// Generated from TaZQL.g4 by ANTLR 4.4 package main; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeListener; /** * This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by * {@link TaZQLParser}. */ public interface TaZQLListener extends ParseTreeListener { /** * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link TaZQLParser#questionnaire}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterQuestionnaire(@NotNull TaZQLParser.QuestionnaireContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link TaZQLParser#questionnaire}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitQuestionnaire(@NotNull TaZQLParser.QuestionnaireContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code booleanType} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#type}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterBooleanType(@NotNull TaZQLParser.BooleanTypeContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code booleanType} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#type}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitBooleanType(@NotNull TaZQLParser.BooleanTypeContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code ifelseStatement} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#question}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterIfelseStatement(@NotNull TaZQLParser.IfelseStatementContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code ifelseStatement} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#question}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitIfelseStatement(@NotNull TaZQLParser.IfelseStatementContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code integerType} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#type}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterIntegerType(@NotNull TaZQLParser.IntegerTypeContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code integerType} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#type}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitIntegerType(@NotNull TaZQLParser.IntegerTypeContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code equationExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterEquationExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.EquationExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code equationExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitEquationExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.EquationExpressionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code bracketsExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterBracketsExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.BracketsExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code bracketsExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitBracketsExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.BracketsExpressionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code multDivExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterMultDivExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.MultDivExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code multDivExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitMultDivExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.MultDivExpressionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code ifStatement} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#question}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterIfStatement(@NotNull TaZQLParser.IfStatementContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code ifStatement} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#question}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitIfStatement(@NotNull TaZQLParser.IfStatementContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code booleanExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterBooleanExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.BooleanExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code booleanExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitBooleanExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.BooleanExpressionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code simpleQuestion} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#question}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterSimpleQuestion(@NotNull TaZQLParser.SimpleQuestionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code simpleQuestion} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#question}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitSimpleQuestion(@NotNull TaZQLParser.SimpleQuestionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code orExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterOrExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.OrExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code orExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitOrExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.OrExpressionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code number} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterNumber(@NotNull TaZQLParser.NumberContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code number} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitNumber(@NotNull TaZQLParser.NumberContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code comparissionExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterComparissionExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.ComparissionExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code comparissionExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitComparissionExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.ComparissionExpressionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code andExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterAndExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.AndExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code andExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitAndExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.AndExpressionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code computationQuestion} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#question}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterComputationQuestion(@NotNull TaZQLParser.ComputationQuestionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code computationQuestion} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#question}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitComputationQuestion(@NotNull TaZQLParser.ComputationQuestionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link TaZQLParser#form}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterForm(@NotNull TaZQLParser.FormContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link TaZQLParser#form}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitForm(@NotNull TaZQLParser.FormContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code addSubExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterAddSubExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.AddSubExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code addSubExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitAddSubExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.AddSubExpressionContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code stringType} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#type}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterStringType(@NotNull TaZQLParser.StringTypeContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code stringType} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#type}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitStringType(@NotNull TaZQLParser.StringTypeContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code id} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterId(@NotNull TaZQLParser.IdContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code id} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitId(@NotNull TaZQLParser.IdContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code text} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterText(@NotNull TaZQLParser.TextContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code text} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitText(@NotNull TaZQLParser.TextContext ctx); /** * Enter a parse tree produced by the {@code unaryExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void enterUnaryExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.UnaryExpressionContext ctx); /** * Exit a parse tree produced by the {@code unaryExpression} * labeled alternative in {@link TaZQLParser#expression}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ void exitUnaryExpression(@NotNull TaZQLParser.UnaryExpressionContext ctx); }