package gov.nist.registry.common2.service; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsFormatException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsInternalException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsWSException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.Response; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeader; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openhealthtools.openxds.log.LogMessage; import org.openhealthtools.openxds.log.LoggerException; public abstract class AppendixV { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AppendixV.class); abstract protected OMElement beginTransaction(String service_name, OMElement request, short actor); abstract protected OMElement endTransaction(OMElement request, Exception e, short actor, String message); abstract protected OMElement endTransaction(OMElement request, Exception e, short actor, String message, String error_type); abstract protected void endTransaction(boolean status); protected LogMessage log_message; protected MessageContext return_message_context = null; public static short REGISTRY_ACTOR = 1; public static short REPOSITORY_ACTOR = 2; public static short BROKER_ACTOR = 3; protected void mustBeSimpleSoap() throws XdsFormatException { if (getMessageContext().isDoingMTOM()) throw new XdsFormatException("This transaction must use SIMPLE SOAP, MTOM found"); } protected void mustBeMTOM() throws XdsFormatException { if ( !getMessageContext().isDoingMTOM()) throw new XdsFormatException("This transaction must use MTOM, SIMPLE SOAP found"); } protected void checkAction(String actionValue) throws XdsWSException { String action = getMessageContext().getWSAAction(); if (action == null || !action.equals(actionValue)) throw new XdsWSException("Wrong WS:Action received: found " + action + " but " + actionValue + " is required"); } protected void setResponseAction(String action) { getMessageContext().setWSAAction(action); } protected void checkSOAP12() throws XdsWSException { if (MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().isSOAP11()) { throwFault("SOAP 1.1 not supported"); } SOAPEnvelope env = MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().getEnvelope(); if (env == null) throwFault("No SOAP envelope found"); SOAPHeader hdr = env.getHeader(); if (hdr == null) throwFault("No SOAP header found"); if ( !hdr.getChildrenWithName(new QName("","Action")).hasNext()) { throwFault("WS-Action required in header"); } } protected void checkSOAP11() throws XdsWSException { if ( !MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().isSOAP11()) { throwFault("SOAP 1.2 not supported"); } SOAPEnvelope env = MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().getEnvelope(); if (env == null) throwFault("No SOAP envelope found"); } protected void checkSOAPAny() throws XdsWSException { if ( MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().isSOAP11()) checkSOAP11(); else checkSOAP12(); } protected boolean isAsync() { MessageContext mc = getMessageContext(); return mc.getMessageID() != null && !mc.getMessageID().equals("") && mc.getReplyTo() != null && !mc.getReplyTo().hasAnonymousAddress(); } boolean isSync() { return !isAsync(); } public MessageContext getMessageContext() { return MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext(); } public void throwFault(String msg) throws XdsWSException { try { if (log_message != null) { log_message.addErrorParam("SOAPError", msg); log_message.addOtherParam("Response", "SOAPFault: " + msg); //endTransaction(false); } } catch (Exception e) {} throw new XdsWSException(msg); } public void setReturnMessageContext(MessageContext return_context) { this.return_message_context = return_context; } public void setMessageContextIn(MessageContext inMessage) { //currentMessageContext = inMessage ; } protected void log_response(Response response) { // generateAuditLog(response); if (log_message == null) { logger.fatal("\nFATAL ERROR: AppendixV.log_response(): log_message is null\n"); return; } try { if (response.has_errors()) { log_message.setPass(false); log_message.addErrorParam("Errors", response.getErrorsAndWarnings()); } else log_message.setPass(true); log_message.addOtherParam("Response", response.getResponse().toString()); } catch (LoggerException e) { logger.error("**************ERROR: Logger exception attempting to return to user"); } catch (XdsInternalException e) { logger.error("**************ERROR: Internal exception attempting to return to user"); } } }