/*! * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Pentaho Corporation.. All rights reserved. */ package org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.gpload; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.pentaho.di.core.Const; import org.pentaho.di.core.KettleEnvironment; import org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException; import org.pentaho.di.core.plugins.PluginRegistry; import org.pentaho.di.core.plugins.StepPluginType; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface; import org.pentaho.di.trans.Trans; import org.pentaho.di.trans.TransMeta; import org.pentaho.di.trans.step.StepMeta; /* Copyright (c) 2007 Pentaho Corporation. All rights reserved. * This software was developed by Pentaho Corporation and is provided under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may not use * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, * please go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt. The Original Code is Pentaho * Data Integration. The Initial Developer is Pentaho Corporation. * * Software distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.*/ /** * JUnit test for GPLoad step. * * These test will verify that correct YAML is being generated. YAML contains the specifics of a GPLoad job. * * There are also tests for the gpload command line generation. * * @author sflatley * */ public class GPLoadTest { // Target database objects private static final String TARGET_TABLE = "customers_100"; private static final String GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE = "err_customers_100"; // YAML location and files private static final String YAML_TEST_FILE_LOCATION = "testfiles"; private static final String SCHEMA_NAME = "public"; private static final String[] TABLE_FIELD = new String[] { "id", "name", "firstname", "zip", "city", "birthdate", "street", "housenr", "statecode", "state" }; private File testDirectory = null; // Data files private static final String INSERT_DATA_FILE = "customers-100.txt"; private static final String UPDATE_DATA_FILE = "customers-update.txt"; private static final String MERGE_DATA_FILE = "customers-merge.txt"; // Paths to files private String pathToGPLoadExecutable = null; private String pathToControlFile = null; private String pathToLogfile = null; public static final String GREENPLUM_DATABASE_CONNECTION = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<connection>" + "<name>foodmartOnGreenplum</name>" + "<server></server>" + "<type>Greenplum</type>" + "<access>Native</access>" + "<database>foodmart</database>" + "<port>5432</port>" + "<username>gpadmin</username>" + "<password>doesntmatter</password>" + "</connection>"; /** * Initialize the test environment. */ @Before public void init() { // initialize testDirectory testDirectory = new File( GPLoadTest.YAML_TEST_FILE_LOCATION ); if ( !testDirectory.isDirectory() ) { fail( GPLoadTest.YAML_TEST_FILE_LOCATION + " does not exist." ); } // Get the path a valid configuratiomn file. // We will use this path as the path top the mock // GPLoad executable and the log file. File file = new File( testDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/GPLoad-update1.cfg" ); if ( file.exists() ) { pathToControlFile = file.getAbsolutePath(); pathToGPLoadExecutable = pathToControlFile; pathToLogfile = pathToGPLoadExecutable; } else { fail( "Could not set up path to mock GPLoad executable." ); } // initialize the Kettle environment try { KettleEnvironment.init(); } catch ( KettleException ke ) { fail( ke.getMessage() ); } } /** * Returns the contents of the passed file name * * @param filename * @return String the content of filename which is located in GPLoadTest.YAML_TEST_FILE_LOCATION. */ private String getYamlFileContents( String filename ) { StringBuilder sbFileContents = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; try { // create a buffered reader File file = new File( testDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + filename ); bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) ); String lineFromFile = null; // read each line and append it with a // carriage return to our string builder while ( ( lineFromFile = bufferedReader.readLine() ) != null ) { sbFileContents.append( lineFromFile ).append( Const.CR ); } } catch ( FileNotFoundException fnfe ) { fail( fnfe.getMessage() ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { fail( ioe.getMessage() ); } finally { if ( bufferedReader != null ) { try { bufferedReader.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { fail( e.getMessage() ); } } } // convert to string and return return sbFileContents.toString(); } /** * Creates a transformation with a row generator step and hopped to a GPLoadStep with the passed name. * * @param gpLoadStepname * The name of the GPLoad step. * * @throws KettleException */ public TransMeta createTransformationMeta( String gpLoadStepname ) throws Exception { // Create a new transformation... TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta(); transMeta.setName( "row generatortest" ); // Add a database connection to the trans meta transMeta.addDatabase( new DatabaseMeta( GREENPLUM_DATABASE_CONNECTION ) ); // get a reference to the plugin registry PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance(); if ( registry == null ) { throw new Exception( "Plugin registry is null. Make sure that the Kettle environment was initialized." ); } // create the GPLoad step GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = new GPLoadMeta(); String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, gpLoadMeta ); StepMeta gpLoadStepMeta = new StepMeta( dummyPid, gpLoadStepname, gpLoadMeta ); transMeta.addStep( gpLoadStepMeta ); return transMeta; } private GPLoadMeta createGPLoadMeta( String gpLoadStepname, String actionInsert, String targetTable, String gploadErrorTable, String insertDataFile, String s, String pathToGPLoadExecutable, String pathToControlFile, String pathToLogfile, String[] strings, boolean[] booleans, boolean[] booleans1, String o, String[] o1, String o2, String o3 ) throws Exception { return createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, actionInsert, null, targetTable, gploadErrorTable, insertDataFile, s, pathToGPLoadExecutable, pathToControlFile, pathToLogfile, strings, booleans, booleans1, o, o1, o2, o3 ); } /** * Creates and returns a GPLoad meta. * * @param gpLoadStepname * @param action * @param targetTableName * @param errorTableName * @param dataFilename * @param delimiter * @param tableColumn * @param matchColumn * @param updateColumn * @param localhostPort * @param localHosts * @return * @throws Exception */ private GPLoadMeta createGPLoadMeta( String gpLoadStepname, String action, String targetTableName, String errorTableName, String dataFilename, String delimiter, String[] tableColumn, boolean[] matchColumn, boolean[] updateColumn, String localhostPort, String[] localHosts, String updateCondition, String encoding ) throws Exception { return createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, action, null, targetTableName, errorTableName, dataFilename, delimiter, null, null, null, tableColumn, matchColumn, updateColumn, localhostPort, localHosts, updateCondition, encoding ); } /** * Creates and returns a GPLoad meta. * * @param gpLoadStepname * @param action * @param targetTableName * @param errorTableName * @param dataFilename * @param delimiter * @param tableColumn * @param matchColumn * @param updateColumn * @param localhostPort * @param localHosts * @return * @throws Exception */ private GPLoadMeta createGPLoadMeta( String gpLoadStepname, String action, String schemaName, String targetTableName, String errorTableName, String dataFilename, String delimiter, String[] tableColumn, boolean[] matchColumn, boolean[] updateColumn, String localhostPort, String[] localHosts, String updateCondition, String encoding ) throws Exception { return createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, action, schemaName, targetTableName, errorTableName, dataFilename, delimiter, null, null, null, tableColumn, matchColumn, updateColumn, localhostPort, localHosts, updateCondition, encoding ); } /** * Creates and returns a GPLoadMeta. * * @param gpLoadStepname * @param action * @param targetTableName * @param errorTableName * @param dataFilename * @param delimiter * @param logFilename * @param[] tableColumns * @param matchColumns * @param updateColumns */ private GPLoadMeta createGPLoadMeta( String gpLoadStepname, String action, String schemaTableName, String targetTableName, String errorTableName, String dataFilename, String delimiter, String pathToGPLoad, String pathToControlfile, String logFilename, String[] tableColumn, boolean[] matchColumn, boolean[] updateColumn, String localhostPort, String[] localHosts, String updateCondition, String encoding ) throws Exception { // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // get a reference to the GPLoad step meta and then it's StepMeta gpLoadStepMeta = transMeta.getStep( 0 ); GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = (GPLoadMeta) gpLoadStepMeta.getStepMetaInterface(); // setDefault is called from Spoon.newStep if we were creating a new step using the interface. gpLoadMeta.setDefault(); // set properties gpLoadMeta.setSchemaName( schemaTableName ); gpLoadMeta.setTableName( targetTableName ); gpLoadMeta.setErrorTableName( GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE ); gpLoadMeta.setLoadAction( action ); gpLoadMeta.setDataFile( dataFilename ); gpLoadMeta.setDelimiter( delimiter ); gpLoadMeta.setFieldTable( tableColumn ); gpLoadMeta.setMatchColumns( matchColumn ); gpLoadMeta.setUpdateColumn( updateColumn ); gpLoadMeta.setControlFile( pathToControlFile ); gpLoadMeta.setLogFile( logFilename ); gpLoadMeta.setGploadPath( pathToGPLoad ); gpLoadMeta.setDatabaseMeta( transMeta.getDatabase( 0 ) ); gpLoadMeta.setLocalhostPort( localhostPort ); gpLoadMeta.setLocalHosts( localHosts ); gpLoadMeta.setUpdateCondition( updateCondition ); gpLoadMeta.setEncoding( encoding ); return gpLoadMeta; } /** * Tests the YAML contents generated by the GPLoad step in the transformation. * * @param GPLoadMeta * @param TransMeta * @param expectedYAMLFilename * The file name of the YAML file whose contents should match the YAML generated by the GPLoad step. */ private void testYAMLContents( GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta, TransMeta transMeta, String expectedYAMLFileName ) throws KettleException, Exception { // create the transformation and prepare the transformation Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta ); trans.prepareExecution( null ); // get the step meta from step 1- the only step in the trans StepMeta gpLoadStepMeta = transMeta.getStep( 0 ); // create a GPLoad using the transformation GPLoad gpLoad = new GPLoad( gpLoadStepMeta, new GPLoadData(), 0, transMeta, trans ); // get the YAML file contents that we expect String expectedContents = getYamlFileContents( expectedYAMLFileName ); // we need to the row meta interface to create the control file RowMetaInterface rowMetaInterface = gpLoad.getPreviewRowMeta(); // get the file contents from the GPLoad object String actualContents = null; actualContents = gpLoad.getControlFileContents( gpLoadMeta, rowMetaInterface ); // test that the built YAML contest are expected assertEquals( expectedContents, actualContents ); } /** * Tests the command line generated by the GPLoad step in the transformation. * * The default control file is used and a log file is specified. * * @param GPLoadMeta * @param TransMeta * @param expectedCommadnLine * The expected command line to be generated. * */ private void testCommandLine( GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta, TransMeta transMeta, String expectedCommandLine ) throws KettleException, Exception { // create the transformation and prepare the transformation Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta ); trans.prepareExecution( null ); // get the step meta from step 1- the only step in the trans StepMeta gpLoadStepMeta = transMeta.getStep( 0 ); // create a GPLoad using the transformation GPLoad gpLoad = new GPLoad( gpLoadStepMeta, new GPLoadData(), 0, transMeta, trans ); // get the file contents from the GPLoad object String actualCommandLine = null; actualCommandLine = gpLoad.createCommandLine( gpLoadMeta, false ); if ( Const.getOS().startsWith( "Windows" ) ) { expectedCommandLine = "cmd /c " + expectedCommandLine; } // test that the built YAML contest are expected assertEquals( expectedCommandLine, actualCommandLine ); } // ////////////////////////////// // // Insert tests // // ///////////////////////////// /** * Tests an insert using the default path to the GPLoad. */ @Test public void testInsert1() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test insert 1"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ";", new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], null, null, // no local host port or localhosts null, null ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-insert1.cfg" ); } /** * Tests inserting with local host port and one local host specified. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsert2() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test insert 2"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ",", new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], "8000", new String[] { "localhost" }, null, null ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-insert2.cfg" ); } /** * Tests inserting with local host port and two local hosts specified. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsert3() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test insert 3"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ",", new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], "8000", new String[] { "etl-host1", "etl-host2" }, null, null ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-insert3.cfg" ); } /** * Tests inserting with encoding specified. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsert4() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test insert 4"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ";", new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], null, null, // no local host port or localhosts null, "UTF-8" ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-insert4.cfg" ); } /** * Tests an insert using the default path to the GPLoad. */ @Test public void testSchemaNameSpecified() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test schema name specified"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.SCHEMA_NAME, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ";", new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], null, null, // no local host port or localhosts null, null ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-schemaSpecified.cfg" ); } // ////////////////////////////// // // Update tests // // ////////////////////////////// @Test public void testUpdate1() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test update 1"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create an array of column names // create an array of boolean that indicates the columns to match boolean[] matchColumn = new boolean[] { true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create array of boolean to boolean[] updateColumn = new boolean[] { false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_UPDATE, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.UPDATE_DATA_FILE, ";", TABLE_FIELD, matchColumn, updateColumn, null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); null, null ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-update1.cfg" ); } /** * Test an update where the match columns are not specified. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testUpdate2() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test update 2"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create array of boolean to boolean[] updateColumn = new boolean[] { false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_UPDATE, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.UPDATE_DATA_FILE, ",", TABLE_FIELD, null, updateColumn, null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); null, null ); try { testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-update1.cfg" ); } catch ( KettleException ke ) { assertTrue( ke.getMessage().contains( "An update or merge can not be performed without columns to match on." ) ); } } /** * Tests an update where no update columns are specified. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testUpdate3() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test update 3"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create an array of column names // create an array of boolean that indicates the columns to match boolean[] matchColumn = new boolean[] { true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_UPDATE, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.UPDATE_DATA_FILE, ",", TABLE_FIELD, matchColumn, null, null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); null, null ); try { testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-update1.cfg" ); } catch ( KettleException ke ) { assertTrue( ke.getMessage().contains( "An update or merge action must have Update columns specified." ) ); } } /** * Tests an update where no match or update columns are specified. The match column missing exception should be * thrown. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testUpdate4() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test update 3"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create an array of column names // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_UPDATE, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.UPDATE_DATA_FILE, ",", TABLE_FIELD, null, null, null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); null, null ); try { testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-update1.cfg" ); } catch ( KettleException ke ) { assertTrue( ke.getMessage().contains( "An update or merge can not be performed without columns to match on." ) ); } } @Test public void testUpdate5() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test update 5"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create an array of boolean that indicates the columns to match boolean[] matchColumn = new boolean[] { true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create array of boolean to boolean[] updateColumn = new boolean[] { false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_UPDATE, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.UPDATE_DATA_FILE, ";", TABLE_FIELD, matchColumn, updateColumn, null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); null, null ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-update5.cfg" ); } /** * Tests exception handling when the target table is not provided. */ @Test public void testUpdate6() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test update 6"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create an array of boolean that indicates the columns to match boolean[] matchColumn = new boolean[] { true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create array of boolean to boolean[] updateColumn = new boolean[] { false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_UPDATE, null, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.UPDATE_DATA_FILE, ";", TABLE_FIELD, matchColumn, updateColumn, null, null, // no local host port // or localhosts); null, null ); try { testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-update1.cfg" ); } catch ( KettleException ke ) { assertTrue( ke.getMessage().contains( "table must be specified" ) ); } } @Test public void testUpdate7() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test update 7"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create an array of boolean that indicates the columns to match boolean[] matchColumn = new boolean[] { true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create array of boolean to boolean[] updateColumn = new boolean[] { false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create an update condition String updateCondition = "id > 0"; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_UPDATE, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.UPDATE_DATA_FILE, ";", TABLE_FIELD, matchColumn, updateColumn, null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); updateCondition, null ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-update7.cfg" ); } // ////////////////////////////// // // Merge tests // // ///////////////////////////// @Test public void testMerge1() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test merge 1"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create an array of boolean that indicates the columns to match boolean[] matchColumn = new boolean[] { true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create array of boolean to boolean[] updateColumn = new boolean[] { false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_MERGE, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.MERGE_DATA_FILE, ",", TABLE_FIELD, matchColumn, updateColumn, null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); null, null ); testYAMLContents( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, "GPLoad-merge1.cfg" ); } // ////////////////////////////// // // Command line generation tests // // ///////////////////////////// /** * Tests the GPLoad command line generation with a log file specified. * */ @Test public void testCommandLine1() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test command line 1"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ",", pathToGPLoadExecutable, pathToControlFile, pathToLogfile, new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], null, null, // no local // host port or // localhosts); null, null ); // get the path to the control file File controlFile = new File( gpLoadMeta.getControlFile() ); String pathToControlFile = controlFile.getAbsolutePath(); String expectedCommandLine = ( gpLoadMeta.getGploadPath() + " -f " + pathToControlFile + " -l " + pathToLogfile ); testCommandLine( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, expectedCommandLine ); } /** * Tests the GPLoad command line generation with a log file NOT specified. * */ @Test public void testCommandLine2() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test command line 2"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ",", pathToGPLoadExecutable, null, null, new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); null, null ); // get the path to the control file File controlFile = new File( gpLoadMeta.getControlFile() ); String pathToControlFile = controlFile.getAbsolutePath(); String expectedCommandLine = ( gpLoadMeta.getGploadPath() + " -f " + pathToControlFile ); testCommandLine( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, expectedCommandLine ); } /** * Tests the GPLoad command line generation with an invalid path to GPLoad. * */ @Test public void testCommandLine4() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test command line 4"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // An invalid path to GPLoad. String invalidPath = "/invalid path/gpload.exe"; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ",", invalidPath, null, null, new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], null, null, // no local host port or localhosts); null, null ); String expectedCommandLine = ( "/invalid path" + " -f " + invalidPath ); try { testCommandLine( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, expectedCommandLine ); fail( "A KettleException was expected as we provided an invalid path to GPLoad." ); } catch ( KettleException ke ) { assertTrue( ke.getMessage().contains( "The file " + invalidPath + " does not exist" ) ); } } /** * Tests the GPLoad command line generation with a good path to gpload, a good path to the control file and a valid * log file path. */ @Test public void testCommandLine5() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test command line 5"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // an invalid path to the control file String invalidPath = "/invalid path/gpload.log"; // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ",", pathToGPLoadExecutable, pathToControlFile, invalidPath, new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], null, null, null, null ); // get the path to the control file File controlFile = new File( gpLoadMeta.getControlFile() ); String pathToControlFile = controlFile.getAbsolutePath(); String expectedCommandLine = ( gpLoadMeta.getGploadPath() + " -f " + pathToControlFile + " -l " + invalidPath ); try { testCommandLine( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, expectedCommandLine ); } catch ( KettleException ke ) { assertTrue( ke.getMessage().contains( "The directory" ) && ke.getMessage().contains( "does not exist" ) ); } } /** * Tests the GPLoad command line generation with a good path to gpload, a good path to the control file and a valid * log file path. */ @Test public void testCommandLine6() throws Exception { String gpLoadStepname = "GPLoad: test command line 6"; // create the trans meta TransMeta transMeta = createTransformationMeta( gpLoadStepname ); // create GPLoadMeta to do an insert // and specifying to columns GPLoadMeta gpLoadMeta = createGPLoadMeta( gpLoadStepname, GPLoadMeta.ACTION_INSERT, GPLoadTest.TARGET_TABLE, GPLoadTest.GPLOAD_ERROR_TABLE, GPLoadTest.INSERT_DATA_FILE, ",", pathToGPLoadExecutable, pathToControlFile, "/invalid path", new String[0], new boolean[0], new boolean[0], null, null, // no local host port or // localhosts); null, null ); // get the path to the control file File controlFile = new File( gpLoadMeta.getControlFile() ); String pathToControlFile = controlFile.getAbsolutePath(); File root = new File( "/" ); String expectedCommandLine = ( gpLoadMeta.getGploadPath() + " -f " + pathToControlFile + " -l " + root.getAbsolutePath() + "invalid path" ); try { testCommandLine( gpLoadMeta, transMeta, expectedCommandLine ); } catch ( KettleException ke ) { assertTrue( ke.getMessage().contains( "The file /invalid path does not exist" ) ); } } }