package; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils; import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory; import org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.WagonConfigurationException; import org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.WagonManager; import org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadata; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.Metadata; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataManager; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.SnapshotArtifactRepositoryMetadata; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.Versioning; import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException; import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException; import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder; import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException; import org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy; import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings; import org.apache.maven.wagon.ConnectionException; import org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException; import org.apache.maven.wagon.UnsupportedProtocolException; import org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon; import org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication.AuthenticationException; import org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication.AuthenticationInfo; import org.apache.maven.wagon.authorization.AuthorizationException; import org.apache.maven.wagon.observers.Debug; import org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy.ProxyInfo; import org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.Repository; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; /** * Utilities methods to play with repository * * @version $Id$ * @since 2.1 */ public class RepositoryUtils { private static final List<String> UNKNOWN_HOSTS = new ArrayList<String>(); private final Log log; private final WagonManager wagonManager; private final Settings settings; private final MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder; private final ArtifactFactory factory; private final List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories; private final List<ArtifactRepository> pluginRepositories; private final ArtifactResolver resolver; private final ArtifactRepository localRepository; /** * @param log {@link Log} * @param wagonManager {@link WagonManager} * @param settings {@link Settings} * @param mavenProjectBuilder {@link MavenProjectBuilder} * @param factory {@link ArtifactFactory} * @param resolver {@link ArtifactResolver} * @param remoteRepositories {@link ArtifactRepository} * @param pluginRepositories {@link ArtifactRepository} * @param localRepository {@link ArtifactRepository} * @param repositoryMetadataManager {@link RepositoryMetadataManager} */ public RepositoryUtils( Log log, WagonManager wagonManager, Settings settings, MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder, ArtifactFactory factory, ArtifactResolver resolver, List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories, List<ArtifactRepository> pluginRepositories, ArtifactRepository localRepository, RepositoryMetadataManager repositoryMetadataManager ) { this.log = log; this.wagonManager = wagonManager; this.settings = settings; this.mavenProjectBuilder = mavenProjectBuilder; this.factory = factory; this.resolver = resolver; this.remoteRepositories = remoteRepositories; this.pluginRepositories = pluginRepositories; this.localRepository = localRepository; } /** * @return localrepo */ public ArtifactRepository getLocalRepository() { return localRepository; } /** * @return remote artifact repo */ public List<ArtifactRepository> getRemoteArtifactRepositories() { return remoteRepositories; } /** * @return plugin artifact repo */ public List<ArtifactRepository> getPluginArtifactRepositories() { return pluginRepositories; } /** * @param artifact not null * @throws ArtifactResolutionException if any * @throws ArtifactNotFoundException if any * @see ArtifactResolver#resolve(Artifact, List, ArtifactRepository) */ public void resolve( Artifact artifact ) throws ArtifactResolutionException, ArtifactNotFoundException { List<ArtifactRepository> repos = new ArrayList<ArtifactRepository>( pluginRepositories.size() + remoteRepositories.size() ); repos.addAll( pluginRepositories ); repos.addAll( remoteRepositories ); resolver.resolve( artifact, repos, localRepository ); } /** * @param repo not null * @param artifact not null * @return <code>true</code> if the artifact exists in the given repo, <code>false</code> otherwise or if * the repo is blacklisted. */ public boolean dependencyExistsInRepo( ArtifactRepository repo, Artifact artifact ) { if ( repo.isBlacklisted() ) { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "The repo '" + repo.getId() + "' is black listed - Ignored it" ); } return false; } if ( UNKNOWN_HOSTS.contains( repo.getUrl() ) ) { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "The repo url '" + repo.getUrl() + "' is unknown - Ignored it" ); } return false; } repo = wagonManager.getMirrorRepository( repo ); String id = repo.getId(); Repository repository = new Repository( id, repo.getUrl() ); Wagon wagon; try { wagon = wagonManager.getWagon( repository ); } catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e ) { logError( "Unsupported protocol: '" + repo.getProtocol() + "'", e ); return false; } catch ( WagonConfigurationException e ) { logError( "Unsupported protocol: '" + repo.getProtocol() + "'", e ); return false; } wagon.setTimeout( 1000 ); if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { Debug debug = new Debug(); wagon.addSessionListener( debug ); wagon.addTransferListener( debug ); } try { // FIXME when upgrading to maven 3.x : this must be changed. AuthenticationInfo auth = wagonManager.getAuthenticationInfo( repo.getId() ); ProxyInfo proxyInfo = getProxyInfo(); if ( proxyInfo != null ) { wagon.connect( repository, auth, proxyInfo ); } else { wagon.connect( repository, auth ); } return wagon.resourceExists( StringUtils.replace( getDependencyUrlFromRepository( artifact, repo ), repo.getUrl(), "" ) ); } catch ( ConnectionException e ) { logError( "Unable to connect to: " + repo.getUrl(), e ); return false; } catch ( AuthenticationException e ) { logError( "Unable to connect to: " + repo.getUrl(), e ); return false; } catch ( TransferFailedException e ) { if ( e.getCause() instanceof UnknownHostException ) { log.error( "Unknown host " + e.getCause().getMessage() + " - ignored it" ); UNKNOWN_HOSTS.add( repo.getUrl() ); } else { logError( "Unable to determine if resource " + artifact + " exists in " + repo.getUrl(), e ); } return false; } catch ( AuthorizationException e ) { logError( "Unable to connect to: " + repo.getUrl(), e ); return false; } catch ( AbstractMethodError e ) { log.error( "Wagon " + wagon.getClass().getName() + " does not support the resourceExists method" ); return false; } finally { try { wagon.disconnect(); } catch ( ConnectionException e ) { logError( "Error disconnecting wagon - ignored", e ); } } } /** * Get the <code>Maven project</code> from the repository depending the <code>Artifact</code> given. * * @param artifact an artifact * @return the Maven project for the given artifact * @throws ProjectBuildingException if any */ public MavenProject getMavenProjectFromRepository( Artifact artifact ) throws ProjectBuildingException { Artifact projectArtifact = artifact; boolean allowStubModel = false; if ( !"pom".equals( artifact.getType() ) ) { projectArtifact = factory.createProjectArtifact( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getScope() ); allowStubModel = true; } // TODO: we should use the MavenMetadataSource instead return mavenProjectBuilder.buildFromRepository( projectArtifact, remoteRepositories, localRepository, allowStubModel ); } /** * @param artifact not null * @param repo not null * @return the artifact url in the given repo for the given artifact. If it is a snapshot artifact, the version * will be the timestamp and the build number from the metadata. Could return null if the repo is blacklisted. */ public String getDependencyUrlFromRepository( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository repo ) { if ( repo.isBlacklisted() ) { return null; } Artifact copyArtifact = ArtifactUtils.copyArtifact( artifact ); // Try to get the last artifact repo name depending the snapshot version if ( ( artifact.isSnapshot() && repo.getSnapshots().isEnabled() ) ) { if ( artifact.getBaseVersion().equals( artifact.getVersion() ) ) { // Try to resolve it if not already done if ( artifact.getMetadataList() == null || artifact.getMetadataList().isEmpty() ) { try { resolve( artifact ); } catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e ) { log.error( "Artifact: " + artifact.getId() + " could not be resolved." ); } catch ( ArtifactNotFoundException e ) { log.error( "Artifact: " + artifact.getId() + " was not found." ); } } for ( ArtifactMetadata m : artifact.getMetadataList() ) { if ( m instanceof SnapshotArtifactRepositoryMetadata ) { SnapshotArtifactRepositoryMetadata snapshotMetadata = (SnapshotArtifactRepositoryMetadata) m; Metadata metadata = snapshotMetadata.getMetadata(); Versioning versioning = metadata.getVersioning(); if ( versioning == null || versioning.getSnapshot() == null || versioning.getSnapshot().isLocalCopy() || versioning.getSnapshot().getTimestamp() == null ) { continue; } // create the version according SnapshotTransformation String version = StringUtils.replace( copyArtifact.getVersion(), Artifact.SNAPSHOT_VERSION, versioning.getSnapshot().getTimestamp() ) + "-" + versioning.getSnapshot().getBuildNumber(); copyArtifact.setVersion( version ); } } } } return repo.getUrl() + "/" + repo.pathOf( copyArtifact ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Convenience method to map a <code>Proxy</code> object from the user system settings to a <code>ProxyInfo</code> * object. * * @return a proxyInfo object instanced or null if no active proxy is define in the settings.xml */ private ProxyInfo getProxyInfo() { if ( settings == null || settings.getActiveProxy() == null ) { return null; } Proxy settingsProxy = settings.getActiveProxy(); ProxyInfo proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo(); proxyInfo.setHost( settingsProxy.getHost() ); proxyInfo.setType( settingsProxy.getProtocol() ); proxyInfo.setPort( settingsProxy.getPort() ); proxyInfo.setNonProxyHosts( settingsProxy.getNonProxyHosts() ); proxyInfo.setUserName( settingsProxy.getUsername() ); proxyInfo.setPassword( settingsProxy.getPassword() ); return proxyInfo; } /** * Log an error, adding the stacktrace only is debug is enabled. * * @param message the error message * @param e the cause */ private void logError( String message, Exception e ) { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.error( message, e ); } else { log.error( message ); } } }