/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * $Id: IItemAttribute.java,v 2004/07/10 19:08:50 vlad_r Exp $ */ package com.vladium.emma.report; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Comparator; import com.vladium.util.asserts.$assert; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @author Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003 */ public interface IItemAttribute { // public: ................................................................ // TODO: this modeling (units is an independent axis) is not ideal, because // not all of the attributes have meaningful separation by unit type // note: the ordering is consistent with code in Factory: int ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID = 0; int ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_COVERAGE_ID = 1; int ATTRIBUTE_METHOD_COVERAGE_ID = 2; int ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK_COVERAGE_ID = 3; int ATTRIBUTE_LINE_COVERAGE_ID = 4; // note: the ordering is consistent with code in Factory and SrcFileItem: int UNITS_COUNT = 0; int UNITS_INSTR = 1; Comparator /* IItem */ comparator (); String getName (); void format (IItem item, StringBuffer appendTo); boolean passes (IItem item, int criterion); // ideally, criteria should come from a double-dispatched API abstract class Factory { public static IItemAttribute getAttribute (final int attributeID, final int unitsID) { if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (attributeID >= ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID && attributeID <= ATTRIBUTE_LINE_COVERAGE_ID, "invalid attribute ID: " + attributeID); if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (unitsID >= UNITS_COUNT && unitsID <= UNITS_INSTR, "invalid units ID: " + unitsID); return ATTRIBUTES [unitsID][attributeID]; } public static IItemAttribute [] getAttributes (final int unitsID) { if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (unitsID >= UNITS_COUNT && unitsID <= UNITS_INSTR, "invalid units ID: " + unitsID); return (IItemAttribute []) ATTRIBUTES [unitsID].clone (); } private static abstract class Attribute implements IItemAttribute { public String getName () { return m_name; } protected Attribute (final String name) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: name"); m_name = name; } private final String m_name; } // end of nested class private static final class NameAttribute extends Attribute implements IItemAttribute { public Comparator comparator () { return m_comparator; } public void format (final IItem item, final StringBuffer appendTo) { appendTo.append (item.getName ()); } public boolean passes (final IItem item, final int criterion) { return true; // names always pass [for now] } private static final class NameComparator implements Comparator { public int compare (final Object l, final Object g) { final IItem il = (IItem) l; final IItem ig = (IItem) g; return il.getName ().compareTo (ig.getName ()); } } // end of nested class NameAttribute (final String name) { super (name); m_comparator = new NameComparator (); } private final Comparator m_comparator; } // end of nested class private static final class FractionAttribute extends Attribute implements IItemAttribute { public Comparator comparator () { return m_comparator; } public void format (final IItem item, final StringBuffer appendTo) { final int n = item.getAggregate (m_numeratorAggregateID); final double n_scaled = (double) n / m_scale; final int d = item.getAggregate (m_denominatorAggregateID); // d can be 0 legally: the compiler can generate classes with no methods in them [happens with synthetic classes, for example] //if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (d > 0, "[attr ID = " + m_denominatorAggregateID + "] invalid denominator: " + d); final int appendToStart = appendTo.length (); if (d == 0) m_format.format (1.0F, appendTo, m_fieldPosition); else m_format.format (n_scaled / d, appendTo, m_fieldPosition); final int iLimit = Math.max (1, 5 - appendTo.length () + appendToStart); for (int i = 0; i < iLimit; ++ i) appendTo.append (' '); appendTo.append ('('); m_nFormat.format (n_scaled, appendTo, m_fieldPosition); appendTo.append ('/'); appendTo.append (d); appendTo.append (')'); } public boolean passes (final IItem item, final int criterion) { final int n = item.getAggregate (m_numeratorAggregateID); final int d = item.getAggregate (m_denominatorAggregateID); return ((double) n) * IItem.PRECISION >= ((double) d) * m_scale * criterion; } private final class FractionComparator implements Comparator { public int compare (final Object l, final Object g) { final IItem il = (IItem) l; final IItem ig = (IItem) g; final double nil = il.getAggregate (m_numeratorAggregateID); final double dil = il.getAggregate (m_denominatorAggregateID); final double nig = ig.getAggregate (m_numeratorAggregateID); final double dig = ig.getAggregate (m_denominatorAggregateID); final double diff = nil * dig - nig * dil; return diff > 0.0 ? +1 : (diff < 0.0 ? -1 : 0); } } // end of inner class FractionAttribute (final String name, final int numeratorAggregateID, final int denominatorAggregateID, final int scale, final int nFractionDigits) { super (name); if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (scale != 0, "scale: " + scale); m_numeratorAggregateID = numeratorAggregateID; m_denominatorAggregateID = denominatorAggregateID; // ok to be zero m_scale = scale; m_format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getPercentInstance (); // TODO: locale m_fieldPosition = new FieldPosition (DecimalFormat.INTEGER_FIELD); // TODO: set this from a pattern property //m_format.setMinimumFractionDigits (1); m_format.setMaximumFractionDigits (0); //m_format.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown (false); m_nFormat = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance (); // TODO: locale m_nFormat.setGroupingUsed (false); m_nFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits (nFractionDigits); m_comparator = new FractionComparator (); } final int m_numeratorAggregateID, m_denominatorAggregateID; private final int m_scale; private final DecimalFormat m_format, m_nFormat; private final FieldPosition m_fieldPosition; private final Comparator m_comparator; } // end of nested class private Factory () {} private static final IItemAttribute [/* unit */][/* attributes */] ATTRIBUTES; // set in <clinit> static { final IItemAttribute nameAttribute = new NameAttribute ("name"); final IItemAttribute classCoverageAttribute = new FractionAttribute ("class, %", IItem.COVERAGE_CLASS_COUNT, IItem.TOTAL_CLASS_COUNT, 1, 0); final IItemAttribute methodCoverageAttribute = new FractionAttribute ("method, %", IItem.COVERAGE_METHOD_COUNT, IItem.TOTAL_METHOD_COUNT, 1, 0); ATTRIBUTES = new IItemAttribute [][] { /* count: */ { nameAttribute, classCoverageAttribute, methodCoverageAttribute, new FractionAttribute ("block, %", IItem.COVERAGE_BLOCK_COUNT, IItem.TOTAL_BLOCK_COUNT, 1, 0), new FractionAttribute ("line, %", IItem.COVERAGE_LINE_COUNT, IItem.TOTAL_LINE_COUNT, IItem.PRECISION, 1), }, /* instr: */ { nameAttribute, classCoverageAttribute, methodCoverageAttribute, new FractionAttribute ("block, %", IItem.COVERAGE_BLOCK_INSTR, IItem.TOTAL_BLOCK_INSTR, 1, 0), new FractionAttribute ("line, %", IItem.COVERAGE_LINE_INSTR, IItem.TOTAL_LINE_COUNT, IItem.PRECISION, 1), }, }; } } // end of nested class } // end of interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------