package org.opennaas.itests.core.queue; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: iTests :: Core * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 FundaciĆ³ Privada i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ a Catalunya * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.Vector; import net.i2cat.netconf.rpc.Error; import net.i2cat.netconf.rpc.Query; import net.i2cat.netconf.rpc.QueryFactory; import net.i2cat.netconf.rpc.Reply; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.Action; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.ActionException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.ActionResponse; import org.opennaas.core.resources.command.Response; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.IProtocolSessionManager; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.ProtocolException; import org.opennaas.extensions.protocols.netconf.NetconfProtocolSession; public class CorruptedAction extends Action { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CorruptedAction.class); private String actionID; @Override public void setActionID(String actionID) { this.actionID = actionID; } @Override public ActionResponse execute(IProtocolSessionManager protocolSessionManager) throws ActionException { Response response = null; try { /* * IT INCLUDES AN ERROR IN THE MASK */ String netconfXML = "<configuration><interfaces>" + "<interface>" + "<name>fe-0/1/2</name>" + "<unit operation=\"replace\">" + "<name>2<name>" + "<family><inet><address></address></inet></family>" + "</unit>" + "</interface></interfaces></configuration>"; NetconfProtocolSession protocol = (NetconfProtocolSession) protocolSessionManager.obtainSessionByProtocol("netconf", false); Query query = QueryFactory.newEditConfig("candidate", null, null, null, netconfXML); Reply reply = (Reply) protocol.sendReceive(query); // extra control, it checks if is not null the error list response = checkResponse(reply, query); validateResponse(response); } catch (ProtocolException e) { throw new ActionException(e); } ActionResponse actionResponse = new ActionResponse(); actionResponse.setActionID(actionID); actionResponse.addResponse(response); return actionResponse; } public Response checkResponse(Object resp, Query query) { // Check if is it a wellformed reply message if (!(resp instanceof Reply)) { Vector<String> errors = new Vector<String>(); errors.add("The response message is badformed. It is not a reply message"); return Response.errorResponse(query.toXML(), errors); } Reply reply = (Reply) resp; // extra control, it checks if is not null the error list if (reply.isOk() || reply.getErrors() == null || reply.getErrors().size() == 0) { // BUILD OK RESPONSE Response response = Response.okResponse(query.toXML()); response.setInformation(reply.getContain()); return response; } else { // BUILD ERROR MESSAGE Vector<String> errors = new Vector<String>(); for (Error error : reply.getErrors()) errors.add(error.getMessage() + " : " + error.getInfo()); return Response.errorResponse(query.toXML(), errors); } } private void validateResponse(Response response) throws ActionException { if (response.getErrors() != null && response.getErrors().size() > 0) { String listErrors = new String(); for (String error : response.getErrors()) listErrors += "-" + error + "\n"; ActionException actionException = new ActionException(listErrors); throw actionException; } if (!response.getStatus().equals(Response.Status.OK)) throw new ActionException(); } @Override public boolean checkParams(Object arg0) throws ActionException { return false; } }