package; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.MetadataSupport; import; import; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; public class SoapHeader { SOAPEnvelope env; boolean isSOAP12; boolean isSOAP11; OMElement hdr; OMElement to; OMElement action; OMNamespace ns; public SoapHeader(MessageContext messageContext) { env = null; hdr = null; to = null; action = null; isSOAP12 = false; isSOAP11 = false; env = messageContext.getEnvelope(); if (env == null) return; ns = env.getNamespace(); if (ns != null) { isSOAP12 = ns.getNamespaceURI().contains(""); isSOAP11 = ns.getNamespaceURI().contains(""); } hdr = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(env, "Header"); if (hdr == null) return; to = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(hdr, "To"); action = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(hdr, "Action"); } public SOAPEnvelope getEnv() { return env; } public boolean isSOAP12() { return isSOAP12; } public boolean isSOAP11() { return isSOAP11; } public OMElement getHdr() { return hdr; } public OMElement getTo() { return to; } public OMElement getAction() { return action; } public String getActionValue() { if (action == null) return null; return action.getText(); } public String getToValue() { if (to == null) return null; return to.getText(); } public OMNamespace getNs() { return ns; } }