package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.compositetable; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; /** * ResizableGridRowLayout works with HeaderLayout to implement column resizing * semantics for CompositeTable UIs. * <p> * Use a ResizableGridRowLayout when you have used a ResizableGridHeaderLayout * on the Header object. ResizableGridRowLayout gets all of its layout settings * from the ResizableGridHeaderLayout object, so there is no need to set any * additional layout information on the ResizableGridRowLayout itself. * * @author djo */ public class ResizableGridRowLayout extends GridRowLayout { private AbstractGridRowLayout delegate = null; private int[] columnOrder; private Composite control; /** * Constructor ResizableGridRowLayout. Create a ResizableGridRowLayout * object. Since a ResizableGridRowLayout object will automatically find * the associated HeaderLayout, no properties need to be set on a * ResizableGridRowLayout. */ public ResizableGridRowLayout() {} protected Point computeSize(Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache) { this.control = composite; getLayoutDelegate(composite); return super.computeSize(composite, wHint, hHint, flushCache); } protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) { this.control = composite; getLayoutDelegate(composite); super.layout(composite, flushCache); } public int[] getWeights() { if (delegate == null) { return super.getWeights(); } return delegate.getWeights(); } public AbstractGridRowLayout setWeights(int[] weights) { if (delegate == null) { return super.setWeights(weights); } return delegate.setWeights(weights); } public int getSumOfAllWeights() { if (delegate == null) { return super.getSumOfAllWeights(); } return delegate.getSumOfAllWeights(); } public boolean isFittingHorizontally() { if (delegate == null) { return super.isFittingHorizontally(); } return delegate.isFittingHorizontally(); } public AbstractGridRowLayout setFittingHorizontally(boolean fittingHorizontally) { if (delegate == null) { return super.setFittingHorizontally(fittingHorizontally); } return delegate.setFittingHorizontally(fittingHorizontally); } protected Widget getColumnAt(Composite rowOrHeader, int offset) { if (columnOrder == null) { return super.getColumnAt(rowOrHeader, offset); } Control[] children = rowOrHeader.getChildren(); return children[columnOrder[offset]]; } private CompositeTableLayout getLayoutDelegate(Composite composite) { if (delegate != null) return delegate; findHeader(composite); if (delegate != null) { return delegate; } createNullLayout(composite); return delegate; } private void createNullLayout(Composite composite) { int numChildren = composite.getChildren().length; delegate = new GridRowLayout(new int[numChildren], true); } private void findHeader(Composite row) { Control[] children = row.getParent().getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i] instanceof Composite) { Composite child = (Composite) children[i]; Layout layout = child.getLayout(); if (layout instanceof HeaderLayout) { delegate = (HeaderLayout) layout; addListenersToDelegate(row, (HeaderLayout) layout); return; } } } } private void addListenersToDelegate(Composite row, HeaderLayout delegate) { delegate.addColumnControlListener(new GridColumnControlListener(row)); } private class GridColumnControlListener extends ColumnControlListener { private final Composite row; private int savedResizedColNum; private int savedResizedColWidth; private int savedColToRightOfResizedColWidth; boolean runnableQueueIsClear = true; public GridColumnControlListener(Composite row) { this.row = row; } public void columnMoved(int[] newColumnOrder) { ResizableGridRowLayout.this.columnOrder = newColumnOrder; control.layout(true); } public void columnResized(int resizedColumnPosition, int resizedColumnWidth, int columnToTheRightOfResizedColumnWidth) { /* * FEATURE IN WINDOWS: If we resize the row immediately, Windows * won't allow the row to repaint, resulting in cheese (ugly * draw artifacts) all over the place until the user releases the * mouse button. The workaround is to resize the row columns in the * next idle event during an async runnable. Since this code will * run on every mouseMove event, we are careful to queue at most one * async runnable at a time. */ this.savedResizedColNum = resizedColumnPosition; this.savedResizedColWidth = resizedColumnWidth; this.savedColToRightOfResizedColWidth = columnToTheRightOfResizedColumnWidth; if (runnableQueueIsClear) { runnableQueueIsClear = false; row.getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (row.isDisposed()) return; Control[] children = row.getChildren(); Control resizedColumn = (Control) getColumnAt(row, savedResizedColNum); // Control resizedColumn = children[savedResizedColNum]; Point resizedColumnSize = resizedColumn.getSize(); int adjustedResizedColumnWidth = savedResizedColWidth - 2 * CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; int resizedColumnWidthChange = adjustedResizedColumnWidth - resizedColumnSize.x; resizedColumn.setSize(adjustedResizedColumnWidth, resizedColumnSize.y); Control columnToTheRightOfResizedColumn = (Control) getColumnAt(row, savedResizedColNum+1); // Control columnToTheRightOfResizedColumn = children[savedResizedColNum + 1]; Rectangle rightBounds = columnToTheRightOfResizedColumn.getBounds(); columnToTheRightOfResizedColumn.setBounds(rightBounds.x + resizedColumnWidthChange, rightBounds.y, savedColToRightOfResizedColWidth, rightBounds.height); runnableQueueIsClear = true; } }); } } }; }