package gov.nist.registry.common2.registry; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsInternalException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; public class IdParser { Metadata m; // symbolic compiler List referencingAttributes = null; List identifyingAttributes = null; List symbolicIdReplacements = null; HashMap assignedUuids = null; public IdParser(Metadata m) { referencingAttributes = new ArrayList(); identifyingAttributes = new ArrayList(); this.m = m; parse(); } public List getDefinedIds() { List defined = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it=this.identifyingAttributes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute); String id = attr.getAttributeValue(); if ( !defined.contains(id)) defined.add(id); } return defined; } public List getReferencedIds() { List refer = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it=this.referencingAttributes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute); String id = attr.getAttributeValue(); if ( !refer.contains(id)) refer.add(id); } return refer; } public List getUndefinedIds() { List referenced = this.getReferencedIds(); List defined = this.getDefinedIds(); List undefined = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it=referenced.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String id = (String); if ( ! defined.contains(id)) undefined.add(id); } return undefined; } void parse() { List<OMElement> allObjects = m.getAllObjects(); for (int i=0; i<allObjects.size(); i++) { OMElement obj = allObjects.get(i); OMAttribute idAtt = obj.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.id_qname); String type = obj.getLocalName(); if (idAtt != null) identifyingAttributes.add(idAtt); if (type.equals("Classification")) { OMAttribute a = obj.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.classified_object_qname); if (a != null) referencingAttributes.add(a); a = obj.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.classificationscheme_qname); if (a != null) referencingAttributes.add(a); } else if (type.equals("Association")) { OMAttribute a = obj.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.source_object_qname); if (a != null) referencingAttributes.add(a); a = obj.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.target_object_qname); if (a != null) referencingAttributes.add(a); } for (Iterator it1=obj.getChildElements(); it1.hasNext(); ) { OMElement objI = (OMElement); String typeI = objI.getLocalName(); if (typeI.equals("ExternalIdentifier")) { OMAttribute att = objI.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.registry_object_qname); if (att != null) referencingAttributes.add(att); att = objI.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.identificationscheme_qname); if (att != null) referencingAttributes.add(att); } else if (typeI.equals("Classification")) { OMAttribute a = objI.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.classified_object_qname); if (a != null) referencingAttributes.add(a); a = objI.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.classificationscheme_qname); if (a != null) referencingAttributes.add(a); } } } } /* * Symbol Compiler */ public void compileSymbolicNamesIntoUuids () throws XdsInternalException { // make list of all symbolic names used in metadata // allocate UUID for these names // update attributes that define these symbolic names with UUIDs List symbolicNames = new ArrayList(); List uuids = new ArrayList(); assignedUuids = new HashMap(); for (int i=0; i<identifyingAttributes.size(); i++) { OMAttribute att = (OMAttribute) identifyingAttributes.get(i); String name = att.getAttributeValue(); if (name.startsWith("urn:uuid:")) continue; symbolicNames.add(name); String uuid = UuidAllocator.allocate(); uuids.add(uuid); // can index uuids like symbolic_names att.setAttributeValue(uuid); assignedUuids.put(name, uuid); } // update all references to objects that we just allocated uuids for for (int i=0; i<referencingAttributes.size(); i++) { OMAttribute att = (OMAttribute) referencingAttributes.get(i); String symbolicName = att.getAttributeValue(); if (symbolicName.startsWith("urn:uuid:")) continue; int idIndex = symbolicNames.indexOf(symbolicName); if (idIndex == -1) throw new XdsInternalException("Metadata:compileSymbolicNamesIntoUuids(): cannot find symbolic name " + symbolicName + " in tables"); String uuid = (String) uuids.get(idIndex); att.setAttributeValue(uuid); } } public HashMap getSymbolicNameUuidMap() { return assignedUuids; } public OMElement getApproveObjectsRequest(List uuids) { OMElement req = MetadataSupport.om_factory.createOMElement("ApproveObjectsRequest", MetadataSupport.ebLcm3); req.declareNamespace(MetadataSupport.ebRSns3); req.declareNamespace(MetadataSupport.ebRIMns3); req.declareNamespace(MetadataSupport.ebLcm3); req.declareNamespace(MetadataSupport.xdsB); req.addChild(mk_object_ref_list(uuids)); return req; } public OMElement getDeprecateObjectsRequest(List uuids) { OMElement req = MetadataSupport.om_factory.createOMElement("DeprecateObjectsRequest", MetadataSupport.ebLcm3); req.addChild(mk_object_ref_list(uuids)); return req; } private OMElement mk_object_ref_list(List uuids) { OMElement object_ref_list = MetadataSupport.om_factory.createOMElement("ObjectRefList", MetadataSupport.ebRIMns3); for (Iterator it=uuids.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String uuid = (String); OMAttribute att = MetadataSupport.om_factory.createOMAttribute("id", null, uuid); OMElement object_ref = MetadataSupport.om_factory.createOMElement("ObjectRef", MetadataSupport.ebRIMns3); object_ref.addAttribute(att); object_ref_list.addChild(object_ref); } return object_ref_list; } /* * Registry adaptor - approve objects */ List<OMElement> approveable_objects(Metadata m) { List<OMElement> o = new ArrayList<OMElement>(); o.addAll(m.getExtrinsicObjects()); o.addAll(m.getRegistryPackages()); return o; } public List<String> approvable_object_ids(Metadata m) { return m.getObjectIds(approveable_objects(m)); } boolean is_approveable_object(Metadata m, OMElement o) { if (m.getExtrinsicObjects().contains(o)) return true; if (m.getRegistryPackages().contains(o)) return true; return false; } }