//CHECKSTYLE:Indentation:OFF /*! ****************************************************************************** * * Pentaho Data Integration * * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 by Pentaho : http://www.pentaho.com * ******************************************************************************* * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ // $ANTLR 3.4 C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g 2012-12-06 11:16:38 package org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.edi2xml.grammar; import org.antlr.runtime.CharStream; import org.antlr.runtime.EarlyExitException; import org.antlr.runtime.Lexer; import org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedSetException; import org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState; @SuppressWarnings( { "all", "warnings", "unchecked" } ) public class FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXMLLexer extends Lexer { public static final int EOF = -1; public static final int T__9 = 9; public static final int T__10 = 10; public static final int T__11 = 11; public static final int T__12 = 12; public static final int T__13 = 13; public static final int T__14 = 14; public static final int COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR = 4; public static final int ELEMENT_SEPARATOR = 5; public static final int RELEASE_CHARACTER = 6; public static final int SEGMENT_TERMINATOR = 7; public static final int TEXT_DATA = 8; // delegates // delegators public Lexer[] getDelegates() { return new Lexer[] {}; } public FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXMLLexer() { } public FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXMLLexer( CharStream input ) { this( input, new RecognizerSharedState() ); } public FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXMLLexer( CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state ) { super( input, state ); } public String getGrammarFileName() { return "C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - " + "restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g"; } // $ANTLR start "T__9" public final void mT__9() throws RecognitionException { int _type = T__9; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:6:6: // ( ' ' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:6:8: // ' ' match( ' ' ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "T__9" // $ANTLR start "T__10" public final void mT__10() throws RecognitionException { int _type = T__10; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:7:7: // ( 'UNA:+,? \\'' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:7:9: // 'UNA:+,? \\'' match( "UNA:+,? '" ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "T__10" // $ANTLR start "T__11" public final void mT__11() throws RecognitionException { int _type = T__11; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:8:7: // ( 'UNA:+.? \\'' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:8:9: // 'UNA:+.? \\'' match( "UNA:+.? '" ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "T__11" // $ANTLR start "T__12" public final void mT__12() throws RecognitionException { int _type = T__12; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:9:7: // ( '\\n' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:9:9: // '\\n' match( '\n' ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "T__12" // $ANTLR start "T__13" public final void mT__13() throws RecognitionException { int _type = T__13; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:10:7: ( '\\r' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:10:9: '\\r' match( '\r' ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "T__13" // $ANTLR start "T__14" public final void mT__14() throws RecognitionException { int _type = T__14; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:11:7:( '\\t' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:11:9:'\\t' match( '\t' ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "T__14" // $ANTLR start "RELEASE_CHARACTER" public final void mRELEASE_CHARACTER() throws RecognitionException { int _type = RELEASE_CHARACTER; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:125:21: // ( '?' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:125:23: // '?' match( '?' ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "RELEASE_CHARACTER" // $ANTLR start "ELEMENT_SEPARATOR" public final void mELEMENT_SEPARATOR() throws RecognitionException { int _type = ELEMENT_SEPARATOR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:126:21: // ( '+' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:126:23: // '+' match( '+' ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "ELEMENT_SEPARATOR" // $ANTLR start "SEGMENT_TERMINATOR" public final void mSEGMENT_TERMINATOR() throws RecognitionException { int _type = SEGMENT_TERMINATOR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:127:22: // ( '\\'' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:127:24: // '\\'' match( '\'' ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "SEGMENT_TERMINATOR" // $ANTLR start "COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR" public final void mCOMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR() throws RecognitionException { int _type = COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:128:33: // ( ':' ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:128:35: // ':' match( ':' ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR" // $ANTLR start "TEXT_DATA" public final void mTEXT_DATA() throws RecognitionException { int _type = TEXT_DATA; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:14: // ( (~ ( RELEASE_CHARACTER | SEGMENT_TERMINATOR | COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR | ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) | ( // RELEASE_CHARACTER ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER RELEASE_CHARACTER ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER // COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER SEGMENT_TERMINATOR ) )+ ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:16: // (~ ( RELEASE_CHARACTER | SEGMENT_TERMINATOR | COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR | ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) | ( // RELEASE_CHARACTER ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER RELEASE_CHARACTER ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER // COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER SEGMENT_TERMINATOR ) )+ // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:16: // (~ ( RELEASE_CHARACTER | SEGMENT_TERMINATOR | COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR | ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) | ( // RELEASE_CHARACTER ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER RELEASE_CHARACTER ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER // COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR ) | ( RELEASE_CHARACTER SEGMENT_TERMINATOR ) )+ int cnt1 = 0; loop1: do { int alt1 = 6; int LA1_0 = input.LA( 1 ); if ( ( ( LA1_0 >= '\u0000' && LA1_0 <= '&' ) || ( LA1_0 >= '(' && LA1_0 <= '*' ) || ( LA1_0 >= ',' && LA1_0 <= '9' ) || ( LA1_0 >= ';' && LA1_0 <= '>' ) || ( LA1_0 >= '@' && LA1_0 <= '\uFFFF' ) ) ) { alt1 = 1; } else if ( ( LA1_0 == '?' ) ) { switch ( input.LA( 2 ) ) { case '+': alt1 = 2; break; case '?': alt1 = 3; break; case ':': alt1 = 4; break; case '\'': alt1 = 5; break; } } switch ( alt1 ) { case 1: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:17: // ~ ( RELEASE_CHARACTER | SEGMENT_TERMINATOR | COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR | ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) if ( ( input.LA( 1 ) >= '\u0000' && input.LA( 1 ) <= '&' ) || ( input.LA( 1 ) >= '(' && input.LA( 1 ) <= '*' ) || ( input.LA( 1 ) >= ',' && input.LA( 1 ) <= '9' ) || ( input.LA( 1 ) >= ';' && input.LA( 1 ) <= '>' ) || ( input.LA( 1 ) >= '@' && input.LA( 1 ) <= '\uFFFF' ) ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException( null, input ); recover( mse ); throw mse; } break; case 2: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:106: // ( RELEASE_CHARACTER ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:106: // ( RELEASE_CHARACTER ELEMENT_SEPARATOR ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:107: // RELEASE_CHARACTER ELEMENT_SEPARATOR mRELEASE_CHARACTER(); mELEMENT_SEPARATOR(); break; case 3: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:144: // ( RELEASE_CHARACTER RELEASE_CHARACTER ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:144: // ( RELEASE_CHARACTER RELEASE_CHARACTER ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:145: // RELEASE_CHARACTER RELEASE_CHARACTER mRELEASE_CHARACTER(); mRELEASE_CHARACTER(); break; case 4: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:182: // ( RELEASE_CHARACTER COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:182: // ( RELEASE_CHARACTER COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:183: // RELEASE_CHARACTER COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR mRELEASE_CHARACTER(); mCOMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR(); break; case 5: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:129:233: // ( RELEASE_CHARACTER SEGMENT_TERMINATOR ) mRELEASE_CHARACTER(); mSEGMENT_TERMINATOR(); break; default: if ( cnt1 >= 1 ) { break loop1; } EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException( 1, input ); throw eee; } cnt1++; } while ( true ); state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } // $ANTLR end "TEXT_DATA" public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException { // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:8: // ( T__9 | T__10 | T__11 | T__12 | T__13 | T__14 | RELEASE_CHARACTER | ELEMENT_SEPARATOR | SEGMENT_TERMINATOR | // COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR | TEXT_DATA ) int alt2 = 11; int LA2_0 = input.LA( 1 ); if ( ( LA2_0 == ' ' ) ) { int LA2_1 = input.LA( 2 ); if ( ( ( LA2_1 >= '\u0000' && LA2_1 <= '&' ) || ( LA2_1 >= '(' && LA2_1 <= '*' ) || ( LA2_1 >= ',' && LA2_1 <= '9' ) || ( LA2_1 >= ';' && LA2_1 <= '\uFFFF' ) ) ) { alt2 = 11; } else { alt2 = 1; } } else if ( ( LA2_0 == 'U' ) ) { int LA2_2 = input.LA( 2 ); if ( ( LA2_2 == 'N' ) ) { int LA2_12 = input.LA( 3 ); if ( ( LA2_12 == 'A' ) ) { int LA2_17 = input.LA( 4 ); if ( ( LA2_17 == ':' ) ) { int LA2_18 = input.LA( 5 ); if ( ( LA2_18 == '+' ) ) { int LA2_19 = input.LA( 6 ); if ( ( LA2_19 == ',' ) ) { alt2 = 2; } else if ( ( LA2_19 == '.' ) ) { alt2 = 3; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException( "", 2, 19, input ); throw nvae; } } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException( "", 2, 18, input ); throw nvae; } } else { alt2 = 11; } } else { alt2 = 11; } } else { alt2 = 11; } } else if ( ( LA2_0 == '\n' ) ) { int LA2_3 = input.LA( 2 ); if ( ( ( LA2_3 >= '\u0000' && LA2_3 <= '&' ) || ( LA2_3 >= '(' && LA2_3 <= '*' ) || ( LA2_3 >= ',' && LA2_3 <= '9' ) || ( LA2_3 >= ';' && LA2_3 <= '\uFFFF' ) ) ) { alt2 = 11; } else { alt2 = 4; } } else if ( ( LA2_0 == '\r' ) ) { int LA2_4 = input.LA( 2 ); if ( ( ( LA2_4 >= '\u0000' && LA2_4 <= '&' ) || ( LA2_4 >= '(' && LA2_4 <= '*' ) || ( LA2_4 >= ',' && LA2_4 <= '9' ) || ( LA2_4 >= ';' && LA2_4 <= '\uFFFF' ) ) ) { alt2 = 11; } else { alt2 = 5; } } else if ( ( LA2_0 == '\t' ) ) { int LA2_5 = input.LA( 2 ); if ( ( ( LA2_5 >= '\u0000' && LA2_5 <= '&' ) || ( LA2_5 >= '(' && LA2_5 <= '*' ) || ( LA2_5 >= ',' && LA2_5 <= '9' ) || ( LA2_5 >= ';' && LA2_5 <= '\uFFFF' ) ) ) { alt2 = 11; } else { alt2 = 6; } } else if ( ( LA2_0 == '?' ) ) { int LA2_6 = input.LA( 2 ); if ( ( LA2_6 == '\'' || LA2_6 == '+' || LA2_6 == ':' || LA2_6 == '?' ) ) { alt2 = 11; } else { alt2 = 7; } } else if ( ( LA2_0 == '+' ) ) { alt2 = 8; } else if ( ( LA2_0 == '\'' ) ) { alt2 = 9; } else if ( ( LA2_0 == ':' ) ) { alt2 = 10; } else if ( ( ( LA2_0 >= '\u0000' && LA2_0 <= '\b' ) || ( LA2_0 >= '\u000B' && LA2_0 <= '\f' ) || ( LA2_0 >= '\u000E' && LA2_0 <= '\u001F' ) || ( LA2_0 >= '!' && LA2_0 <= '&' ) || ( LA2_0 >= '(' && LA2_0 <= '*' ) || ( LA2_0 >= ',' && LA2_0 <= '9' ) || ( LA2_0 >= ';' && LA2_0 <= '>' ) || ( LA2_0 >= '@' && LA2_0 <= 'T' ) || ( LA2_0 >= 'V' && LA2_0 <= '\uFFFF' ) ) ) { alt2 = 11; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException( "", 2, 0, input ); throw nvae; } switch ( alt2 ) { case 1: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:10: // T__9 mT__9(); break; case 2: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:15: // T__10 mT__10(); break; case 3: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:21: // T__11 mT__11(); break; case 4: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:27: // T__12 mT__12(); break; case 5: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:33: // T__13 mT__13(); break; case 6: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:39: // T__14 mT__14(); break; case 7: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:45: // RELEASE_CHARACTER mRELEASE_CHARACTER(); break; case 8: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:63: // ELEMENT_SEPARATOR mELEMENT_SEPARATOR(); break; case 9: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:81: // SEGMENT_TERMINATOR mSEGMENT_TERMINATOR(); break; case 10: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:100: // COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR mCOMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR(); break; case 11: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:1:131: // TEXT_DATA mTEXT_DATA(); break; } } }