/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * $Id: MethodDescriptor.java,v 2004/07/10 03:34:52 vlad_r Exp $ */ package com.vladium.emma.data; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import com.vladium.util.IConstants; import com.vladium.util.IntObjectMap; import com.vladium.util.IntSet; import com.vladium.util.asserts.$assert; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @author Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003 */ public final class MethodDescriptor implements IConstants, IMetadataConstants, Serializable { // public: ................................................................ // need a separate 'blockCount' parm because 'blockMap' could be null // and for a class that is never loaded I can't find out the number of // blocks for block coverage reporting public MethodDescriptor (final String name, final String descriptor, final int status, final int [] blockSizes, final int [][] blockMap, final int firstLine) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: name"); if (descriptor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: descriptor"); if ((status & METHOD_NO_BLOCK_DATA) == 0) { // block metadata is available: blockCount must be positive final int blockCount = blockSizes.length; if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (blockCount > 0, "blockCount must be positive: " + blockCount); m_blockSizes = blockSizes; if ((status & METHOD_NO_LINE_DATA) == 0) { // line metadata is available: blockMap must not be null or empty if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (firstLine > 0, "firstLine must be positive: " + firstLine); if ((blockMap == null) || (blockMap.length == 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null or empty input: blockMap"); if ($assert.ENABLED) { $assert.ASSERT (blockCount == blockMap.length, "blockCount " + blockCount + " != blockMap.length " + blockMap.length); for (int i = 0; i < blockMap.length; ++ i) { $assert.ASSERT (blockMap [i] != null, "blockMap[" + i + "] is null"); // note: it is legal for blockMap [i] to be empty } } m_blockMap = blockMap; m_firstLine = firstLine; } else { m_blockMap = null; m_firstLine = 0; } } else { m_blockSizes = null; m_blockMap = null; m_firstLine = 0; } m_name = name; m_descriptor = descriptor; m_status = status; } public String getName () { return m_name; } public String getDescriptor () { return m_descriptor; } public int getStatus () { return m_status; } public int getBlockCount () { return m_blockSizes.length; } public int [] getBlockSizes () { return m_blockSizes; } public int [][] getBlockMap () { return m_blockMap; } public IntObjectMap /* line no->int[](blockIDs) */ getLineMap () { IntObjectMap lineMap = m_lineMap; if (lineMap != null) return lineMap; else if ((m_status & METHOD_NO_LINE_DATA) == 0) { // construct reverse line->block ID mapping: lineMap = new IntObjectMap (); final int [][] blockMap = m_blockMap; for (int bl = 0, blCount = blockMap.length; bl < blCount; ++ bl) { final int [] lines = blockMap [bl]; if (lines != null) { final int lineCount = lines.length; for (int l = 0; l < lineCount; ++ l) { final int line = lines [l]; IntSet blockIDs = (IntSet) lineMap.get (line); if (blockIDs == null) { blockIDs = new IntSet (); lineMap.put (line, blockIDs); } blockIDs.add (bl); } } } final int [] lines = lineMap.keys (); for (int l = 0, lineCount = lines.length; l < lineCount; ++ l) { final int line = lines [l]; final int [] blockIDs = ((IntSet) lineMap.get (line)).values (); if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (blockIDs != null && blockIDs.length > 0, "wrong line mapping for line #" + line); lineMap.put (line, blockIDs); // overwrite IntSet as the value } m_lineMap = lineMap; return lineMap; } return null; } public int getFirstLine () { return m_firstLine; } public boolean hasLineNumberInfo () { return (m_status & METHOD_NO_LINE_DATA) == 0; } public String toString () { return toString (""); } public String toString (final String indent) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer (indent + "method [" + m_name + "] descriptor:"); if ((m_status & METHOD_NO_LINE_DATA) == 0) { for (int bl = 0; bl < m_blockMap.length; ++ bl) { s.append (EOL); s.append (indent + INDENT_INCREMENT + "block " + bl + " (" + m_blockSizes [bl] + " instrs) : "); final int [] lines = m_blockMap [bl]; for (int l = 0; l < lines.length; ++ l) { if (l != 0) s.append (", "); s.append (lines [l]); } } s.append (EOL); s.append (indent + INDENT_INCREMENT + "---"); final int [] lines = m_lineMap.keys (); for (int l = 0; l < lines.length; ++ l) { s.append (EOL); s.append (indent + INDENT_INCREMENT + "line " + lines [l] + ": "); final int [] blocks = (int []) m_lineMap.get (lines [l]); for (int bl = 0; bl < blocks.length; ++ bl) { if (bl != 0) s.append (", "); s.append (blocks [bl]); } } } else { s.append (" <no line info>"); } return s.toString (); } // protected: ............................................................. // package: ............................................................... static MethodDescriptor readExternal (final DataInput in) throws IOException { final String name = in.readUTF (); final String descriptor = in.readUTF (); final int status = in.readInt (); int [] blockSizes = null; int [][] blockMap = null; int firstLine = 0; if ((status & METHOD_NO_BLOCK_DATA) == 0) { // blockSizes must be set: blockSizes = DataFactory.readIntArray (in); if ((status & METHOD_NO_LINE_DATA) == 0) { // blockMap, lineMap, firstLine must be set: final int length = in.readInt (); blockMap = new int [length][]; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++ i) { blockMap [i] = DataFactory.readIntArray (in); } firstLine = in.readInt (); // [lineMap is transient data] } } return new MethodDescriptor (name, descriptor, status, blockSizes, blockMap, firstLine); } static void writeExternal (final MethodDescriptor method, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF (method.m_name); out.writeUTF (method.m_descriptor); final int status = method.m_status; out.writeInt (status); if ((status & METHOD_NO_BLOCK_DATA) == 0) { // blockSizes must be set: DataFactory.writeIntArray (method.m_blockSizes, out); if ((status & METHOD_NO_LINE_DATA) == 0) { // blockMap, lineMap, firstLine must be set: final int [][] blockMap = method.m_blockMap; final int length = blockMap.length; out.writeInt (length); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++ i) { DataFactory.writeIntArray (blockMap [i], out); } out.writeInt (method.m_firstLine); // [lineMap is transient data] } } } // private: ............................................................... private final String m_name; // internal JVM name (<init>, <clinit> for initializers, etc) [never null] private final String m_descriptor; // [never null] private final int m_status; // excluded, no debug data, etc private final int [] m_blockSizes; // always of positive length if ((status & METHOD_NO_BLOCK_DATA) == 0) private final int [][] m_blockMap; // [never null or empty if status is ...] private final int m_firstLine; // 0 if not src line info is available private IntObjectMap /* line no->int[](blockIDs) */ m_lineMap; // created lazily [could be empty if status ...] } // end of class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------