/*! ****************************************************************************** * * Pentaho Data Integration * * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 by Pentaho : http://www.pentaho.com * ******************************************************************************* * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package org.pentaho.di.core.database; import org.pentaho.di.core.Const; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.ValueMetaInterface; /** * Contains Sybase IQ specific information through static final members * * @author fumigateAnt, liuhuaiyong <liuhuaiyong@gmail.com> * @since 18-09-2007 */ public class SybaseIQDatabaseMeta extends BaseDatabaseMeta implements DatabaseInterface { @Override public int[] getAccessTypeList() { return new int[] { DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_NATIVE, DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_ODBC, DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_JNDI }; } @Override public int getDefaultDatabasePort() { if ( getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_NATIVE ) { return 2638; } return -1; } /** * @see org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseInterface#getNotFoundTK(boolean) */ @Override public int getNotFoundTK( boolean use_autoinc ) { if ( supportsAutoInc() && use_autoinc ) { return 1; } return super.getNotFoundTK( use_autoinc ); } @Override public String getDriverClass() { if ( getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_ODBC ) { return "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; } else { // return "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"; return "com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver"; } } @Override public String getURL( String hostname, String port, String databaseName ) { if ( getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_ODBC ) { return "jdbc:odbc:" + databaseName; } else { // jdbc:jtds:<server_type>://<server>[:<port>][/<database>][;<property>=<value>[;...]] // return "jdbc:jtds:sybaseIQ://"+hostname+":"+port+"/"+databaseName; return "jdbc:sybase:Tds:" + hostname + ":" + port + "/" + databaseName; } } /** * @see org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseInterface#getSchemaTableCombination(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public String getSchemaTableCombination( String schema_name, String table_part ) { return schema_name + "." + table_part; } /** * Generates the SQL statement to add a column to the specified table * * @param tablename * The table to add * @param v * The column defined as a value * @param tk * the name of the technical key field * @param use_autoinc * whether or not this field uses auto increment * @param pk * the name of the primary key field * @param semicolon * whether or not to add a semi-colon behind the statement. * @return the SQL statement to add a column to the specified table */ @Override public String getAddColumnStatement( String tablename, ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, boolean use_autoinc, String pk, boolean semicolon ) { return "ALTER TABLE " + tablename + " ADD " + getFieldDefinition( v, tk, pk, use_autoinc, true, false ); } /** * Generates the SQL statement to modify a column in the specified table * * @param tablename * The table to add * @param v * The column defined as a value * @param tk * the name of the technical key field * @param use_autoinc * whether or not this field uses auto increment * @param pk * the name of the primary key field * @param semicolon * whether or not to add a semi-colon behind the statement. * @return the SQL statement to modify a column in the specified table */ @Override public String getModifyColumnStatement( String tablename, ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, boolean use_autoinc, String pk, boolean semicolon ) { return "ALTER TABLE " + tablename + " MODIFY " + getFieldDefinition( v, tk, pk, use_autoinc, true, false ); } @Override public String getFieldDefinition( ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, String pk, boolean use_autoinc, boolean add_fieldname, boolean add_cr ) { String retval = ""; String fieldname = v.getName(); int length = v.getLength(); int precision = v.getPrecision(); if ( add_fieldname ) { retval += fieldname + " "; } int type = v.getType(); switch ( type ) { case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE: retval += "DATETIME NULL"; break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN: if ( supportsBooleanDataType() ) { retval += "BOOLEAN"; } else { retval += "CHAR(1)"; } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER: case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER: case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BIGNUMBER: if ( fieldname.equalsIgnoreCase( tk ) || // Technical key: auto increment field! fieldname.equalsIgnoreCase( pk ) // Primary key ) { if ( use_autoinc ) { retval += "INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL"; } else { retval += "INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY"; } } else { if ( precision != 0 || ( precision == 0 && length > 9 ) ) { if ( precision > 0 && length > 0 ) { retval += "DECIMAL(" + length + ", " + precision + ") NULL"; } else { retval += "DOUBLE PRECISION NULL"; } } else { // Precision == 0 && length<=9 if ( length < 3 ) { retval += "TINYINT NULL"; } else if ( length < 5 ) { retval += "SMALLINT NULL"; } else { retval += "INTEGER NULL"; } } } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING: if ( length >= 2048 ) { retval += "TEXT NULL"; } else { retval += "VARCHAR"; if ( length > 0 ) { retval += "(" + length + ")"; } retval += " NULL"; } break; default: retval += " UNKNOWN"; break; } if ( add_cr ) { retval += Const.CR; } return retval; } @Override public String getExtraOptionsHelpText() { return "http://jtds.sourceforge.net/faq.html#urlFormat"; } @Override public String[] getUsedLibraries() { return new String[] { "jtds-1.2.jar" }; } /** * @return true if we need to supply the schema-name to getTables in order to get a correct list of items. */ @Override public boolean useSchemaNameForTableList() { return true; } /** * Returns the minimal SQL to launch in order to determine the layout of the resultset for a given database table * Note: added WHERE clause in SQL (just to make sure in case the sql is exec'd it will not clatter the db) * * @param tableName * The name of the table to determine the layout for * @return The SQL to launch. */ // @Override public String getSQLQueryFields( String tableName ) { return "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE 1=2"; } /** * Most databases allow you to retrieve result metadata by preparing a SELECT statement. * * @return true if the database supports retrieval of query metadata from a prepared statement. False if the query * needs to be executed first. */ @Override public boolean supportsPreparedStatementMetadataRetrieval() { return false; } }