/* $Id$ */ /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.manifoldcf.core.database; import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.system.ManifoldCF; import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.system.Logging; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; /** This is the HSQLDB implementation of the IDBInterface class. */ public class DBInterfaceHSQLDB extends Database implements IDBInterface { public static final String _rcsid = "@(#)$Id$"; private static final String _localUrl = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:"; private static final String _remoteUrl = "jdbc:hsqldb:"; private static final String _driver = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"; private static Map<String,String> legalProtocolValues; static { legalProtocolValues = new HashMap<String,String>(); legalProtocolValues.put("hsql","hsql"); legalProtocolValues.put("http","http"); legalProtocolValues.put("https","https"); } public final static String databasePathProperty = "org.apache.manifoldcf.hsqldbdatabasepath"; public final static String databaseProtocolProperty = "org.apache.manifoldcf.hsqldbdatabaseprotocol"; public final static String databaseServerProperty = "org.apache.manifoldcf.hsqldbdatabaseserver"; public final static String databasePortProperty = "org.apache.manifoldcf.hsqldbdatabaseport"; public final static String databaseInstanceProperty = "org.apache.manifoldcf.hsqldbdatabaseinstance"; protected String cacheKey; protected int serializableDepth = 0; protected boolean isRemote; protected String schemaNameForQueries; public DBInterfaceHSQLDB(IThreadContext tc, String databaseName, String userName, String password) throws ManifoldCFException { super(tc,getJDBCString(tc,databaseName),_driver,getDatabaseString(tc,databaseName),userName,password); cacheKey = CacheKeyFactory.makeDatabaseKey(this.databaseName); this.isRemote = LockManagerFactory.getProperty(tc,databaseProtocolProperty) != null; this.userName = userName; this.password = password; if (this.isRemote) schemaNameForQueries = databaseName; else schemaNameForQueries = "PUBLIC"; } protected static String getJDBCString(IThreadContext tc, String databaseName) throws ManifoldCFException { // For local, we use the database name as the name of the database files. // For remote, we connect to an instance specified by a different property, and use the database name as the schema name. String protocol = LockManagerFactory.getProperty(tc,databaseProtocolProperty); if (protocol == null) return _localUrl+getFullDatabasePath(databaseName); // Remote instance. Build the URL. if (legalProtocolValues.get(protocol) == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("The value of the '"+databaseProtocolProperty+"' property was illegal; try hsql, http, or https"); String server = LockManagerFactory.getProperty(tc,databaseServerProperty); if (server == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("HSQLDB remote mode requires '"+databaseServerProperty+"' property, containing a server name or IP address"); String port = LockManagerFactory.getProperty(tc,databasePortProperty); if (port != null && port.length() > 0) server += ":"+port; String instanceName = LockManagerFactory.getProperty(tc,databaseInstanceProperty); if (instanceName != null && instanceName.length() > 0) server += "/" + instanceName; return _remoteUrl + protocol + "://" + server; } protected static String getDatabaseString(IThreadContext tc, String databaseName) throws ManifoldCFException { String protocol = LockManagerFactory.getProperty(tc,databaseProtocolProperty); if (protocol == null) return getFullDatabasePath(databaseName); return databaseName; } protected static String getFullDatabasePath(String databaseName) throws ManifoldCFException { File path = ManifoldCF.getFileProperty(databasePathProperty); if (path == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("HSQLDB database requires '"+databasePathProperty+"' property, containing a relative path"); String pathString = path.toString().replace("\\\\","/"); if (!pathString.endsWith("/")) pathString = pathString + "/"; return pathString + databaseName; } /** Initialize the connection (for HSQLDB). * HSQLDB has a great deal of session state, and no way to pool individual connections based on it. * So, every time we pull a connection off the pool we have to execute a number of statements on it * before it can work reliably for us. This is the abstraction that permits that to happen. *@param connection is the JDBC connection. */ protected void initializeConnection(Connection connection) throws ManifoldCFException { super.initializeConnection(connection); // Set the schema executeViaThread(connection,"SET SCHEMA "+schemaNameForQueries.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT),null,false,-1,null,null); } /** Initialize. This method is called once per JVM instance, in order to set up * database communication. */ public void openDatabase() throws ManifoldCFException { } /** Uninitialize. This method is called during JVM shutdown, in order to close * all database communication. */ public void closeDatabase() throws ManifoldCFException { //System.out.println("Close database called"); if (!isRemote) { try { // Force a load of the appropriate JDBC driver Class.forName(_driver).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } // For the shutdown itself, eat the exception try { Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(_localUrl+databaseName,userName,password); Statement s = c.createStatement(); s.execute("SHUTDOWN"); c.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Never any exception! e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** Get the database general cache key. *@return the general cache key for the database. */ public String getDatabaseCacheKey() { return cacheKey; } /** Perform an insert operation. *@param tableName is the name of the table. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys that should be * invalidated. *@param parameterMap is the map of column name/values to write. */ public void performInsert(String tableName, Map<String,Object> parameterMap, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { List paramArray = new ArrayList(); StringBuilder bf = new StringBuilder(); bf.append("INSERT INTO "); bf.append(tableName); bf.append(" (") ; StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(" VALUES ("); // loop for cols Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Object>> it = parameterMap.entrySet().iterator(); boolean first = true; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String,Object> e = it.next(); String key = e.getKey(); Object o = e.getValue(); if (o != null) { paramArray.add(o); if (!first) { bf.append(','); values.append(','); } bf.append(key); values.append('?'); first = false; } } bf.append(')'); values.append(')'); bf.append(values); // Do the modification performModification(bf.toString(),paramArray,invalidateKeys); } /** Perform an update operation. *@param tableName is the name of the table. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys that should be invalidated. *@param parameterMap is the map of column name/values to write. *@param whereClause is the where clause describing the match (including the WHERE), or null if none. *@param whereParameters are the parameters that come with the where clause, if any. */ public void performUpdate(String tableName, Map<String,Object> parameterMap, String whereClause, List whereParameters, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { List paramArray = new ArrayList(); StringBuilder bf = new StringBuilder(); bf.append("UPDATE "); bf.append(tableName); bf.append(" SET ") ; // loop for parameters Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Object>> it = parameterMap.entrySet().iterator(); boolean first = true; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String,Object> e = it.next(); String key = e.getKey(); Object o = e.getValue(); if (!first) { bf.append(','); } bf.append(key); bf.append('='); if (o == null) { bf.append("NULL"); } else { bf.append('?'); paramArray.add(o); } first = false; } if (whereClause != null) { bf.append(' '); bf.append(whereClause); if (whereParameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < whereParameters.size(); i++) { Object value = whereParameters.get(i); paramArray.add(value); } } } // Do the modification performModification(bf.toString(),paramArray,invalidateKeys); } /** Perform a delete operation. *@param tableName is the name of the table to delete from. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys that should be invalidated. *@param whereClause is the where clause describing the match (including the WHERE), or null if none. *@param whereParameters are the parameters that come with the where clause, if any. */ public void performDelete(String tableName, String whereClause, List whereParameters, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { StringBuilder bf = new StringBuilder(); bf.append("DELETE FROM "); bf.append(tableName); if (whereClause != null) { bf.append(' '); bf.append(whereClause); } else whereParameters = null; // Do the modification performModification(bf.toString(),whereParameters,invalidateKeys); } /** Perform a table creation operation. *@param tableName is the name of the table to create. *@param columnMap is the map describing the columns and types. NOTE that these are abstract * types, which will be mapped to the proper types for the actual database inside this * layer. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys that should be invalidated, if any. */ public void performCreate(String tableName, Map<String,ColumnDescription> columnMap, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { StringBuilder queryBuffer = new StringBuilder("CREATE CACHED TABLE "); queryBuffer.append(tableName); queryBuffer.append('('); Iterator<String> iter = columnMap.keySet().iterator(); boolean first = true; while (iter.hasNext()) { String columnName = iter.next(); ColumnDescription cd = columnMap.get(columnName); if (!first) queryBuffer.append(','); else first = false; appendDescription(queryBuffer,columnName,cd,false); } queryBuffer.append(')'); performModification(queryBuffer.toString(),null,invalidateKeys); } protected static void appendDescription(StringBuilder queryBuffer, String columnName, ColumnDescription cd, boolean forceNull) { queryBuffer.append(columnName); queryBuffer.append(' '); queryBuffer.append(mapType(cd.getTypeString())); if (forceNull || cd.getIsNull()) queryBuffer.append(" NULL"); else queryBuffer.append(" NOT NULL"); if (cd.getIsPrimaryKey()) queryBuffer.append(" PRIMARY KEY"); if (cd.getReferenceTable() != null) { queryBuffer.append(" REFERENCES "); queryBuffer.append(cd.getReferenceTable()); queryBuffer.append('('); queryBuffer.append(cd.getReferenceColumn()); queryBuffer.append(") ON DELETE"); if (cd.getReferenceCascade()) queryBuffer.append(" CASCADE"); else queryBuffer.append(" RESTRICT"); } } /** Perform a table alter operation. *@param tableName is the name of the table to alter. *@param columnMap is the map describing the columns and types to add. These * are in the same form as for performCreate. *@param columnModifyMap is the map describing the columns to be changed. The key is the * existing column name, and the value is the new type of the column. Data will be copied from * the old column to the new. *@param columnDeleteList is the list of column names to delete. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys that should be invalidated, if any. */ public void performAlter(String tableName, Map<String,ColumnDescription> columnMap, Map<String,ColumnDescription> columnModifyMap, List<String> columnDeleteList, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { beginTransaction(TRANSACTION_ENCLOSING); try { if (columnDeleteList != null) { int i = 0; while (i < columnDeleteList.size()) { String columnName = columnDeleteList.get(i++); performModification("ALTER TABLE "+tableName+" DROP "+columnName,null,invalidateKeys); } } // Do the modifies. This involves renaming each column to a temp column, then creating a new one, then copying if (columnModifyMap != null) { Iterator<String> iter = columnModifyMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { StringBuilder sb; String columnName = iter.next(); ColumnDescription cd = columnModifyMap.get(columnName); sb = new StringBuilder(); appendDescription(sb,columnName,cd,false); // Rename current column. This too involves a copy. performModification("ALTER TABLE "+tableName+" ALTER COLUMN "+sb.toString(),null,invalidateKeys); } } // Now, do the adds if (columnMap != null) { Iterator<String> iter = columnMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String columnName = iter.next(); ColumnDescription cd = columnMap.get(columnName); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); appendDescription(sb,columnName,cd,false); performModification("ALTER TABLE "+tableName+" ADD "+sb.toString(),null,invalidateKeys); } } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { signalRollback(); throw e; } catch (Error e) { signalRollback(); throw e; } finally { endTransaction(); } } /** Map a standard type into a postgresql type. *@param inputType is the input type. *@return the output type. */ protected static String mapType(String inputType) { if (inputType.equalsIgnoreCase("longtext")) return "longvarchar"; return inputType; } /** Add an index to a table. *@param tableName is the name of the table to add the index for. *@param unique is a boolean that if true describes a unique index. *@param columnList is the list of columns that need to be included * in the index, in order. */ public void addTableIndex(String tableName, boolean unique, List<String> columnList) throws ManifoldCFException { String[] columns = new String[columnList.size()]; int i = 0; while (i < columns.length) { columns[i] = columnList.get(i); i++; } performAddIndex(null,tableName,new IndexDescription(unique,columns)); } /** Add an index to a table. *@param tableName is the name of the table to add the index for. *@param indexName is the optional name of the table index. If null, a name will be chosen automatically. *@param description is the index description. */ public void performAddIndex(String indexName, String tableName, IndexDescription description) throws ManifoldCFException { String[] columnNames = description.getColumnNames(); if (columnNames.length == 0) return; if (indexName == null) // Build an index name indexName = "I"+IDFactory.make(context); StringBuilder queryBuffer = new StringBuilder("CREATE "); if (description.getIsUnique()) queryBuffer.append("UNIQUE "); queryBuffer.append("INDEX "); queryBuffer.append(indexName); queryBuffer.append(" ON "); queryBuffer.append(tableName); queryBuffer.append(" ("); int i = 0; while (i < columnNames.length) { String colName = columnNames[i]; if (i > 0) queryBuffer.append(','); queryBuffer.append(colName); i++; } queryBuffer.append(')'); performModification(queryBuffer.toString(),null,null); } /** Remove an index. *@param indexName is the name of the index to remove. *@param tableName is the table the index belongs to. */ public void performRemoveIndex(String indexName, String tableName) throws ManifoldCFException { performModification("DROP INDEX "+indexName,null,null); } /** Analyze a table. *@param tableName is the name of the table to analyze/calculate statistics for. */ public void analyzeTable(String tableName) throws ManifoldCFException { // Nothing to do. } /** Reindex a table. *@param tableName is the name of the table to rebuild indexes for. */ public void reindexTable(String tableName) throws ManifoldCFException { // Nothing to do. } /** Perform a table drop operation. *@param tableName is the name of the table to drop. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys that should be invalidated, if any. */ public void performDrop(String tableName, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { performModification("DROP TABLE "+tableName,null,invalidateKeys); } /** Create user and database. *@param adminUserName is the admin user name. *@param adminPassword is the admin password. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys that should be invalidated, if any. */ public void createUserAndDatabase(String adminUserName, String adminPassword, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { if (isRemote) { // Create a connection using the admin credentials Database masterDatabase = new DBInterfaceHSQLDB(context,"PUBLIC",adminUserName,adminPassword); ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); // First, look for user params.add(userName); IResultSet userResult = masterDatabase.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS WHERE USER_NAME=?",params, null,null,null,true,-1,null,null); if (userResult.getRowCount() == 0) { // Create the user masterDatabase.executeQuery("CREATE USER "+quoteString(userName)+" PASSWORD "+quoteString(password),null, null,invalidateKeys,null,false,0,null,null); } // Now, look for schema params.clear(); params.add(databaseName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); IResultSet schemaResult = masterDatabase.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_SCHEMAS WHERE TABLE_SCHEM=?",params, null,null,null,true,-1,null,null); if (schemaResult.getRowCount() == 0) { // Create the schema masterDatabase.executeQuery("CREATE SCHEMA "+databaseName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)+" AUTHORIZATION "+quoteString(userName),null, null,invalidateKeys,null,false,0,null,null); } } else { try { // Force a load of the appropriate JDBC driver Class.forName(_driver).newInstance(); DriverManager.getConnection(_localUrl+databaseName,userName,password).close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.SETUP_ERROR); } performModification("SET DATABASE TRANSACTION CONTROL MVCC",null,null); performModification("SET FILES SCALE 512",null,null); } } private static String quoteString(String password) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\""); int i = 0; while (i < password.length()) { char x = password.charAt(i); if (x == '\"') sb.append("\""); sb.append(x); i++; } sb.append("\""); return sb.toString(); } /** Drop user and database. *@param adminUserName is the admin user name. *@param adminPassword is the admin password. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys that should be invalidated, if any. */ public void dropUserAndDatabase(String adminUserName, String adminPassword, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { if (isRemote) { // Drop the schema, then the user Database masterDatabase = new DBInterfaceHSQLDB(context,"PUBLIC",adminUserName,adminPassword); try { // Drop schema masterDatabase.executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA "+databaseName,null,null,invalidateKeys,null,false,0,null,null); // Drop user masterDatabase.executeQuery("DROP USER "+quoteString(userName),null,null,invalidateKeys,null,false,0,null,null); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { throw reinterpretException(e); } } else { File f = new File(databaseName + ".properties"); if (f.exists()) { // Try to guarantee that all connections are discarded before we shut the database down. Otherwise we get pool warnings from bitstream. ConnectionFactory.releaseAll(); // Make sure database is shut down. closeDatabase(); // Now, it's OK to delete singleDelete(f); singleDelete(new File(databaseName + ".data")); singleDelete(new File(databaseName + ".lck")); singleDelete(new File(databaseName + ".log")); singleDelete(new File(databaseName + ".script")); recursiveDelete(new File(databaseName + ".tmp")); } } } protected static void recursiveDelete(File f) { if (f.exists()) { File[] files = f.listFiles(); if (files != null) { int i = 0; while (i < files.length) { File newf = files[i++]; if (newf.isDirectory()) recursiveDelete(newf); else singleDelete(newf); } } if (!f.delete()) System.out.println("Failed to delete directory "+f.toString()); } } protected static void singleDelete(File f) { if (f.exists() && !f.delete()) System.out.println("Failed to delete file "+f.toString()); } /** Reinterpret an exception tossed by the database layer. We need to disambiguate the various kinds of exception that * should be thrown. *@param theException is the exception to reinterpret *@return the reinterpreted exception to throw. */ protected ManifoldCFException reinterpretException(ManifoldCFException theException) { if (Logging.db.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.db.debug("Reinterpreting exception '"+theException.getMessage()+"'. The exception type is "+Integer.toString(theException.getErrorCode())); if (theException.getErrorCode() != ManifoldCFException.DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR) return theException; Throwable e = theException.getCause(); if (!(e instanceof java.sql.SQLException)) return theException; if (Logging.db.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.db.debug("Exception "+theException.getMessage()+" is possibly a transaction abort signal"); java.sql.SQLException sqlException = (java.sql.SQLException)e; String message = sqlException.getMessage(); String sqlState = sqlException.getSQLState(); // Could not serialize if (sqlState != null && sqlState.equals("40001")) return new ManifoldCFException(message,e,ManifoldCFException.DATABASE_TRANSACTION_ABORT); // Deadlock detected if (sqlState != null && sqlState.equals("40P01")) return new ManifoldCFException(message,e,ManifoldCFException.DATABASE_TRANSACTION_ABORT); // Note well: We also have to treat 'duplicate key' as a transaction abort, since this is what you get when two threads attempt to // insert the same row. (Everything only works, then, as long as there is a unique constraint corresponding to every bad insert that // one could make.) if (sqlState != null && sqlState.equals("23505")) return new ManifoldCFException(message,e,ManifoldCFException.DATABASE_TRANSACTION_ABORT); if (Logging.db.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.db.debug("Exception "+theException.getMessage()+" is NOT a transaction abort signal"); return theException; } /** Perform a general database modification query. *@param query is the query string. *@param params are the parameterized values, if needed. *@param invalidateKeys are the cache keys to invalidate. */ public void performModification(String query, List params, StringSet invalidateKeys) throws ManifoldCFException { try { executeQuery(query,params,null,invalidateKeys,null,false,0,null,null); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { throw reinterpretException(e); } } /** Get a table's schema. *@param tableName is the name of the table. *@param cacheKeys are the keys against which to cache the query, or null. *@param queryClass is the name of the query class, or null. *@return a map of column names and ColumnDescription objects, describing the schema, or null if the * table doesn't exist. */ public Map<String,ColumnDescription> getTableSchema(String tableName, StringSet cacheKeys, String queryClass) throws ManifoldCFException { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(schemaNameForQueries.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); list.add(tableName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); query.append("SELECT column_name, is_nullable, data_type, character_maximum_length ") .append("FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema=? AND table_name=?"); IResultSet set = performQuery(query.toString(),list,cacheKeys,queryClass); if (set.getRowCount() == 0) return null; query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("SELECT column_name ") .append("FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_PRIMARYKEYS WHERE table_schem=? AND table_name=?"); IResultSet primarySet = performQuery(query.toString(),list,cacheKeys,queryClass); String primaryKey = null; if (primarySet.getRowCount() != 0) primaryKey = ((String)primarySet.getRow(0).getValue("column_name")).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (primaryKey == null) primaryKey = ""; // Digest the result Map<String,ColumnDescription> rval = new HashMap<String,ColumnDescription>(); int i = 0; while (i < set.getRowCount()) { IResultRow row = set.getRow(i++); String fieldName = ((String)row.getValue("column_name")).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); String type = (String)row.getValue("data_type"); Long width = (Long)row.getValue("character_maximum_length"); String isNullable = (String)row.getValue("is_nullable"); boolean isPrimaryKey = primaryKey.equals(fieldName); boolean isNull = isNullable.equals("YES"); String dataType; if (type.equals("CHARACTER VARYING")) dataType = "VARCHAR("+width.toString()+")"; else if (type.equals("CLOB")) dataType = "LONGVARCHAR"; else dataType = type; rval.put(fieldName,new ColumnDescription(type,isPrimaryKey,isNull,null,null,false)); } return rval; } /** Get a table's indexes. *@param tableName is the name of the table. *@param cacheKeys are the keys against which to cache the query, or null. *@param queryClass is the name of the query class, or null. *@return a map of index names and IndexDescription objects, describing the indexes. */ public Map<String,IndexDescription> getTableIndexes(String tableName, StringSet cacheKeys, String queryClass) throws ManifoldCFException { Map<String,IndexDescription> rval = new HashMap<String,IndexDescription>(); String query = "SELECT index_name,column_name,non_unique,ordinal_position FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_INDEXINFO "+ "WHERE table_schem=? AND TABLE_NAME=? ORDER BY index_name,ordinal_position ASC"; List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(schemaNameForQueries.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); list.add(tableName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); IResultSet result = performQuery(query,list,cacheKeys,queryClass); String lastIndexName = null; List<String> indexColumns = null; boolean isUnique = false; int i = 0; while (i < result.getRowCount()) { IResultRow row = result.getRow(i++); String indexName = ((String)row.getValue("index_name")).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); String columnName = ((String)row.getValue("column_name")).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); String nonUnique = row.getValue("non_unique").toString(); if (lastIndexName != null && !lastIndexName.equals(indexName)) { addIndex(rval,lastIndexName,isUnique,indexColumns); lastIndexName = null; indexColumns = null; isUnique = false; } if (lastIndexName == null) { lastIndexName = indexName; indexColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); isUnique = false; } indexColumns.add(columnName); isUnique = nonUnique.equals("false"); } if (lastIndexName != null) addIndex(rval,lastIndexName,isUnique,indexColumns); return rval; } protected void addIndex(Map rval, String indexName, boolean isUnique, List<String> indexColumns) { if (indexName.indexOf("sys_idx") != -1) return; String[] columnNames = new String[indexColumns.size()]; int i = 0; while (i < columnNames.length) { columnNames[i] = indexColumns.get(i); i++; } rval.put(indexName,new IndexDescription(isUnique,columnNames)); } /** Get a database's tables. *@param cacheKeys are the cache keys for the query, or null. *@param queryClass is the name of the query class, or null. *@return the set of tables. */ public StringSet getAllTables(StringSet cacheKeys, String queryClass) throws ManifoldCFException { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add(schemaNameForQueries.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); IResultSet set = performQuery("SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema=?",list,cacheKeys,queryClass); StringSetBuffer ssb = new StringSetBuffer(); String columnName = "table_name"; int i = 0; while (i < set.getRowCount()) { IResultRow row = set.getRow(i++); String value = row.getValue(columnName).toString(); ssb.add(value); } return new StringSet(ssb); } /** Perform a general "data fetch" query. *@param query is the query string. *@param params are the parameterized values, if needed. *@param cacheKeys are the cache keys, if needed (null if no cache desired). *@param queryClass is the LRU class name against which this query would be cached, * or null if no LRU behavior desired. *@return a resultset. */ public IResultSet performQuery(String query, List params, StringSet cacheKeys, String queryClass) throws ManifoldCFException { try { return executeQuery(query,params,cacheKeys,null,queryClass,true,-1,null,null); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { throw reinterpretException(e); } } /** Perform a general "data fetch" query. *@param query is the query string. *@param params are the parameterized values, if needed. *@param cacheKeys are the cache keys, if needed (null if no cache desired). *@param queryClass is the LRU class name against which this query would be cached, * or null if no LRU behavior desired. *@param maxResults is the maximum number of results returned (-1 for all). *@param returnLimit is a description of how to limit the return result, or null if no limit. *@return a resultset. */ public IResultSet performQuery(String query, List params, StringSet cacheKeys, String queryClass, int maxResults, ILimitChecker returnLimit) throws ManifoldCFException { try { return executeQuery(query,params,cacheKeys,null,queryClass,true,maxResults,null,returnLimit); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { throw reinterpretException(e); } } /** Perform a general "data fetch" query. *@param query is the query string. *@param params are the parameterized values, if needed. *@param cacheKeys are the cache keys, if needed (null if no cache desired). *@param queryClass is the LRU class name against which this query would be cached, * or null if no LRU behavior desired. *@param maxResults is the maximum number of results returned (-1 for all). *@param resultSpec is a result specification, or null for the standard treatment. *@param returnLimit is a description of how to limit the return result, or null if no limit. *@return a resultset. */ public IResultSet performQuery(String query, List params, StringSet cacheKeys, String queryClass, int maxResults, ResultSpecification resultSpec, ILimitChecker returnLimit) throws ManifoldCFException { try { return executeQuery(query,params,cacheKeys,null,queryClass,true,maxResults,resultSpec,returnLimit); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { throw reinterpretException(e); } } /** Construct ORDER-BY clause meant for reading from an index. * Supply the field names belonging to the index, in order. * Also supply a corresponding boolean array, where TRUE means "ASC", and FALSE * means "DESC". *@param fieldNames are the names of the fields in the index that is to be used. *@param direction is a boolean describing the sorting order of the first term. *@return a query chunk, including "ORDER BY" text, which is appropriate for * at least ordering by the FIRST column supplied. */ public String constructIndexOrderByClause(String[] fieldNames, boolean direction) { if (fieldNames.length == 0) return ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("ORDER BY "); for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(fieldNames[i]); if (direction) sb.append(" ASC"); else sb.append(" DESC"); } return sb.toString(); } /** Construct a cast to a double value. * On most databases this cast needs to be explicit, but on some it is implicit (and cannot be in fact * specified). *@param value is the value to be cast. *@return the query chunk needed. */ public String constructDoubleCastClause(String value) { return "CAST("+value+" AS DOUBLE PRECISION)"; } /** Construct a count clause. * On most databases this will be COUNT(col), but on some the count needs to be cast to a BIGINT, so * CAST(COUNT(col) AS BIGINT) will be emitted instead. *@param column is the column string to be counted. *@return the query chunk needed. */ public String constructCountClause(String column) { return "CAST(COUNT("+column+") AS bigint)"; } /** Construct a regular-expression match clause. * This method builds both the text part of a regular-expression match. *@param column is the column specifier string. *@param regularExpression is the properly-quoted regular expression string, or "?" if a parameterized value is to be used. *@param caseInsensitive is true of the regular expression match is to be case insensitive. *@return the query chunk needed, not padded with spaces on either side. */ public String constructRegexpClause(String column, String regularExpression, boolean caseInsensitive) { return "REGEXP_MATCHES(CAST("+column+" AS VARCHAR(4096)),"+regularExpression+")"; } /** Construct a regular-expression substring clause. * This method builds an expression that extracts a specified string section from a field, based on * a regular expression. *@param column is the column specifier string. *@param regularExpression is the properly-quoted regular expression string, or "?" if a parameterized value is to be used. *@param caseInsensitive is true if the regular expression match is to be case insensitive. *@return the expression chunk needed, not padded with spaces on either side. */ public String constructSubstringClause(String column, String regularExpression, boolean caseInsensitive) { return "REGEXP_SUBSTRING(CAST("+column+" AS VARCHAR(4096)),"+regularExpression+")"; } /** Construct an offset/limit clause. * This method constructs an offset/limit clause in the proper manner for the database in question. *@param offset is the starting offset number. *@param limit is the limit of result rows to return. *@param afterOrderBy is true if this offset/limit comes after an ORDER BY. *@return the proper clause, with no padding spaces on either side. */ public String constructOffsetLimitClause(int offset, int limit, boolean afterOrderBy) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (offset != 0) sb.append("OFFSET ").append(Integer.toString(offset)); if (limit != -1) { if (offset != 0) sb.append(" "); sb.append("LIMIT ").append(Integer.toString(limit)); if (afterOrderBy) // Hint to HSQLDB to use the order-by index sb.append(" USING INDEX"); } return sb.toString(); } /** Construct a 'distinct on (x)' filter. * This filter wraps a query and returns a new query whose results are similar to POSTGRESQL's DISTINCT-ON feature. * Specifically, for each combination of the specified distinct fields in the result, only the first such row is included in the final * result. *@param outputParameters is a blank list into which to put parameters. Null may be used if the baseParameters parameter is null. *@param baseQuery is the base query, which is another SELECT statement, without parens, * e.g. "SELECT ..." *@param baseParameters are the parameters corresponding to the baseQuery. *@param distinctFields are the fields to consider to be distinct. These should all be keys in otherFields below. *@param orderFields are the otherfield keys that determine the ordering. *@param orderFieldsAscending are true for orderFields that are ordered as ASC, false for DESC. *@param otherFields are the rest of the fields to return, keyed by the AS name, value being the base query column value, e.g. "value AS key" *@return a revised query that performs the necessary DISTINCT ON operation. The list outputParameters will also be appropriately filled in. */ public String constructDistinctOnClause(List outputParameters, String baseQuery, List baseParameters, String[] distinctFields, String[] orderFields, boolean[] orderFieldsAscending, Map<String,String> otherFields) { // For HSQLDB, we want to generate the following: // WITH ct01 ( ... otherfields ... ) AS ( ... baseQuery ... ) // SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ... distinctFields ... FROM ct01) AS ct02, // LATERAL ( SELECT ... otherfields ... FROM ct01 WHERE ... distinctFields = ct02.distinctField ... ORDER BY ... order by ... LIMIT 1) AS ct03 // // Copy arguments if (baseParameters != null) outputParameters.addAll(baseParameters); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("WITH txxx1 ("); boolean needComma = false; Iterator<String> iter = otherFields.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String fieldName = iter.next(); if (needComma) sb.append(","); sb.append(fieldName); needComma = true; } sb.append(") AS (SELECT "); needComma = false; iter = otherFields.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String fieldName = iter.next(); String columnValue = otherFields.get(fieldName); if (needComma) sb.append(","); needComma = true; sb.append("txxx2.").append(columnValue).append(" AS ").append(fieldName); } sb.append(" FROM (").append(baseQuery).append(") txxx2)"); sb.append(" SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT "); Map<String,String> distinctMap = new HashMap<String,String>(); int i = 0; while (i < distinctFields.length) { String distinctField = distinctFields[i]; if (i > 0) sb.append(","); sb.append(distinctField); distinctMap.put(distinctField,distinctField); i++; } sb.append(" FROM txxx1) AS txxx3, LATERAL (SELECT "); iter = otherFields.keySet().iterator(); needComma = false; while (iter.hasNext()) { String fieldName = iter.next(); if (distinctMap.get(fieldName) == null) { if (needComma) sb.append(","); needComma = true; sb.append(fieldName); } } sb.append(" FROM txxx1 WHERE "); i = 0; while (i < distinctFields.length) { String distinctField = distinctFields[i]; if (i > 0) sb.append(" AND "); sb.append(distinctField).append("=txxx3.").append(distinctField); i++; } if (distinctFields.length > 0 || orderFields.length > 0) { sb.append(" ORDER BY "); int k = 0; i = 0; while (i < distinctFields.length) { if (k > 0) sb.append(","); sb.append(distinctFields[i]).append(" ASC"); k++; i++; } i = 0; while (i < orderFields.length) { if (k > 0) sb.append(","); sb.append(orderFields[i]).append(" "); if (orderFieldsAscending[i]) sb.append("ASC"); else sb.append("DESC"); i++; k++; } } sb.append(" LIMIT 1) AS txxx4"); return sb.toString(); } /* Calculate the number of values a particular clause can have, given the values for all the other clauses. * For example, if in the expression x AND y AND z, x has 2 values and z has 1, find out how many values x can legally have * when using the buildConjunctionClause() method below. */ @Override public int findConjunctionClauseMax(ClauseDescription[] otherClauseDescriptions) { // Special handling when there's only 1 if (otherClauseDescriptions.length == 0) return super.findConjunctionClauseMax(otherClauseDescriptions); // Since it's an OR clause we have to generate, figure out how many clauses are generated by the others, // and work back from there. int number = 1; for (int i = 0 ; i < otherClauseDescriptions.length ; i++) { ClauseDescription otherClause = otherClauseDescriptions[i]; List values = otherClause.getValues(); if (values != null) number *= values.size(); } int rval = getMaxOrClause() / number; if (rval == 0) rval = 1; return rval; } /* Construct a conjunction clause, e.g. x AND y AND z, where there is expected to be an index (x,y,z,...), and where x, y, or z * can have multiple distinct values, The proper implementation of this method differs from database to database, because some databases * only permit index operations when there are OR's between clauses, such as x1 AND y1 AND z1 OR x2 AND y2 AND z2 ..., where others * only recognize index operations when there are lists specified for each, such as x IN (x1,x2) AND y IN (y1,y2) AND z IN (z1,z2). */ @Override public String buildConjunctionClause(List outputParameters, ClauseDescription[] clauseDescriptions) { // Special handling when there's only 1 if (clauseDescriptions.length == 1) return super.buildConjunctionClause(outputParameters,clauseDescriptions); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("("); int[] counters = new int[clauseDescriptions.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < counters.length ; i++) { counters[i] = 0; } boolean isFirst = true; while (true) { // Add this clause in if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else sb.append(" OR "); for (int i = 0 ; i < counters.length ; i++) { ClauseDescription cd = clauseDescriptions[i]; if (i > 0) sb.append(" AND "); List values = cd.getValues(); String joinColumn = cd.getJoinColumnName(); sb.append(cd.getColumnName()).append(cd.getOperation()); if (values != null) { sb.append("?"); outputParameters.add(values.get(counters[i])); } else if (joinColumn != null) sb.append(joinColumn); } // Now, increment the counters int j = 0; while (true) { if (j == counters.length) { sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } counters[j]++; ClauseDescription cd = clauseDescriptions[j]; List values = cd.getValues(); int size = 1; if (values != null) size = values.size(); if (counters[j] < size) break; j++; for (int k = 0 ; k < j ; k++) { counters[k] = 0; } // Loop around to carry a one to the j'th counter } } } /** Obtain the maximum number of individual items that should be * present in an IN clause. Exceeding this amount will potentially cause the query performance * to drop. *@return the maximum number of IN clause members. */ public int getMaxInClause() { return 100; } /** Obtain the maximum number of individual clauses that should be * present in a sequence of OR clauses. Exceeding this amount will potentially cause the query performance * to drop. *@return the maximum number of OR clause members. */ public int getMaxOrClause() { return 25; } /** For windowed report queries, e.g. maxActivity or maxBandwidth, obtain the maximum number of rows * that can reasonably be expected to complete in an acceptable time. *@return the maximum number of rows. */ public int getWindowedReportMaxRows() { return 1000; } /** Begin a database transaction. This method call MUST be paired with an endTransaction() call, * or database handles will be lost. If the transaction should be rolled back, then signalRollback() should * be called before the transaction is ended. * It is strongly recommended that the code that uses transactions be structured so that a try block * starts immediately after this method call. The body of the try block will contain all direct or indirect * calls to executeQuery(). After this should be a catch for every exception type, including Error, which should call the * signalRollback() method, and rethrow the exception. Then, after that a finally{} block which calls endTransaction(). */ public void beginTransaction() throws ManifoldCFException { beginTransaction(TRANSACTION_ENCLOSING); } protected int depthCount = 0; protected boolean inTransaction = false; protected int desiredTransactionType = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED; /** Begin a database transaction. This method call MUST be paired with an endTransaction() call, * or database handles will be lost. If the transaction should be rolled back, then signalRollback() should * be called before the transaction is ended. * It is strongly recommended that the code that uses transactions be structured so that a try block * starts immediately after this method call. The body of the try block will contain all direct or indirect * calls to executeQuery(). After this should be a catch for every exception type, including Error, which should call the * signalRollback() method, and rethrow the exception. Then, after that a finally{} block which calls endTransaction(). *@param transactionType is the kind of transaction desired. */ public void beginTransaction(int transactionType) throws ManifoldCFException { if (getCurrentTransactionType() == TRANSACTION_SERIALIZED) { serializableDepth++; return; } if (transactionType == TRANSACTION_ENCLOSING) { transactionType = getCurrentTransactionType(); } switch (transactionType) { case TRANSACTION_READCOMMITTED: desiredTransactionType = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED; super.beginTransaction(TRANSACTION_READCOMMITTED); break; case TRANSACTION_SERIALIZED: desiredTransactionType = Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; super.beginTransaction(TRANSACTION_SERIALIZED); break; default: throw new ManifoldCFException("Bad transaction type: "+Integer.toString(transactionType)); } } /** Signal that a rollback should occur on the next endTransaction(). */ public void signalRollback() { if (serializableDepth == 0) super.signalRollback(); } /** End a database transaction, either performing a commit or a rollback (depending on whether * signalRollback() was called within the transaction). */ public void endTransaction() throws ManifoldCFException { if (serializableDepth > 0) { serializableDepth--; return; } super.endTransaction(); } /** Abstract method to start a transaction */ protected void startATransaction() throws ManifoldCFException { if (!inTransaction) { try { connection.getConnection().setAutoCommit(false); connection.getConnection().setTransactionIsolation(desiredTransactionType); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR); } inTransaction = true; } depthCount++; } /** Abstract method to commit a transaction */ protected void commitCurrentTransaction() throws ManifoldCFException { if (inTransaction) { if (depthCount == 1) { try { if (connection != null) { connection.getConnection().commit(); connection.getConnection().setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR); } inTransaction = false; } depthCount--; } else throw new ManifoldCFException("Transaction nesting error!"); } /** Abstract method to roll back a transaction */ protected void rollbackCurrentTransaction() throws ManifoldCFException { if (inTransaction) { if (depthCount == 1) { try { if (connection != null) { connection.getConnection().rollback(); connection.getConnection().setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR); } inTransaction = false; } depthCount--; } else throw new ManifoldCFException("Transaction nesting error!"); } /** Abstract method for explaining a query */ protected void explainQuery(String query, List params) throws ManifoldCFException { IResultSet x = executeUncachedQuery("EXPLAIN PLAN FOR "+query,null,true, -1,null,null); int k = 0; while (k < x.getRowCount()) { IResultRow row = x.getRow(k++); Iterator<String> iter = row.getColumns(); String colName = (String)iter.next(); Logging.db.warn(" Plan: "+row.getValue(colName).toString()); } Logging.db.warn(""); } /** Abstract method for mapping a column name from resultset */ @Override protected String mapLabelName(String rawLabelName) { return rawLabelName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } }