package uva.ql.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; import org.junit.Test; import uva.ql.ast.Form; import uva.ql.ast.Node; import uva.ql.ast.statements.Question; import uva.ql.parser.QLLexer; import uva.ql.parser.QLMainVisitor; import uva.ql.parser.QLParser; public class TestAST { private String testQuestion = "question boolean hasRentHouse (\"Did you rent a house in 2015?\"){hasRentHouse : true;}"; private String testForm = "form someForm{ question boolean hasRentHouse (\"Did you rent a house in 2015?\"){hasRentHouse : true;}}"; private static String getTokensWithoutStringLiterals(String inputStream){ ANTLRInputStream stream = new ANTLRInputStream(inputStream); QLLexer lexer = new QLLexer(stream); CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); return tokenStream.getText().replaceAll("\".*?\"",""); } private static Node questCheck(String stream){ ANTLRInputStream s = new ANTLRInputStream(stream); QLLexer lexer = new QLLexer(s); CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); QLParser parser = new QLParser(tokenStream); ParseTree tree =; QLMainVisitor visitor = new QLMainVisitor(); Node ast = visitor.visit(tree); return ast; } private static Node formCheck(String stream){ ANTLRInputStream s = new ANTLRInputStream(stream); QLLexer lexer = new QLLexer(s); CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); QLParser parser = new QLParser(tokenStream); ParseTree tree = parser.form(); QLMainVisitor visitor = new QLMainVisitor(); Node ast = visitor.visit(tree); return ast; } private static String matchRegex(String _statements){ String _result = null; Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("\".*?\""); Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(_statements); if (matcher.find()) { _result =; } return _result; } //testing if tokeniser returns correctly the tokens @Test public void testTokens() { String tok = TestAST.getTokensWithoutStringLiterals(testForm); assertEquals(tok.indexOf(""),0); } //testing that tokeniser can receive empty input and recognise correctly that the string is empty @Test public void testEmptyInput() { String tok = TestAST.getTokensWithoutStringLiterals(""); assertEquals(tok.isEmpty(),true); } //testing that a question is correctly recognised by type,identifier and content. @Test public void testQuestionType(){ Question quest = (Question)TestAST.questCheck(testQuestion); assertEquals(quest.getQuestionIdentifierValue(),"hasRentHouse"); assertEquals(quest.getQuestionType().toString(),"TypeBoolean()"); assertEquals(quest.getQuestionLabelText(), "Did you rent a house in 2015?"); assertEquals(quest.getQuestionExpression().evaluate().getValue(),true); } //Testing that a form is recognised correctly and using regex to match strings (validate recognition) @Test public void testForm(){ Form form = (Form)TestAST.formCheck(testForm); String result = matchRegex(form.getFormStatements().toString()); assertEquals(form.getFormIdentifier().evaluate().toString(),"someForm"); assertEquals(result,"\"Did you rent a house in 2015?\""); } }