package org.opennaas.extensions.router.junos.actionssets.actions.linkaggregation; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: Router :: Junos ActionSet * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 FundaciĆ³ Privada i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ a Catalunya * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.ActionException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.ActionResponse; import org.opennaas.core.resources.command.Response; import org.opennaas.core.resources.helpers.XmlHelper; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.IProtocolSession; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.capability.linkaggregation.LinkAggregationActionSet; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.junos.actionssets.actions.JunosAction; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.junos.commandsets.commands.CommandNetconfConstants; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.junos.commandsets.commands.EditNetconfCommand; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.AggregatedLogicalPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.ComputerSystem; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.utils.ModelHelper; /** * Implementation of LinkAggregationActionSet.CREATE_AGGRETATED_INTERFACE for junos 10.04 devices. * * Configures a new aggregated interface specified by given AggregatedLogicalPort. * * NOTICE: This action will fail if any interface in AggregatedLogicalPort.getInterfaces() contains subinterfaces (units). The router will launch * following error: "logical unit is not allowed on aggregated links : unit XX". The user is forced to manually delete these subinterfaces in order to * be able to put an interface as part of an aggregated. * * @author Isart Canyameres Gimenez (i2cat) */ public class CreateAggregatedInterfaceAction extends JunosAction { /** * The name of any aggregated interface in junos devices must start with this prefix */ public static final String JUNOS_AGGREGATED_INTERFACES_PREFIX = "ae"; private static final String CREATION_TEMPLATE = "/VM_files/createAggregatedInterface.vm"; private static final String ADD_TO_AGGREGATED_TEMPLATE = "/VM_files/addInterfaceToAggregated.vm"; private static final String REMOVE_UNIT_TEMPLATE = "/VM_files/removeInterfaceUnit.vm"; private AggregatedLogicalPort aggregator; private boolean forceFlag = false; public CreateAggregatedInterfaceAction() { super(); setActionID(LinkAggregationActionSet.CREATE_AGGREGATED_INTERFACE); this.protocolName = "netconf"; } @Override public boolean checkParams(Object params) throws ActionException { Object[] paramsArray = (Object[]) params; if (paramsArray.length != 2) throw new ActionException("Invalid parameter in action " + actionID + ". Two parameters expected"); if (!(paramsArray[0] instanceof AggregatedLogicalPort)) { throw new ActionException("Invalid parameter in action " + actionID + ". Expected AggregatedLogicalPort."); } if (!(paramsArray[1] instanceof Boolean)) { throw new ActionException("Invalid parameter in action " + actionID + ". Expected Boolean."); } AggregatedLogicalPort aggregator = (AggregatedLogicalPort) paramsArray[0]; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aggregator.getElementName())) throw new ActionException("Invalid parameter in action " + actionID + "." + " Missing AggregatedLogicalPort name."); if (!aggregator.getElementName().startsWith(JUNOS_AGGREGATED_INTERFACES_PREFIX)) throw new ActionException("Invalid parameter in action " + actionID + "." + " AggregatedLogicalPort name must begin with " + JUNOS_AGGREGATED_INTERFACES_PREFIX + " in junos."); if (aggregator.getInterfaces() == null || aggregator.getInterfaces().isEmpty()) throw new ActionException("Invalid parameter in action " + actionID + "." + " Given AggregatedLogicalPort must contain at least one interface to be aggregated."); return true; } @Override public void prepareMessage() throws ActionException { checkParams(params); Object[] paramsArray = (Object[]) params; this.aggregator = (AggregatedLogicalPort) paramsArray[0]; this.forceFlag = ((Boolean) paramsArray[1]).booleanValue(); // Nothing to prepare // Messages are prepared in executeListCommand } @Override public void executeListCommand(ActionResponse actionResponse, IProtocolSession protocol) throws ActionException { actionResponse.addResponse(execEditCommand(prepareCreateAggregatedInterfaceMessage(aggregator), protocol)); for (String interfaceName : aggregator.getInterfaces()) { if (forceFlag) { for (NetworkPort unitToClear : getInterfacesToRemove(interfaceName)) { actionResponse.addResponse(execRemovingEditCommand( prepareClearUnitMessage(interfaceName, unitToClear.getPortNumber()), protocol)); } } actionResponse.addResponse(execEditCommand( prepareAddInterfaceToAggregatedMessage(interfaceName, aggregator.getElementName()), protocol)); } validateAction(actionResponse); } @Override public void parseResponse(Object responseMessage, Object model) throws ActionException { // nothing to parse } /** * Creates an xml message that configures given aggregated interface (aggregator). <br/> * If given interface already exists, the operation will fail. * * @param aggregator * @return * @throws ActionException */ private String prepareCreateAggregatedInterfaceMessage(AggregatedLogicalPort aggregator) throws ActionException { Map<String, Object> extraParams = prepareCreateAggregatedInterfaceExtraParams(aggregator); try { // FIXME passing unchecked values to junos (inside aggregator). May cause security issues. return XmlHelper.formatXML(prepareVelocityCommand(aggregator, CREATION_TEMPLATE, extraParams)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException(e); } } /** * Creates an xml message that configures given interfaceName to be part of given aggregatedInterfaceName.<br/> * This operation replaces the aggregatedInterfaceName interfaceName is part of, despite the fact that ifaceName may be part of another * aggregatedInterface before sending these message. * * @param interfaceName * @param aggregatedInterfaceName * @return * @throws ActionException */ private String prepareAddInterfaceToAggregatedMessage(String interfaceName, String aggregatedInterfaceName) throws ActionException { Map<String, Object> extraParams = prepareAddInterfaceToAggregatedExtraParams(interfaceName, aggregatedInterfaceName); try { // FIXME passing unchecked values to junos (interfaceName and inside extraParams). May cause security issues. return XmlHelper.formatXML(prepareVelocityCommand(interfaceName, ADD_TO_AGGREGATED_TEMPLATE, extraParams)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException(e); } } private String prepareClearUnitMessage(String interfaceName, int portNumber) throws ActionException { Map<String, Object> extraParams = prepareLRVelocityExtraParams(); extraParams.put("ifaceName", interfaceName); extraParams.put("unitName", portNumber); try { // FIXME passing unchecked values to junos (interfaceName and inside extraParams). May cause security issues. return XmlHelper.formatXML(prepareVelocityCommand(interfaceName, REMOVE_UNIT_TEMPLATE, extraParams)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException(e); } } /** * Prepares extraParams for CREATION_TEMPLATE.<br/> * * Sets following params: <br/> * - boolean setMinimumLinks <br/> * - boolean setLinkSpeed <br/> * - boolean isLR <br/> * - String lrName <br/> * * See the template for more information. * * @param aggregator * @return extraParams required for CREATION_TEMPLATE */ private Map<String, Object> prepareCreateAggregatedInterfaceExtraParams(AggregatedLogicalPort aggregator) { Map<String, Object> extraParams = prepareLRVelocityExtraParams(); boolean setMinimumLinks = true; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aggregator.getAggregatedOptions().getMinimumLinks())) setMinimumLinks = false; boolean setLinkSpeed = true; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aggregator.getAggregatedOptions().getLinkSpeed())) setLinkSpeed = false; extraParams.put("setMinimumLinks", setMinimumLinks); extraParams.put("setLinkSpeed", setLinkSpeed); return extraParams; } /** * Prepares extraParams for ADD_TO_AGGREGATED_TEMPLATE. <br/> * * Sets following params: <br/> * - String aggregatedIfaceName <br/> * - boolean isLR <br/> * - String lrName <br/> * See the template for more information. * * @param interfaceName * the interface to be aggregated * @param aggregatedInterfaceName * the interface to aggregate to * @return extraParams required for ADD_TO_AGGREGATED_TEMPLATE */ private Map<String, Object> prepareAddInterfaceToAggregatedExtraParams(String interfaceName, String aggregatedInterfaceName) { Map<String, Object> extraParams = prepareLRVelocityExtraParams(); extraParams.put("ifaceName", interfaceName); extraParams.put("aggregatedIfaceName", aggregatedInterfaceName); return extraParams; } private Map<String, Object> prepareLRVelocityExtraParams() { Map<String, Object> extraParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); boolean isLR = isLogicalRouter((ComputerSystem) modelToUpdate); extraParams.put("isLR", isLR); if (isLR) extraParams.put("lrName", getLogicalRouterName((ComputerSystem) modelToUpdate)); return extraParams; } private boolean isLogicalRouter(ComputerSystem system) { if (system.getElementName() != null) { return true; } return false; } private String getLogicalRouterName(ComputerSystem system) { if (!isLogicalRouter(system)) return null; return system.getElementName(); } private Response execEditCommand(String netconfMsg, IProtocolSession protocol) throws ActionException { try { EditNetconfCommand command = new EditNetconfCommand(netconfMsg); command.initialize(); return sendCommandToProtocol(command, protocol); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException(this.actionID + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private Response execRemovingEditCommand(String netconfMsg, IProtocolSession protocol) throws ActionException { try { // when removing tags, none operation should be used as default EditNetconfCommand command = new EditNetconfCommand(netconfMsg, CommandNetconfConstants.NONE_OPERATION); command.initialize(); return sendCommandToProtocol(command, protocol); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException(this.actionID + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private List<NetworkPort> getInterfacesToRemove(String interfaceName) { List<NetworkPort> allPorts = ModelHelper.getInterfaces((ComputerSystem) modelToUpdate); List<NetworkPort> filtered = new ArrayList<NetworkPort>(); for (NetworkPort port : allPorts) { if (port.getName().equals(interfaceName)) filtered.add(port); } return filtered; } }