package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pagination.IPageLoader; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pagination.PageableController; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pagination.collections.PageListHelper; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pagination.collections.PageResult; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pagination.example.model.NebulaWidget; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pagination.example.model.Person; public class NebulaWidgetServices implements IPageLoader<PageResult<NebulaWidget>> { private static final NebulaWidgetServices INSTANCE = new NebulaWidgetServices(); private final List<NebulaWidget> widgets; public static NebulaWidgetServices getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } public NebulaWidgetServices() { this.widgets = new ArrayList<NebulaWidget>(); load(); } //@Override public PageResult<NebulaWidget> loadPage(PageableController controller) { return PageListHelper.createPage(widgets, controller); } private void load() { Person tomSchindl = new Person("Tom", "Schindl"); addWidget( "Grid", "An custom table/tree widget which provides Excel like features and a JFaceViewer integration ", tomSchindl); addWidget( "PShelf", "The PShelf widget is a composite widget that is similar to a tab folder. It contains items which can be selected to show their client areas.", tomSchindl); addWidget( "PGroup", "The PGroup widget is a expandable/collapsible composite widget with attractive styling and an extensible design.", tomSchindl); Person nicolasRicheton = new Person("Nicolas", "Richeton"); addWidget( "Gallery", "This SWT widget displays images or items in a grid-like presentation. Gallery is very useful to display images in a photo viewer or files in an explorer-like view.", nicolasRicheton); Person eliasVolanakis = new Person("Elias", "Volanakis"); addWidget( "CompositeTable", "An custom table/tree widget which provides Excel like features and a JFaceViewer integration ", eliasVolanakis); Person donaldDunne = new Person("Donald", "Dunne"); addWidget( "XViewer", "The purpose of the XViewer is to give the application developer a more advanced and dynamic TreeViewer that has the filtering and sorting ", donaldDunne); addWidget( "CalendarCombo", "The Calendar Combo Widget is a combo box widget that opens a calendar when dropped down. ", donaldDunne); Person wimJongman = new Person("Wim", "Jongman"); addWidget("Oscilloscope", "A widget showing an Oscilloscope", wimJongman); Person martyJones = new Person("Marty", "Jones"); addWidget("TableCombo", "A DropDown-Widget which uses a Table to display the items ", martyJones); Person ahmedMahran = new Person("Ahmed", "Mahran "); addWidget("STW", "A component which allows to implement transitions ", ahmedMahran); Person emilCrumhorn = new Person("Emil", "Crumhorn"); addWidget("Gantt", "A comprehensive implementation of a Gantt chart.", emilCrumhorn); Person jeremyDowdall = new Person("Jeremy", "Dowdall"); addWidget("CDateTime", "A Date and Time selector widget.", jeremyDowdall); addWidget("CWT", "Nebula animation ", nicolasRicheton); addWidget( "BidiLayout", "The PGroup widget is a expandable/collapsible composite widget with attractive styling and an extensible design.", tomSchindl); Person mattHall = new Person("Matt", "Hall"); addWidget("PaperClips", "Printing Library", mattHall); addWidget("Radio Group", "Group of Radio Buttons", emilCrumhorn); addWidget( "Collapsible Buttons", "Widget modeled after the bottom left buttons widget in Microsoft Outlook ", emilCrumhorn); Person ericWuillai = new Person("Eric", "Wuillai"); addWidget("Date Chooser", "Presents the monthly view of a calendar for date picking.", ericWuillai); addWidget( "Formatted Text", "A decorator component adding input and display mask capabilities on a Text widget.", ericWuillai); Person lukaszMilewski = new Person("Lukasz", "Milewski"); addWidget("Nebula Toolbar", "A comprehensive implementation of a Gantt chart. ", lukaszMilewski); Person mickaelIstria = new Person("Mickael", "Istria"); addWidget("TreeMapper", "Mapping between Tree's", mickaelIstria); Person angeloZerr = new Person("Angelo", "Zerr"); addWidget("Picture Control", "A control managing (download and display) a picture.", angeloZerr); addWidget( "Pagination Control", "A control managing paginated list and display pagination navigation bar.", angeloZerr); addWidget("CTree", "", jeremyDowdall); Person edwinPark = new Person("Edwin", "Park"); addWidget( "NatTable", "NatTable is a powerful and flexible SWT table/grid widget that is built to handle very large data sets, real-time updates, dynamic styling, and more.", edwinPark); } private void addWidget(String name, String description, Person committer) { this.widgets.add(new NebulaWidget(name, description, committer)); } }