package gui.widgets; import ast.type.ChoiceType; import ast.type.IntegerType; import ast.type.ITypeVisitor; import ast.type.TextType; import ast.type.Type; import ast.type.UndefinedType; import evaluator.BooleanValue; import evaluator.IntegerValue; import evaluator.StringValue; import evaluator.ValueRepository; public class WidgetVisitor implements ITypeVisitor<IWidgetComponent>{ private final String id; private final Type type; private final ValueRepository valueRepository; public WidgetVisitor(String id, Type type, ValueRepository valueRepository) { = id; this.type = type; this.valueRepository = valueRepository; } @Override public TextFieldWidget visit(TextType type) { this.valueRepository.putValue(id, new StringValue("")); return new TextFieldWidget(, this.type, this.valueRepository); } @Override public IntegerFieldWidget visit(IntegerType type) { this.valueRepository.putValue(id, new IntegerValue(0)); return new IntegerFieldWidget(, this.type, this.valueRepository); } @Override public ChoiceWidget visit(ChoiceType type) { this.valueRepository.putValue(id, new BooleanValue(false)); return new ChoiceWidget(, this.type, this.valueRepository); } @Override public IntegerFieldWidget visit(UndefinedType type) { assert false: "Unsupported type. This supposed to be checked in typechecker."; return null; } }