package org.opennaas.extensions.transports.sockets; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: Transport :: Sockets * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 FundaciĆ³ Privada i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ a Catalunya * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.ProtocolSessionContext; import org.opennaas.core.resources.transport.ITransport; import org.opennaas.core.resources.transport.ITransportConstants; import org.opennaas.core.resources.transport.ITransportFactory; import org.opennaas.core.resources.transport.TransportException; /** * Provides a factory method to create TCP transport instances. The following properties need to be present in the capability descriptor: transport = * TCP = <ip_address or hostname> transport.port = <port number> */ public class TCPTransportFactory implements ITransportFactory { public ITransport createTransportInstance(ProtocolSessionContext protocolSessionContext) throws TransportException { String transportId = null; try { transportId = (String) protocolSessionContext.getSessionParameters().get(ITransportConstants.TRANSPORT); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { throw new TransportException(ex.getMessage()); } if (transportId == null) { throw new TransportException("No transport id has been specified at the resource configuration"); } else if (transportId.equals(TCPTransport.TCP)) { return createTCPTransport(protocolSessionContext); } else { throw new TransportException("Transport " + transportId + " cannot be created by this factory"); } } private ITransport createTCPTransport(ProtocolSessionContext protocolSessionContext) throws TransportException { String host = getAndValidateProperty(protocolSessionContext, ITransportConstants.TRANSPORT_HOST); String port = getAndValidateProperty(protocolSessionContext, ITransportConstants.TRANSPORT_PORT); return new TCPTransport(host, port); } private String getAndValidateProperty(ProtocolSessionContext protocolSessionContext, String propertyName) throws TransportException { String property = null; try { property = (String) protocolSessionContext.getSessionParameters().get(propertyName); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { throw new TransportException(ex.getMessage()); } if (property == null) { throw new TransportException("Could not create an instance of transport. Property " + propertyName + " has not been specified"); } return property; } }