/* $Id: DCTM.java 996524 2010-09-13 13:38:01Z kwright $ */ /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.DCTM; import org.apache.log4j.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.agents.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.connectorcommon.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.system.Logging; import org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.system.ManifoldCF; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.common.DCTM.*; import java.rmi.*; public class DCTM extends org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.BaseRepositoryConnector { public static final String _rcsid = "@(#)$Id: DCTM.java 996524 2010-09-13 13:38:01Z kwright $"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE = "docbasename"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME = "docbaseusername"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD = "docbasepassword"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_WEBTOPBASEURL = "webtopbaseurl"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_DOMAIN = "domain"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_LOCATION = "docbaselocation"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_OBJECTTYPE = "objecttype"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_ATTRIBUTENAME = "attrname"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_MAXLENGTH = "maxdoclength"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_FORMAT = "mimetype"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_PATHNAMEATTRIBUTE = "pathnameattribute"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_PATHMAP = "pathmap"; public static String CONFIG_PARAM_FILTER = "filter"; // Activities we log public final static String ACTIVITY_FETCH = "fetch"; protected String docbaseName = null; protected String userName = null; protected String password = null; protected String domain = null; protected String webtopBaseURL = null; protected boolean hasSessionParameters = false; protected IDocumentum session = null; protected long lastSessionFetch = -1L; protected static final long timeToRelease = 300000L; /** Documentum has no "deny" tokens, and its document acls cannot be empty, so no local authority deny token is required. * However, it is felt that we need to be suspenders-and-belt, so here is the deny token. * The documentum tokens are of the form xxx:yyy, so they cannot collide with the standard deny token. */ private static final String denyToken = GLOBAL_DENY_TOKEN; protected class GetSessionThread extends Thread { protected Throwable exception = null; public GetSessionThread() { super(); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { try { // Create a session IDocumentumFactory df = (IDocumentumFactory)Naming.lookup("rmi://"); IDocumentum newSession = df.make(); newSession.createSession(docbaseName,userName,password,domain); session = newSession; } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public void finishUp() throws InterruptedException, java.net.MalformedURLException, NotBoundException, RemoteException, DocumentumException { join(); Throwable thr = exception; if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof java.net.MalformedURLException) throw (java.net.MalformedURLException)thr; else if (thr instanceof NotBoundException) throw (NotBoundException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof Error) throw (Error)thr; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+thr.getClass().getName()+": "+thr.getMessage(),thr); } } } /** Establish session parameters. */ protected void getSessionParameters() throws ManifoldCFException { if (!hasSessionParameters) { // Perform basic parameter checking, and debug output. if (docbaseName == null || docbaseName.length() < 1) throw new ManifoldCFException("Parameter "+CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE+" required but not set"); if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: Docbase = '" + docbaseName + "'"); if (userName == null || userName.length() < 1) throw new ManifoldCFException("Parameter "+CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME+" required but not set"); if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: Username = '" + userName + "'"); if (password == null || password.length() < 1) throw new ManifoldCFException("Parameter "+CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD+" required but not set"); Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: Password exists"); if (webtopBaseURL == null || webtopBaseURL.length() < 1) throw new ManifoldCFException("Required parameter "+CONFIG_PARAM_WEBTOPBASEURL+" missing"); if (domain == null) // Empty domain is allowed Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: No domain"); else Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: Domain = '" + domain + "'"); hasSessionParameters = true; } } /** Get a DFC session. This will be done every time it is needed. */ protected void getSession() throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { getSessionParameters(); if (session == null) { long currentTime; GetSessionThread t = new GetSessionThread(); t.start(); try { t.finishUp(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } catch (NotBoundException e) { // Transient problem: Server not available at the moment. Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: RMI server not up at the moment: "+e.getMessage(),e); currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); // Treat this as a transient problem Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Transient remote exception creating session: "+e.getMessage(),e); currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption creating session: "+e.getMessage(),e); currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L,currentTime + 12*60*60000L, -1,true); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } // Note that we need the session at this time; this will determine when // the session expires. lastSessionFetch = System.currentTimeMillis(); } protected class GetListOfValuesThread extends Thread { protected final String query; protected final String fieldName; protected Throwable exception = null; protected final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); public GetListOfValuesThread(String query, String fieldName) { super(); setDaemon(true); this.query = query; this.fieldName = fieldName; } public void run() { try { IDocumentumResult result = session.performDQLQuery(query); try { while (result.isValidRow()) { list.add(result.getStringValue(fieldName)); result.nextRow(); } return; } finally { result.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public List<String> finishUp() throws InterruptedException, RemoteException, DocumentumException { join(); Throwable thr = exception; if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else if (thr instanceof Error) throw (Error)thr; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+thr.getClass().getName()+": "+thr.getMessage(),thr); } return list; } } protected List<String> getAttributesForType(String typeName) throws DocumentumException, ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { String strDQL = "select distinct attr_name FROM dmi_dd_attr_info where type_name = '" + typeName + "'"; while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); GetListOfValuesThread t = new GetListOfValuesThread(strDQL,"attr_name"); t.start(); try { return t.finishUp(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } protected class CheckConnectionThread extends Thread { protected Throwable exception = null; public CheckConnectionThread() { super(); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { try { session.checkConnection(); } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public void finishUp() throws InterruptedException, RemoteException, DocumentumException { join(); Throwable thr = exception; if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else if (thr instanceof Error) throw (Error)thr; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+thr.getClass().getName()+": "+thr.getMessage(),thr); } } } /** Check connection, with appropriate retries */ protected void checkConnection() throws DocumentumException, ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); CheckConnectionThread t = new CheckConnectionThread(); t.start(); try { t.finishUp(); return; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } protected class BuildDateStringThread extends Thread { protected long timevalue; protected Throwable exception = null; protected String rval = null; public BuildDateStringThread(long timevalue) { super(); setDaemon(true); this.timevalue = timevalue; } public void run() { try { rval = session.buildDateString(timevalue); } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public String finishUp() throws InterruptedException, RemoteException, DocumentumException { join(); Throwable thr = exception; if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else if (thr instanceof Error) throw (Error)thr; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+thr.getClass().getName()+": "+thr.getMessage(),thr); } return rval; } } /** Build date string with appropriate reset */ protected String buildDateString(long timevalue) throws DocumentumException, ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); BuildDateStringThread t = new BuildDateStringThread(timevalue); t.start(); try { return t.finishUp(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } protected class DestroySessionThread extends Thread { protected Throwable exception = null; public DestroySessionThread() { super(); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { try { session.destroySession(); } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public void finishUp() throws InterruptedException, RemoteException, DocumentumException { join(); Throwable thr = exception; if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else if (thr instanceof Error) throw (Error)thr; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+thr.getClass().getName()+": "+thr.getMessage(),thr); } } } /** Release the session, if it's time. */ protected void releaseCheck() throws ManifoldCFException { if (lastSessionFetch == -1L) return; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentTime >= lastSessionFetch + timeToRelease) { DestroySessionThread t = new DestroySessionThread(); t.start(); try { t.finishUp(); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Treat this as a transient problem Logging.connectors.warn("Transient remote exception closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.connectors.warn("Remote service interruption closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } else Logging.connectors.warn("Error closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } } } /** Constructor. */ public DCTM() { super(); } /** Let the crawler know the completeness of the information we are giving it. */ @Override public int getConnectorModel() { // For documentum, originally we thought it would return the deleted objects when we // reseeded. Later research has shown that documentum simply deletes the whole thing now // and doesn't leave a gravemarker around at all. So we have no choice but to treat this // like other stupid repositories and check for deletes by scanning! UGH. It also does // not accurately provide changes, because the ACL changes are not caught by the query. return MODEL_ADD; } /** Return the list of activities that this connector supports (i.e. writes into the log). *@return the list. */ @Override public String[] getActivitiesList() { return new String[]{ACTIVITY_FETCH}; } /** Test the connection. Returns a string describing the connection integrity. *@return the connection's status as a displayable string. */ @Override public String check() throws ManifoldCFException { try { try { checkConnection(); return super.check(); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),0L); else throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { return "Connection temporarily failed: "+e.getMessage(); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { return "Connection failed: "+e.getMessage(); } } /** Connect. The configuration parameters are included. *@param configParams are the configuration parameters for this connection. * Note well: There are no exceptions allowed from this call, since it is expected to mainly establish connection parameters. */ @Override public void connect(ConfigParams configParams) { super.connect(configParams); // Set local parameters, for convenience docbaseName = params.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE); userName = params.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME); password = params.getObfuscatedParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD); webtopBaseURL = params.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_WEBTOPBASEURL); domain = params.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOMAIN); if (domain == null || domain.length() < 1) domain = null; } /** This method is periodically called for all connectors that are connected but not * in active use. */ @Override public void poll() throws ManifoldCFException { releaseCheck(); } /** This method is called to assess whether to count this connector instance should * actually be counted as being connected. *@return true if the connector instance is actually connected. */ @Override public boolean isConnected() { return session != null; } /** Disconnect from Documentum. */ @Override public void disconnect() throws ManifoldCFException { hasSessionParameters = false; if (session != null) { DestroySessionThread t = new DestroySessionThread(); t.start(); try { t.finishUp(); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Treat this as a transient problem Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Transient remote exception closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } else Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Error closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } } docbaseName = null; userName = null; password = null; domain = null; webtopBaseURL = null; } /** Protected method for calculating the URI */ protected String convertToURI(String strObjectId, String objectType) throws ManifoldCFException { String strWebtopBaseUrl = webtopBaseURL; if (!strWebtopBaseUrl.endsWith("/")) { strWebtopBaseUrl = strWebtopBaseUrl + "/"; } return strWebtopBaseUrl + "component/drl?versionLabel=CURRENT&objectId=" + strObjectId; } /** Get the bin (so throttling makes sense). We will bin by docbase. */ @Override public String[] getBinNames(String documentIdentifier) { // Previously, this actually established a session and went back-and-forth with // documentum. But we already have the docbase name, so that seems stupid. return new String[]{docbaseName}; } protected static class StringQueue { protected String value = null; protected boolean present = false; protected boolean abort = false; public StringQueue() { } public synchronized String getNext() throws InterruptedException { while (abort == false && present == false) wait(); if (abort) return null; present = false; String rval = value; notifyAll(); return rval; } public synchronized void add(String value) throws InterruptedException { while (abort == false && present == true) wait(); if (abort) return; present = true; this.value = value; notifyAll(); } public synchronized void abort() { abort = true; notifyAll(); } } protected class GetDocumentsFromQueryThread extends Thread { protected String dql; protected StringQueue queue; protected Throwable exception = null; protected boolean abortSignaled = false; public GetDocumentsFromQueryThread(String dql, StringQueue queue) { super(); setDaemon(true); this.dql = dql; this.queue = queue; } public void abort() { abortSignaled = true; queue.abort(); } public void run() { try { try { // This is a bit dicey, because any call to a ISeedingActivities method may well cause locks to be thrown. The owning thread, // however, will try to shut this thread down only once, then it will exit itself. Since the activities method itself is properly // interruptible, cleanup will correctly occur should there be enough time to do it before the process exits - but that is not // guaranteed, unfortunately. // // So, the only way this can work is to build an in-memory queue, where the owning thread does the actual call to the appropriate // ISeedingActivities method. It's yet another complication on an already extremely complex model. if (!abortSignaled) { IDocumentumResult result = session.performDQLQuery(dql); try { while (result.isValidRow()) { if (abortSignaled) break; String strObjectId = result.getStringValue("i_chronicle_id"); result.nextRow(); queue.add(strObjectId); } } finally { result.close(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Abort the thread throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } finally { // Always signal the end!! This guarantees that the calling thread will be able to wake up and notice we have finished. queue.add(null); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Just end } } public void finishUp() throws RemoteException, DocumentumException, InterruptedException { join(); Throwable thr = exception; if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else if (thr instanceof Error) throw (Error)thr; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+thr.getClass().getName()+": "+thr.getMessage(),thr); } } public Throwable getException() { return exception; } } /** Request arbitrary connector information. * This method is called directly from the API in order to allow API users to perform any one of several connector-specific * queries. *@param output is the response object, to be filled in by this method. *@param command is the command, which is taken directly from the API request. *@return true if the resource is found, false if not. In either case, output may be filled in. */ @Override public boolean requestInfo(Configuration output, String command) throws ManifoldCFException { if (command.equals("contenttypes")) { try { String[] contentTypes = getContentTypes(); int i = 0; while (i < contentTypes.length) { String contentType = contentTypes[i++]; ConfigurationNode node = new ConfigurationNode("content_type"); node.setValue(contentType); output.addChild(output.getChildCount(),node); } } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { ManifoldCF.createServiceInterruptionNode(output,e); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { ManifoldCF.createErrorNode(output,e); } } else if (command.equals("objecttypes")) { try { String[] objectTypes = getObjectTypes(); int i = 0; while (i < objectTypes.length) { String objectType = objectTypes[i++]; ConfigurationNode node = new ConfigurationNode("object_type"); node.setValue(objectType); output.addChild(output.getChildCount(),node); } } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { ManifoldCF.createServiceInterruptionNode(output,e); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { ManifoldCF.createErrorNode(output,e); } } else if (command.startsWith("folders/")) { // I hope folder names in Documentum cannot have "/" characters in them. String parentFolder = command.substring("folders/".length()); try { String[] folders = getChildFolderNames(parentFolder); int i = 0; while (i < folders.length) { String folder = folders[i++]; ConfigurationNode node = new ConfigurationNode("folder"); node.setValue(folder); output.addChild(output.getChildCount(),node); } } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { ManifoldCF.createServiceInterruptionNode(output,e); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { ManifoldCF.createErrorNode(output,e); } } else if (command.startsWith("indexableattributes/")) { // I hope object types can't have "/" characters String objectType = command.substring("indexableattributes/".length()); try { String[] indexableAttributes = getIngestableAttributes(objectType); int i = 0; while (i < indexableAttributes.length) { String indexableAttribute = indexableAttributes[i++]; ConfigurationNode node = new ConfigurationNode("attribute"); node.setValue(indexableAttribute); output.addChild(output.getChildCount(),node); } } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { ManifoldCF.createServiceInterruptionNode(output,e); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { ManifoldCF.createErrorNode(output,e); } } else return super.requestInfo(output,command); return true; } /** Queue "seed" documents. Seed documents are the starting places for crawling activity. Documents * are seeded when this method calls appropriate methods in the passed in ISeedingActivity object. * * This method can choose to find repository changes that happen only during the specified time interval. * The seeds recorded by this method will be viewed by the framework based on what the * getConnectorModel() method returns. * * It is not a big problem if the connector chooses to create more seeds than are * strictly necessary; it is merely a question of overall work required. * * The end time and seeding version string passed to this method may be interpreted for greatest efficiency. * For continuous crawling jobs, this method will * be called once, when the job starts, and at various periodic intervals as the job executes. * * When a job's specification is changed, the framework automatically resets the seeding version string to null. The * seeding version string may also be set to null on each job run, depending on the connector model returned by * getConnectorModel(). * * Note that it is always ok to send MORE documents rather than less to this method. * The connector will be connected before this method can be called. *@param activities is the interface this method should use to perform whatever framework actions are desired. *@param spec is a document specification (that comes from the job). *@param seedTime is the end of the time range of documents to consider, exclusive. *@param lastSeedVersionString is the last seeding version string for this job, or null if the job has no previous seeding version string. *@param jobMode is an integer describing how the job is being run, whether continuous or once-only. *@return an updated seeding version string, to be stored with the job. */ @Override public String addSeedDocuments(ISeedingActivity activities, Specification spec, String lastSeedVersion, long seedTime, int jobMode) throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { // Extract startTime long startTime; if (lastSeedVersion == null) startTime = 0L; else { // Unpack seed time from seed version string startTime = new Long(lastSeedVersion).longValue(); } // First, build the query StringBuilder strLocationsClause = new StringBuilder(); Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>> tokenList = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>>(); List<String> contentList = null; String maxSize = null; for (int i = 0; i < spec.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode n = spec.getChild(i); if (n.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_LOCATION)) { String strLocation = n.getAttributeValue("path"); if (strLocation != null && strLocation.length() > 0) { if (strLocationsClause != null && strLocationsClause.length() > 0) { strLocationsClause.append(" OR Folder('").append(strLocation).append("', DESCEND)"); } else { strLocationsClause.append("Folder('").append(strLocation).append("', DESCEND)"); } } } else if (n.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_OBJECTTYPE)) { String objType = n.getAttributeValue("token"); Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>> filters = tokenList.get(objType); if (filters == null) { filters = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>(); tokenList.put(objType,filters); } // Go through children and pick out filters for (int j = 0; j < n.getChildCount(); j++) { SpecificationNode sn = n.getChild(j); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_FILTER)) { String attributeName = sn.getAttributeValue("name"); String operation = sn.getAttributeValue("op"); String value = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); Map<String,Set<String>> operations = filters.get(attributeName); if (operations == null) { operations = new HashMap<String,Set<String>>(); filters.put(attributeName,operations); } Set<String> values = operations.get(operation); if (values == null) { values = new HashSet<String>(); operations.put(operation,values); } values.add(value); } } } else if (n.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_FORMAT)) { String docType = n.getAttributeValue("value"); if (contentList == null) contentList = new ArrayList<String>(); contentList.add(docType); } else if (n.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_MAXLENGTH)) { maxSize = n.getAttributeValue("value"); } } if (tokenList.size() == 0) { Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: No ObjectType found in Document Spec. Setting it to dm_document"); tokenList.put("dm_document",new HashMap<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>()); } if (strLocationsClause.length() < 1) { Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: No location found in document specification. Search will be across entire docbase"); } try { String strDQLstart = "select for READ distinct i_chronicle_id from "; // There seems to be some unexplained slop in the latest DCTM version. It misses documents depending on how close to the r_modify_date you happen to be. // So, I've decreased the start time by a full five minutes, to insure overlap. if (startTime > 300000L) startTime = startTime - 300000L; else startTime = 0L; StringBuilder strDQLend = new StringBuilder(" where r_modify_date >= " + buildDateString(startTime) + " and r_modify_date<=" + buildDateString(seedTime) + " AND (i_is_deleted=TRUE Or (i_is_deleted=FALSE AND a_full_text=TRUE AND r_content_size>0"); // append maxsize if set if (maxSize != null && maxSize.length() > 0) { strDQLend.append(" AND r_content_size<=").append(maxSize); } String[] dctmTypes = convertToDCTMTypes(contentList); if (dctmTypes != null) { if (dctmTypes.length == 0) strDQLend.append(" AND 1<0"); else { strDQLend.append(" AND a_content_type IN ("); boolean commaNeeded = false; for (String cType : dctmTypes) { if (commaNeeded) strDQLend.append(","); else commaNeeded = true; strDQLend.append(quoteDQLString(cType)); } strDQLend.append(")"); } } // End the clause for non-deleted documents strDQLend.append("))"); // append location on if it is provided. This will apply to both deleted and non-deleted documents. if (strLocationsClause.length() > 0) { strDQLend.append(" AND ( " + strLocationsClause.toString() + " )"); } // Now, loop through the documents and queue them up. for (String tokenValue : tokenList.keySet()) { activities.checkJobStillActive(); // Construct the filter part of the DQL query Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>> filters = tokenList.get(tokenValue); StringBuilder filterPart = new StringBuilder(); // For each attribute, go through the operations and emit an AND clause for (String attributeName : filters.keySet()) { Map<String,Set<String>> operations = filters.get(attributeName); for (String operation : operations.keySet()) { Set<String> values = operations.get(operation); if (operation.equals("=")) { filterPart.append(" AND \"").append(attributeName).append("\"").append(" IN ("); boolean commaNeeded = false; for (String value : values) { if (commaNeeded) filterPart.append(","); else commaNeeded = true; filterPart.append(quoteDQLString(value)); } filterPart.append(")"); } else if (operation.equals("<>")) { filterPart.append(" AND ("); boolean andNeeded = false; for (String value : values) { if (andNeeded) filterPart.append(" AND "); else andNeeded = true; filterPart.append("\"").append(attributeName).append("\"").append("<>").append(quoteDQLString(value)); } filterPart.append(")"); } else throw new ManifoldCFException("Unrecognized operation: "+operation); } } String strDQL = strDQLstart + tokenValue + strDQLend + filterPart; if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: About to execute query= (" + strDQL + ")"); while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); try { StringQueue stringQueue = new StringQueue(); GetDocumentsFromQueryThread t = new GetDocumentsFromQueryThread(strDQL,stringQueue); t.start(); try { int checkIndex = 0; // Loop through return values and add them until done is signalled while (true) { if (checkIndex == 10) { activities.checkJobStillActive(); checkIndex = 0; } checkIndex++; String next = stringQueue.getNext(); if (next == null) break; activities.addSeedDocument(next); } t.finishUp(); // Go on to next document type and repeat break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.abort(); // This is just a courtesy; the thread will be killed regardless on process exit t.interrupt(); // It's ok to leave the thread still active; we'll be shutting down anyway. throw e; } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { t.abort(); // We need the join, because we really don't want this documentum session to be // still busy when we leave. t.join(); throw e; } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { t.abort(); // We need the join, because we really don't want this documentum session to be // still busy when we leave. t.join(); throw e; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Go back around again } } } } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption getting versions: "+e.getMessage(),e); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L, currentTime + 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,true); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } return new Long(seedTime).toString(); } /** Do a query and read back the name column */ protected static String[] convertToDCTMTypes(List<String> contentList) throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { if (contentList != null && contentList.size() > 0) { // The contentList has type names. return contentList.toArray(new String[0]); } return null; } protected static String quoteDQLString(String value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("'"); for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { char x = value.charAt(i); if (x == '\'') sb.append("'"); sb.append(x); } sb.append("'"); return sb.toString(); } protected class ProcessDocumentThread extends Thread { // Initial data protected final String documentIdentifier; protected final SpecInfo sDesc; // State protected volatile boolean versionPartDone = false; protected volatile boolean threadExit = false; protected volatile boolean startFetch = false; protected volatile boolean abort = false; // Return info protected File objFileTemp = null; protected Throwable exception = null; protected String versionString = null; protected RepositoryDocument rval = null; protected Long activityStartTime = null; protected Long activityFileLength = null; protected String activityStatus = null; protected String activityMessage = null; protected String uri = null; protected String contentType = null; protected Long contentSize = null; public ProcessDocumentThread(String documentIdentifier, SpecInfo sDesc) { super(); setDaemon(true); this.documentIdentifier = documentIdentifier; this.objFileTemp = objFileTemp; this.sDesc = sDesc; } public void run() { try { IDocumentumObject object = session.getObjectByQualification("dm_document where i_chronicle_id='" + documentIdentifier + "' and any r_version_label='CURRENT'"); try { long contentSizeValue = object.getContentSize(); contentSize = new Long(contentSizeValue); // Get the type name; this is what we use to figure out the desired attributes String typeName = object.getTypeName(); if (object.exists() && !object.isDeleted() && !object.isHidden() && object.getPermit() > 1 && contentSizeValue > 0 && object.getPageCount() > 0) { // According to Ryck, the version label is not helping us much, so if it's null it's ok String versionLabel = object.getVersionLabel(); // The version string format was reorganized on 11/6/2006. StringBuilder strVersionLabel = new StringBuilder(); strVersionLabel.append(sDesc.getMetadataVersionAddendum(typeName)); // Now do the forced acls. Since this is a reorganization of the version string, // I decided to make these parseable, and pass them through to processDocument() in that // way, because most connectors seem to be heading in that direction. strVersionLabel.append(sDesc.getForcedAclString()); // The version label passed back will be a concatenation of the implicit version label and the v_stamp // This way we can catch any changes to the content strVersionLabel.append(versionLabel); strVersionLabel.append("_").append(object.getVStamp()); /* This was removed on 9/5/2006 because Rick indicated that i_vstamp is incremented on every change to a document, including change of dynamic acl name. This is in contrast to r_modifydate, which is NOT changed under such conditions. if (acls != null && acls.length == 0) { // Get the acl for the document, and tack it on to the version if it's dynamic. This compensates // for the fact that changing a dynamic acl on an object doesn't mark it as modified! String aclName = object.getACLName(); if (aclName != null && aclName.startsWith("dm_")) strVersionLabel.append("=").append(aclName); } */ // Append the path name attribute version strVersionLabel.append(sDesc.getPathNameAttributeAddendum()); // Append the Webtop base url. This was added on 9/7/2007. strVersionLabel.append("_").append(webtopBaseURL); versionString = strVersionLabel.toString(); } else versionString = null; // Signal that we are done with the version string synchronized (this) { versionPartDone = true; notifyAll(); while (true) { if (startFetch || abort) break; wait(); } if (abort) return; } // Do fetch phase String objName = object.getObjectName(); String contentType = object.getContentType(); // This particular way of getting content failed, because DFC loaded the // whole object into memory (very very bad DFC!) // InputStream is = objIDfSysObject.getContent(); // // Instead, read the file to a disk temporary file, and then stream from there. activityStartTime = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()); String strFilePath = null; try { strFilePath = object.getFile(objFileTemp.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (DocumentumException dfe) { // Fetch failed, so log it activityStatus = "NOCONTENT"; activityMessage = dfe.getMessage(); if (dfe.getType() != DocumentumException.TYPE_NOTALLOWED) throw dfe; return; } long fileLength = objFileTemp.length(); activityFileLength = new Long(fileLength); if (strFilePath == null) { activityStatus = "CONTENTDIDNOTFETCH"; activityMessage = "Content could not be fetched"; // We don't know why it won't fetch, but skip it and keep going. return; } activityStatus = "OK"; rval = new RepositoryDocument(); if (contentType != null) rval.setMimeType(contentType); List<String> attributeDescriptions = sDesc.getMetadataFields(typeName); if (attributeDescriptions != null) { for (String attrName : attributeDescriptions) { // Fetch the attributes from the object String[] values = object.getAttributeValues(attrName); // Add the attribute to the rd rval.addField(attrName,values); } } if (objName != null) rval.setFileName(objName); // Add the path metadata item into the mix, if enabled String pathAttributeName = sDesc.getPathAttributeName(); if (pathAttributeName != null && pathAttributeName.length() > 0) { String[] pathString = sDesc.getPathAttributeValue(object); rval.addField(pathAttributeName,pathString); } // Handle the forced acls String[] denyAcls = new String[]{denyToken}; String[] acls = sDesc.getAcls(); if (acls != null && acls.length == 0) { String[] strarrACL = new String[1]; // This used to go back-and-forth to documentum to get the docbase name, but that seemed stupid, so i just // use the one I have already now. strarrACL[0] = docbaseName + ":" + object.getACLDomain() + "." + object.getACLName(); if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: Processing document (" + objName + ") with ACL=" + strarrACL[0] + " and size=" + object.getContentSize() + " bytes."); rval.setSecurityACL(RepositoryDocument.SECURITY_TYPE_DOCUMENT,strarrACL); rval.setSecurityDenyACL(RepositoryDocument.SECURITY_TYPE_DOCUMENT,denyAcls); } else if (acls != null) { rval.setSecurityACL(RepositoryDocument.SECURITY_TYPE_DOCUMENT,acls); rval.setSecurityDenyACL(RepositoryDocument.SECURITY_TYPE_DOCUMENT,denyAcls); if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: Processing document (" + objName + ") with size=" + object.getContentSize() + " bytes."); } uri = convertToURI(object.getObjectId(),contentType); } finally { object.release(); } } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } finally { synchronized(this) { threadExit = true; notifyAll(); } } } public String getVersionString() throws RemoteException, DocumentumException, InterruptedException { // First, wait for version to be ready synchronized (this) { while (true) { wait(); if (threadExit || versionPartDone) break; } } if (exception != null) { if (exception instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)exception; else if (exception instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)exception; else if (exception instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)exception; else if (exception instanceof Error) throw (Error)exception; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+exception.getClass().getName()+": "+exception.getMessage(),exception); } // Return the version return versionString; } public void startFetch(File objFileTemp) { // Begin the fetch part synchronized (this) { this.objFileTemp = objFileTemp; startFetch = true; notifyAll(); } } public void finishWithoutFetch() throws InterruptedException { // Abort the fetch phase, and shut the thread down synchronized (this) { abort = true; notifyAll(); } join(); } public RepositoryDocument finishUp() throws RemoteException, DocumentumException, InterruptedException, ManifoldCFException { join(); if (exception != null) { if (exception instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)exception; else if (exception instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)exception; else if (exception instanceof ManifoldCFException) throw (ManifoldCFException)exception; else if (exception instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)exception; else if (exception instanceof Error) throw (Error)exception; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+exception.getClass().getName()+": "+exception.getMessage(),exception); } return rval; } public Long getContentSize() { return contentSize; } public String getContentType() { return contentType; } public Long getActivityStartTime() { return activityStartTime; } public Long getActivityFileLength() { return activityFileLength; } public String getActivityStatus() { return activityStatus; } public String getActivityMessage() { return activityMessage; } public String getURI() { return uri; } } /** Process a set of documents. * This is the method that should cause each document to be fetched, processed, and the results either added * to the queue of documents for the current job, and/or entered into the incremental ingestion manager. * The document specification allows this class to filter what is done based on the job. * The connector will be connected before this method can be called. *@param documentIdentifiers is the set of document identifiers to process. *@param statuses are the currently-stored document versions for each document in the set of document identifiers * passed in above. *@param activities is the interface this method should use to queue up new document references * and ingest documents. *@param jobMode is an integer describing how the job is being run, whether continuous or once-only. *@param usesDefaultAuthority will be true only if the authority in use for these documents is the default one. */ @Override public void processDocuments(String[] documentIdentifiers, IExistingVersions statuses, Specification spec, IProcessActivity activities, int jobMode, boolean usesDefaultAuthority) throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { long currentTime; // Do any preliminary work // Build the node/path cache SpecInfo sDesc = new SpecInfo(spec); try { // Now we are ready to go through the document identifiers for (String documentIdentifier : documentIdentifiers) { // It is better, performance-wise, to fetch a document object just once. Under RMI, // though, we will need to do this in a background thread, since it's socket-based and can therefore // be broken by network disruption. On the other hand, decisions about how to proceed can // only be undertaken in the local ManifoldCF worker thread. // In order to deal with these constraints, the background thread needs to have multiple "stages". // Each stage executes to completion and then blocks, while the MCF worker thread looks at the // results, and then informs the background thread to proceed (or to abort, if no further work // is desired). // Since each documentum access is time-consuming, be sure that we abort if the job has gone inactive activities.checkJobStillActive(); while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); String errorCode = null; String errorDesc = null; Long fileLengthLong = null; Long startTime = null; try { ProcessDocumentThread t = new ProcessDocumentThread(documentIdentifier, sDesc); // Start the thread t.start(); try { // Wait for version string String versionString = t.getVersionString(); if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled()) { if (versionString != null) { Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: Document " + documentIdentifier+" has version label: " + versionString); } else { Logging.connectors.debug("DCTM: Document " + documentIdentifier+" has been removed or is hidden"); } } if (versionString == null) { t.finishWithoutFetch(); activities.deleteDocument(documentIdentifier); break; } // Start the fetch part try { // Create a temporary file for every attempt, because we don't know yet whether we'll need it or not - // but probably we will. File objFileTemp = File.createTempFile("_mc_dctm_", null); try { t.startFetch(objFileTemp); RepositoryDocument rd = t.finishUp(); if (rd == null) { errorCode = t.getActivityStatus(); errorDesc = t.getActivityMessage(); activities.noDocument(documentIdentifier,versionString); break; } long fileLength = t.getContentSize().longValue(); if (!activities.checkLengthIndexable(fileLength)) { errorCode = activities.EXCLUDED_LENGTH; errorDesc = "Excluded due to content length ("+fileLength+")"; activities.noDocument(documentIdentifier,versionString); break; } String contentType = t.getContentType(); if (!activities.checkMimeTypeIndexable(contentType)) { errorCode = activities.EXCLUDED_MIMETYPE; errorDesc = "Excluded due to mime type ("+contentType+")"; activities.noDocument(documentIdentifier,versionString); break; } // Stream the data to the ingestion system InputStream is = new FileInputStream(objFileTemp); try { rd.setBinary(is, fileLength); // Do the ingestion activities.ingestDocumentWithException(documentIdentifier,versionString, t.getURI(), rd); errorCode = t.getActivityStatus(); errorDesc = t.getActivityMessage(); fileLengthLong = t.getActivityFileLength(); startTime = t.getActivityStartTime(); break; } finally { is.close(); } } finally { objFileTemp.delete(); } } catch (java.io.IOException e) { errorCode = e.getClass().getSimpleName().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); errorDesc = e.getMessage(); handleIOException(e); } // Leave the retry loop; go on to the next document break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Go back around again } } catch (DocumentumException e) { errorCode = e.getClass().getSimpleName().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); errorDesc = e.getMessage(); throw e; } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED) errorCode = null; throw e; } finally { if (errorCode != null) activities.recordActivity(startTime,ACTIVITY_FETCH, fileLengthLong,documentIdentifier,errorCode,errorDesc,null); } } } } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption processing documents: "+e.getMessage(),e); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L,currentTime + 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,true); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } protected static void handleIOException(IOException e) throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { if (e instanceof java.net.SocketTimeoutException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); else if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } @Override public int getMaxDocumentRequest() { // 1 at a time, since this connector does not deal with documents en masse, but one at a time. return 1; } // UI support methods. // // These support methods come in two varieties. The first bunch is involved in setting up connection configuration information. The second bunch // is involved in presenting and editing document specification information for a job. The two kinds of methods are accordingly treated differently, // in that the first bunch cannot assume that the current connector object is connected, while the second bunch can. That is why the first bunch // receives a thread context argument for all UI methods, while the second bunch does not need one (since it has already been applied via the connect() // method, above). /** Output the configuration header section. * This method is called in the head section of the connector's configuration page. Its purpose is to add the required tabs to the list, and to output any * javascript methods that might be needed by the configuration editing HTML. *@param threadContext is the local thread context. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param parameters are the configuration parameters, as they currently exist, for this connection being configured. *@param tabsArray is an array of tab names. Add to this array any tab names that are specific to the connector. */ @Override public void outputConfigurationHeader(IThreadContext threadContext, IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, ConfigParams parameters, List<String> tabsArray) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Webtop")); out.print( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"+ "<!--\n"+ "function checkConfigForSave()\n"+ "{\n"+ " if (editconnection.docbasename.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\""+Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.PleaseSupplyTheNameofaDocbase")+"\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.docbasename.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.docbaseusername.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.ConnectionRequiresValidDocumentumUsername")+"\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.docbaseusername.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.docbasepassword.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.ConnectionRequiresPassword")+"\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.docbasepassword.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.webtopbaseurl.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.SpecifyBaseWebtopURL")+"\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Webtop") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.webtopbaseurl.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " return true;\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "//-->\n"+ "</script>\n" ); } /** Output the configuration body section. * This method is called in the body section of the connector's configuration page. Its purpose is to present the required form elements for editing. * The coder can presume that the HTML that is output from this configuration will be within appropriate <html>, <body>, and <form> tags. The name of the * form is "editconnection". *@param threadContext is the local thread context. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param parameters are the configuration parameters, as they currently exist, for this connection being configured. *@param tabName is the current tab name. */ @Override public void outputConfigurationBody(IThreadContext threadContext, IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, ConfigParams parameters, String tabName) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { String docbaseName = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE); if (docbaseName == null) docbaseName = ""; String docbaseUserName = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME); if (docbaseUserName == null) docbaseUserName = ""; String docbasePassword = parameters.getObfuscatedParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD); if (docbasePassword == null) docbasePassword = ""; else docbasePassword = out.mapPasswordToKey(docbasePassword); String docbaseDomain = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOMAIN); if (docbaseDomain == null) docbaseDomain = ""; String webtopBaseUrl = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_WEBTOPBASEURL); if (webtopBaseUrl == null) webtopBaseUrl = "http://localhost/webtop/"; // "Docbase" tab if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase"))) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocbaseName") + "</nobr></td><td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"docbasename\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseName)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocbaseUserName") + "</nobr></td><td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"docbaseusername\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseUserName)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocbasePassword") + "</nobr></td><td class=\"value\"><input type=\"password\" size=\"32\" name=\"docbasepassword\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbasePassword)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocbaseDomain") + "</nobr></td><td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"docbasedomain\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseDomain)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { // Hiddens for Docbase tab out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"docbasename\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseName)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"docbaseusername\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseUserName)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"docbasepassword\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbasePassword)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"docbasedomain\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseDomain)+"\"/>\n" ); } // Webtop tab if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Webtop"))) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.WebtopBaseURL") + "</nobr></td><td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"64\" name=\"webtopbaseurl\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(webtopBaseUrl)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { // Hiddens for Webtop tab out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"webtopbaseurl\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(webtopBaseUrl)+"\"/>\n" ); } } /** Process a configuration post. * This method is called at the start of the connector's configuration page, whenever there is a possibility that form data for a connection has been * posted. Its purpose is to gather form information and modify the configuration parameters accordingly. * The name of the posted form is "editconnection". *@param threadContext is the local thread context. *@param variableContext is the set of variables available from the post, including binary file post information. *@param parameters are the configuration parameters, as they currently exist, for this connection being configured. *@return null if all is well, or a string error message if there is an error that should prevent saving of the connection (and cause a redirection to an error page). */ @Override public String processConfigurationPost(IThreadContext threadContext, IPostParameters variableContext, Locale locale, ConfigParams parameters) throws ManifoldCFException { String docbaseName = variableContext.getParameter("docbasename"); if (docbaseName != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE,docbaseName); String docbaseUserName = variableContext.getParameter("docbaseusername"); if (docbaseUserName != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME,docbaseUserName); String docbasePassword = variableContext.getParameter("docbasepassword"); if (docbasePassword != null) parameters.setObfuscatedParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD,variableContext.mapKeyToPassword(docbasePassword)); String docbaseDomain = variableContext.getParameter("docbasedomain"); if (docbaseDomain != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOMAIN,docbaseDomain); String webtopBaseUrl = variableContext.getParameter("webtopbaseurl"); if (webtopBaseUrl != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_WEBTOPBASEURL,webtopBaseUrl); return null; } /** View configuration. * This method is called in the body section of the connector's view configuration page. Its purpose is to present the connection information to the user. * The coder can presume that the HTML that is output from this configuration will be within appropriate <html> and <body> tags. *@param threadContext is the local thread context. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param parameters are the configuration parameters, as they currently exist, for this connection being configured. */ @Override public void viewConfiguration(IThreadContext threadContext, IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, ConfigParams parameters) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\" colspan=\"1\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Parameters") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\" colspan=\"3\">\n" ); Iterator iter = parameters.listParameters(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String param = (String)iter.next(); String value = parameters.getParameter(param); if (param.length() >= "password".length() && param.substring(param.length()-"password".length()).equalsIgnoreCase("password")) { out.print( " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(param)+"=********</nobr><br/>\n" ); } else if (param.length() >="keystore".length() && param.substring(param.length()-"keystore".length()).equalsIgnoreCase("keystore")) { IKeystoreManager kmanager = KeystoreManagerFactory.make("",value); out.print( " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(param)+"=<"+Integer.toString(kmanager.getContents().length)+" certificate(s)></nobr><br/>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(param)+"="+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(value)+"</nobr><br/>\n" ); } } out.print( " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } /** Output the specification header section. * This method is called in the head section of a job page which has selected a repository connection of the * current type. Its purpose is to add the required tabs to the list, and to output any javascript methods * that might be needed by the job editing HTML. * The connector will be connected before this method can be called. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param locale is the locale the output is preferred to be in. *@param ds is the current document specification for this job. *@param connectionSequenceNumber is the unique number of this connection within the job. *@param tabsArray is an array of tab names. Add to this array any tab names that are specific to the connector. */ @Override public void outputSpecificationHeader(IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, Specification ds, int connectionSequenceNumber, List<String> tabsArray) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { String seqPrefix = "s"+connectionSequenceNumber+"_"; tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Paths")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.DocumentTypes")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.ContentTypes")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.ContentLength")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Security")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.PathMetadata")); out.print( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"+ "<!--\n"+ "\n"+ "function "+seqPrefix+"checkSpecification()\n"+ "{\n"+ " if (editjob."+seqPrefix+"specmaxdoclength.value != \"\" && !isInteger(editjob."+seqPrefix+"specmaxdoclength.value))\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.MaximumDocumentLengthMustBeNullOrAnInteger") + "\");\n"+ " editjob."+seqPrefix+"specmaxdoclength.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " return true;\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "function "+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(n, opValue, anchorvalue)\n"+ "{\n"+ " eval(\"editjob.\"+n+\".value = \\\"\"+opValue+\"\\\"\");\n"+ " postFormSetAnchor(anchorvalue);\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "function "+seqPrefix+"DeleteFilter(k,l)\n"+ "{\n"+ " "+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_\"+l+\"_op\",\"Delete\",\""+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_\"+l);\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "function "+seqPrefix+"AddFilter(k,l)\n"+ "{\n"+ " if (eval(\"editjob."+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_name.value == \\\"\\\"\"))\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.SelectAnAttributeFirst") + "\");\n"+ " eval(\"editjob."+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_name.focus()\");\n"+ " return;\n"+ " }\n"+ "\n"+ " if (eval(\"editjob."+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_operation.value == \\\"\\\"\"))\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.SelectAnOperation") + "\");\n"+ " eval(\"editjob."+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_operation.focus()\");\n"+ " return;\n"+ " }\n"+ "\n"+ " if (eval(\"editjob."+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_value.value == \\\"\\\"\"))\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.FilterMustHaveValue") + "\");\n"+ " eval(\"editjob."+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_value.focus()\");\n"+ " return;\n"+ " }\n"+ " "+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_op\",\"Add\",\""+seqPrefix+"filter_\"+k+\"_\"+l);\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "function "+seqPrefix+"SpecAddToPath(anchorvalue)\n"+ "{\n"+ " if (editjob."+seqPrefix+"pathaddon.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.SelectAFolderFirst") + "\");\n"+ " editjob."+seqPrefix+"pathaddon.focus();\n"+ " return;\n"+ " }\n"+ "\n"+ " "+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+seqPrefix+"pathop\",\"AddToPath\",anchorvalue);\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "function "+seqPrefix+"SpecAddToken(anchorvalue)\n"+ "{\n"+ " if (editjob."+seqPrefix+"spectoken.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.NullTokensNotAllowed") + "\");\n"+ " editjob."+seqPrefix+"spectoken.focus();\n"+ " return;\n"+ " }\n"+ "\n"+ " "+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\"accessop\",\"Add\",anchorvalue);\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "function "+seqPrefix+"SpecAddMapping(anchorvalue)\n"+ "{\n"+ " if (editjob."+seqPrefix+"specmatch.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.EnterASpecificationFirst") + "\");\n"+ " editjob."+seqPrefix+"specmatch.focus();\n"+ " return;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (!isRegularExpression(editjob."+seqPrefix+"specmatch.value))\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.SpecificationMustBeValidRegularExpression") + "\");\n"+ " editjob."+seqPrefix+"specmatch.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " "+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+seqPrefix+"specmappingop\",\"Add\",anchorvalue);\n"+ " }\n"+ "\n"+ "//-->\n"+ "</script>\n" ); } /** Output the specification body section. * This method is called in the body section of a job page which has selected a repository connection of the * current type. Its purpose is to present the required form elements for editing. * The coder can presume that the HTML that is output from this configuration will be within appropriate * <html>, <body>, and <form> tags. The name of the form is always "editjob". * The connector will be connected before this method can be called. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param locale is the locale the output is preferred to be in. *@param ds is the current document specification for this job. *@param connectionSequenceNumber is the unique number of this connection within the job. *@param actualSequenceNumber is the connection within the job that has currently been selected. *@param tabName is the current tab name. (actualSequenceNumber, tabName) form a unique tuple within * the job. */ @Override public void outputSpecificationBody(IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, Specification ds, int connectionSequenceNumber, int actualSequenceNumber, String tabName) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { String seqPrefix = "s"+connectionSequenceNumber+"_"; int k; // Paths tab if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Paths")) && connectionSequenceNumber == actualSequenceNumber) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); // Now, loop through paths k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_LOCATION)) { String pathDescription = "_" + Integer.toString(k); String pathName = seqPrefix + "specpath" + pathDescription; String pathOpName = seqPrefix + "pathop" + pathDescription; out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+pathName+"\" value=\""+sn.getAttributeValue("path")+"\"/>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+pathOpName+"\" value=\"\"/>\n"+ " <a name=\""+seqPrefix+"path_"+Integer.toString(k)+"\">\n"+ " <input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" onClick='Javascript:"+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+pathOpName+"\",\"Delete\",\""+seqPrefix+"path_"+Integer.toString(k)+"\")' alt=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.DeletePath")+Integer.toString(k)+"\"/>\n"+ " </a> \n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(sn.getAttributeValue("path"))+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); k++; } } if (k == 0) { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoSpecificCabinetFolderPathsGiven") + "</td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"pathcount\" value=\""+Integer.toString(k)+"\"/>\n" ); String pathSoFar = (String)currentContext.get(seqPrefix+"specpath"); if (pathSoFar == null) pathSoFar = "/"; // Grab next folder/project list try { String[] childList = getChildFolderNames(pathSoFar); if (childList == null) { // Illegal path - set it back pathSoFar = "/"; childList = getChildFolderNames(pathSoFar); if (childList == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Can't find any children for root folder"); } out.print( " <a name=\""+seqPrefix+"path_"+Integer.toString(k)+"\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specpath\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(pathSoFar)+"\"/>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"pathop\" value=\"\"/>\n"+ " <input type=\"button\" value=\"Add\" alt=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.AddPath") + "\" onClick='Javascript:"+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+seqPrefix+"pathop\",\"Add\",\""+seqPrefix+"path_"+Integer.toString(k+1)+"\")'/> \n"+ " </a>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(pathSoFar)+"\n" ); if (pathSoFar.length() > 1) { out.print( " <input type=\"button\" value=\"-\" alt=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.RemoveFromPath") + "\" onClick='Javascript:"+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+seqPrefix+"pathop\",\"Up\",\""+seqPrefix+"path_"+Integer.toString(k)+"\")'/>\n" ); } if (childList.length > 0) { out.print( " <input type=\"button\" value=\"+\" alt=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.AddToPath") + "\" onClick='Javascript:"+seqPrefix+"SpecAddToPath(\""+seqPrefix+"path_"+Integer.toString(k)+"\")'/> \n"+ " <select multiple=\"false\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"pathaddon\" size=\"2\">\n"+ " <option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.PickAFolder") + "</option>\n" ); int j = 0; while (j < childList.length) { out.print( " <option value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(childList[j])+"\">"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(childList[j])+"</option>\n" ); j++; } out.print( " </select>\n" ); } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { out.println(org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(e.getMessage())); } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { out.println("Service interruption or invalid credentials - check your repository connection: "+e.getMessage()); } out.print( " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { // Now, loop through paths k = 0; for (int i =0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_LOCATION)) { String pathDescription = "_" + Integer.toString(k); String pathName = seqPrefix + "specpath" + pathDescription; out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+pathName+"\" value=\""+sn.getAttributeValue("path")+"\"/>\n" ); k++; } } out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"pathcount\" value=\""+Integer.toString(k)+"\"/>\n" ); } // Security tab // Find whether security is on or off boolean securityOn = true; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals("security")) { String securityValue = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); if (securityValue.equals("off")) securityOn = false; else if (securityValue.equals("on")) securityOn = true; } } if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Security")) && connectionSequenceNumber == actualSequenceNumber) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Security2") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\" colspan=\"1\">\n"+ " <input type=\"radio\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specsecurity\" value=\"on\" "+((securityOn)?"checked=\"true\"":"")+" />Enabled \n"+ " <input type=\"radio\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specsecurity\" value=\"off\" "+((securityOn==false)?"checked=\"true\"":"")+" />Disabled\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); // Finally, go through forced ACL k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals("access")) { String accessDescription = "_"+Integer.toString(k); String accessOpName = seqPrefix+"accessop"+accessDescription; String accessTokenName = seqPrefix+"spectoken"+accessDescription; String token = sn.getAttributeValue("token"); out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+accessOpName+"\" value=\"\"/>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+accessTokenName+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(token)+"\"/>\n"+ " <a name=\""+seqPrefix+"token_"+Integer.toString(k)+"\">\n"+ " <input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" alt=\""+Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.DeleteAccessToken")+Integer.toString(k)+"\" onClick='Javascript:"+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+accessOpName+"\",\"Delete\",\""+seqPrefix+"token_"+Integer.toString(k)+"\")'/>\n"+ " </a>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(token)+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); k++; } } if (k == 0) { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoAccessTokensPresent") + "</td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } out.print( " <tr><td class=\"lightseparator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"tokencount\" value=\""+Integer.toString(k)+"\"/>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"accessop\" value=\"\"/>\n"+ " <a name=\""+seqPrefix+"token_"+Integer.toString(k)+"\">\n"+ " <input type=\"button\" value=\"Add\" alt=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.AddAccessToken") + "\" onClick='Javascript:"+seqPrefix+"SpecAddToken(\""+seqPrefix+"token_"+Integer.toString(k+1)+"\")'/>\n"+ " </a>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " <input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"spectoken\" value=\"\"/>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specsecurity\" value=\""+(securityOn?"on":"off")+"\"/>\n" ); // Finally, go through forced ACL k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals("access")) { String accessDescription = "_"+Integer.toString(k); String token = sn.getAttributeValue("token"); out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"spectoken"+accessDescription+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(token)+"\"/>\n" ); k++; } } out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"tokencount\" value=\""+Integer.toString(k)+"\"/>\n" ); } // Document Types tab // First, build a hash map containing all the currently selected document types Map<String,Object> dtMetadata = new HashMap<String,Object>(); Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>> dtFilters = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>>(); for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_OBJECTTYPE)) { String token = sn.getAttributeValue("token"); if (token != null && token.length() > 0) { String isAllString = sn.getAttributeValue("all"); if (isAllString != null && isAllString.equals("true")) dtMetadata.put(token,new Boolean(true)); else { Set<String> attrMap = new HashSet<String>(); // Go through the children and look for attribute records for (int kk = 0; kk < sn.getChildCount(); kk++) { SpecificationNode dsn = sn.getChild(kk); if (dsn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_ATTRIBUTENAME)) { String attr = dsn.getAttributeValue("attrname"); attrMap.add(attr); } } dtMetadata.put(token,attrMap); } Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>> filterInfo = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>(); for (int kk = 0; kk < sn.getChildCount(); kk++) { SpecificationNode dsn = sn.getChild(kk); if (dsn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_FILTER)) { String name = dsn.getAttributeValue("name"); String op = dsn.getAttributeValue("op"); String value = dsn.getAttributeValue("value"); Map<String,Set<String>> filters = filterInfo.get(name); if (filters == null) { filters = new HashMap<String,Set<String>>(); filterInfo.put(name,filters); } Set<String> filterValues = filters.get(op); if (filterValues == null) { filterValues = new HashSet<String>(); filters.put(op,filterValues); } filterValues.add(value); } } dtFilters.put(token,filterInfo); } } } if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.DocumentTypes")) && connectionSequenceNumber == actualSequenceNumber) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); // Need to catch potential license exception here try { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"boxcell\" colspan=\"2\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_op\" value=\"Continue\"/>\n"+ " <table class=\"formtable\">\n"+ " <tr class=\"formheaderrow\">\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocumentType") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Filters") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.AllMetadataQ") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.SpecificMetadata") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); k = 0; String[] strarrObjTypes = getObjectTypes(); for (String strObjectType : strarrObjTypes) { if (strObjectType != null && strObjectType.length() > 0) { // Get the attributes for this data type String[] values = getIngestableAttributes(strObjectType); out.print( " <tr class=\""+(((k % 2)==0)?"evenformrow":"oddformrow")+"\">\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"datatype_"+k+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(strObjectType)+"\"/>\n" ); Object o = dtMetadata.get(strObjectType); if (o == null) { out.print( " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specfiletype\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(strObjectType)+"\">"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(strObjectType)+"</input>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specfiletype\" checked=\"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(strObjectType)+"\">"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(strObjectType)+"</input>\n" ); } out.print( " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"boxcell\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_op\" value=\"Continue\"/>\n"+ " <table class=\"formtable\">\n"+ " <tr class=\"formheaderrow\">\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.AttributeName") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Operation") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Value") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); // Now, do filters. This will be a table-with-a-table, with an "Add" button at the bottom. Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>> currentFilters = dtFilters.get(strObjectType); int l = 0; if (currentFilters != null) { String[] filterAttributes = currentFilters.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); java.util.Arrays.sort(filterAttributes); for (String filterAttribute : filterAttributes) { Map<String,Set<String>> filters = currentFilters.get(filterAttribute); String[] sortedOperations = filters.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); java.util.Arrays.sort(sortedOperations); for (String filterOperation : sortedOperations) { Set<String> filterValues = filters.get(filterOperation); String[] sortedValues = filterValues.toArray(new String[0]); java.util.Arrays.sort(sortedValues); for (String filterValue : sortedValues) { out.print( " <tr class=\""+(((l % 2)==0)?"evenformrow":"oddformrow")+"\">\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"_op\" value=\"Continue\"/>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"_name\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(filterAttribute)+"\"/>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"_operation\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(filterOperation)+"\"/>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"_value\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(filterValue)+"\"/>\n"+ " <a name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"\">\n"+ " <input type=\"button\" value=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.Delete") + "\" alt=\""+Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.DeleteFilter")+"\" onclick='javascript:"+seqPrefix+"DeleteFilter("+k+","+l+");'/>\n"+ " </a>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(filterAttribute)+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(filterOperation)+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(filterValue)+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); l++; } } } } if (l == 0) { out.print( " <tr class=\"formrow\"><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"formcolumnmessage\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoAttributeFiltersSpecified") + "</nobr></td></tr>\n" ); } out.print( " <tr class=\"formrow\"><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"formseparator\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr class=\"formrow\">\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " <a name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"\">\n"+ " <input type=\"button\" value=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.Add") + "\" alt=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.AddFilter") + "\" onclick='javascript:"+seqPrefix+"AddFilter("+k+","+l+");'/>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_count\" value=\""+l+"\"/>\n"+ " </a>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " <select multiple=\"false\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_name\" size=\"3\">\n"+ " <option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.PickAnAttribute") + "</option>\n" ); for (String attributeName : values) { out.print( " <option value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(attributeName)+"\">" + org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(attributeName) + "</option>\n" ); } out.print( " </select>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " <select multiple=\"false\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_operation\" size=\"3\">\n"+ " <option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.PickAnOperation") + "</option>\n"+ " <option value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape("=")+"\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Equals") + "</option>\n"+ " <option value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape("<>")+"\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NotEquals") + "</option>\n"+ " </select>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\"><input type=\"text\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_value\" size=\"30\" value=\"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " </table>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n" ); boolean isAll = false; Set<String> attrMap = null; if (o instanceof Boolean) { isAll = ((Boolean)o).booleanValue(); attrMap = new HashSet<String>(); } else { isAll = false; attrMap = (Set<String>)o; } out.print( " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specfileallattrs_"+k+"\" value=\"true\" "+(isAll?"checked=\"\"":"")+"/>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " <select multiple=\"true\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specfileattrs_"+k+"\" size=\"3\">\n" ); for (String option : values) { if (attrMap != null && attrMap.contains(option)) { // Selected out.print( " <option selected=\"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(option)+"\">"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(option)+"</option>\n" ); } else { // Unselected out.print( " <option value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(option)+"\">"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(option)+"</option>\n" ); } } out.print( " </select>\n"+ " </td>\n" ); out.print( " </tr>\n" ); k++; } } out.print( " </table>\n"+ " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"datatype_count\" value=\""+k+"\"/>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(e.getMessage())+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">\n"+ " " + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.ServiceInterruptionOrInvalidCredentials")+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } out.print( "</table>\n" ); } else { k = 0; for (String strObjectType : dtMetadata.keySet()) { out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"datatype_"+k+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(strObjectType)+"\"/>\n" ); Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>> currentFilters = dtFilters.get(strObjectType); int l = 0; for (String filterAttribute : currentFilters.keySet()) { Map<String,Set<String>> filters = currentFilters.get(filterAttribute); for (String filterOperation : filters.keySet()) { Set<String> filterValues = filters.get(filterOperation); for (String filterValue : filterValues) { out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"_name\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(filterAttribute)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"_operation\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(filterOperation)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+l+"_value\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(filterValue)+"\"/>\n" ); l++; } } } out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_count\" value=\""+l+"\"/>\n" ); Object o = dtMetadata.get(strObjectType); out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specfiletype\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(strObjectType)+"\"/>\n" ); if (o instanceof Boolean) { Boolean b = (Boolean)o; out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specfileallattrs_"+k+"\" value=\""+(b.booleanValue()?"true":"false")+"\"/>\n" ); } else { Set<String> map = (Set<String>)o; for (String attrName : map) { out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specfileattrs_"+k+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(attrName)+"\"/>\n" ); } } k++; } out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"datatype_count\" value=\""+k+"\"/>\n" ); } // Content types tab // First, build a hash map containing all the currently selected document types Set<String> ctMap = null; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_FORMAT)) { String token = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); if (token != null && token.length() > 0) { if (ctMap == null) ctMap = new HashSet<String>(); ctMap.add(token); } } } if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.ContentTypes")) && connectionSequenceNumber == actualSequenceNumber) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); // Need to catch potential license exception here try { String[] strarrMimeTypes = getContentTypes(); for (String strMimeType : strarrMimeTypes) { if (strMimeType != null && strMimeType.length() > 0) { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\">\n" ); if (ctMap == null || ctMap.contains(strMimeType)) { out.print( " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmimetype\" checked=\"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(strMimeType)+"\"></input>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmimetype\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(strMimeType)+"\"></input>\n" ); } out.print( " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(strMimeType)+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(e.getMessage())+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } catch (ServiceInterruption e) { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">\n"+ " " + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.ServiceInterruptionOrInvalidCredentials") + " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } out.print( "</table>\n" ); } else { if (ctMap != null) { for (String strMimeType : ctMap) { out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmimetype\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(strMimeType)+"\"/>\n" ); } } } // The Content Length tab // Search for max document size String maxDocLength = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_MAXLENGTH)) { maxDocLength = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); } } if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.ContentLength")) && connectionSequenceNumber == actualSequenceNumber) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.ContentLength") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " <input name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmaxdoclength\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" value=\""+maxDocLength+"\"/>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmaxdoclength\" value=\""+maxDocLength+"\"/>\n" ); } // Path metadata tab // Find the path-value metadata attribute name String pathNameAttribute = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHNAMEATTRIBUTE)) { pathNameAttribute = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); } } // Find the path-value mapping data org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.DCTM.MatchMap matchMap = new org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.DCTM.MatchMap(); for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHMAP)) { String pathMatch = sn.getAttributeValue("match"); String pathReplace = sn.getAttributeValue("replace"); matchMap.appendMatchPair(pathMatch,pathReplace); } } if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.PathMetadata")) && connectionSequenceNumber == actualSequenceNumber) { out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmappingcount\" value=\""+Integer.toString(matchMap.getMatchCount())+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmappingop\" value=\"\"/>\n"+ "\n"+ "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\" colspan=\"1\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.PathAttributeName") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\" colspan=\"3\">\n"+ " <input type=\"text\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specpathnameattribute\" size=\"20\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(pathNameAttribute)+"\"/>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); for (int i = 0; i < matchMap.getMatchCount(); i++) { String matchString = matchMap.getMatchString(i); String replaceString = matchMap.getReplaceString(i); out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmappingop_"+Integer.toString(i)+"\" value=\"\"/>\n"+ " <a name=\""+seqPrefix+"mapping_"+Integer.toString(i)+"\">\n"+ " <input type=\"button\" onClick='Javascript:"+seqPrefix+"SpecOp(\""+seqPrefix+"specmappingop_"+Integer.toString(i)+"\",\"" + Messages.getAttributeJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Delete") + "\",\""+seqPrefix+"mapping_"+Integer.toString(i)+"\")' alt=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.DeleteMapping") + Integer.toString(i)+"\" value=\"Delete\"/>\n"+ " </a>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmatch_"+Integer.toString(i)+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(matchString)+"\"/>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(matchString)+"</td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">==></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specreplace_"+Integer.toString(i)+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(replaceString)+"\"/>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(replaceString)+"</td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } if (matchMap.getMatchCount() == 0) { out.print( " <tr><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"message\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoMappingsSpecified") + "</td></tr>\n" ); } out.print( " <tr><td class=\"lightseparator\" colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ "\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\">\n"+ " <a name=\""+seqPrefix+"mapping_"+Integer.toString(matchMap.getMatchCount())+"\">\n"+ " <input type=\"button\" onClick='Javascript:"+seqPrefix+"SpecAddMapping(\""+seqPrefix+"mapping_"+Integer.toString(matchMap.getMatchCount()+1)+"\")' alt=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.AddToMappings") + "\" value=\"" + Messages.getAttributeString(locale,"DCTM.Add") + "\"/>\n"+ " </a>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.MatchRegexp") + " <input type=\"text\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmatch\" size=\"32\" value=\"\"/></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">==></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.ReplaceString") + " <input type=\"text\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specreplace\" size=\"32\" value=\"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmappingcount\" value=\""+Integer.toString(matchMap.getMatchCount())+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specpathnameattribute\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(pathNameAttribute)+"\"/>\n" ); for (int i = 0; i < matchMap.getMatchCount(); i++) { String matchString = matchMap.getMatchString(i); String replaceString = matchMap.getReplaceString(i); out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specmatch_"+Integer.toString(i)+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(matchString)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""+seqPrefix+"specreplace_"+Integer.toString(i)+"\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(replaceString)+"\"/>\n" ); } } } /** Process a specification post. * This method is called at the start of job's edit or view page, whenever there is a possibility that form * data for a connection has been posted. Its purpose is to gather form information and modify the * document specification accordingly. The name of the posted form is always "editjob". * The connector will be connected before this method can be called. *@param variableContext contains the post data, including binary file-upload information. *@param locale is the locale the output is preferred to be in. *@param ds is the current document specification for this job. *@param connectionSequenceNumber is the unique number of this connection within the job. *@return null if all is well, or a string error message if there is an error that should prevent saving of * the job (and cause a redirection to an error page). */ @Override public String processSpecificationPost(IPostParameters variableContext, Locale locale, Specification ds, int connectionSequenceNumber) throws ManifoldCFException { String x; String[] y; String seqPrefix = "s"+connectionSequenceNumber+"_"; x = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"pathcount"); if (x != null) { // Delete all path specs first int i = 0; while (i < ds.getChildCount()) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_LOCATION)) ds.removeChild(i); else i++; } // Find out how many children were sent int pathCount = Integer.parseInt(x); // Gather up these i = 0; while (i < pathCount) { String pathDescription = "_"+Integer.toString(i); String pathOpName = seqPrefix+"pathop"+pathDescription; String pathName = seqPrefix+"specpath"+pathDescription; x = variableContext.getParameter(pathOpName); if (x != null && x.equals("Delete")) { // Skip to the next i++; continue; } // Path inserts won't happen until the very end String path = variableContext.getParameter(pathName); SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_LOCATION); node.setAttribute("path",path); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); i++; } // See if there's a global add operation String op = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"pathop"); if (op != null && op.equals("Add")) { String path = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specpath"); SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_LOCATION); node.setAttribute("path",path); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); } else if (op != null && op.equals("Up")) { // Strip off end String path = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specpath"); int k = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (k != -1) path = path.substring(0,k); if (path.length() == 0) path = "/"; currentContext.save(seqPrefix+"specpath",path); } else if (op != null && op.equals("AddToPath")) { String path = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specpath"); String addon = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"pathaddon"); if (addon != null && addon.length() > 0) { if (path.length() == 1) path = "/" + addon; else path += "/" + addon; } currentContext.save(seqPrefix+"specpath",path); } } x = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specsecurity"); if (x != null) { // Delete all security entries first int i = 0; while (i < ds.getChildCount()) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals("security")) ds.removeChild(i); else i++; } SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode("security"); node.setAttribute("value",x); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); } x = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"tokencount"); if (x != null) { // Delete all file specs first int i = 0; while (i < ds.getChildCount()) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals("access")) ds.removeChild(i); else i++; } int accessCount = Integer.parseInt(x); i = 0; while (i < accessCount) { String accessDescription = "_"+Integer.toString(i); String accessOpName = seqPrefix+"accessop"+accessDescription; x = variableContext.getParameter(accessOpName); if (x != null && x.equals("Delete")) { // Next row i++; continue; } // Get the stuff we need String accessSpec = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"spectoken"+accessDescription); SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode("access"); node.setAttribute("token",accessSpec); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); i++; } String op = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"accessop"); if (op != null && op.equals("Add")) { String accessspec = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"spectoken"); SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode("access"); node.setAttribute("token",accessspec); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); } } x = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"datatype_count"); if (x != null) { // Delete all file specs first int i = 0; while (i < ds.getChildCount()) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_OBJECTTYPE)) ds.removeChild(i); else i++; } int dataCount = Integer.parseInt(x); y = variableContext.getParameterValues(seqPrefix+"specfiletype"); Set<String> checkedTypes = new HashSet<String>(); if (y != null) { for (String s : y) { checkedTypes.add(s); } } // Loop through specs for (int k = 0; k < dataCount; k++) { String fileType = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"datatype_"+k); if (checkedTypes.contains(fileType)) { SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_OBJECTTYPE); node.setAttribute("token",fileType); String isAll = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specfileallattrs_"+k); if (isAll != null) node.setAttribute("all",isAll); String[] z = variableContext.getParameterValues(seqPrefix+"specfileattrs_"+k); if (z != null) { for (int kk = 0; kk < z.length; kk++) { SpecificationNode attrNode = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_ATTRIBUTENAME); attrNode.setAttribute("attrname",z[kk]); node.addChild(node.getChildCount(),attrNode); } } x = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_count"); int filterCount = Integer.parseInt(x); for (int kk = 0; kk < filterCount; kk++) { String op = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+kk+"_op"); if (op == null || !op.equals("Delete")) { String attributeName = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+kk+"_name"); String operation = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+kk+"_operation"); String value = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_"+kk+"_value"); SpecificationNode filterNode = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_FILTER); filterNode.setAttribute("name",attributeName); filterNode.setAttribute("op",operation); filterNode.setAttribute("value",value); node.addChild(node.getChildCount(),filterNode); } } // Add at the end x = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_op"); if (x != null && x.equals("Add")) { String attributeName = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_name"); String operation = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_operation"); String value = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"filter_"+k+"_value"); SpecificationNode filterNode = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_FILTER); filterNode.setAttribute("name",attributeName); filterNode.setAttribute("op",operation); filterNode.setAttribute("value",value); node.addChild(node.getChildCount(),filterNode); } ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); } } } y = variableContext.getParameterValues(seqPrefix+"specmimetype"); if (y != null) { // Delete all file specs first int i = 0; while (i < ds.getChildCount()) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_FORMAT)) ds.removeChild(i); else i++; } // Loop through specs i = 0; while (i < y.length) { String fileType = y[i++]; SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_FORMAT); node.setAttribute("value",fileType); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); } } x = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specmaxdoclength"); if (x != null) { // Delete all security entries first int i = 0; while (i < ds.getChildCount()) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_MAXLENGTH)) ds.removeChild(i); else i++; } if (x.length() > 0) { SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_MAXLENGTH); node.setAttribute("value",x); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); } } String xc = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specpathnameattribute"); if (xc != null) { // Delete old one int i = 0; while (i < ds.getChildCount()) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHNAMEATTRIBUTE)) ds.removeChild(i); else i++; } if (xc.length() > 0) { SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHNAMEATTRIBUTE); node.setAttribute("value",xc); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); } } xc = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specmappingcount"); if (xc != null) { // Delete old spec int i = 0; while (i < ds.getChildCount()) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHMAP)) ds.removeChild(i); else i++; } // Now, go through the data and assemble a new list. int mappingCount = Integer.parseInt(xc); // Gather up these i = 0; while (i < mappingCount) { String pathDescription = "_"+Integer.toString(i); String pathOpName = seqPrefix+"specmappingop"+pathDescription; xc = variableContext.getParameter(pathOpName); if (xc != null && xc.equals("Delete")) { // Skip to the next i++; continue; } // Inserts won't happen until the very end String match = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specmatch"+pathDescription); String replace = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specreplace"+pathDescription); SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHMAP); node.setAttribute("match",match); node.setAttribute("replace",replace); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); i++; } // Check for add xc = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specmappingop"); if (xc != null && xc.equals("Add")) { String match = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specmatch"); String replace = variableContext.getParameter(seqPrefix+"specreplace"); SpecificationNode node = new SpecificationNode(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHMAP); node.setAttribute("match",match); node.setAttribute("replace",replace); ds.addChild(ds.getChildCount(),node); } } return null; } /** View specification. * This method is called in the body section of a job's view page. Its purpose is to present the document * specification information to the user. The coder can presume that the HTML that is output from * this configuration will be within appropriate <html> and <body> tags. * The connector will be connected before this method can be called. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param locale is the locale the output is preferred to be in. *@param ds is the current document specification for this job. *@param connectionSequenceNumber is the unique number of this connection within the job. */ @Override public void viewSpecification(IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, Specification ds, int connectionSequenceNumber) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr>\n" ); boolean seenAny = false; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_LOCATION)) { if (seenAny == false) { seenAny = true; out.print( " <td class=\"description\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.CabinetFolderPaths") + "</td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n" ); } out.print( " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(sn.getAttributeValue("path"))+"<br/>\n" ); } } if (seenAny) { out.print( " </td>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"message\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoCabinetFolderPathsSpecified") + "</td>\n" ); } out.print( " </tr>\n"+ "\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"boxcell\" colspan=\"2\">\n"+ " <table class=\"formtable\">\n"+ " <tr class=\"formheaderrow\">\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocumentType") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Filters") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Metadata") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); int l = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_OBJECTTYPE)) { out.print( " <tr class=\""+(((l % 2)==0)?"evenformrow":"oddformrow")+"\">\n" ); String strObjectType = sn.getAttributeValue("token"); out.print( " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(strObjectType)+"\n"+ " </td>\n" ); out.print( " <td class=\"boxcell\">\n"+ " <table class=\"formtable\">\n"+ " <tr class=\"formheaderrow\">\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.AttributeName") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Operation") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumnheader\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Value") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); Map<String,Map<String,Set<String>>> currentFilters = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Set<String>>>(); for (int k = 0; k < sn.getChildCount(); k++) { SpecificationNode dsn = sn.getChild(k); if (dsn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_FILTER)) { String attributeName = dsn.getAttributeValue("name"); String operation = dsn.getAttributeValue("op"); String value = dsn.getAttributeValue("value"); Map<String,Set<String>> filters = currentFilters.get(attributeName); if (filters == null) { filters = new HashMap<String,Set<String>>(); currentFilters.put(attributeName,filters); } Set<String> values = filters.get(operation); if (values == null) { values = new HashSet<String>(); filters.put(operation,values); } values.add(value); } } int kk = 0; String[] sortedAttributes = currentFilters.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); java.util.Arrays.sort(sortedAttributes); for (String filterAttribute : sortedAttributes) { Map<String,Set<String>> currentOperations = currentFilters.get(filterAttribute); String[] sortedOperations = currentOperations.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); java.util.Arrays.sort(sortedOperations); for (String filterOperation : sortedOperations) { Set<String> currentValues = currentOperations.get(filterOperation); String[] sortedValues = currentValues.toArray(new String[0]); java.util.Arrays.sort(sortedValues); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean commaNeeded = false; for (String value : sortedValues) { if (commaNeeded) sb.append(", "); else commaNeeded = true; sb.append("\"").append(value).append("\""); } out.print( " <tr class=\""+(((kk % 2)==0)?"evenformrow":"oddformrow")+"\">\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(filterAttribute)+"</nobr>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(filterOperation)+"</nobr>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n"+ " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(sb.toString())+"\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); kk++; } } out.print( " </table>\n"+ " </td>\n" ); out.print( " <td class=\"formcolumncell\">\n" ); String isAll = sn.getAttributeValue("all"); if (isAll != null && isAll.equals("true")) out.print( " <nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.allMetadataAttributes") + "</nobr>\n" ); else { for (int k = 0; k < sn.getChildCount(); k++) { SpecificationNode dsn = sn.getChild(k); if (dsn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_ATTRIBUTENAME)) { String attrName = dsn.getAttributeValue("attrname"); out.print( " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(attrName)+"</nobr>\n" ); } } } out.print( " </td>\n" ); out.print( " </tr>\n" ); l++; } } if (l == 0) { out.print( " <tr class=\"formrow\">\n"+ " <td colspan=\"3\" class=\"message\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoDocumentTypesSpecified") + "</td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } out.print( " </table>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n" ); seenAny = false; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_FORMAT)) { if (seenAny == false) { out.print( " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.ContentTypes2") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n" ); seenAny = true; } String strContentType = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); out.print( " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(strContentType)+"<br/>\n" ); } } if (seenAny) { out.print( " </td>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"message\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoMimeTypesSpecified") + "</td>\n" ); } out.print( " </tr>\n"+ "\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); // Find max document length String maxDocumentLength = "unlimited"; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_MAXLENGTH)) { maxDocumentLength = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); } } out.print( "\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.MaximumDocumentLength") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">"+maxDocumentLength+"</td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); // Find whether security is on or off boolean securityOn = true; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals("security")) { String securityValue = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); if (securityValue.equals("off")) securityOn = false; else if (securityValue.equals("on")) securityOn = true; } } out.print( "\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Security2") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">"+((securityOn)?"Enabled":"Disabled")+"</td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); // Go through looking for access tokens seenAny = false; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals("access")) { if (seenAny == false) { out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.AccessTokens") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n" ); seenAny = true; } String token = sn.getAttributeValue("token"); out.print( " "+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(token)+"<br/>\n" ); } } if (seenAny) { out.print( " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <tr><td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoAccessTokensSpecified") + "</td></tr>\n" ); } out.print( "\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n" ); // Find the path-name metadata attribute name String pathNameAttribute = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHNAMEATTRIBUTE)) { pathNameAttribute = sn.getAttributeValue("value"); } } out.print( " <tr>\n" ); if (pathNameAttribute.length() > 0) { out.print( " <td class=\"description\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.PathNameMetadataAttribute") + "</td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(pathNameAttribute)+"</td>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoPathNameMetadataAttributeSpecified") + "</td>\n" ); } out.print( " </tr>\n"+ "\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " \n"+ " <tr>\n" ); // Find the path-value mapping data org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.DCTM.MatchMap matchMap = new org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.DCTM.MatchMap(); for (int i = 0; i < ds.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = ds.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHMAP)) { String pathMatch = sn.getAttributeValue("match"); String pathReplace = sn.getAttributeValue("replace"); matchMap.appendMatchPair(pathMatch,pathReplace); } } if (matchMap.getMatchCount() > 0) { out.print( " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.PathValueMapping") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " <table class=\"displaytable\">\n" ); for (int i = 0; i < matchMap.getMatchCount(); i++) { String matchString = matchMap.getMatchString(i); String replaceString = matchMap.getReplaceString(i); out.print( " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(matchString)+"</td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">--></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(replaceString)+"</td>\n"+ " </tr>\n" ); } out.print( " </table>\n"+ " </td>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <td class=\"message\" colspan=\"2\">" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.NoMappingsSpecified") + "</td>\n" ); } out.print( " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } /** Documentum-specific method, for UI support. * This one returns the supported content types, which will be presented in the UI for selection. */ public String[] getContentTypes() throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { try { String dql = "select name from dm_format where can_index=true order by name asc"; while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); GetListOfValuesThread t = new GetListOfValuesThread(dql,"name"); try { t.start(); List<String> contentTypes = t.finishUp(); String[] rval = new String[contentTypes.size()]; int i = 0; while (i < rval.length) { rval[i] = contentTypes.get(i); i++; } return rval; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption reading content types: "+e.getMessage(),e); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L, 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,true); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } /** Documentum-specific method, for UI support. */ public String[] getObjectTypes() throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { //if (true) // return new String[]{"type1","type2","type3"}; try { String strDQL = "select distinct A.r_type_name from dmi_type_info A, dmi_dd_type_info B " + " where ((not A.r_type_name like 'dm_%' and any A.r_supertype='dm_document' and B.life_cycle <> 3) " + "or (A.r_type_name = 'dm_document' and B.life_cycle <> 3)) " + " AND A.r_type_name = B.type_name order by A.r_type_name"; while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); GetListOfValuesThread t = new GetListOfValuesThread(strDQL,"r_type_name"); try { t.start(); List<String> objectTypes = t.finishUp(); String[] rval = new String[objectTypes.size()]; int i = 0; while (i < rval.length) { rval[i] = objectTypes.get(i); i++; } return rval; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption reading object types: "+e.getMessage(),e); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L, currentTime + 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,true); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } protected class GetChildFolderNamesThread extends Thread { protected final String strTheParentFolderPath; protected Throwable exception = null; protected String[] rval = null; public GetChildFolderNamesThread(String strTheParentFolderPath) { super(); setDaemon(true); this.strTheParentFolderPath = strTheParentFolderPath; } public void run() { try { IDocumentumResult result; ArrayList objFolderNames = new ArrayList(); if (strTheParentFolderPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/")) { String strDQLForCabinets = "select object_name, r_object_type, r_object_id from dm_cabinet order by 1"; result = session.performDQLQuery(strDQLForCabinets); } else { result = session.getFolderContents(strTheParentFolderPath); } try { Map matchTypes = new HashMap(); while (result.isValidRow()) { String strObjectName = result.getStringValue("object_name"); String strObjectType = result.getStringValue("r_object_type").trim(); Boolean x = (Boolean)matchTypes.get(strObjectType); if (x == null) { // Look up whether this is a type of folder or cabinet boolean isMatch = session.isOneOf(strObjectType,new String[]{"dm_folder","dm_cabinet"}); x = new Boolean(isMatch); matchTypes.put(strObjectType,x); } if (x.booleanValue()) { objFolderNames.add(strObjectName); } result.nextRow(); } } finally { result.close(); } rval = new String[objFolderNames.size()]; int i = 0; while (i < rval.length) { rval[i] = (String)objFolderNames.get(i); i++; } } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public String[] finishUp() throws InterruptedException, RemoteException, DocumentumException { join(); Throwable thr = exception; if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else if (thr instanceof Error) throw (Error)thr; else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+thr.getClass().getName()+": "+thr.getMessage(),thr); } return rval; } } /** This method returns an ordered set of the "next things" given a folder path, for the UI to * use in constructing the starting folder for a job's document specification. */ public String[] getChildFolderNames(String strTheParentFolderPath) throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { try { while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); GetChildFolderNamesThread t = new GetChildFolderNamesThread(strTheParentFolderPath); try { t.start(); return t.finishUp(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption reading child folders: "+e.getMessage(),e); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L,currentTime + 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,true); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } /** Get the list of attributes for a given data type. This returns an inclusive list of both pre-defined and extended * attributes, to be presented to the user as a select list per data type. From this list, the metadata attributes will * be selected. *@param docType is the document type (e.g. "dm_document") for which the attributes are requested. *@return the array of data attributes, in alphabetic order. */ public String[] getIngestableAttributes(String docType) throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { //if (true) // return new String[]{"attribute1","attribute2","attribute3"}; try { String strDQL = "select distinct attr_name FROM dmi_dd_attr_info where type_name = '" + docType + "' order by attr_name asc"; while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); GetListOfValuesThread t = new GetListOfValuesThread(strDQL,"attr_name"); try { t.start(); List<String> attributes = t.finishUp(); String[] rval = new String[attributes.size()]; int i = 0; while (i < rval.length) { rval[i] = attributes.get(i); i++; } return rval; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new ServiceInterruption("Transient error connecting to documentum service: "+e.getMessage(),currentTime + 60000L); } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption reading child folders: "+e.getMessage(),e); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L,currentTime + 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,true); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } // Private and protected methods /** This class digests specifications and allows easy access to the data within. */ protected class SpecInfo { /** The path attribute name */ protected final String pathAttributeName; /** The folder ID to path name mapping (which acts like a cache). The key is the folder ID, and the value is an array of Strings. */ protected final Map<String,String[]> pathMap = new HashMap<String,String[]>(); /** The path name map */ protected final MatchMap matchMap = new MatchMap(); /** A set of forced acls */ protected final Set<String> aclSet = new HashSet<String>(); /** Security on/off */ protected final boolean securityOn; /** Map of type to selected attributes */ protected final Map<String,List<String>> typeMap = new HashMap<String,List<String>>(); /** Constructor */ public SpecInfo(Specification spec) throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { String pathAttributeName = null; boolean securityOn = true; for (int i = 0; i < spec.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode n = spec.getChild(i); if (n.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHNAMEATTRIBUTE)) pathAttributeName = n.getAttributeValue("value"); else if (n.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_PATHMAP)) { String pathMatch = n.getAttributeValue("match"); String pathReplace = n.getAttributeValue("replace"); matchMap.appendMatchPair(pathMatch,pathReplace); } else if (n.getType().equals("access")) { String token = n.getAttributeValue("token"); aclSet.add(token); } else if (n.getType().equals("security")) { String value = n.getAttributeValue("value"); if (value.equals("on")) securityOn = true; else if (value.equals("off")) securityOn = false; } else if (n.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_OBJECTTYPE)) { String typeName = n.getAttributeValue("token"); String isAll = n.getAttributeValue("all"); List<String> list; if (isAll != null && isAll.equals("true")) { // "All" attributes are specified // The current complete list of attributes must be fetched for this document type try { list = getAttributesForType(typeName); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Logging.connectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption listing attributes: "+e.getMessage(),e); throw new ServiceInterruption(e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L,currentTime + 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,true); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } else { list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int l = 0; i < n.getChildCount(); l++) { SpecificationNode sn = n.getChild(l); if (sn.getType().equals(CONFIG_PARAM_ATTRIBUTENAME)) { String attrName = sn.getAttributeValue("attrname"); list.add(attrName); } } } typeMap.put(typeName,list); } } this.pathAttributeName = pathAttributeName; this.securityOn = securityOn; } /** Get the path attribute name. *@return the path attribute name, or null if none specified. */ public String getPathAttributeName() { return pathAttributeName; } /** Given an identifier, get the array of translated strings that goes into the metadata. */ public String[] getPathAttributeValue(IDocumentumObject object) throws DocumentumException, RemoteException, ManifoldCFException { String[] paths = object.getFolderPaths(pathMap); String[] rval = new String[paths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { rval[i] = matchMap.translate(paths[i]); } return rval; } /** Grab forced acl out of document specification. *@param spec is the document specification. *@return the acls. */ public String[] getAcls() { if (!securityOn) return null; String[] rval = new String[aclSet.size()]; Iterator<String> iter = aclSet.iterator(); int i = 0; for (String value : aclSet) { rval[i++] = value; } return rval; } public String getForcedAclString() { // Get the forced acls (and whether security is on as well) String[] acls = getAcls(); // Build a "forced acl" version string, of the form ";<acl>+<acl>+..." StringBuilder forcedAclString = new StringBuilder(); if (acls != null) { forcedAclString.append('+'); java.util.Arrays.sort(acls); packList(forcedAclString,acls,'+'); pack(forcedAclString,denyToken,'+'); } else forcedAclString.append('-'); return forcedAclString.toString(); } public List<String> getMetadataFields(String typeName) { return typeMap.get(typeName); } public String getMetadataVersionAddendum(String typeName) { // Sort the attribute names, because we need them to be comparable. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<String> list = typeMap.get(typeName); if (list == null) packList(sb,new String[0],'+'); else { String[] sortArray = new String[list.size()]; int j = 0; for (String thing : list) { sortArray[j++] = thing; } java.util.Arrays.sort(sortArray); packList(sb,sortArray,'+'); } return sb.toString(); } public String getPathNameAttributeAddendum() { // This starts with = since ; is used by another optional component (the forced acls) StringBuilder pathNameAttributeVersion = new StringBuilder(); if (pathAttributeName != null) pathNameAttributeVersion.append("=").append(pathAttributeName).append(":").append(matchMap); return pathNameAttributeVersion.toString(); } } }