (final ClassDescriptor cls) // { // if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (cls != null, "cls is null"); // // return m_classes.contains (cls); // } public boolean hasDescriptor (final String classVMName) { if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (classVMName != null, "className is null"); return m_classMap.containsKey (classVMName); } public Object lock () { return m_classMap; } public boolean add (final ClassDescriptor cls, final boolean overwrite) { if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (cls != null, "cls is null"); final String classVMName = cls.getClassVMName (); if (overwrite || ! m_classMap.containsKey (classVMName)) { m_classMap.put (classVMName, cls); boolean incompleteDebugInfo = false; if (! cls.hasSrcFileInfo ()) { m_hasSrcFileInfo = false; incompleteDebugInfo = true; } if (! cls.hasCompleteLineNumberInfo ()) { m_hasLineNumberInfo = false; incompleteDebugInfo = true; } // SF FR 971176: provide user with sample classes that may later // caused warnings about line coverage not available if (incompleteDebugInfo) { final Logger log = Logger.getLogger (); if (log.atINFO ()) { final String packageVMName = cls.getPackageVMName (); if (m_packagesWarned.add (packageVMName)) { log.info ("package [" + packageVMName + "] contains classes [" + cls.getName () + "] without full debug info"); } } } return true; } return false; } // IMergeable: public boolean isEmpty () { return m_classMap.isEmpty (); } /* * note: rhs entries must override current entries */ public IMergeable merge (final IMergeable rhs) { if ((rhs == null) || rhs.isEmpty () || (rhs == this)) return this; else { final MetaData rhsmdata = (MetaData) rhs; // TODO: redesign to avoid this cast? final Map rhsclasses = rhsmdata.m_classMap; // rhs entries always override existing content: for (Iterator entries = rhsclasses.entrySet ().iterator (); entries.hasNext (); ) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entries.next (); final String classVMName = (String) entry.getKey (); final Object rhsdescriptor = entry.getValue (); m_classMap.put (classVMName, rhsdescriptor); } // update debug info flags if necessary: if (! rhsmdata.hasSrcFileData ()) m_hasSrcFileInfo = false; if (! rhsmdata.hasLineNumberData ()) m_hasLineNumberInfo = false; return this; } } // protected: ............................................................. // package: ............................................................... MetaData (final CoverageOptions options) { if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (options != null, "options is null"); m_options = options; m_hasSrcFileInfo = true; m_hasLineNumberInfo = true; m_classMap = new HashMap (); m_packagesWarned = new HashSet (); } static MetaData readExternal (final DataInput in) throws IOException { final CoverageOptions options = CoverageOptions.readExternal (in); final boolean hasSrcFileInfo = in.readBoolean (); final boolean hasLineNumberInfo = in.readBoolean (); final int size = in.readInt (); final HashMap classMap = new HashMap (size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++ i) { final String classVMName = in.readUTF (); final ClassDescriptor cls = ClassDescriptor.readExternal (in); classMap.put (classVMName, cls); } // [m_packagesWarned is not part of persisted state] return new MetaData (options, classMap, hasSrcFileInfo, hasLineNumberInfo); } static void writeExternal (final MetaData mdata, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { CoverageOptions.writeExternal (mdata.m_options, out); out.writeBoolean (mdata.m_hasSrcFileInfo); out.writeBoolean (mdata.m_hasLineNumberInfo); final Map classMap = mdata.m_classMap; final int size = classMap.size (); out.writeInt (size); // too bad the capacity is not visible final Iterator entries = classMap.entrySet ().iterator (); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++ i) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entries.next (); final String classVMName = (String) entry.getKey (); final ClassDescriptor cls = (ClassDescriptor) entry.getValue (); out.writeUTF (classVMName); ClassDescriptor.writeExternal (cls, out); } // [m_packagesWarned is not part of persisted state] } // private: ............................................................... private MetaData (final CoverageOptions options, final HashMap classMap, final boolean hasSrcFileInfo, final boolean hasLineNumberInfo) { if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (options != null, "options is null"); m_options = options; m_hasSrcFileInfo = hasSrcFileInfo; m_hasLineNumberInfo = hasLineNumberInfo; m_classMap = classMap; } private final CoverageOptions m_options; // [never null] private boolean m_hasSrcFileInfo, m_hasLineNumberInfo; private /*final*/ HashMap /* classVMName:String->ClassDescriptor */ m_classMap; // [never null] private /*final*/ transient HashSet /* packageVMName:String */ m_packagesWarned; // [never null] } // end of class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------