/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MetaTableAccessor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RackManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.FavoredNodes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager; import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException; /** * Helper class for {@link FavoredNodeLoadBalancer} that has all the intelligence * for racks, meta scans, etc. Instantiated by the {@link FavoredNodeLoadBalancer} * when needed (from within calls like * {@link FavoredNodeLoadBalancer#randomAssignment(HRegionInfo, List)}). * */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public class FavoredNodeAssignmentHelper { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FavoredNodeAssignmentHelper.class); private RackManager rackManager; private Map<String, List<ServerName>> rackToRegionServerMap; private List<String> uniqueRackList; private Map<ServerName, String> regionServerToRackMap; private Random random; private List<ServerName> servers; public static final byte [] FAVOREDNODES_QUALIFIER = Bytes.toBytes("fn"); public final static short FAVORED_NODES_NUM = 3; public FavoredNodeAssignmentHelper(final List<ServerName> servers, Configuration conf) { this(servers, new RackManager(conf)); } public FavoredNodeAssignmentHelper(final List<ServerName> servers, final RackManager rackManager) { this.servers = servers; this.rackManager = rackManager; this.rackToRegionServerMap = new HashMap<String, List<ServerName>>(); this.regionServerToRackMap = new HashMap<ServerName, String>(); this.uniqueRackList = new ArrayList<String>(); this.random = new Random(); } /** * Update meta table with favored nodes info * @param regionToFavoredNodes map of HRegionInfo's to their favored nodes * @param connection connection to be used * @throws IOException */ public static void updateMetaWithFavoredNodesInfo( Map<HRegionInfo, List<ServerName>> regionToFavoredNodes, Connection connection) throws IOException { List<Put> puts = new ArrayList<Put>(); for (Map.Entry<HRegionInfo, List<ServerName>> entry : regionToFavoredNodes.entrySet()) { Put put = makePutFromRegionInfo(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); if (put != null) { puts.add(put); } } MetaTableAccessor.putsToMetaTable(connection, puts); LOG.info("Added " + puts.size() + " regions in META"); } /** * Update meta table with favored nodes info * @param regionToFavoredNodes * @param conf * @throws IOException */ public static void updateMetaWithFavoredNodesInfo( Map<HRegionInfo, List<ServerName>> regionToFavoredNodes, Configuration conf) throws IOException { List<Put> puts = new ArrayList<Put>(); for (Map.Entry<HRegionInfo, List<ServerName>> entry : regionToFavoredNodes.entrySet()) { Put put = makePutFromRegionInfo(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); if (put != null) { puts.add(put); } } // Write the region assignments to the meta table. // TODO: See above overrides take a Connection rather than a Configuration only the // Connection is a short circuit connection. That is not going to good in all cases, when // master and meta are not colocated. Fix when this favored nodes feature is actually used // someday. try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf)) { try (Table metaTable = connection.getTable(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME)) { metaTable.put(puts); } } LOG.info("Added " + puts.size() + " regions in META"); } /** * Generates and returns a Put containing the region info for the catalog table * and the servers * @param regionInfo * @param favoredNodeList * @return Put object */ static Put makePutFromRegionInfo(HRegionInfo regionInfo, List<ServerName>favoredNodeList) throws IOException { Put put = null; if (favoredNodeList != null) { put = MetaTableAccessor.makePutFromRegionInfo(regionInfo); byte[] favoredNodes = getFavoredNodes(favoredNodeList); put.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, FAVOREDNODES_QUALIFIER, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(), favoredNodes); LOG.info("Create the region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString() + " with favored nodes " + Bytes.toString(favoredNodes)); } return put; } /** * @param favoredNodes The PB'ed bytes of favored nodes * @return the array of {@link ServerName} for the byte array of favored nodes. * @throws InvalidProtocolBufferException */ public static ServerName[] getFavoredNodesList(byte[] favoredNodes) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { FavoredNodes f = FavoredNodes.parseFrom(favoredNodes); List<HBaseProtos.ServerName> protoNodes = f.getFavoredNodeList(); ServerName[] servers = new ServerName[protoNodes.size()]; int i = 0; for (HBaseProtos.ServerName node : protoNodes) { servers[i++] = ProtobufUtil.toServerName(node); } return servers; } /** * @param serverAddrList * @return PB'ed bytes of {@link FavoredNodes} generated by the server list. */ public static byte[] getFavoredNodes(List<ServerName> serverAddrList) { FavoredNodes.Builder f = FavoredNodes.newBuilder(); for (ServerName s : serverAddrList) { HBaseProtos.ServerName.Builder b = HBaseProtos.ServerName.newBuilder(); b.setHostName(s.getHostname()); b.setPort(s.getPort()); b.setStartCode(s.getStartcode()); f.addFavoredNode(b.build()); } return f.build().toByteArray(); } // Place the regions round-robin across the racks picking one server from each // rack at a time. Start with a random rack, and a random server from every rack. // If a rack doesn't have enough servers it will go to the next rack and so on. // for choosing a primary. // For example, if 4 racks (r1 .. r4) with 8 servers (s1..s8) each, one possible // placement could be r2:s5, r3:s5, r4:s5, r1:s5, r2:s6, r3:s6.. // If there were fewer servers in one rack, say r3, which had 3 servers, one possible // placement could be r2:s5, <skip-r3>, r4:s5, r1:s5, r2:s6, <skip-r3> ... // The regions should be distributed proportionately to the racksizes void placePrimaryRSAsRoundRobin(Map<ServerName, List<HRegionInfo>> assignmentMap, Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> primaryRSMap, List<HRegionInfo> regions) { List<String> rackList = new ArrayList<String>(rackToRegionServerMap.size()); rackList.addAll(rackToRegionServerMap.keySet()); int rackIndex = random.nextInt(rackList.size()); int maxRackSize = 0; for (Map.Entry<String,List<ServerName>> r : rackToRegionServerMap.entrySet()) { if (r.getValue().size() > maxRackSize) { maxRackSize = r.getValue().size(); } } int numIterations = 0; int firstServerIndex = random.nextInt(maxRackSize); // Initialize the current processing host index. int serverIndex = firstServerIndex; for (HRegionInfo regionInfo : regions) { List<ServerName> currentServerList; String rackName; while (true) { rackName = rackList.get(rackIndex); numIterations++; // Get the server list for the current rack currentServerList = rackToRegionServerMap.get(rackName); if (serverIndex >= currentServerList.size()) { //not enough machines in this rack if (numIterations % rackList.size() == 0) { if (++serverIndex >= maxRackSize) serverIndex = 0; } if ((++rackIndex) >= rackList.size()) { rackIndex = 0; // reset the rack index to 0 } } else break; } // Get the current process region server ServerName currentServer = currentServerList.get(serverIndex); // Place the current region with the current primary region server primaryRSMap.put(regionInfo, currentServer); List<HRegionInfo> regionsForServer = assignmentMap.get(currentServer); if (regionsForServer == null) { regionsForServer = new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>(); assignmentMap.put(currentServer, regionsForServer); } regionsForServer.add(regionInfo); // Set the next processing index if (numIterations % rackList.size() == 0) { ++serverIndex; } if ((++rackIndex) >= rackList.size()) { rackIndex = 0; // reset the rack index to 0 } } } Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName[]> placeSecondaryAndTertiaryRS( Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> primaryRSMap) { Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName[]> secondaryAndTertiaryMap = new HashMap<HRegionInfo, ServerName[]>(); for (Map.Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName> entry : primaryRSMap.entrySet()) { // Get the target region and its primary region server rack HRegionInfo regionInfo = entry.getKey(); ServerName primaryRS = entry.getValue(); try { // Create the secondary and tertiary region server pair object. ServerName[] favoredNodes; // Get the rack for the primary region server String primaryRack = rackManager.getRack(primaryRS); if (getTotalNumberOfRacks() == 1) { favoredNodes = singleRackCase(regionInfo, primaryRS, primaryRack); } else { favoredNodes = multiRackCase(regionInfo, primaryRS, primaryRack); } if (favoredNodes != null) { secondaryAndTertiaryMap.put(regionInfo, favoredNodes); LOG.debug("Place the secondary and tertiary region server for region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Cannot place the favored nodes for region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString() + " because " + e, e); continue; } } return secondaryAndTertiaryMap; } private Map<ServerName, Set<HRegionInfo>> mapRSToPrimaries( Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> primaryRSMap) { Map<ServerName, Set<HRegionInfo>> primaryServerMap = new HashMap<ServerName, Set<HRegionInfo>>(); for (Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName> e : primaryRSMap.entrySet()) { Set<HRegionInfo> currentSet = primaryServerMap.get(e.getValue()); if (currentSet == null) { currentSet = new HashSet<HRegionInfo>(); } currentSet.add(e.getKey()); primaryServerMap.put(e.getValue(), currentSet); } return primaryServerMap; } /** * For regions that share the primary, avoid placing the secondary and tertiary * on a same RS. Used for generating new assignments for the * primary/secondary/tertiary RegionServers * @param primaryRSMap * @return the map of regions to the servers the region-files should be hosted on */ public Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName[]> placeSecondaryAndTertiaryWithRestrictions( Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> primaryRSMap) { Map<ServerName, Set<HRegionInfo>> serverToPrimaries = mapRSToPrimaries(primaryRSMap); Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName[]> secondaryAndTertiaryMap = new HashMap<HRegionInfo, ServerName[]>(); for (Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName> entry : primaryRSMap.entrySet()) { // Get the target region and its primary region server rack HRegionInfo regionInfo = entry.getKey(); ServerName primaryRS = entry.getValue(); try { // Get the rack for the primary region server String primaryRack = rackManager.getRack(primaryRS); ServerName[] favoredNodes = null; if (getTotalNumberOfRacks() == 1) { // Single rack case: have to pick the secondary and tertiary // from the same rack favoredNodes = singleRackCase(regionInfo, primaryRS, primaryRack); } else { favoredNodes = multiRackCaseWithRestrictions(serverToPrimaries, secondaryAndTertiaryMap, primaryRack, primaryRS, regionInfo); } if (favoredNodes != null) { secondaryAndTertiaryMap.put(regionInfo, favoredNodes); LOG.debug("Place the secondary and tertiary region server for region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Cannot place the favored nodes for region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString() + " because " + e, e); continue; } } return secondaryAndTertiaryMap; } private ServerName[] multiRackCaseWithRestrictions( Map<ServerName, Set<HRegionInfo>> serverToPrimaries, Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName[]> secondaryAndTertiaryMap, String primaryRack, ServerName primaryRS, HRegionInfo regionInfo) throws IOException { // Random to choose the secondary and tertiary region server // from another rack to place the secondary and tertiary // Random to choose one rack except for the current rack Set<String> rackSkipSet = new HashSet<String>(); rackSkipSet.add(primaryRack); String secondaryRack = getOneRandomRack(rackSkipSet); List<ServerName> serverList = getServersFromRack(secondaryRack); Set<ServerName> serverSet = new HashSet<ServerName>(); serverSet.addAll(serverList); ServerName[] favoredNodes; if (serverList.size() >= 2) { // Randomly pick up two servers from this secondary rack // Skip the secondary for the tertiary placement // skip the servers which share the primary already Set<HRegionInfo> primaries = serverToPrimaries.get(primaryRS); Set<ServerName> skipServerSet = new HashSet<ServerName>(); while (true) { ServerName[] secondaryAndTertiary = null; if (primaries.size() > 1) { // check where his tertiary and secondary are for (HRegionInfo primary : primaries) { secondaryAndTertiary = secondaryAndTertiaryMap.get(primary); if (secondaryAndTertiary != null) { if (regionServerToRackMap.get(secondaryAndTertiary[0]).equals(secondaryRack)) { skipServerSet.add(secondaryAndTertiary[0]); } if (regionServerToRackMap.get(secondaryAndTertiary[1]).equals(secondaryRack)) { skipServerSet.add(secondaryAndTertiary[1]); } } } } if (skipServerSet.size() + 2 <= serverSet.size()) break; skipServerSet.clear(); rackSkipSet.add(secondaryRack); // we used all racks if (rackSkipSet.size() == getTotalNumberOfRacks()) { // remove the last two added and break skipServerSet.remove(secondaryAndTertiary[0]); skipServerSet.remove(secondaryAndTertiary[1]); break; } secondaryRack = getOneRandomRack(rackSkipSet); serverList = getServersFromRack(secondaryRack); serverSet = new HashSet<ServerName>(); serverSet.addAll(serverList); } // Place the secondary RS ServerName secondaryRS = getOneRandomServer(secondaryRack, skipServerSet); skipServerSet.add(secondaryRS); // Place the tertiary RS ServerName tertiaryRS = getOneRandomServer(secondaryRack, skipServerSet); if (secondaryRS == null || tertiaryRS == null) { LOG.error("Cannot place the secondary and tertiary" + " region server for region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString()); } // Create the secondary and tertiary pair favoredNodes = new ServerName[2]; favoredNodes[0] = secondaryRS; favoredNodes[1] = tertiaryRS; } else { // Pick the secondary rs from this secondary rack // and pick the tertiary from another random rack favoredNodes = new ServerName[2]; ServerName secondary = getOneRandomServer(secondaryRack); favoredNodes[0] = secondary; // Pick the tertiary if (getTotalNumberOfRacks() == 2) { // Pick the tertiary from the same rack of the primary RS Set<ServerName> serverSkipSet = new HashSet<ServerName>(); serverSkipSet.add(primaryRS); favoredNodes[1] = getOneRandomServer(primaryRack, serverSkipSet); } else { // Pick the tertiary from another rack rackSkipSet.add(secondaryRack); String tertiaryRandomRack = getOneRandomRack(rackSkipSet); favoredNodes[1] = getOneRandomServer(tertiaryRandomRack); } } return favoredNodes; } private ServerName[] singleRackCase(HRegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName primaryRS, String primaryRack) throws IOException { // Single rack case: have to pick the secondary and tertiary // from the same rack List<ServerName> serverList = getServersFromRack(primaryRack); if (serverList.size() <= 2) { // Single region server case: cannot not place the favored nodes // on any server; return null; } else { // Randomly select two region servers from the server list and make sure // they are not overlap with the primary region server; Set<ServerName> serverSkipSet = new HashSet<ServerName>(); serverSkipSet.add(primaryRS); // Place the secondary RS ServerName secondaryRS = getOneRandomServer(primaryRack, serverSkipSet); // Skip the secondary for the tertiary placement serverSkipSet.add(secondaryRS); // Place the tertiary RS ServerName tertiaryRS = getOneRandomServer(primaryRack, serverSkipSet); if (secondaryRS == null || tertiaryRS == null) { LOG.error("Cannot place the secondary and terinary" + "region server for region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString()); } // Create the secondary and tertiary pair ServerName[] favoredNodes = new ServerName[2]; favoredNodes[0] = secondaryRS; favoredNodes[1] = tertiaryRS; return favoredNodes; } } private ServerName[] multiRackCase(HRegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName primaryRS, String primaryRack) throws IOException { // Random to choose the secondary and tertiary region server // from another rack to place the secondary and tertiary // Random to choose one rack except for the current rack Set<String> rackSkipSet = new HashSet<String>(); rackSkipSet.add(primaryRack); ServerName[] favoredNodes = new ServerName[2]; String secondaryRack = getOneRandomRack(rackSkipSet); List<ServerName> serverList = getServersFromRack(secondaryRack); if (serverList.size() >= 2) { // Randomly pick up two servers from this secondary rack // Place the secondary RS ServerName secondaryRS = getOneRandomServer(secondaryRack); // Skip the secondary for the tertiary placement Set<ServerName> skipServerSet = new HashSet<ServerName>(); skipServerSet.add(secondaryRS); // Place the tertiary RS ServerName tertiaryRS = getOneRandomServer(secondaryRack, skipServerSet); if (secondaryRS == null || tertiaryRS == null) { LOG.error("Cannot place the secondary and terinary" + "region server for region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString()); } // Create the secondary and tertiary pair favoredNodes[0] = secondaryRS; favoredNodes[1] = tertiaryRS; } else { // Pick the secondary rs from this secondary rack // and pick the tertiary from another random rack favoredNodes[0] = getOneRandomServer(secondaryRack); // Pick the tertiary if (getTotalNumberOfRacks() == 2) { // Pick the tertiary from the same rack of the primary RS Set<ServerName> serverSkipSet = new HashSet<ServerName>(); serverSkipSet.add(primaryRS); favoredNodes[1] = getOneRandomServer(primaryRack, serverSkipSet); } else { // Pick the tertiary from another rack rackSkipSet.add(secondaryRack); String tertiaryRandomRack = getOneRandomRack(rackSkipSet); favoredNodes[1] = getOneRandomServer(tertiaryRandomRack); } } return favoredNodes; } boolean canPlaceFavoredNodes() { int serverSize = this.regionServerToRackMap.size(); return (serverSize >= FAVORED_NODES_NUM); } public void initialize() { for (ServerName sn : this.servers) { String rackName = this.rackManager.getRack(sn); List<ServerName> serverList = this.rackToRegionServerMap.get(rackName); if (serverList == null) { serverList = new ArrayList<ServerName>(); // Add the current rack to the unique rack list this.uniqueRackList.add(rackName); } if (!serverList.contains(sn)) { serverList.add(sn); this.rackToRegionServerMap.put(rackName, serverList); this.regionServerToRackMap.put(sn, rackName); } } } private int getTotalNumberOfRacks() { return this.uniqueRackList.size(); } private List<ServerName> getServersFromRack(String rack) { return this.rackToRegionServerMap.get(rack); } private ServerName getOneRandomServer(String rack, Set<ServerName> skipServerSet) throws IOException { if(rack == null) return null; List<ServerName> serverList = this.rackToRegionServerMap.get(rack); if (serverList == null) return null; // Get a random server except for any servers from the skip set if (skipServerSet != null && serverList.size() <= skipServerSet.size()) { throw new IOException("Cannot randomly pick another random server"); } ServerName randomServer; do { int randomIndex = random.nextInt(serverList.size()); randomServer = serverList.get(randomIndex); } while (skipServerSet != null && skipServerSet.contains(randomServer)); return randomServer; } private ServerName getOneRandomServer(String rack) throws IOException { return this.getOneRandomServer(rack, null); } private String getOneRandomRack(Set<String> skipRackSet) throws IOException { if (skipRackSet == null || uniqueRackList.size() <= skipRackSet.size()) { throw new IOException("Cannot randomly pick another random server"); } String randomRack; do { int randomIndex = random.nextInt(this.uniqueRackList.size()); randomRack = this.uniqueRackList.get(randomIndex); } while (skipRackSet.contains(randomRack)); return randomRack; } public static String getFavoredNodesAsString(List<ServerName> nodes) { StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; for (ServerName node : nodes) { strBuf.append(node.getHostAndPort()); if (++i != nodes.size()) strBuf.append(";"); } return strBuf.toString(); } }