package org.apache.maven.plugins.checkstyle; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException; import; import org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.RendererException; import org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.SiteRenderingContext; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor; import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.checkstyle.CheckstyleReport; import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.WriterFactory; /** * @author Edwin Punzalan * @version $Id$ */ public class CheckstyleReportTest extends AbstractMojoTestCase { private Locale oldLocale; /** {@inheritDoc} */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); oldLocale = Locale.getDefault(); Locale.setDefault( Locale.ENGLISH ); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); Locale.setDefault( oldLocale ); oldLocale = null; } public void testNoSource() throws Exception { File pluginXmlFile = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/plugin-configs/no-source-plugin-config.xml" ); CheckstyleReport mojo = (CheckstyleReport) lookupMojo( "checkstyle", pluginXmlFile ); assertNotNull( "Mojo found.", mojo ); mojo.execute(); File outputFile = (File) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "outputFile" ); renderer( mojo, outputFile ); assertTrue( outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + " not generated!", outputFile.exists() ); assertTrue( outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + " is empty!", outputFile.length() <= 0 ); } public void testMinConfiguration() throws Exception { generateReport( "min-plugin-config.xml" ); } public void testCustomConfiguration() throws Exception { generateReport( "custom-plugin-config.xml" ); } public void testUseFile() throws Exception { generateReport( "useFile-plugin-config.xml" ); } public void testNoRulesSummary() throws Exception { generateReport( "no-rules-plugin-config.xml" ); } public void testNoSeveritySummary() throws Exception { generateReport( "no-severity-plugin-config.xml" ); } public void testNoFilesSummary() throws Exception { generateReport( "no-files-plugin-config.xml" ); } public void testFailOnError() { try { generateReport( "fail-on-error-plugin-config.xml" ); fail( "Must throw exception on errors" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { // expected } } public void testDependencyResolutionException() { try { generateReport( "dep-resolution-exception-plugin-config.xml" ); fail( "Must throw exception on errors" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( !( e.getCause().getCause().getCause() instanceof DependencyResolutionRequiredException ) ) { e.printStackTrace(); fail( "Must throw exception DependencyResolutionRequiredException on errors and not " + e.getClass().getName() + ", " + e.getMessage() ); } } } public void testTestSourceDirectory() throws Exception { generateReport( "test-source-directory-plugin-config.xml" ); } private File generateReport( String pluginXml ) throws Exception { File pluginXmlFile = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/plugin-configs/" + pluginXml ); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "checkstyle-report", Locale.getDefault(), this.getClassLoader() ); CheckstyleReport mojo = (CheckstyleReport) lookupMojo( "checkstyle", pluginXmlFile ); assertNotNull( "Mojo found.", mojo ); PluginDescriptor descriptorStub = new PluginDescriptor(); descriptorStub.setGroupId( "org.apache.maven.plugins" ); descriptorStub.setArtifactId( "maven-checkstyle-plugin" ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "plugin", descriptorStub ); mojo.execute(); File outputFile = (File) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "outputFile" ); assertNotNull( "Test output file", outputFile ); assertTrue( "Test output file exists", outputFile.exists() ); String cacheFile = (String) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "cacheFile" ); if ( cacheFile != null ) { assertTrue( "Test cache file exists", new File( cacheFile ).exists() ); } MavenReport reportMojo = mojo; File outputDir = reportMojo.getReportOutputDirectory(); Boolean rss = (Boolean) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "enableRSS" ); if (rss) { File rssFile = new File( outputDir, "checkstyle.rss" ); assertTrue( "Test rss file exists", rssFile.exists() ); } File useFile = (File) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "useFile" ); if ( useFile != null ) { assertTrue( "Test useFile exists", useFile.exists() ); } String filename = reportMojo.getOutputName() + ".html"; File outputHtml = new File( outputDir, filename ); renderer( mojo, outputHtml ); assertTrue( outputHtml.getAbsolutePath() + " not generated!", outputHtml.exists() ); assertTrue( outputHtml.getAbsolutePath() + " is empty!", outputHtml.length() > 0 ); String htmlString = FileUtils.fileRead( outputHtml ); boolean searchHeaderFound = ( htmlString.indexOf( "<h2>" + bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.rules" ) ) > 0 ); Boolean rules = (Boolean) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "enableRulesSummary" ); if (rules) { assertTrue( "Test for Rules Summary", searchHeaderFound ); } else { assertFalse( "Test for Rules Summary", searchHeaderFound ); } searchHeaderFound = ( htmlString.indexOf( "<h2>" + bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.summary" ) ) > 0 ); Boolean severity = (Boolean) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "enableSeveritySummary" ); if (severity) { assertTrue( "Test for Severity Summary", searchHeaderFound ); } else { assertFalse( "Test for Severity Summary", searchHeaderFound ); } searchHeaderFound = ( htmlString.indexOf( "<h2>" + bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.files" ) ) > 0 ); Boolean files = (Boolean) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "enableFilesSummary" ); if (files) { assertTrue( "Test for Files Summary", searchHeaderFound ); } else { assertFalse( "Test for Files Summary", searchHeaderFound ); } return outputHtml; } /** * Renderer the sink from the report mojo. * * @param mojo not null * @param outputHtml not null * @throws RendererException if any * @throws IOException if any */ private void renderer( CheckstyleReport mojo, File outputHtml ) throws RendererException, Exception { Writer writer = null; SiteRenderingContext context = new SiteRenderingContext(); context.setDecoration( new DecorationModel() ); context.setTemplateName( "org/apache/maven/doxia/siterenderer/resources/default-site.vm" ); context.setLocale( Locale.ENGLISH ); try { outputHtml.getParentFile().mkdirs(); writer = WriterFactory.newXmlWriter( outputHtml ); mojo.execute(); writer.close(); writer = null; } finally { IOUtil.close( writer ); } } }