/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * chris.gross@us.ibm.com - initial API and implementation * Chuck.Mastrandrea@sas.com - wordwrapping in bug 222280 * smcduff@hotmail.com - wordwrapping in bug 222280 * Claes Rosell<claes.rosell@solme.se> - rowspan in bug 272384 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.internal; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.Grid; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.GridCellRenderer; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.GridColumn; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.GridItem; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.IInternalWidget; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.TextLayout; /** * The renderer for a cell in Grid. * * @author chris.gross@us.ibm.com * @since 2.0.0 */ public class DefaultCellRenderer extends GridCellRenderer { int leftMargin = 4; int rightMargin = 4; int topMargin = 0; int bottomMargin = 0; int textTopMargin = 1; int textBottomMargin = 2; private final int insideMargin = 3; int treeIndent = 20; private ToggleRenderer toggleRenderer; private BranchRenderer branchRenderer; private CheckBoxRenderer checkRenderer; private TextLayout textLayout; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void paint(GC gc, Object value) { GridItem item = (GridItem)value; gc.setFont(item.getFont(getColumn())); boolean drawAsSelected = isSelected(); boolean drawBackground = true; if (isCellSelected()) { drawAsSelected = true;//(!isCellFocus()); } if (drawAsSelected) { gc.setBackground(getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_SELECTION)); gc.setForeground(getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_SELECTION_TEXT)); } else { if (item.getParent().isEnabled()) { Color back = item.getBackground(getColumn()); if (back != null) { gc.setBackground(back); } else { drawBackground = false; } } else { gc.setBackground(getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_BACKGROUND)); } Color foreground = item.getForeground(getColumn()); gc.setForeground(foreground == null ? getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_FOREGROUND) : foreground); } if (drawBackground) gc.fillRectangle(getBounds().x, getBounds().y, getBounds().width, getBounds().height); int x = leftMargin; if (isTree()) { boolean renderBranches = item.getParent().getTreeLinesVisible(); if(renderBranches) { branchRenderer.setBranches(getBranches(item)); branchRenderer.setIndent(treeIndent); branchRenderer.setBounds( getBounds().x + x, getBounds().y, getToggleIndent(item), getBounds().height + 1); // Take into account border } x += getToggleIndent(item); toggleRenderer.setExpanded(item.isExpanded()); toggleRenderer.setHover(getHoverDetail().equals("toggle")); toggleRenderer.setLocation(getBounds().x + x, (getBounds().height - toggleRenderer .getBounds().height) / 2 + getBounds().y); if (item.hasChildren()) toggleRenderer.paint(gc, null); if (renderBranches) { branchRenderer.setToggleBounds(toggleRenderer.getBounds()); branchRenderer.paint(gc, null); } x += toggleRenderer.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } if (isCheck()) { checkRenderer.setChecked(item.getChecked(getColumn())); checkRenderer.setGrayed(item.getGrayed(getColumn())); if (!item.getParent().isEnabled()) { checkRenderer.setGrayed(true); } checkRenderer.setHover(getHoverDetail().equals("check")); if (isCenteredCheckBoxOnly(item)) { //Special logic if this column only has a checkbox and is centered checkRenderer.setBounds(getBounds().x + ((getBounds().width - checkRenderer.getBounds().width) /2), (getBounds().height - checkRenderer.getBounds().height) / 2 + getBounds().y, checkRenderer .getBounds().width, checkRenderer.getBounds().height); } else { checkRenderer.setBounds(getBounds().x + x, (getBounds().height - checkRenderer .getBounds().height) / 2 + getBounds().y, checkRenderer .getBounds().width, checkRenderer.getBounds().height); x += checkRenderer.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } checkRenderer.paint(gc, null); } Image image = item.getImage(getColumn()); if (image != null) { int y = getBounds().y; y += (getBounds().height - image.getBounds().height)/2; gc.drawImage(image, getBounds().x + x, y); x += image.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } int width = getBounds().width - x - rightMargin; if (drawAsSelected) { gc.setForeground(getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_SELECTION_TEXT)); } else { gc.setForeground(item.getForeground(getColumn())); } if (!isWordWrap()) { String text = TextUtils.getShortString(gc, item.getText(getColumn()), width); if (getAlignment() == SWT.RIGHT) { int len = gc.stringExtent(text).x; if (len < width) { x += width - len; } } else if (getAlignment() == SWT.CENTER) { int len = gc.stringExtent(text).x; if (len < width) { x += (width - len) / 2; } } gc.drawString(text, getBounds().x + x, getBounds().y + textTopMargin + topMargin, true); } else { if (textLayout == null) { textLayout = new TextLayout(gc.getDevice()); item.getParent().addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() { @Override public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { textLayout.dispose(); } }); } textLayout.setFont(gc.getFont()); textLayout.setText(item.getText(getColumn())); textLayout.setAlignment(getAlignment()); textLayout.setWidth(width < 1 ? 1 : width); if (item.getParent().isAutoHeight()) { // Look through all columns (except this one) to get the max height needed for this item int columnCount = item.getParent().getColumnCount(); int maxHeight = textLayout.getBounds().height + textTopMargin + textBottomMargin; for (int i=0; i<columnCount; i++) { GridColumn column = item.getParent().getColumn(i); if (i != getColumn() && column.getWordWrap()) { int height = column.getCellRenderer().computeSize(gc, column.getWidth(), SWT.DEFAULT, item).y; maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, height); } } // Also look at the row header if necessary if (item.getParent().isWordWrapHeader()) { int height = item.getParent().getRowHeaderRenderer().computeSize(gc, SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT, item).y; maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, height); } if (maxHeight != item.getHeight()) { item.setHeight(maxHeight); } } textLayout.draw(gc, getBounds().x + x, getBounds().y + textTopMargin + topMargin); } if (item.getParent().getLinesVisible()) { if (isCellSelected()) { //XXX: should be user definable? gc.setForeground(getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_DARK_SHADOW)); } else { gc.setForeground(item.getParent().getLineColor()); } gc.drawLine(getBounds().x, getBounds().y + getBounds().height, getBounds().x + getBounds().width -1, getBounds().y + getBounds().height); gc.drawLine(getBounds().x + getBounds().width - 1, getBounds().y, getBounds().x + getBounds().width - 1, getBounds().y + getBounds().height); } if (isCellFocus()) { Rectangle focusRect = new Rectangle(getBounds().x, getBounds().y, getBounds().width - 1, getBounds().height); gc.setForeground(getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_FOREGROUND)); gc.drawRectangle(focusRect); if (isFocus()) { focusRect.x ++; focusRect.width -= 2; focusRect.y ++; focusRect.height -= 2; gc.drawRectangle(focusRect); } } } /** * Calculates the sequence of branch lines which should be rendered for the provided item * @param item * @return an array of integers composed using the constants in {@link BranchRenderer} */ private int[] getBranches(GridItem item) { int[] branches = new int[item.getLevel() + 1]; GridItem[] roots = item.getParent().getRootItems(); // Is this a node or a leaf? if (item.getParentItem() == null) { // Add descender if not last item if (!item.isExpanded() && roots[roots.length-1].equals(item)) { if (item.hasChildren()) branches[item.getLevel()] = BranchRenderer.LAST_ROOT; else branches[item.getLevel()] = BranchRenderer.SMALL_L; } else { if (item.hasChildren()) branches[item.getLevel()] = BranchRenderer.ROOT; else branches[item.getLevel()] = BranchRenderer.SMALL_T; } } else if (item.hasChildren()) if (item.isExpanded()) branches[item.getLevel()] = BranchRenderer.NODE; else branches[item.getLevel()] = BranchRenderer.NONE; else branches[item.getLevel()] = BranchRenderer.LEAF; // Branch for current item GridItem parent = item.getParentItem(); if (parent == null) return branches; // Are there siblings below this item? if (parent.indexOf(item) < parent.getItemCount() - 1) branches[item.getLevel() - 1] = BranchRenderer.T; // Is the next node a root? else if (parent.getParentItem() == null && !parent.equals(roots[roots.length - 1])) branches[item.getLevel() - 1] = BranchRenderer.T; // This must be the last element at this level else branches[item.getLevel() - 1] = BranchRenderer.L; Grid grid = item.getParent(); item = parent; parent = item.getParentItem(); // Branches for parent items while(item.getLevel() > 0) { if (parent.indexOf(item) == parent.getItemCount() - 1) { if (parent.getParentItem() == null && !grid.getRootItem(grid.getRootItemCount() - 1).equals(parent)) branches[item.getLevel() - 1] = BranchRenderer.I; else branches[item.getLevel() - 1] = BranchRenderer.NONE; } else branches[item.getLevel() - 1] = BranchRenderer.I; item = parent; parent = item.getParentItem(); } // item should be null at this point return branches; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Point computeSize(GC gc, int wHint, int hHint, Object value) { GridItem item = (GridItem)value; gc.setFont(item.getFont(getColumn())); int x = 0; x += leftMargin; if (isTree()) { x += getToggleIndent(item); x += toggleRenderer.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } if (isCheck()) { x += checkRenderer.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } int y = 0; Image image = item.getImage(getColumn()); if (image != null) { y = topMargin + image.getBounds().height + bottomMargin; x += image.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } // MOPR-DND // MOPR: replaced this code (to get correct preferred height for cells in word-wrap columns) // // x += gc.stringExtent(item.getText(column)).x + rightMargin; // // y = Math.max(y,topMargin + gc.getFontMetrics().getHeight() + bottomMargin); // // with this code: int textHeight = 0; if(!isWordWrap()) { x += gc.textExtent(item.getText(getColumn())).x + rightMargin; textHeight = topMargin + textTopMargin + gc.getFontMetrics().getHeight() + textBottomMargin + bottomMargin; } else { int plainTextWidth; if (wHint == SWT.DEFAULT) plainTextWidth = gc.textExtent(item.getText(getColumn())).x; else plainTextWidth = wHint - x - rightMargin; TextLayout currTextLayout = new TextLayout(gc.getDevice()); currTextLayout.setFont(gc.getFont()); currTextLayout.setText(item.getText(getColumn())); currTextLayout.setAlignment(getAlignment()); currTextLayout.setWidth(plainTextWidth < 1 ? 1 : plainTextWidth); x += plainTextWidth + rightMargin; textHeight += topMargin + textTopMargin; for(int cnt=0;cnt<currTextLayout.getLineCount();cnt++) textHeight += currTextLayout.getLineBounds(cnt).height; textHeight += textBottomMargin + bottomMargin; currTextLayout.dispose(); } y = Math.max(y, textHeight); return new Point(x, y); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notify(int event, Point point, Object value) { GridItem item = (GridItem)value; if (isCheck()) { if (event == IInternalWidget.MouseMove) { if (overCheck(item, point)) { setHoverDetail("check"); return true; } } if (event == IInternalWidget.LeftMouseButtonDown) { if (overCheck(item, point)) { if (!item.getCheckable(getColumn())) { return false; } item.setChecked(getColumn(), !item.getChecked(getColumn())); item.getParent().redraw(); item.fireCheckEvent(getColumn()); return true; } } } if (isTree() && item.hasChildren()) { if (event == IInternalWidget.MouseMove) { if (overToggle(item, point)) { setHoverDetail("toggle"); return true; } } if (event == IInternalWidget.LeftMouseButtonDown) { if (overToggle(item, point)) { item.setExpanded(!item.isExpanded()); item.getParent().redraw(); if (item.isExpanded()) { item.fireEvent(SWT.Expand); } else { item.fireEvent(SWT.Collapse); } return true; } } } return false; } private boolean overCheck(GridItem item, Point point) { if (isCenteredCheckBoxOnly(item)) { point = new Point(point.x, point.y); point.x -= getBounds().x; point.y -= getBounds().y; Rectangle checkBounds = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0); checkBounds.x = (getBounds().width - checkRenderer.getBounds().width)/2; checkBounds.y = ((getBounds().height - checkRenderer.getBounds().height) / 2); checkBounds.width = checkRenderer.getBounds().width; checkBounds.height = checkRenderer.getBounds().height; return checkBounds.contains(point); } else { point = new Point(point.x, point.y); point.x -= getBounds().x; point.y -= getBounds().y; int x = leftMargin; if (isTree()) { x += getToggleIndent(item); x += toggleRenderer.getSize().x + insideMargin; } if (point.x >= x && point.x < (x + checkRenderer.getSize().x)) { int yStart = ((getBounds().height - checkRenderer.getBounds().height) / 2); if (point.y >= yStart && point.y < yStart + checkRenderer.getSize().y) { return true; } } return false; } } private int getToggleIndent(GridItem item) { return item.getLevel() * treeIndent; } private boolean overToggle(GridItem item, Point point) { point = new Point(point.x, point.y); point.x -= getBounds().x - 1; point.y -= getBounds().y - 1; int x = leftMargin; x += getToggleIndent(item); if (point.x >= x && point.x < (x + toggleRenderer.getSize().x)) { // return true; int yStart = ((getBounds().height - toggleRenderer.getBounds().height) / 2); if (point.y >= yStart && point.y < yStart + toggleRenderer.getSize().y) { return true; } } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setTree(boolean tree) { super.setTree(tree); if (tree) { toggleRenderer = new ToggleRenderer(); toggleRenderer.setDisplay(getDisplay()); branchRenderer = new BranchRenderer(); branchRenderer.setDisplay(getDisplay()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setCheck(boolean check) { super.setCheck(check); if (check) { checkRenderer = new CheckBoxRenderer(); checkRenderer.setDisplay(getDisplay()); } else { checkRenderer = null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Rectangle getTextBounds(GridItem item, boolean preferred) { int x = leftMargin; if (isTree()) { x += getToggleIndent(item); x += toggleRenderer.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } if (isCheck()) { x += checkRenderer.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } Image image = item.getImage(getColumn()); if (image != null) { x += image.getBounds().width + insideMargin; } Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(x,topMargin + textTopMargin,0,0); GC gc = new GC(item.getParent()); gc.setFont(item.getFont(getColumn())); Point size = gc.stringExtent(item.getText(getColumn())); bounds.height = size.y; if (preferred) { bounds.width = size.x - 1; } else { bounds.width = getBounds().width - x - rightMargin; } gc.dispose(); return bounds; } private boolean isCenteredCheckBoxOnly(GridItem item) { return !isTree() && item.getImage(getColumn()) == null && item.getText(getColumn()).equals("") && getAlignment() == SWT.CENTER; } }