package; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; public class TabBarItemRenderer { private boolean selected = false; private Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0); public Point computeSize(TabBarItem item) { int height = 10; int width = 40; GC gc = new GC(item.getParent()); Point p = gc.stringExtent(item.getText()); height += p.y; width += p.x; gc.dispose(); return new Point(width,height); } public void paint(GC gc, TabBarItem item) { gc.setAntialias(SWT.ON); Region reg = item.getParent().createRoundedTopRegion(getBounds().x,getBounds().y,getBounds().width,getBounds().height); gc.setClipping(reg); if (isSelected()) { gc.setForeground(item.getParent().getSelectedTabGradient1()); gc.setBackground(item.getParent().getSelectedTabGradient2()); } else { gc.setForeground(item.getParent().getTabGradient1()); gc.setBackground(item.getParent().getTabGradient2()); } gc.fillGradientRectangle(getBounds().x,getBounds().y,getBounds().width,getBounds().height,true); if (isSelected()) { gc.setForeground(item.getParent().getSelectedTabBorder()); } else { gc.setForeground(item.getParent().getTabBorder()); } gc.drawRoundRectangle(getBounds().x,getBounds().y,getBounds().width -1,getBounds().height + 100,14,14); gc.setClipping((Region)null); reg.dispose(); Point p = gc.stringExtent(item.getText()); int x = (getBounds().width - p.x)/2; int y = (getBounds().height - p.y)/2 + 1; gc.setAntialias(SWT.ON); gc.setAlpha(128); int yOffset = 0; if (!isSelected()) { yOffset = 1; gc.setForeground(gc.getDevice().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE)); } else { yOffset = -1; gc.setForeground(gc.getDevice().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK)); } gc.drawString(item.getText(), getBounds().x + x + 0, getBounds().y + y + yOffset,true); gc.setAlpha(255); if (isSelected()) { gc.setForeground(item.getParent().getSelectedForeground()); } else { gc.setForeground(item.getParent().getForeground()); } gc.drawString(item.getText(), getBounds().x + x, getBounds().y + y,true); } /** * @return the selected */ public boolean isSelected() { return selected; } /** * @param selected the selected to set */ public void setSelected(boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; } /** * @return the bounds */ public Rectangle getBounds() { return bounds; } /** * @param bounds the bounds to set */ public void setBounds(Rectangle bounds) { this.bounds = bounds; } }