/*! ****************************************************************************** * * Pentaho Data Integration * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 by Pentaho : http://www.pentaho.com * ******************************************************************************* * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package org.pentaho.di.core.database; import java.sql.ResultSet; import org.pentaho.di.core.Const; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.ValueMetaInterface; /** * Contains MySQL specific information through static final members * * @author Matt * @since 11-mrt-2005 */ public class MSSQLServerDatabaseMeta extends BaseDatabaseMeta implements DatabaseInterface { @Override public boolean supportsCatalogs() { return false; } @Override public int[] getAccessTypeList() { return new int[] { DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_NATIVE, DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_ODBC, DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_JNDI }; } @Override public int getDefaultDatabasePort() { if ( getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_NATIVE ) { return 1433; } return -1; } @Override public String getDriverClass() { if ( getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_ODBC ) { return "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; } else { return "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"; } } @Override public String getURL( String hostname, String port, String databaseName ) { if ( getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_ODBC ) { return "jdbc:odbc:" + databaseName; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://" ); sb.append( hostname ); if ( port != null && port.length() > 0 ) { sb.append( ":" ); sb.append( port ); } sb.append( "/" ); sb.append( databaseName ); return sb.toString(); } } @Override public String getSchemaTableCombination( String schema_name, String table_part ) { // Something special for MSSQL // if ( isUsingDoubleDecimalAsSchemaTableSeparator() ) { return schema_name + ".." + table_part; } else { return schema_name + "." + table_part; } } /** * @return true if the database supports bitmap indexes */ @Override public boolean supportsBitmapIndex() { return false; } /** * @return true if the database supports synonyms */ @Override public boolean supportsSynonyms() { return false; } @Override public String getSQLQueryFields( String tableName ) { return "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM " + tableName; } @Override public String getSQLTableExists( String tablename ) { return getSQLQueryFields( tablename ); } @Override public String getSQLColumnExists( String columnname, String tablename ) { return getSQLQueryColumnFields( columnname, tablename ); } public String getSQLQueryColumnFields( String columnname, String tableName ) { return "SELECT TOP 1 " + columnname + " FROM " + tableName; } /** * @param tableNames * The names of the tables to lock * @return The SQL command to lock database tables for write purposes. null is returned in case locking is not * supported on the target database. null is the default value */ @Override public String getSQLLockTables( String[] tableNames ) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder( 128 ); for ( int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++ ) { sql.append( "SELECT top 0 * FROM " ).append( tableNames[i] ).append( " WITH (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK);" ).append( Const.CR ); } return sql.toString(); } /** * Generates the SQL statement to add a column to the specified table * * @param tablename * The table to add * @param v * The column defined as a value * @param tk * the name of the technical key field * @param use_autoinc * whether or not this field uses auto increment * @param pk * the name of the primary key field * @param semicolon * whether or not to add a semi-colon behind the statement. * @return the SQL statement to add a column to the specified table */ @Override public String getAddColumnStatement( String tablename, ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, boolean use_autoinc, String pk, boolean semicolon ) { return "ALTER TABLE " + tablename + " ADD " + getFieldDefinition( v, tk, pk, use_autoinc, true, false ); } /** * Generates the SQL statement to modify a column in the specified table * * @param tablename * The table to add * @param v * The column defined as a value * @param tk * the name of the technical key field * @param use_autoinc * whether or not this field uses auto increment * @param pk * the name of the primary key field * @param semicolon * whether or not to add a semi-colon behind the statement. * @return the SQL statement to modify a column in the specified table */ @Override public String getModifyColumnStatement( String tablename, ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, boolean use_autoinc, String pk, boolean semicolon ) { return "ALTER TABLE " + tablename + " ALTER COLUMN " + getFieldDefinition( v, tk, pk, use_autoinc, true, false ); } /** * Generates the SQL statement to drop a column from the specified table * * @param tablename * The table to add * @param v * The column defined as a value * @param tk * the name of the technical key field * @param use_autoinc * whether or not this field uses auto increment * @param pk * the name of the primary key field * @param semicolon * whether or not to add a semi-colon behind the statement. * @return the SQL statement to drop a column from the specified table */ @Override public String getDropColumnStatement( String tablename, ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, boolean use_autoinc, String pk, boolean semicolon ) { return "ALTER TABLE " + tablename + " DROP COLUMN " + v.getName() + Const.CR; } @Override public String getFieldDefinition( ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, String pk, boolean use_autoinc, boolean add_fieldname, boolean add_cr ) { String retval = ""; String fieldname = v.getName(); int length = v.getLength(); int precision = v.getPrecision(); if ( add_fieldname ) { retval += fieldname + " "; } int type = v.getType(); switch ( type ) { case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE: retval += "DATETIME"; break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN: if ( supportsBooleanDataType() ) { retval += "BIT"; } else { retval += "CHAR(1)"; } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER: case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER: case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BIGNUMBER: if ( fieldname.equalsIgnoreCase( tk ) || // Technical key fieldname.equalsIgnoreCase( pk ) // Primary key ) { if ( use_autoinc ) { retval += "BIGINT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(0,1)"; } else { retval += "BIGINT PRIMARY KEY"; } } else { if ( precision == 0 ) { if ( length > 18 ) { retval += "DECIMAL(" + length + ",0)"; } else { if ( length > 9 ) { retval += "BIGINT"; } else { retval += "INT"; } } } else { if ( precision > 0 && length > 0 ) { retval += "DECIMAL(" + length + "," + precision + ")"; } else { retval += "FLOAT(53)"; } } } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING: if ( length < getMaxVARCHARLength() ) { // Maybe use some default DB String length in case length<=0 if ( length > 0 ) { retval += "VARCHAR(" + length + ")"; } else { retval += "VARCHAR(100)"; } } else { retval += "TEXT"; // Up to 2bilion characters. } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BINARY: retval += "VARBINARY(MAX)"; break; default: retval += " UNKNOWN"; break; } if ( add_cr ) { retval += Const.CR; } return retval; } /** * @param the * schema name to search in or null if you want to search the whole DB * @return The SQL on this database to get a list of stored procedures. */ public String getSQLListOfProcedures( String schemaName ) { return "select o.name " + "from sysobjects o, sysusers u " + "where xtype in ( 'FN', 'P' ) and o.uid = u.uid " + "order by o.name"; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseInterface#getReservedWords() */ @Override public String[] getReservedWords() { return new String[] { /* * Transact-SQL Reference: Reserved Keywords Includes future keywords: could be reserved in future releases of SQL * Server as new features are implemented. REMARK: When SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON (default), identifiers can be * delimited by double quotation marks, and literals must be delimited by single quotation marks. When SET * QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF, identifiers cannot be quoted and must follow all Transact-SQL rules for identifiers. */ "ABSOLUTE", "ACTION", "ADD", "ADMIN", "AFTER", "AGGREGATE", "ALIAS", "ALL", "ALLOCATE", "ALTER", "AND", "ANY", "ARE", "ARRAY", "AS", "ASC", "ASSERTION", "AT", "AUTHORIZATION", "BACKUP", "BEFORE", "BEGIN", "BETWEEN", "BINARY", "BIT", "BLOB", "BOOLEAN", "BOTH", "BREADTH", "BREAK", "BROWSE", "BULK", "BY", "CALL", "CASCADE", "CASCADED", "CASE", "CAST", "CATALOG", "CHAR", "CHARACTER", "CHECK", "CHECKPOINT", "CLASS", "CLOB", "CLOSE", "CLUSTERED", "COALESCE", "COLLATE", "COLLATION", "COLUMN", "COMMIT", "COMPLETION", "COMPUTE", "CONNECT", "CONNECTION", "CONSTRAINT", "CONSTRAINTS", "CONSTRUCTOR", "CONTAINS", "CONTAINSTABLE", "CONTINUE", "CONVERT", "CORRESPONDING", "CREATE", "CROSS", "CUBE", "CURRENT", "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_PATH", "CURRENT_ROLE", "CURRENT_TIME", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "CURRENT_USER", "CURSOR", "CYCLE", "DATA", "DATABASE", "DATE", "DAY", "DBCC", "DEALLOCATE", "DEC", "DECIMAL", "DECLARE", "DEFAULT", "DEFERRABLE", "DEFERRED", "DELETE", "DENY", "DEPTH", "DEREF", "DESC", "DESCRIBE", "DESCRIPTOR", "DESTROY", "DESTRUCTOR", "DETERMINISTIC", "DIAGNOSTICS", "DICTIONARY", "DISCONNECT", "DISK", "DISTINCT", "DISTRIBUTED", "DOMAIN", "DOUBLE", "DROP", "DUMMY", "DUMP", "DYNAMIC", "EACH", "ELSE", "END", "END-EXEC", "EQUALS", "ERRLVL", "ESCAPE", "EVERY", "EXCEPT", "EXCEPTION", "EXEC", "EXECUTE", "EXISTS", "EXIT", "EXTERNAL", "FALSE", "FETCH", "FILE", "FILLFACTOR", "FIRST", "FLOAT", "FOR", "FOREIGN", "FOUND", "FREE", "FREETEXT", "FREETEXTTABLE", "FROM", "FULL", "FUNCTION", "GENERAL", "GET", "GLOBAL", "GO", "GOTO", "GRANT", "GROUP", "GROUPING", "HAVING", "HOLDLOCK", "HOST", "HOUR", "IDENTITY", "IDENTITY_INSERT", "IDENTITYCOL", "IF", "IGNORE", "IMMEDIATE", "IN", "INDEX", "INDICATOR", "INITIALIZE", "INITIALLY", "INNER", "INOUT", "INPUT", "INSERT", "INT", "INTEGER", "INTERSECT", "INTERVAL", "INTO", "IS", "ISOLATION", "ITERATE", "JOIN", "KEY", "KILL", "LANGUAGE", "LARGE", "LAST", "LATERAL", "LEADING", "LEFT", "LESS", "LEVEL", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "LINENO", "LOAD", "LOCAL", "LOCALTIME", "LOCALTIMESTAMP", "LOCATOR", "MAP", "MATCH", "MINUTE", "MODIFIES", "MODIFY", "MODULE", "MONTH", "NAMES", "NATIONAL", "NATURAL", "NCHAR", "NCLOB", "NEW", "NEXT", "NO", "NOCHECK", "NONCLUSTERED", "NONE", "NOT", "NULL", "NULLIF", "NUMERIC", "OBJECT", "OF", "OFF", "OFFSETS", "OLD", "ON", "ONLY", "OPEN", "OPENDATASOURCE", "OPENQUERY", "OPENROWSET", "OPENXML", "OPERATION", "OPTION", "OR", "ORDER", "ORDINALITY", "OUT", "OUTER", "OUTPUT", "OVER", "PAD", "PARAMETER", "PARAMETERS", "PARTIAL", "PATH", "PERCENT", "PLAN", "POSTFIX", "PRECISION", "PREFIX", "PREORDER", "PREPARE", "PRESERVE", "PRIMARY", "PRINT", "PRIOR", "PRIVILEGES", "PROC", "PROCEDURE", "PUBLIC", "RAISERROR", "READ", "READS", "READTEXT", "REAL", "RECONFIGURE", "RECURSIVE", "REF", "REFERENCES", "REFERENCING", "RELATIVE", "REPLICATION", "RESTORE", "RESTRICT", "RESULT", "RETURN", "RETURNS", "REVOKE", "RIGHT", "ROLE", "ROLLBACK", "ROLLUP", "ROUTINE", "ROW", "ROWCOUNT", "ROWGUIDCOL", "ROWS", "RULE", "SAVE", "SAVEPOINT", "SCHEMA", "SCOPE", "SCROLL", "SEARCH", "SECOND", "SECTION", "SELECT", "SEQUENCE", "SESSION", "SESSION_USER", "SET", "SETS", "SETUSER", "SHUTDOWN", "SIZE", "SMALLINT", "SOME", "SPACE", "SPECIFIC", "SPECIFICTYPE", "SQL", "SQLEXCEPTION", "SQLSTATE", "SQLWARNING", "START", "STATE", "STATEMENT", "STATIC", "STATISTICS", "STRUCTURE", "SYSTEM_USER", "TABLE", "TEMPORARY", "TERMINATE", "TEXTSIZE", "THAN", "THEN", "TIME", "TIMESTAMP", "TIMEZONE_HOUR", "TIMEZONE_MINUTE", "TO", "TOP", "TRAILING", "TRAN", "TRANSACTION", "TRANSLATION", "TREAT", "TRIGGER", "TRUE", "TRUNCATE", "TSEQUAL", "UNDER", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "UNKNOWN", "UNNEST", "UPDATE", "UPDATETEXT", "USAGE", "USE", "USER", "USING", "VALUE", "VALUES", "VARCHAR", "VARIABLE", "VARYING", "VIEW", "WAITFOR", "WHEN", "WHENEVER", "WHERE", "WHILE", "WITH", "WITHOUT", "WORK", "WRITE", "WRITETEXT", "YEAR", "ZONE" }; } @Override public String[] getUsedLibraries() { return new String[] { "jtds-1.2.5.jar" }; } @Override public String getExtraOptionsHelpText() { return "http://jtds.sourceforge.net/faq.html#urlFormat"; } /** * Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name. * * @param database * a connected database * @param schemaName * @param tableName * @param idxFields * @return true if the index exists, false if it doesn't. * @throws KettleDatabaseException */ @Override public boolean checkIndexExists( Database database, String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idx_fields ) throws KettleDatabaseException { String tablename = database.getDatabaseMeta().getQuotedSchemaTableCombination( schemaName, tableName ); boolean[] exists = new boolean[idx_fields.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < exists.length; i++ ) { exists[i] = false; } try { // // Get the info from the data dictionary... // StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder( 128 ); sql.append( "select i.name table_name, c.name column_name " ); sql.append( "from sysindexes i, sysindexkeys k, syscolumns c " ); sql.append( "where i.name = '" + tablename + "' " ); sql.append( "AND i.id = k.id " ); sql.append( "AND i.id = c.id " ); sql.append( "AND k.colid = c.colid " ); ResultSet res = null; try { res = database.openQuery( sql.toString() ); if ( res != null ) { Object[] row = database.getRow( res ); while ( row != null ) { String column = database.getReturnRowMeta().getString( row, "column_name", "" ); int idx = Const.indexOfString( column, idx_fields ); if ( idx >= 0 ) { exists[idx] = true; } row = database.getRow( res ); } } else { return false; } } finally { if ( res != null ) { database.closeQuery( res ); } } // See if all the fields are indexed... boolean all = true; for ( int i = 0; i < exists.length && all; i++ ) { if ( !exists[i] ) { all = false; } } return all; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new KettleDatabaseException( "Unable to determine if indexes exists on table [" + tablename + "]", e ); } } @Override public String getSQLListOfSchemas() { return "select name from sys.schemas"; } @Override public boolean supportsSchemas() { return true; } /** * Get the SQL to insert a new empty unknown record in a dimension. * * @param schemaTable * the schema-table name to insert into * @param keyField * The key field * @param versionField * the version field * @return the SQL to insert the unknown record into the SCD. */ @Override public String getSQLInsertAutoIncUnknownDimensionRow( String schemaTable, String keyField, String versionField ) { return "insert into " + schemaTable + "(" + versionField + ") values (1)"; } @Override public String getSQLNextSequenceValue( String sequenceName ) { return String.format( "SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR %s", sequenceName ); } @Override public String getSQLCurrentSequenceValue( String sequenceName ) { return String.format( "SELECT current_value FROM sys.sequences WHERE name = '%s'", sequenceName ); } @Override public String getSQLSequenceExists( String sequenceName ) { return String.format( "SELECT 1 FROM sys.sequences WHERE name = '%s'", sequenceName ); } @Override public boolean supportsSequences() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsSequenceNoMaxValueOption() { return true; } @Override public String getSQLListOfSequences() { return "SELECT name FROM sys.sequences"; } /** * @param string * @return A string that is properly quoted for use in an Oracle SQL statement (insert, update, delete, etc) */ @Override public String quoteSQLString( String string ) { string = string.replaceAll( "'", "''" ); string = string.replaceAll( "\\n", "'+char(13)+'" ); string = string.replaceAll( "\\r", "'+char(10)+'" ); return "'" + string + "'"; } @Override public Long getNextBatchIdUsingLockTables( DatabaseMeta dbm, Database ldb, String schemaName, String tableName, String fieldName ) throws KettleDatabaseException { Long rtn = null; // Make sure we lock that table to avoid concurrency issues ldb.lockTables( new String[] { dbm.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination( schemaName, tableName ), } ); try { rtn = ldb.getNextValue( null, schemaName, tableName, fieldName ); } finally { ldb.unlockTables( new String[] { tableName, } ); } return rtn; } @Override public boolean useSafePoints() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsErrorHandlingOnBatchUpdates() { return true; } @Override public int getMaxVARCHARLength() { return 8000; } }