package com.klq.gui.control; import com.klq.ast.impl.Type; import com.klq.ast.impl.expr.AExpression; import com.klq.ast.impl.expr.ExpressionUtil; import com.klq.ast.impl.expr.IdentifierNode; import com.klq.ast.impl.stmt.QuestionNode; import com.klq.ast.impl.value.UndefinedValue; import com.klq.ast.impl.value.Value; import com.klq.controller.Controller; import com.klq.controller.VariableTable; import com.klq.gui.IKLQItem; import javafx.animation.KeyFrame; import javafx.animation.KeyValue; import javafx.animation.Timeline; import; import; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.effect.BoxBlur; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.scene.paint.Paint; import javafx.scene.text.Font; import javafx.util.Duration; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by Timon on 09.03.2015. */ public abstract class ARenderedQuestion implements IKLQItem { protected final Font DEFAULT_FONT = new Font("Arial", 12); private final double EFFECT_DURATION = 500; protected final Controller controller; private final QuestionNode question; private final List<AExpression> dependencies; protected BooleanProperty visibleProperty; private final VBox container; private final Label label; protected final Region renderedComponent; protected ARenderedQuestion(QuestionNode question, List<AExpression> dependencies, Controller controller){ this.controller = controller; this.question = question; this.dependencies = dependencies; visibleProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(dependencies.isEmpty()); container = new VBox(5); label = createQuestionLabel(); renderedComponent = createQuestionControl(); container.getChildren().add(label); container.getChildren().add(renderedComponent); container.setMinHeight(50); setBackground(); } private Label createQuestionLabel() { Label result = new Label(question.getText()); Font font = new Font("Arial Bold", 14); result.setFont(font); result.setWrapText(true); return result; } private void setBackground(){ double absRadius = 10; double relRadius = 0.05; CornerRadii radii = new CornerRadii( absRadius, relRadius, relRadius, absRadius, absRadius, relRadius, relRadius, absRadius, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false ); BorderStroke stroke = new BorderStroke( Paint.valueOf("#000000"), BorderStrokeStyle.SOLID, radii, BorderWidths.DEFAULT ); BackgroundFill fill = new BackgroundFill( Paint.valueOf("#EFEFEF"), radii, new Insets(1) ); container.setPadding(new Insets(5)); container.setBorder(new Border(stroke)); container.setBackground(new Background(fill)); } /** * Abstract methods that need to be implemented */ protected abstract Region createQuestionControl(); /** * Needs to accept empty Strings */ protected abstract boolean isValidInput(String input); protected void questionAnswered(String result) { if (result == null ||result.trim().isEmpty()){ controller.updateAnswer(question.getID(), new UndefinedValue()); } else if (isValidInput(result)) { Value expr = ExpressionUtil.createTerminalFromString(question.getType(), result); controller.updateAnswer(question.getID(), expr); } } public Node getControl() { return container; } public IdentifierNode getID() { return question.getID(); } public Type getType() { return question.getType(); } public String getText() { return question.getText(); } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { if (visibleProperty.get() == visible){ return; } visibleProperty.set(visible); if (visible){ show(); } else { hide(); } } public boolean isVisible() { return visibleProperty.get(); } public List<AExpression> getDependencies() { return dependencies; } public void addDependency(AExpression dependency) { this.dependencies.add(dependency); } public boolean dependenciesResolved(VariableTable variableTable) { for (AExpression dependency : dependencies){ Value eval = dependency.evaluate(variableTable); if (eval.isUndefined()){ return false; } if (! (Boolean) eval.getValue()){ return false; } } return true; } public boolean isComputed(){ return false; } //TODO QuestionPane gets lost, if user varies to fast bewteen accepted and not accepted input. private void show(){ container.setManaged(true); container.setVisible(true); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(createPositionTranslationFrames(false)); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(createBlurEffectFrames(10, false));; } private void hide(){ Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(createBlurEffectFrames(10, true)); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(createPositionTranslationFrames(true)); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(new KeyFrame( Duration.millis(EFFECT_DURATION), hide -> { container.setManaged(false); container.setVisible(false); } ));; } private List<KeyFrame> createPositionTranslationFrames(boolean reverse){ List<KeyFrame> result = new ArrayList<>(); Duration first = (reverse ? new Duration(EFFECT_DURATION) : Duration.ZERO); Duration last = (reverse ? Duration.ZERO : new Duration(EFFECT_DURATION)); result.add(new KeyFrame(first, new KeyValue(container.translateYProperty(), -container.getHeight()))); result.add(new KeyFrame(last, new KeyValue(container.translateYProperty(), 0))); return result; } private List<KeyFrame> createBlurEffectFrames(double steps, boolean reverse){ List<KeyFrame> frames = new ArrayList<>(); for(double i=0; i<=steps; i++){ Duration duration = (reverse ? new Duration((1-i/steps)*EFFECT_DURATION) : new Duration(i/steps*EFFECT_DURATION)); frames.add(new KeyFrame(duration, new KeyValue(container.effectProperty(), new BoxBlur(steps-i, steps-i, 3)) ) ); } return frames; } }