package org.apache.maven.plugin.compiler; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.ArtifactHandler; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution; import org.apache.maven.plugin.compiler.stubs.CompilerManagerStub; import org.apache.maven.plugin.compiler.stubs.DebugEnabledLog; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor; import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase; import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.stubs.ArtifactStub; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; public class CompilerMojoTestCase extends AbstractMojoTestCase { private String source = AbstractCompilerMojo.DEFAULT_SOURCE; private String target = AbstractCompilerMojo.DEFAULT_TARGET; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); String javaSpec = System.getProperty( "java.specification.version" ); if ( "9".equals( javaSpec ) ) { source = "6"; target = "6"; } } /** * tests the ability of the plugin to compile a basic file * * @throws Exception */ public void testCompilerBasic() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-basic-test/plugin-config.xml" ); compileMojo.execute(); File testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile0.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); TestCompilerMojo testCompileMojo = getTestCompilerMojo( compileMojo, "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-basic-test/plugin-config.xml" ); testCompileMojo.execute(); Artifact projectArtifact = (Artifact) getVariableValueFromObject( compileMojo, "projectArtifact" ); assertNotNull( "MCOMPILER-94: artifact file should only be null if there is nothing to compile", projectArtifact.getFile() ); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile0Test.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); } /** * tests the ability of the plugin to respond to empty source * * @throws Exception */ public void testCompilerEmptySource() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-empty-source-test/plugin-config.xml" ); compileMojo.execute(); assertFalse( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory().exists() ); Artifact projectArtifact = (Artifact) getVariableValueFromObject( compileMojo, "projectArtifact" ); assertNull( "MCOMPILER-94: artifact file should be null if there is nothing to compile", projectArtifact.getFile() ); TestCompilerMojo testCompileMojo = getTestCompilerMojo( compileMojo, "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-empty-source-test/plugin-config.xml" ); testCompileMojo.execute(); assertFalse( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory().exists() ); } /** * tests the ability of the plugin to respond to includes and excludes correctly * * @throws Exception */ public void testCompilerIncludesExcludes() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-includes-excludes-test/plugin-config.xml" ); Set<String> includes = new HashSet<String>(); includes.add( "**/TestCompile4*.java" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "includes", includes ); Set<String> excludes = new HashSet<String>(); excludes.add( "**/TestCompile2*.java" ); excludes.add( "**/TestCompile3*.java" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "excludes", excludes ); compileMojo.execute(); File testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile2.class" ); assertFalse( testClass.exists() ); testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile3.class" ); assertFalse( testClass.exists() ); testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile4.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); TestCompilerMojo testCompileMojo = getTestCompilerMojo( compileMojo, "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-includes-excludes-test/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( testCompileMojo, "testIncludes", includes ); setVariableValueToObject( testCompileMojo, "testExcludes", excludes ); testCompileMojo.execute(); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile2TestCase.class" ); assertFalse( testClass.exists() ); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile3TestCase.class" ); assertFalse( testClass.exists() ); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile4TestCase.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); } /** * tests the ability of the plugin to fork and successfully compile * * @throws Exception */ public void testCompilerFork() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-fork-test/plugin-config.xml" ); // JAVA_HOME doesn't have to be on the PATH. setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "executable", new File( System.getenv( "JAVA_HOME" ), "bin/javac" ).getPath() ); compileMojo.execute(); File testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile1.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); TestCompilerMojo testCompileMojo = getTestCompilerMojo( compileMojo, "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-fork-test/plugin-config.xml" ); // JAVA_HOME doesn't have to be on the PATH. setVariableValueToObject( testCompileMojo, "executable", new File( System.getenv( "JAVA_HOME" ), "bin/javac" ).getPath() ); testCompileMojo.execute(); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestCompile1TestCase.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); } public void testOneOutputFileForAllInput() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-one-output-file-test/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "compilerManager", new CompilerManagerStub() ); compileMojo.execute(); File testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "compiled.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); TestCompilerMojo testCompileMojo = getTestCompilerMojo( compileMojo, "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-one-output-file-test/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( testCompileMojo, "compilerManager", new CompilerManagerStub() ); testCompileMojo.execute(); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "compiled.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); } public void testCompilerArgs() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-args-test/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "compilerManager", new CompilerManagerStub() ); compileMojo.execute(); File testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "compiled.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "key1=value1","-Xlint","-my&special:param-with+chars/not>allowed_in_XML_element_names" ), compileMojo.compilerArgs ); } public void testOneOutputFileForAllInput2() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-one-output-file-test2/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "compilerManager", new CompilerManagerStub() ); Set<String> includes = new HashSet<String>(); includes.add( "**/TestCompile4*.java" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "includes", includes ); Set<String> excludes = new HashSet<String>(); excludes.add( "**/TestCompile2*.java" ); excludes.add( "**/TestCompile3*.java" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "excludes", excludes ); compileMojo.execute(); File testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "compiled.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); TestCompilerMojo testCompileMojo = getTestCompilerMojo( compileMojo, "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-one-output-file-test2/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( testCompileMojo, "compilerManager", new CompilerManagerStub() ); setVariableValueToObject( testCompileMojo, "testIncludes", includes ); setVariableValueToObject( testCompileMojo, "testExcludes", excludes ); testCompileMojo.execute(); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "compiled.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); } public void testCompileFailure() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-fail-test/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "compilerManager", new CompilerManagerStub( true ) ); try { compileMojo.execute(); fail( "Should throw an exception" ); } catch ( CompilationFailureException e ) { //expected } } public void testCompileFailOnError() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-failonerror-test/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "compilerManager", new CompilerManagerStub( true ) ); try { compileMojo.execute(); assertTrue( true ); } catch ( CompilationFailureException e ) { fail( "The compilation error should have been consumed because failOnError = false" ); } } /** * Tests that setting 'skipMain' to true skips compilation of the main Java source files, but that test Java source * files are still compiled. * @throws Exception */ public void testCompileSkipMain() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-skip-main/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( compileMojo, "skipMain", true ); compileMojo.execute(); File testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestSkipMainCompile0.class" ); assertFalse( testClass.exists() ); TestCompilerMojo testCompileMojo = getTestCompilerMojo( compileMojo, "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-skip-main/plugin-config.xml" ); testCompileMojo.execute(); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestSkipMainCompile0Test.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); } /** * Tests that setting 'skip' to true skips compilation of the test Java source files, but that main Java source * files are still compiled. * @throws Exception */ public void testCompileSkipTest() throws Exception { CompilerMojo compileMojo = getCompilerMojo( "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-skip-test/plugin-config.xml" ); compileMojo.execute(); File testClass = new File( compileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestSkipTestCompile0.class" ); assertTrue( testClass.exists() ); TestCompilerMojo testCompileMojo = getTestCompilerMojo( compileMojo, "target/test-classes/unit/compiler-skip-test/plugin-config.xml" ); setVariableValueToObject( testCompileMojo, "skip", true ); testCompileMojo.execute(); testClass = new File( testCompileMojo.getOutputDirectory(), "TestSkipTestCompile0Test.class" ); assertFalse( testClass.exists() ); } private CompilerMojo getCompilerMojo( String pomXml ) throws Exception { File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), pomXml ); CompilerMojo mojo = (CompilerMojo) lookupMojo( "compile", testPom ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "log", new DebugEnabledLog() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "projectArtifact", new ArtifactStub() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "compilePath", Collections.EMPTY_LIST ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", getMockMavenSession() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "project", getMockMavenProject() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "mojoExecution", getMockMojoExecution() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "source", source ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "target", target ); return mojo; } private TestCompilerMojo getTestCompilerMojo( CompilerMojo compilerMojo, String pomXml ) throws Exception { File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), pomXml ); TestCompilerMojo mojo = (TestCompilerMojo) lookupMojo( "testCompile", testPom ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "log", new DebugEnabledLog() ); File buildDir = (File) getVariableValueFromObject( compilerMojo, "buildDirectory" ); File testClassesDir = new File( buildDir, "test-classes" ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "outputDirectory", testClassesDir ); List<String> testClasspathList = new ArrayList<String>(); Artifact junitArtifact = mock( Artifact.class ); ArtifactHandler handler = mock( ArtifactHandler.class ); when( handler.isAddedToClasspath() ).thenReturn( true ); when( junitArtifact.getArtifactHandler() ).thenReturn( handler ); File artifactFile; String localRepository = System.getProperty( "localRepository" ); if ( localRepository != null ) { artifactFile = new File( localRepository, "junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar" ); } else { // for IDE String junitURI = org.junit.Test.class.getResource( "Test.class" ).toURI().toString(); junitURI = junitURI.substring( "jar:".length(), junitURI.indexOf( '!' ) ); artifactFile = new File( URI.create( junitURI ) ); } when ( junitArtifact.getFile() ).thenReturn( artifactFile ); testClasspathList.add( artifactFile.getAbsolutePath() ); testClasspathList.add( compilerMojo.getOutputDirectory().getPath() ); String testSourceRoot = testPom.getParent() + "/src/test/java"; setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "compileSourceRoots", Collections.singletonList( testSourceRoot ) ); MavenProject project = getMockMavenProject(); project.setArtifacts( Collections.singleton( junitArtifact ) ); project.getBuild().setOutputDirectory( new File( buildDir, "classes" ).getAbsolutePath() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "project", project ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "compilePath", Collections.EMPTY_LIST ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "testPath", testClasspathList ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", getMockMavenSession() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "mojoExecution", getMockMojoExecution() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "source", source ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "target", target ); return mojo; } private MavenProject getMockMavenProject() { MavenProject mp = new MavenProject(); mp.getBuild().setDirectory( "target" ); mp.getBuild().setOutputDirectory( "target/classes" ); mp.getBuild().setSourceDirectory( "src/main/java" ); mp.getBuild().setTestOutputDirectory( "target/test-classes" ); return mp; } private MavenSession getMockMavenSession() { MavenSession session = mock( MavenSession.class ); // when( session.getPluginContext( isA(PluginDescriptor.class), isA(MavenProject.class) ) ).thenReturn( // Collections.emptyMap() ); when( session.getCurrentProject() ).thenReturn( getMockMavenProject() ); return session; } private MojoExecution getMockMojoExecution() { MojoDescriptor md = new MojoDescriptor(); md.setGoal( "compile" ); MojoExecution me = new MojoExecution( md ); PluginDescriptor pd = new PluginDescriptor(); pd.setArtifactId( "maven-compiler-plugin" ); md.setPluginDescriptor( pd ); return me; } }