package; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.ExceptionUtil; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.MetadataException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.MetadataValidationException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XMLParserException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsInternalException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsNonIdenticalHashException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.And; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.BackendRegistry; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.Metadata; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.MetadataParser; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.MetadataSupport; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.SQCodeAnd; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.SQCodeOr; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.SQCodedTerm; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.storedquery.StoredQuerySupport; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openhealthtools.openxds.log.LoggerException; public class EbXML21QuerySupport implements RegistryValidations { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(EbXML21QuerySupport.class); StoredQuerySupport sqs; BackendRegistry br; boolean where = false; public EbXML21QuerySupport(StoredQuerySupport storedQuerySupport) { sqs = storedQuerySupport; br = new BackendRegistry(sqs.response, sqs.log_message); init(); } public StringBuffer getQuery() { return sqs.query; } private void setQuery(StringBuffer buf) { sqs.query = buf; } // sql specific public List<String> getIdsFromRegistryResponse(OMElement rr) { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); OMElement ahqr = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(rr, "AdhocQueryResponse") ; if (ahqr == null) return ids; OMElement sqr = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(ahqr, "SQLQueryResult") ; if (sqr == null) return ids; for (Iterator<OMElement> it=sqr.getChildElements(); it.hasNext();) { OMElement ele = (OMElement); if (sqs.return_leaf_class && ele.getLocalName().equals("ObjectRef")) continue; ids.add(ele.getAttributeValue(MetadataSupport.id_qname)); } return ids; } public List<String> getIdsFromAdhocQueryResponse(OMElement rr) { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); OMElement rol = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(rr, "RegistryObjectList") ; if (rol == null) return ids; for (Iterator<OMElement> it=rol.getChildElements(); it.hasNext();) { OMElement ele = (OMElement); if (sqs.return_leaf_class && ele.getLocalName().equals("ObjectRef")) continue; ids.add(ele.getAttributeValue(MetadataSupport.id_qname)); } return ids; } // sql public String declareClassifications(List<String> names) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (String name : names) buf.append(", Classification " + name + "\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String declareClassifications(SQCodedTerm term) { if (term instanceof SQCodeOr) return declareClassifications((SQCodeOr) term); if (term instanceof SQCodeAnd) return declareClassifications((SQCodeAnd) term); return null; } public String declareClassifications(SQCodeOr or) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(", Classification " + or.getCodeVarName() + "\n"); buf.append(", Slot " + or.getSchemeVarName() + "\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String declareClassifications(SQCodeAnd and) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (String name : and.getCodeVarNames()) buf.append(", Classification " + name + "\n"); for (String name : and.getSchemeVarNames()) buf.append(", Slot " + name + "\n"); return buf.toString(); } // sql public List<String> query_for_object_refs() throws XMLParserException, LoggerException, XdsException { return br.queryForObjectRefs(getQuery().toString()); } // sql public OMElement query() throws XdsException, LoggerException { String q = getQuery().toString(); if (sqs.log_message != null) sqs.log_message.addOtherParam("raw query", q); return br.query(q, sqs.return_leaf_class); } // sql public OMElement query(boolean leaf_class) throws XdsException, LoggerException { String q = getQuery().toString(); if (sqs.log_message != null) sqs.log_message.addOtherParam("raw query", q); return br.query(q, leaf_class ); } // sql public void init() { setQuery(new StringBuffer()); } // sql public void where() { where = true; String x = "WHERE"; getQuery().append(x); } public void and() { if (!where) a("AND"); where = false; } // sql public void a(String x) { where = false; getQuery().append(x); } // sql public void a_quoted(String x) { where = false; getQuery().append("'"); getQuery().append(x); getQuery().append("'"); } // sql public void n() { getQuery().append("\n"); } // sql public void a(List list) throws MetadataException { getQuery().append("("); boolean first_time = true; for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { if ( !first_time) getQuery().append(","); Object o = list.get(i); if (o instanceof String) getQuery().append("'" + (String) o + "'"); else if (o instanceof Integer) getQuery().append(((Integer) o).toString()); else { String trace = null; try { throw new Exception("foo"); } catch (Exception e) { trace = ExceptionUtil.exception_details(e); } throw new MetadataException("Parameter value " + o + " cannot be decoded: \n" + trace); } first_time = false; } getQuery().append(")"); } // sql public OMElement getDocById(String uuid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); ids.add(uuid); return getDocById(ids); } // sql public OMElement getDocById(List<String> uuids) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("eo"); a("FROM ExtrinsicObject eo"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" IN "); a(uuids); n(); return query(sqs.return_leaf_class); } public OMElement getRegistryObjectById(List<String> uuids) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("eo"); a("FROM RegistryObject eo"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" IN "); a(uuids); n(); return query(sqs.return_leaf_class); } // sql public OMElement getDocByUid(String uid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { ArrayList<String> uids = new ArrayList<String>(); uids.add(uid); return getDocByUid(uids); } // sql public OMElement getDocByUid(List<String> uids) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("eo"); a("FROM ExtrinsicObject eo, ExternalIdentifier ei"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" AND"); n(); a(" ei.identificationScheme='urn:uuid:2e82c1f6-a085-4c72-9da3-8640a32e42ab' AND"); n(); a(" ei.value IN "); a(uids); n(); return query(sqs.return_leaf_class); } // sql public String getDocIdFromUid(String uid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { boolean rlc = sqs.return_leaf_class; sqs.return_leaf_class = false; OMElement result = getDocByUid(uid); Metadata metadata = MetadataParser.parseNonSubmission(result); List<OMElement> obj_refs = metadata.getObjectRefs(); if (obj_refs.size() == 0) return null; sqs.return_leaf_class = rlc; return metadata.getId(obj_refs.get(0)); } // sql public OMElement getAssociations(List<String> source_or_target_ids, List<String> assoc_types, List<String> object_types) throws XdsException, LoggerException { List<String> a_types = assoc_types; //No need to strict away namespace for associationTypes for V3 // List<String> a_types = new ArrayList<String>(); // if (assoc_types != null) { // for (String type : assoc_types) { // String[] parts = type.split(":"); // if (parts.length > 1) // a_types.add(parts[parts.length -1]); // else // a_types.add(type); // } // } init(); select("a"); a("FROM Association a, ExtrinsicObject doc"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" (a.sourceObject IN "); a(source_or_target_ids); a(" OR"); n(); a(" a.targetObject IN "); a(source_or_target_ids); a(" )"); n(); if (assoc_types != null) { a(" AND a.associationType IN "); a(a_types); n(); } if (object_types != null && object_types.size() > 0) { a(" AND ( OR AND NOT IN "); a(source_or_target_ids); n(); a(" AND doc.objecttype IN "); a(object_types); n(); } return query(sqs.return_leaf_class); } /** * Add code selection to restrict selection of DocumentEntries or SubmissionSets. When used * to build SQL queries, the internal query buffer is appended with additional SELECT clauses * to add restrictions to the query. Other implementations use other internal mechanisms. * @param code_var temporary variable name for the code value, Used in building SQL queries * @param code_scheme_var temporary variable name for the classification scheme * @param code_class_uuid UUID of the classification scheme * @param codes collection of code values to match against * @param schemes collection of coding schemes to match against * @throws MetadataException */ public void addCode(String code_var, String code_scheme_var, String code_class_uuid, List codes, List schemes) throws MetadataException { if (codes != null) { a("AND ("); a(code_var); a(".classifiedobject = AND "); n(); } if (codes != null) { a(" "); a(code_var); a(".classificationScheme = '"); a(code_class_uuid); a("' AND "); n(); } if (codes != null) { a(" "); a(code_var); a(".nodeRepresentation IN "); a(codes); a(" )"); n(); } if (schemes != null) { a("AND ("); a(code_scheme_var); a(".parent = "); a(code_var); a(".id AND "); n(); } if (schemes != null) { a(" "); a(code_scheme_var); a(".name = 'codingScheme' AND "); n(); } if (schemes != null) { a(" "); a(code_scheme_var); a(".value IN "); a(schemes); a(" )"); n(); } } /** * Add code selection to restrict selection of DocumentEntries. When used * to build SQL queries, the internal query buffer is appended with additional SELECT clauses * to add restrictions to the query. Other implementations use other internal mechanisms. * @param code_vars - sql vars. Multiple per query param if AND logic invoked * @param code_scheme_var * @param code_class_uuid * @param codes - list of codes to select on (OR logic) OR And structure containing lists of codes (OR structure) * @param schemes - code schemes * @throws MetadataException */ public void addCode(List<String> code_vars, String code_scheme_var, String code_class_uuid, List<Object> codes, List schemes) throws MetadataException { if (codes == null) return; if (code_vars.size() == 1) { if (codes instanceof And) throw new MetadataException("StoredQuery.add_code(): code_vars.size()==1 but codes have type And"); String code_var = code_vars.get(0); and(); a(" ("); a(code_var); a(".classifiedobject = AND "); n(); a(" "); a(code_var); a(".classificationScheme = '"); a(code_class_uuid); a("' AND "); n(); a(" "); a(code_var); a(".nodeRepresentation IN "); a(codes); a(" )"); n(); if (schemes != null) { and(); a(" ("); a(code_scheme_var); a(".parent = "); a(code_var); a(".id AND "); n(); a(" "); a(code_scheme_var); a(".name = 'codingScheme' AND "); n(); a(" "); a(code_scheme_var); a(".value IN "); a(schemes); a(" )"); n(); } } else { if ( !(codes instanceof And)) throw new MetadataException("StoredQuery.add_code(): code_vars.size() > 1 but codes not of type And"); for (int i=0; i<code_vars.size(); i++) { String code_var = code_vars.get(i); ArrayList<String> codes2 = (ArrayList<String>) codes.get(i); and(); a(" ("); a(code_var); a(".classifiedobject = AND "); n(); a(" "); a(code_var); a(".classificationScheme = '"); a(code_class_uuid); a("' AND "); n(); a(" "); a(code_var); a(".nodeRepresentation IN "); a(codes2); a(" )"); n(); } } } public void addCode(SQCodedTerm term) throws MetadataException { addCode(term, "doc"); } public void addCode(SQCodedTerm term, String owner_var) throws MetadataException { if (term instanceof SQCodeOr) addCode((SQCodeOr) term, owner_var); if (term instanceof SQCodeAnd) addCode((SQCodeAnd) term); } void addCode(SQCodeOr term) throws MetadataException { addCode(term, "doc"); } public void addCode(SQCodeOr term, String owner_var) throws MetadataException { and(); a(" ("); a(term.getCodeVarName()); a(".classifiedobject = " + owner_var + ".id AND "); n(); a(" "); a(term.getCodeVarName()); a(".classificationScheme = '"); a(term.classification); a("' AND "); n(); a(" "); a(term.getCodeVarName()); a(".nodeRepresentation IN "); a(term.getCodes()); a(" )"); n(); and(); a(" ("); a(term.getSchemeVarName()); a(".parent = "); a(term.getCodeVarName()); a(".id AND "); n(); a(" "); a(term.getSchemeVarName()); a(".name = 'codingScheme' AND "); n(); a(" "); a(term.getSchemeVarName()); a(".value IN "); a(term.getSchemes()); a(" )"); n(); } public void addCode(SQCodeAnd term) throws MetadataException { for (SQCodeOr or : term.getCodeOrs()) { addCode(or); } } // times come in as numeric values but convert them to string values to avoid numeric overflow public void addTimes(String att_name, String from_var, String to_var, String from_limit, String to_limit, String var_name) { if (from_limit != null) { and(); a(" ("); a(from_var); a(".parent = " + var_name + ".id AND "); n(); } if (from_limit != null) { a(" ");a(from_var); a(".name = '"); a(att_name); a("' AND "); n(); } if (from_limit != null) { a(" "); a(from_var); a(".value >= "); a_quoted(from_limit); a(" ) "); n(); } if (to_limit != null) { and(); a(" ("); a(to_var); a(".parent = " + var_name + ".id AND "); n(); } if (to_limit != null) { a(" "); a(to_var); a(".name = '"); a(att_name); a("' AND "); n(); } if (to_limit != null) { a(" "); a(to_var); a(".value < "); a_quoted(to_limit); a(" ) "); n(); } } public OMElement getRpByUid(String uid, String identification_scheme) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("ss"); a("FROM RegistryPackage ss, ExternalIdentifier uniq"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" uniq.registryObject = AND"); n(); a(" uniq.identificationScheme = '" + identification_scheme + "' AND"); n(); a(" uniq.value = '" + uid + "'"); return query(); } public OMElement getRpByUid(List<String> uids, String identification_scheme) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("ss"); a("FROM RegistryPackage ss, ExternalIdentifier uniq"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" uniq.registryObject = AND"); n(); a(" uniq.identificationScheme = '" + identification_scheme + "' AND"); n(); a(" uniq.value IN "); a(uids); return query(); } public OMElement getAssocById(String assoc_id) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("as"); a("FROM Association as"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" = '" + assoc_id +"'"); n(); return query(); } public OMElement getAssocById(List<String> assoc_ids) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("ass"); a("FROM Association ass"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" IN "); a(assoc_ids); n(); return query(); } private void select(String varName) { if (sqs.return_leaf_class) a("SELECT * "); else { a("SELECT "); a(varName); a(".id "); } } public OMElement getRpById(String rp_id, String identification_scheme) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("rp"); a("FROM RegistryPackage rp, ExternalIdentifier uniq"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" = '" + rp_id + "' AND"); n(); a(" uniq.registryObject = AND"); n(); a(" uniq.identificationScheme = '" + identification_scheme + "' "); n(); return query(); } public OMElement getRpById(List<String> rp_id, String identification_scheme) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("ss"); a("FROM RegistryPackage ss, ExternalIdentifier uniq"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" IN "); a(rp_id); a(" AND"); n(); a(" uniq.registryObject ="); n(); if (identification_scheme != null) { a(" AND uniq.identificationScheme = '" + identification_scheme + "' "); n(); } return query(); } /** * Load LeafClass form for all objects. New Metadata object returned. * @param m - metadata to fill in with LeafClass objects. Unaltered. * @return new Metadata object * @throws LoggerException * @throws XdsException */ public Metadata convertToLeafClass(Metadata metadata) throws XdsException, LoggerException { Metadata m = metadata.mkClone(); List<String> objectRefIds = m.getObjectRefIds(); // these could reference any type of object. Only interested in: // RegistryPackage, ExtrinsicObject, Association List<String> idsToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String id : objectRefIds) { if (m.containsObject(id)) idsToRemove.add(id); if ( ! m.isUuid(id)) throw new MetadataException("Cannot load object with id " + id + " from Registry, this id is not in UUID format (probabaly a symbolic name)"); } objectRefIds.removeAll(idsToRemove); // nothing left to load if (objectRefIds.size() == 0) return m; m.clearObjectRefs(); boolean discard_duplicates = true; boolean origLeafClass = sqs.return_leaf_class; sqs.return_leaf_class = true; m.addMetadata(getDocById(objectRefIds), discard_duplicates); m.addMetadata(getRpById(objectRefIds, null), discard_duplicates); m.addMetadata(getAssocById(objectRefIds), discard_duplicates); sqs.return_leaf_class = origLeafClass; return m; } public Metadata convertToObjectRefs(Metadata metadata, boolean ignoreExistingObjectRefs) throws XdsInternalException, MetadataException, MetadataValidationException { Metadata m = metadata.mkClone(); if (ignoreExistingObjectRefs) m.clearObjectRefs(); List<OMElement> leafClasses = m.getAllLeafClasses(); List<String> ids = m.getIdsForObjects(leafClasses); m.mkObjectRefs(ids); m.clearLeafClassObjects(); return m; } public OMElement getObjectsByUuid(List<String> uuids) throws XdsException, LoggerException { if (uuids.size() == 0) return null; init(); select("ro"); a("FROM RegistryObject ro"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" IN "); a(uuids); n(); return query(); } public OMElement getFolByUuid(String uuid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRpById(uuid, "urn:uuid:75df8f67-9973-4fbe-a900-df66cefecc5a"); } public OMElement getFolByUuid(List<String> uuid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRpById(uuid, "urn:uuid:75df8f67-9973-4fbe-a900-df66cefecc5a"); } public OMElement getFolByUid(String uid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRpByUid(uid, "urn:uuid:75df8f67-9973-4fbe-a900-df66cefecc5a"); } public OMElement getFolByUid(List<String> uid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRpByUid(uid, "urn:uuid:75df8f67-9973-4fbe-a900-df66cefecc5a"); } public OMElement getSsByUuid(String uuid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRpById(uuid, "urn:uuid:96fdda7c-d067-4183-912e-bf5ee74998a8"); } public OMElement getSsByUid(String uid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRpByUid(uid, "urn:uuid:96fdda7c-d067-4183-912e-bf5ee74998a8"); } public OMElement getRPDocs(String rp_uuid, List<String> format_codes, List<String> conf_codes, List<String> object_types) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("doc"); a("FROM ExtrinsicObject doc, Association a"); n(); if (conf_codes != null) { a(", Classification conf"); n(); } if (format_codes != null){a(", Classification fmtCode"); n(); } if (false) { a(", Slot adomain"); } a("WHERE"); n(); a(" a.sourceObject = '" + rp_uuid + "' AND"); n(); a(" a.associationType = '"+ addAssociationTypeNamespace("HasMember") +"' AND"); n(); a(" a.targetObject = "); n(); if (conf_codes != null && conf_codes.size() > 0) { a(" AND ("); n(); a(" conf.classificationScheme = 'urn:uuid:f4f85eac-e6cb-4883-b524-f2705394840f' AND"); n(); a(" conf.classifiedObject = AND"); n(); a(" conf.nodeRepresentation IN "); a(conf_codes); n(); a(")"); n(); } if (format_codes != null && format_codes.size() > 0) { a("AND ("); n(); a(" fmtCode.classifiedObject = AND"); n(); a(" fmtCode.classificationScheme = 'urn:uuid:a09d5840-386c-46f2-b5ad-9c3699a4309d' AND "); n(); a(" fmtCode.nodeRepresentation IN "); a(format_codes); n(); a(" ) "); n(); } if (false) { a(" AND ('AffinityDomain' AND AND adomain.value=$affinitydomain) "); } a(" AND doc.objecttype IN "); a(object_types); n(); return query(); } public OMElement getRPDocs(String rp_uuid, SQCodedTerm format_codes, SQCodedTerm conf_codes, List<String> object_types) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("doc"); a("FROM ExtrinsicObject doc, Association a"); n(); if (conf_codes != null) { a(declareClassifications(conf_codes)); n(); } if (format_codes != null){a(declareClassifications(format_codes)); n(); } if (false) { a(", Slot adomain"); } a("WHERE"); n(); a(" a.sourceObject = '" + rp_uuid + "' AND"); n(); a(" a.associationType = '"+ addAssociationTypeNamespace("HasMember") +"' AND"); n(); a(" a.targetObject = "); n(); addCode(conf_codes); addCode(format_codes); if (false) { a(" AND ('AffinityDomain' AND AND adomain.value=$affinitydomain) "); } a(" AND doc.objecttype IN "); a(object_types); n(); return query(); } public OMElement getFolDocs(String fol_uuid, List<String> format_codes, List<String> conf_codes, List<String> object_types) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRPDocs(fol_uuid, format_codes, conf_codes, object_types); } public OMElement getFolDocs(String fol_uuid, SQCodedTerm format_codes, SQCodedTerm conf_codes, List<String> object_types) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRPDocs(fol_uuid, format_codes, conf_codes, object_types); } public OMElement getSsDocs(String fol_uuid, List<String> format_codes, List<String> conf_codes, List<String> object_types) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRPDocs(fol_uuid, format_codes, conf_codes, object_types); } public OMElement getSsDocs(String fol_uuid, SQCodedTerm format_codes, SQCodedTerm conf_codes, List<String> object_types) throws XdsException, LoggerException { return getRPDocs(fol_uuid, format_codes, conf_codes, object_types); } public OMElement getRegistryPackageAssocs(List<String> package_uuids, List<String> content_uuids) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("ass"); a("FROM Association ass"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" ass.associationType = '"+ addAssociationTypeNamespace("HasMember") +"' AND"); n(); a(" ass.sourceObject IN ("); for (int i=0; i<package_uuids.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) a(","); a("'" + (String) package_uuids.get(i) + "'"); } a(") AND"); n(); a("ass.targetObject IN (" ); for (int i=0; i<content_uuids.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) a(","); a("'" + (String) content_uuids.get(i) + "'"); } a(")"); n(); return query(); } public OMElement getRegistryPackageAssocs(List<String> package_uuids) throws XdsException, LoggerException { if (package_uuids == null || package_uuids.size() == 0) return null; init(); select("ass"); a("FROM Association ass"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" ass.associationType = '"+ addAssociationTypeNamespace("HasMember") +"' AND"); n(); a(" ass.sourceObject IN ("); for (int i=0; i<package_uuids.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) a(","); a("'" + (String) package_uuids.get(i) + "'"); } a(")"); n(); return query(); } public OMElement getFoldersForDocument(String uuid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("fol"); a("FROM RegistryPackage fol, ExternalIdentifier uniq, Association a"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" a.associationType = '"+ addAssociationTypeNamespace("HasMember") +"' AND"); n(); a(" a.targetObject = '" + uuid + "' AND"); n(); a(" a.sourceObject = AND"); n(); a(" uniq.registryObject = AND"); n(); a(" uniq.identificationScheme = '" + "urn:uuid:75df8f67-9973-4fbe-a900-df66cefecc5a" + "' "); n(); return query(); } public OMElement get_submissionsets_of_contents(List<String> contents_uuids) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("rp"); a("FROM RegistryPackage rp, Association a, ExternalIdentifier ei"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" a.sourceObject = AND"); n(); a(" a.associationType = '"+ addAssociationTypeNamespace("HasMember")+"' AND"); n(); a(" a.targetObject IN "); a(contents_uuids); a(" AND"); n(); a(" ei.registryObject = AND"); n(); a(" ei.identificationScheme = 'urn:uuid:6b5aea1a-874d-4603-a4bc-96a0a7b38446'"); n(); return query(sqs.return_leaf_class); } private String addAssociationTypeNamespace(String type) { return MetadataSupport.association_type_namespace + type; } private String addStatusTypeNamespace(String type) { return MetadataSupport.status_type_namespace + type; } public OMElement get_associations(String type, List<String> froms, List<String> tos) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("a"); a("FROM Association a"); n(); a("WHERE "); n(); a(" a.associationType = '" + addAssociationTypeNamespace(type) + "' AND"); n(); a(" a.sourceObject IN"); a(froms); a(" AND"); n(); a(" a.targetObject IN"); a(tos); n(); return query(sqs.return_leaf_class); } public OMElement getSsFolders(String ss_uuid) throws XdsException, LoggerException { init(); select("fol"); a("FROM RegistryPackage fol, Association a"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" a.associationType = '"+ addAssociationTypeNamespace("HasMember") +"' AND"); n(); a(" a.sourceObject = '" + ss_uuid + "' AND"); n(); a(" a.targetObject = "); n(); return query(); } public List<String> validateApproved(List<String> uuids) throws XdsException,LoggerException { init(); a("SELECT * FROM ExtrinsicObject eo"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" eo.status = '"+ addStatusTypeNamespace("Approved") +"' AND"); n(); a(" IN "); a(uuids); n(); List<String> results1 = query_for_object_refs(); init(); a("SELECT * FROM RegistryPackage rp"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" rp.status = '"+ addStatusTypeNamespace("Approved") +"' AND"); n(); a(" IN "); a(uuids); n(); List<String> results = query_for_object_refs(); results.addAll(results1); List<String> missing = null; for (int i=0; i<uuids.size(); i++) { String uuid = (String) uuids.get(i); if ( !results.contains(uuid)) { if (missing == null) missing = new ArrayList<String>(); missing.add(uuid); } } return missing; } /** * Validate uids found in metadata are proper. Uids of Folder and Submission Set may not * be already present in registry. Uid of DocumentEntry objects may be present if hash and * size match. * @param metadata * @throws MetadataValidationException - on all metadata errors * @throws XdsNonIdenticalHashException - if uid found in registry with different hash * @throws LoggerException - on error writing to Test Log * @throws XdsException - on low level interface errors * @throws XMLParserException */ public void validateProperUids(Metadata metadata) throws LoggerException, XMLParserException, XdsException { // uid_hash is uid => hash (null for non documents) HashMap<String, List<String>> uid_hash = metadata.getUidHashMap(); List<String> uids = new ArrayList<String>(); // all uids in metadata uids.addAll(uid_hash.keySet()); List<String> uuids = getUuidForUid(uids); if (uuids.size() == 0) return; // at least one uniqueId is already present in the registry. If it is from a document // and the hash and size are the same then it is ok. Otherwise it is an error. sqs.forceLeafClassQueryType(); OMElement offendingObjects = getObjectsByUuid(uuids); // LeafClass for offending objects sqs.restoreOriginalQueryType(); if (offendingObjects == null) throw new XdsInternalException("RegistryObjectValidator.validateProperUids(): could not retrieve LeafClass for ObjectRef obtained from registry: UUIDs were " + uuids); Metadata m = MetadataParser.parseNonSubmission(offendingObjects); List<String> dup_uids = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, OMElement> dup_objects = m.getUidMap(); dup_uids.addAll(dup_objects.keySet()); sqs.log_message.addOtherParam("dup uuids", uuids.toString()); sqs.log_message.addOtherParam("dup uids", dup_uids.toString()); // Generate error messages that are object type specific dupUidErrorException(metadata, dup_uids, "SubmissionSet", metadata.getSubmissionSetIds(), MetadataSupport.XDSSubmissionSet_uniqueid_uuid); dupUidErrorException(metadata, dup_uids, "Folder", metadata.getFolderIds(), MetadataSupport.XDSFolder_uniqueid_uuid); HashMap<String, OMElement> docs_submit_uid_map = metadata.getUidMap(metadata.getExtrinsicObjects()); for (String doc_uid : docs_submit_uid_map.keySet()) { if (dup_uids.contains(doc_uid)) { OMElement reg_obj = dup_objects.get(doc_uid); String type = reg_obj.getLocalName(); if ( !type.equals("ExtrinsicObject")) throw new MetadataValidationException("Document uniqueId " + doc_uid + " already present in the registry on a non-document object"); OMElement sub_obj = docs_submit_uid_map.get(doc_uid); String sub_hash = m.getSlotValue(sub_obj, "hash", 0); String reg_hash = m.getSlotValue(reg_obj, "hash", 0); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doc_uid " + doc_uid); logger.debug("sub_hash " + sub_hash); logger.debug("reg_hash " + reg_hash); } if (sub_hash != null && reg_hash != null && !sub_hash.equals(reg_hash)) throw new XdsNonIdenticalHashException( "UniqueId " + doc_uid + " exists in both the submission and Registry and the hash value is not the same: " + "Submission Hash Value = " + sub_hash + " and " + "Registry Hash Value = " + reg_hash ); } } } private void dupUidErrorException(Metadata metadata, List<String> dup_uids, String type, List<String> ids, String type_uniqueId_type) throws MetadataException, MetadataValidationException { for (String suuid : ids) { String sid = metadata.getExternalIdentifierValue(suuid, type_uniqueId_type); if (dup_uids.contains(sid)) { throw new MetadataValidationException(type + " uniqueId " + sid + " already present in the registry"); } } } private List<String> getUuidForUid(List<String> uids) throws MetadataException, XdsException, XMLParserException, LoggerException { List<String> uid_id_schemes = new ArrayList<String>(); uid_id_schemes.add(MetadataSupport.XDSFolder_uniqueid_uuid); uid_id_schemes.add(MetadataSupport.XDSSubmissionSet_uniqueid_uuid); uid_id_schemes.add(MetadataSupport.XDSDocumentEntry_uniqueid_uuid); init(); a("SELECT from RegistryObject ro, ExternalIdentifier ei"); n(); a("WHERE"); n(); a(" ei.registryobject = AND "); n(); a(" ei.identificationScheme IN "); a(uid_id_schemes); a(" AND"); n(); a(" ei.value IN "); a(uids); n(); // these uuids identify objects that carry one of the uids passed in in the map List<String> uuids = query_for_object_refs(); return uuids; } }