/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package parquet.hadoop; import static parquet.Log.INFO; import static parquet.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static parquet.hadoop.ParquetWriter.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; import static parquet.hadoop.ParquetWriter.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; import static parquet.hadoop.util.ContextUtil.getConfiguration; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputCommitter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat; import parquet.Log; import parquet.column.ParquetProperties.WriterVersion; import parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport; import parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport.WriteContext; import parquet.hadoop.codec.CodecConfig; import parquet.hadoop.metadata.CompressionCodecName; import parquet.hadoop.util.ConfigurationUtil; /** * OutputFormat to write to a Parquet file * <p/> * It requires a {@link WriteSupport} to convert the actual records to the underlying format. * It requires the schema of the incoming records. (provided by the write support) * It allows storing extra metadata in the footer (for example: for schema compatibility purpose when converting from a different schema language). * <p/> * The format configuration settings in the job configuration: * <pre> * # The block size is the size of a row group being buffered in memory * # this limits the memory usage when writing * # Larger values will improve the IO when reading but consume more memory when writing * parquet.block.size=134217728 # in bytes, default = 128 * 1024 * 1024 * * # The page size is for compression. When reading, each page can be decompressed independently. * # A block is composed of pages. The page is the smallest unit that must be read fully to access a single record. * # If this value is too small, the compression will deteriorate * parquet.page.size=1048576 # in bytes, default = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * * # There is one dictionary page per column per row group when dictionary encoding is used. * # The dictionary page size works like the page size but for dictionary * parquet.dictionary.page.size=1048576 # in bytes, default = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * * # The compression algorithm used to compress pages * parquet.compression=UNCOMPRESSED # one of: UNCOMPRESSED, SNAPPY, GZIP, LZO. Default: UNCOMPRESSED. Supersedes mapred.output.compress* * * # The write support class to convert the records written to the OutputFormat into the events accepted by the record consumer * # Usually provided by a specific ParquetOutputFormat subclass * parquet.write.support.class= # fully qualified name * * # To enable/disable dictionary encoding * parquet.enable.dictionary=true # false to disable dictionary encoding * * # To enable/disable summary metadata aggregation at the end of a MR job * # The default is true (enabled) * parquet.enable.summary-metadata=true # false to disable summary aggregation * </pre> * <p/> * If parquet.compression is not set, the following properties are checked (FileOutputFormat behavior). * Note that we explicitely disallow custom Codecs * <pre> * mapred.output.compress=true * mapred.output.compression.codec=org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SomeCodec # the codec must be one of Snappy, GZip or LZO * </pre> * <p/> * if none of those is set the data is uncompressed. * * @param <T> the type of the materialized records * @author Julien Le Dem */ public class ParquetOutputFormat<T> extends FileOutputFormat<Void, T> { private static final Log LOG = Log.getLog(ParquetOutputFormat.class); public static final String BLOCK_SIZE = "parquet.block.size"; public static final String PAGE_SIZE = "parquet.page.size"; public static final String COMPRESSION = "parquet.compression"; public static final String WRITE_SUPPORT_CLASS = "parquet.write.support.class"; public static final String DICTIONARY_PAGE_SIZE = "parquet.dictionary.page.size"; public static final String ENABLE_DICTIONARY = "parquet.enable.dictionary"; public static final String VALIDATION = "parquet.validation"; public static final String WRITER_VERSION = "parquet.writer.version"; public static final String ENABLE_JOB_SUMMARY = "parquet.enable.summary-metadata"; public static final String MEMORY_POOL_RATIO = "parquet.memory.pool.ratio"; public static final String MIN_MEMORY_ALLOCATION = "parquet.memory.min.chunk.size"; public static void setWriteSupportClass(Job job, Class<?> writeSupportClass) { getConfiguration(job).set(WRITE_SUPPORT_CLASS, writeSupportClass.getName()); } public static void setWriteSupportClass(JobConf job, Class<?> writeSupportClass) { job.set(WRITE_SUPPORT_CLASS, writeSupportClass.getName()); } public static Class<?> getWriteSupportClass(Configuration configuration) { final String className = configuration.get(WRITE_SUPPORT_CLASS); if (className == null) { return null; } final Class<?> writeSupportClass = ConfigurationUtil.getClassFromConfig(configuration, WRITE_SUPPORT_CLASS, WriteSupport.class); return writeSupportClass; } public static void setBlockSize(Job job, int blockSize) { getConfiguration(job).setInt(BLOCK_SIZE, blockSize); } public static void setPageSize(Job job, int pageSize) { getConfiguration(job).setInt(PAGE_SIZE, pageSize); } public static void setDictionaryPageSize(Job job, int pageSize) { getConfiguration(job).setInt(DICTIONARY_PAGE_SIZE, pageSize); } public static void setCompression(Job job, CompressionCodecName compression) { getConfiguration(job).set(COMPRESSION, compression.name()); } public static void setEnableDictionary(Job job, boolean enableDictionary) { getConfiguration(job).setBoolean(ENABLE_DICTIONARY, enableDictionary); } public static boolean getEnableDictionary(JobContext jobContext) { return getEnableDictionary(getConfiguration(jobContext)); } public static int getBlockSize(JobContext jobContext) { return getBlockSize(getConfiguration(jobContext)); } public static int getPageSize(JobContext jobContext) { return getPageSize(getConfiguration(jobContext)); } public static int getDictionaryPageSize(JobContext jobContext) { return getDictionaryPageSize(getConfiguration(jobContext)); } public static CompressionCodecName getCompression(JobContext jobContext) { return getCompression(getConfiguration(jobContext)); } public static boolean isCompressionSet(JobContext jobContext) { return isCompressionSet(getConfiguration(jobContext)); } public static void setValidation(JobContext jobContext, boolean validating) { setValidation(getConfiguration(jobContext), validating); } public static boolean getValidation(JobContext jobContext) { return getValidation(getConfiguration(jobContext)); } public static boolean getEnableDictionary(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.getBoolean(ENABLE_DICTIONARY, true); } @Deprecated public static int getBlockSize(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.getInt(BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE); } public static long getLongBlockSize(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.getLong(BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE); } public static int getPageSize(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.getInt(PAGE_SIZE, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); } public static int getDictionaryPageSize(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.getInt(DICTIONARY_PAGE_SIZE, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); } public static WriterVersion getWriterVersion(Configuration configuration) { String writerVersion = configuration.get(WRITER_VERSION, WriterVersion.PARQUET_1_0.toString()); return WriterVersion.fromString(writerVersion); } public static CompressionCodecName getCompression(Configuration configuration) { return CodecConfig.getParquetCompressionCodec(configuration); } public static boolean isCompressionSet(Configuration configuration) { return CodecConfig.isParquetCompressionSet(configuration); } public static void setValidation(Configuration configuration, boolean validating) { configuration.setBoolean(VALIDATION, validating); } public static boolean getValidation(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.getBoolean(VALIDATION, false); } private CompressionCodecName getCodec(TaskAttemptContext taskAttemptContext) { return CodecConfig.from(taskAttemptContext).getCodec(); } private WriteSupport<T> writeSupport; private ParquetOutputCommitter committer; /** * constructor used when this OutputFormat in wrapped in another one (In Pig for example) * * @param writeSupportClass the class used to convert the incoming records * @param schema the schema of the records * @param extraMetaData extra meta data to be stored in the footer of the file */ public <S extends WriteSupport<T>> ParquetOutputFormat(S writeSupport) { this.writeSupport = writeSupport; } /** * used when directly using the output format and configuring the write support implementation * using parquet.write.support.class */ public <S extends WriteSupport<T>> ParquetOutputFormat() { } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public RecordWriter<Void, T> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext taskAttemptContext) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final Configuration conf = getConfiguration(taskAttemptContext); CompressionCodecName codec = getCodec(taskAttemptContext); String extension = codec.getExtension() + ".parquet"; Path file = getDefaultWorkFile(taskAttemptContext, extension); return getRecordWriter(conf, file, codec); } public RecordWriter<Void, T> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext taskAttemptContext, Path file) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return getRecordWriter(getConfiguration(taskAttemptContext), file, getCodec(taskAttemptContext)); } public RecordWriter<Void, T> getRecordWriter(Configuration conf, Path file, CompressionCodecName codec) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final WriteSupport<T> writeSupport = getWriteSupport(conf); CodecFactory codecFactory = new CodecFactory(conf); long blockSize = getLongBlockSize(conf); if (INFO) LOG.info("Parquet block size to " + blockSize); int pageSize = getPageSize(conf); if (INFO) LOG.info("Parquet page size to " + pageSize); int dictionaryPageSize = getDictionaryPageSize(conf); if (INFO) LOG.info("Parquet dictionary page size to " + dictionaryPageSize); boolean enableDictionary = getEnableDictionary(conf); if (INFO) LOG.info("Dictionary is " + (enableDictionary ? "on" : "off")); boolean validating = getValidation(conf); if (INFO) LOG.info("Validation is " + (validating ? "on" : "off")); WriterVersion writerVersion = getWriterVersion(conf); if (INFO) LOG.info("Writer version is: " + writerVersion); WriteContext init = writeSupport.init(conf); ParquetFileWriter w = new ParquetFileWriter(conf, init.getSchema(), file); w.start(); float maxLoad = conf.getFloat(ParquetOutputFormat.MEMORY_POOL_RATIO, MemoryManager.DEFAULT_MEMORY_POOL_RATIO); long minAllocation = conf.getLong(ParquetOutputFormat.MIN_MEMORY_ALLOCATION, MemoryManager.DEFAULT_MIN_MEMORY_ALLOCATION); if (memoryManager == null) { memoryManager = new MemoryManager(maxLoad, minAllocation); } else if (memoryManager.getMemoryPoolRatio() != maxLoad) { LOG.warn("The configuration " + MEMORY_POOL_RATIO + " has been set. It should not " + "be reset by the new value: " + maxLoad); } return new ParquetRecordWriter<T>( w, writeSupport, init.getSchema(), init.getExtraMetaData(), blockSize, pageSize, codecFactory.getCompressor(codec, pageSize), dictionaryPageSize, enableDictionary, validating, writerVersion, memoryManager); } /** * @param configuration to find the configuration for the write support class * @return the configured write support */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WriteSupport<T> getWriteSupport(Configuration configuration) { if (writeSupport != null) return writeSupport; Class<?> writeSupportClass = getWriteSupportClass(configuration); try { return (WriteSupport<T>) checkNotNull(writeSupportClass, "writeSupportClass").newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new BadConfigurationException("could not instantiate write support class: " + writeSupportClass, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new BadConfigurationException("could not instantiate write support class: " + writeSupportClass, e); } } @Override public OutputCommitter getOutputCommitter(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { if (committer == null) { Path output = getOutputPath(context); committer = new ParquetOutputCommitter(output, context); } return committer; } /** * This memory manager is for all the real writers (InternalParquetRecordWriter) in one task. */ private static MemoryManager memoryManager; static MemoryManager getMemoryManager() { return memoryManager; } }