package org.opennaas.core.protocols.sessionmanager; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: Core :: Resources * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 FundaciĆ³ Privada i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ a Catalunya * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.IProtocolManager; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.IProtocolSessionFactory; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.IProtocolSessionManager; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.ProtocolException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.ProtocolSessionContext; public class ProtocolManager implements IProtocolManager { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ProtocolManager.class); private Map<String, IProtocolSessionManager> sessionManagers = null; private IEventManager eventManager; /** * Stores the protocolFactories present in the platform, indexed by the protocol id */ private Map<String, IProtocolSessionFactory> protocolFactories = null; public ProtocolManager() { sessionManagers = new HashMap<String, IProtocolSessionManager>(); protocolFactories = new HashMap<String, IProtocolSessionFactory>(); } private synchronized String createProtocolSessionManager(String resourceID) throws ProtocolException { log.debug("Creating new ProtocolSessionManager for resource " + resourceID); // FIXME in the near future, a check should be done here to avoid creating PSM for resources that don't exist in ResourceManager. // It will imply changing a lot of tests, be prepared :P if (sessionManagers.containsKey(resourceID)) { throw new ProtocolException("This deviceID is already associated to an existing ProtocolSessionManager"); } ProtocolSessionManager protocolSessionManager = new ProtocolSessionManager(resourceID); protocolSessionManager.setProtocolManager(this); protocolSessionManager.setEventManager(getEventManager()); protocolSessionManager.registerAsOSGiService(); sessionManagers.put(resourceID, protocolSessionManager); return resourceID; } @Override public synchronized void destroyProtocolSessionManager(String resourceID) throws ProtocolException { log.debug("Destroying ProtocolSessionManager for resource " + resourceID); if (resourceID == null) { throw new ProtocolException("deviceID is null"); } if (!sessionManagers.containsKey(resourceID)) { throw new ProtocolException("This deviceID is not associated to any existing ProtocolSessionManager"); } IProtocolSessionManager protocolSessionManager = sessionManagers.get(resourceID); if (protocolSessionManager instanceof ProtocolSessionManager) { ((ProtocolSessionManager) protocolSessionManager).unregisterAsOSGiService(); } for (ProtocolSessionContext toUnregister : protocolSessionManager.getRegisteredContexts()) { protocolSessionManager.unregisterContext(toUnregister); } sessionManagers.remove(resourceID); } @Override public synchronized IProtocolSessionManager getProtocolSessionManagerWithContext(String resourceId, ProtocolSessionContext context) throws ProtocolException { if (resourceId == null) { throw new ProtocolException("deviceID is null"); } if (!sessionManagers.containsKey(resourceId)) { log.debug("No existing ProtocolSessionManager for resource " + resourceId); createProtocolSessionManager(resourceId); } sessionManagers.get(resourceId).registerContext(context); return sessionManagers.get(resourceId); } @Override public synchronized IProtocolSessionManager getProtocolSessionManager(String resourceId) throws ProtocolException { if (resourceId == null) { throw new ProtocolException("deviceID is null"); } if (!sessionManagers.containsKey(resourceId)) { log.debug("No existing ProtocolSessionManager for resource " + resourceId); createProtocolSessionManager(resourceId); } return sessionManagers.get(resourceId); } @Override public List<String> getAllResourceIds() { Iterator<String> iterator = sessionManagers.keySet().iterator(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { result.add(; } return result; } @Override public List<String> getAllSupportedProtocols() { return getAllSessionFactories(); } public boolean isSupportedProtocol(String protocol) { if (protocol == null) return false; return protocolFactories.containsKey(protocol); } /* * SESSION FACTORIES */ public List<String> getAllSessionFactories() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.addAll(protocolFactories.keySet()); return result; } protected synchronized IProtocolSessionFactory getSessionFactory(String protocol) throws ProtocolException { if (protocol == null) { throw new ProtocolException("Protocol is null"); } if (!protocolFactories.containsKey(protocol)) { throw new ProtocolException("Could not find a session factory associated to the " + protocol + " protocol"); } return protocolFactories.get(protocol); } /* * BLUEPRINT LISTENERS */ /** * Called by blueprint every time a sessionFactory is registered in the OSGi repository * * @param serviceInstance * @param serviceProperties */ public void sessionFactoryAdded(IProtocolSessionFactory serviceInstance, Map<?, ?> serviceProperties) { if (serviceInstance != null && serviceProperties != null) { log.debug("New protocol session factory added for protocols: " + serviceProperties.get(ProtocolSessionContext.PROTOCOL)); protocolFactories.put((String) serviceProperties.get(ProtocolSessionContext.PROTOCOL), serviceInstance); } } /** * Called by blueprint every time a sessionFactory is unregistered from the OSGi repository * * @param serviceInstance * @param serviceProperties */ public void sessionFactoryRemoved(IProtocolSessionFactory serviceInstance, Map<?, ?> serviceProperties) { if (serviceInstance != null && serviceProperties != null) { log.debug("Existing protocol session factory removed :" + serviceInstance.toString() + " " + serviceProperties.get(ProtocolSessionContext.PROTOCOL)); protocolFactories.remove(serviceProperties.get(ProtocolSessionContext.PROTOCOL)); } } /** * Blueprint callback (executed when EventManager is available) * * @param eventManager */ public void setEventManager(IEventManager eventManager) { this.eventManager = eventManager; for (IProtocolSessionManager sessionManager : sessionManagers.values()) { if (sessionManager instanceof ProtocolSessionManager) { ((ProtocolSessionManager) sessionManager).setEventManager(eventManager); } } } private IEventManager getEventManager() throws ProtocolException { return this.eventManager; } }