package org.apache.maven.plugins.checkstyle; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink; import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributeSet; import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributes; import; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.SystemStreamLog; import org.apache.maven.plugins.checkstyle.exec.CheckstyleResults; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; /** * Generate a report based on CheckstyleResults. * * @version $Id$ */ public class CheckstyleReportGenerator { private Log log; private final File basedir; private final ResourceBundle bundle; private final Sink sink; private SeverityLevel severityLevel; private Configuration checkstyleConfig; private boolean enableRulesSummary; private boolean enableSeveritySummary; private boolean enableFilesSummary; private boolean enableRSS; private final SiteTool siteTool; private String xrefLocation; private List<String> treeWalkerNames = Collections.singletonList( "TreeWalker" ); private final IconTool iconTool; private final String ruleset; public CheckstyleReportGenerator( Sink sink, ResourceBundle bundle, File basedir, SiteTool siteTool, String ruleset ) { this.bundle = bundle; this.sink = sink; this.basedir = basedir; this.siteTool = siteTool; this.ruleset = ruleset; this.enableRulesSummary = true; this.enableSeveritySummary = true; this.enableFilesSummary = true; this.enableRSS = true; this.iconTool = new IconTool( sink, bundle ); } public Log getLog() { if ( this.log == null ) { this.log = new SystemStreamLog(); } return this.log; } public void setLog( Log log ) { this.log = log; } private String getTitle() { String title; if ( getSeverityLevel() == null ) { title = bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.title" ); } else { title = bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.severity_title" ) + severityLevel.getName(); } return title; } public void generateReport( CheckstyleResults results ) { doHeading(); if ( getSeverityLevel() == null ) { if ( enableSeveritySummary ) { doSeveritySummary( results ); } if ( enableFilesSummary ) { doFilesSummary( results ); } if ( enableRulesSummary ) { doRulesSummary( results ); } } doDetails( results ); sink.body_(); sink.flush(); sink.close(); } private void doHeading() { sink.head(); sink.title(); sink.text( getTitle() ); sink.title_(); sink.head_(); sink.body(); sink.section1(); sink.sectionTitle1(); sink.text( getTitle() ); sink.sectionTitle1_(); sink.paragraph(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.checkstylelink" ) + " " ); "" ); sink.text( "Checkstyle" ); sink.link_(); String version = getCheckstyleVersion(); if ( version != null ) { sink.text( " " ); sink.text( version ); } sink.text( " " ); sink.text( String.format( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.ruleset" ), ruleset ) ); sink.text( "." ); if ( enableRSS ) { sink.nonBreakingSpace(); "checkstyle.rss" ); sink.figure(); sink.figureCaption(); sink.text( "rss feed" ); sink.figureCaption_(); sink.figureGraphics( "images/rss.png" ); sink.figure_(); sink.link_(); } sink.paragraph_(); sink.section1_(); } /** * Get the value of the specified attribute from the Checkstyle configuration. * If parentConfigurations is non-null and non-empty, the parent * configurations are searched if the attribute cannot be found in the * current configuration. If the attribute is still not found, the * specified default value will be returned. * * @param config The current Checkstyle configuration * @param parentConfiguration The configuration of the parent of the current configuration * @param attributeName The name of the attribute * @param defaultValue The default value to use if the attribute cannot be found in any configuration * @return The value of the specified attribute */ private String getConfigAttribute( Configuration config, ChainedItem<Configuration> parentConfiguration, String attributeName, String defaultValue ) { String ret; try { ret = config.getAttribute( attributeName ); } catch ( CheckstyleException e ) { // Try to find the attribute in a parent, if there are any if ( parentConfiguration != null ) { ret = getConfigAttribute( parentConfiguration.value, parentConfiguration.parent, attributeName, defaultValue ); } else { ret = defaultValue; } } return ret; } /** * Create the rules summary section of the report. * * @param results The results to summarize */ private void doRulesSummary( CheckstyleResults results ) { if ( checkstyleConfig == null ) { return; } sink.section1(); sink.sectionTitle1(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.rules" ) ); sink.sectionTitle1_(); sink.table(); sink.tableRow(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.rule.category" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.rule" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.violations" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.column.severity" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); // Top level should be the checker. if ( "checker".equalsIgnoreCase( checkstyleConfig.getName() ) ) { String category = null; for ( ConfReference ref: sortConfiguration( results ) ) { doRuleRow( ref, results, category ); category = ref.category; } } else { sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.norule" ) ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); } sink.table_(); sink.section1_(); } /** * Create a summary for one Checkstyle rule. * * @param ref The configuration reference for the row * @param results The results to summarize * @param previousCategory The previous row's category */ private void doRuleRow( ConfReference ref, CheckstyleResults results, String previousCategory ) { Configuration checkerConfig = ref.configuration; ChainedItem<Configuration> parentConfiguration = ref.parentConfiguration; String ruleName = checkerConfig.getName(); sink.tableRow(); // column 1: rule category sink.tableCell(); String category = ref.category; if ( !category.equals( previousCategory ) ) { sink.text( category ); } sink.tableCell_(); // column 2: Rule name + configured attributes sink.tableCell(); if ( !"extension".equals( category ) ) { "" + category + ".html#" + ruleName ); sink.text( ruleName ); sink.link_(); } else { sink.text( ruleName ); } List<String> attribnames = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( checkerConfig.getAttributeNames() ) ); attribnames.remove( "severity" ); // special value (deserves unique column) if ( !attribnames.isEmpty() ) { sink.list(); for ( String name : attribnames ) { sink.listItem(); sink.text( name ); String value = getConfigAttribute( checkerConfig, null, name, "" ); // special case, Header.header and RegexpHeader.header if ( "header".equals( name ) && ( "Header".equals( ruleName ) || "RegexpHeader".equals( ruleName ) ) ) { String[] lines = StringUtils.split( value, "\\n" ); int linenum = 1; for ( String line : lines ) { sink.lineBreak(); sink.rawText( "<span style=\"color: gray\">" ); sink.text( linenum + ":" ); sink.rawText( "</span>" ); sink.nonBreakingSpace(); sink.monospaced(); sink.text( line ); sink.monospaced_(); linenum++; } } else if ( "headerFile".equals( name ) && "RegexpHeader".equals( ruleName ) ) { sink.text( ": " ); sink.monospaced(); sink.text( "\"" ); if ( basedir != null ) { // Make the headerFile value relative to ${basedir} String path = siteTool.getRelativePath( value, basedir.getAbsolutePath() ); sink.text( path.replace( '\\', '/' ) ); } else { sink.text( value ); } sink.text( "\"" ); sink.monospaced_(); } else { sink.text( ": " ); sink.monospaced(); sink.text( "\"" ); sink.text( value ); sink.text( "\"" ); sink.monospaced_(); } sink.listItem_(); } sink.list_(); } sink.tableCell_(); // column 3: rule violation count sink.tableCell(); sink.text( String.valueOf( ref.violations ) ); sink.tableCell_(); // column 4: severity sink.tableCell(); // Grab the severity from the rule configuration, this time use error as default value // Also pass along all parent configurations, so that we can try to find the severity there String severity = getConfigAttribute( checkerConfig, parentConfiguration, "severity", "error" ); iconTool.iconSeverity( severity, IconTool.TEXT_SIMPLE ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); } /** * Check if a violation matches a rule. * * @param event the violation to check * @param ruleName The name of the rule * @param expectedMessage A message that, if it's not null, will be matched to the message from the violation * @param expectedSeverity A severity that, if it's not null, will be matched to the severity from the violation * @return The number of rule violations */ public boolean matchRule( AuditEvent event, String ruleName, String expectedMessage, String expectedSeverity ) { if ( !ruleName.equals( RuleUtil.getName( event ) ) ) { return false; } // check message too, for those that have a specific one. // like GenericIllegalRegexp and Regexp if ( expectedMessage != null ) { // event.getMessage() uses java.text.MessageFormat in its implementation. // Read MessageFormat Javadoc about single quote: // String msgWithoutSingleQuote = StringUtils.replace( expectedMessage, "'", "" ); return expectedMessage.equals( event.getMessage() ) || msgWithoutSingleQuote.equals( event.getMessage() ); } // Check the severity. This helps to distinguish between // different configurations for the same rule, where each // configuration has a different severity, like JavadocMetod. // See also if ( expectedSeverity != null ) { return expectedSeverity.equals( event.getSeverityLevel().getName() ); } return true; } private void doSeveritySummary( CheckstyleResults results ) { sink.section1(); sink.sectionTitle1(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.summary" ) ); sink.sectionTitle1_(); sink.table(); sink.tableRow(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.files" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); iconTool.iconInfo( IconTool.TEXT_TITLE ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); iconTool.iconWarning( IconTool.TEXT_TITLE ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); iconTool.iconError( IconTool.TEXT_TITLE ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( String.valueOf( results.getFileCount() ) ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( String.valueOf( results.getSeverityCount( SeverityLevel.INFO ) ) ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( String.valueOf( results.getSeverityCount( SeverityLevel.WARNING ) ) ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( String.valueOf( results.getSeverityCount( SeverityLevel.ERROR ) ) ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); sink.table_(); sink.section1_(); } private void doFilesSummary( CheckstyleResults results ) { sink.section1(); sink.sectionTitle1(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.files" ) ); sink.sectionTitle1_(); sink.table(); sink.tableRow(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.file" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); iconTool.iconInfo( IconTool.TEXT_ABBREV ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); iconTool.iconWarning( IconTool.TEXT_ABBREV ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); iconTool.iconError( IconTool.TEXT_ABBREV ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); // Sort the files before writing them to the report List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<>( results.getFiles().keySet() ); Collections.sort( fileList ); for ( String filename : fileList ) { List<AuditEvent> violations = results.getFileViolations( filename ); if ( violations.isEmpty() ) { // skip files without violations continue; } sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); "#" + filename.replace( '/', '.' ) ); sink.text( filename ); sink.link_(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( String.valueOf( results.getSeverityCount( violations, SeverityLevel.INFO ) ) ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( String.valueOf( results.getSeverityCount( violations, SeverityLevel.WARNING ) ) ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( String.valueOf( results.getSeverityCount( violations, SeverityLevel.ERROR ) ) ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); } sink.table_(); sink.section1_(); } private void doDetails( CheckstyleResults results ) { sink.section1(); sink.sectionTitle1(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.details" ) ); sink.sectionTitle1_(); // Sort the files before writing their details to the report List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<>( results.getFiles().keySet() ); Collections.sort( fileList ); for ( String file : fileList ) { List<AuditEvent> violations = results.getFileViolations( file ); if ( violations.isEmpty() ) { // skip files without violations continue; } sink.section2(); SinkEventAttributes attrs = new SinkEventAttributeSet(); attrs.addAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.ID, file.replace( '/', '.' ) ); sink.sectionTitle( Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_2, attrs ); sink.text( file ); sink.sectionTitle_( Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_2 ); sink.table(); sink.tableRow(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.column.severity" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.rule.category" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.rule" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.column.message" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); sink.text( bundle.getString( "report.checkstyle.column.line" ) ); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); doFileEvents( violations, file ); sink.table_(); sink.section2_(); } sink.section1_(); } private void doFileEvents( List<AuditEvent> eventList, String filename ) { for ( AuditEvent event : eventList ) { SeverityLevel level = event.getSeverityLevel(); if ( ( getSeverityLevel() != null ) && !( getSeverityLevel() != level ) ) { continue; } sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); iconTool.iconSeverity( level.getName(), IconTool.TEXT_SIMPLE ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); String category = RuleUtil.getCategory( event ); if ( category != null ) { sink.text( category ); } sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); String ruleName = RuleUtil.getName( event ); if ( ruleName != null ) { sink.text( ruleName ); } sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text( event.getMessage() ); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); int line = event.getLine(); if ( getXrefLocation() != null && line != 0 ) { getXrefLocation() + "/" + filename.replaceAll( "\\.java$", ".html" ) + "#L" + line ); sink.text( String.valueOf( line ) ); sink.link_(); } else if ( line != 0 ) { sink.text( String.valueOf( line ) ); } sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); } } public SeverityLevel getSeverityLevel() { return severityLevel; } public void setSeverityLevel( SeverityLevel severityLevel ) { this.severityLevel = severityLevel; } public boolean isEnableRulesSummary() { return enableRulesSummary; } public void setEnableRulesSummary( boolean enableRulesSummary ) { this.enableRulesSummary = enableRulesSummary; } public boolean isEnableSeveritySummary() { return enableSeveritySummary; } public void setEnableSeveritySummary( boolean enableSeveritySummary ) { this.enableSeveritySummary = enableSeveritySummary; } public boolean isEnableFilesSummary() { return enableFilesSummary; } public void setEnableFilesSummary( boolean enableFilesSummary ) { this.enableFilesSummary = enableFilesSummary; } public boolean isEnableRSS() { return enableRSS; } public void setEnableRSS( boolean enableRSS ) { this.enableRSS = enableRSS; } public String getXrefLocation() { return xrefLocation; } public void setXrefLocation( String xrefLocation ) { this.xrefLocation = xrefLocation; } public Configuration getCheckstyleConfig() { return checkstyleConfig; } public void setCheckstyleConfig( Configuration config ) { this.checkstyleConfig = config; } public void setTreeWalkerNames( List<String> treeWalkerNames ) { this.treeWalkerNames = treeWalkerNames; } public List<String> getTreeWalkerNames() { return treeWalkerNames; } /** * Get the effective Checkstyle version at runtime. * @return the MANIFEST implementation version of Checkstyle API package (can be <code>null</code>) */ private String getCheckstyleVersion() { Package checkstyleApiPackage = Configuration.class.getPackage(); return ( checkstyleApiPackage == null ) ? null : checkstyleApiPackage.getImplementationVersion(); } public List<ConfReference> sortConfiguration( CheckstyleResults results ) { List<ConfReference> result = new ArrayList<>(); sortConfiguration( result, checkstyleConfig, null, results ); Collections.sort( result ); return result; } private void sortConfiguration( List<ConfReference> result, Configuration config, ChainedItem<Configuration> parent, CheckstyleResults results ) { for ( Configuration childConfig : config.getChildren() ) { String ruleName = childConfig.getName(); if ( treeWalkerNames.contains( ruleName ) ) { // special sub-case: TreeWalker is the parent of multiple rules, not an effective rule sortConfiguration( result, childConfig, new ChainedItem<>( config, parent ), results ); } else { String fixedmessage = getConfigAttribute( childConfig, null, "message", null ); // Grab the severity from the rule configuration, use null as default value String configSeverity = getConfigAttribute( childConfig, null, "severity", null ); // count rule violations long violations = 0; AuditEvent lastMatchedEvent = null; for ( List<AuditEvent> errors : results.getFiles().values() ) { for ( AuditEvent event : errors ) { if ( matchRule( event, ruleName, fixedmessage, configSeverity ) ) { lastMatchedEvent = event; violations++; } } } if ( violations > 0 ) // forget rules without violations { String category = RuleUtil.getCategory( lastMatchedEvent ); result.add( new ConfReference( category, childConfig, parent, violations, result.size() ) ); } } } } private static class ConfReference implements Comparable<ConfReference> { private final String category; private final Configuration configuration; private final ChainedItem<Configuration> parentConfiguration; private final long violations; private final int count; public ConfReference( String category, Configuration configuration, ChainedItem<Configuration> parentConfiguration, long violations, int count ) { this.category = category; this.configuration = configuration; this.parentConfiguration = parentConfiguration; this.violations = violations; this.count = count; } public int compareTo( ConfReference o ) { int compare = category.compareTo( o.category ); if ( compare == 0 ) { compare = configuration.getName().compareTo( o.configuration.getName() ); } return ( compare == 0 ) ? ( o.count - count ) : compare; } } private static class ChainedItem<T> { private final ChainedItem<T> parent; private final T value; public ChainedItem( T value, ChainedItem<T> parent ) { this.parent = parent; this.value = value; } } }