/* $Id: AuthorityConnector.java 988245 2010-08-23 18:39:35Z kwright $ */ /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.manifoldcf.authorities.authorities.DCTM; import org.apache.log4j.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.agents.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.authorities.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.connectorcommon.interfaces.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.authorities.system.Logging; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.common.DCTM.*; import java.rmi.*; /** Autheticator. */ public class AuthorityConnector extends org.apache.manifoldcf.authorities.authorities.BaseAuthorityConnector { public static final String CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE = "docbasename"; public static final String CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME = "docbaseusername"; public static final String CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD = "docbasepassword"; public static final String CONFIG_PARAM_DOMAIN = "domain"; public static final String CONFIG_PARAM_CASEINSENSITIVE = "usernamecaseinsensitive"; public static final String CONFIG_PARAM_USESYSTEMACLS = "usesystemacls"; public static final String CONFIG_PARAM_CACHELIFETIME = "cachelifetimemins"; public static final String CONFIG_PARAM_CACHELRUSIZE = "cachelrusize"; protected String docbaseName = null; protected String userName = null; protected String password = null; protected String domain = null; protected boolean caseInsensitive = false; protected boolean useSystemAcls = true; // Documentum has no "deny" tokens, and its document acls cannot be empty, so no local authority deny token is required. // However, it is felt that we need to be suspenders-and-belt, so we use the deny token. // The documentum tokens are of the form xxx:yyy, so they cannot collide with the standard deny token. /** Cache manager. */ protected ICacheManager cacheManager = null; // Set if we have set up session parameters necessary for caching protected boolean hasSessionParameters = false; // This is the DFC session; it may be null, or it may be set. protected IDocumentum session = null; protected long lastSessionFetch = -1L; protected static final long timeToRelease = 300000L; private String cacheLifetime = null; private String cacheLRUsize = null; private long responseLifetime = 60000L; private int LRUsize = 1000; public AuthorityConnector() { super(); } /** Set thread context. */ @Override public void setThreadContext(IThreadContext tc) throws ManifoldCFException { super.setThreadContext(tc); cacheManager = CacheManagerFactory.make(tc); } /** Clear thread context. */ @Override public void clearThreadContext() { super.clearThreadContext(); cacheManager = null; } protected class GetSessionThread extends Thread { protected Throwable exception = null; public GetSessionThread() { super(); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { try { // Create a session IDocumentumFactory df = (IDocumentumFactory)Naming.lookup("rmi://"); IDocumentum newSession = df.make(); newSession.createSession(docbaseName,userName,password,domain); session = newSession; } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public Throwable getException() { return exception; } } /** Get session parameters. */ protected void getSessionParameters() throws ManifoldCFException { if (!hasSessionParameters) { try { responseLifetime = Long.parseLong(this.cacheLifetime) * 60L * 1000L; LRUsize = Integer.parseInt(this.cacheLRUsize); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException("Cache lifetime or Cache LRU size must be an integer: "+e.getMessage(),e); } // This is the stuff that used to be in connect() if (docbaseName == null || docbaseName.length() < 1) throw new ManifoldCFException("Parameter "+CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE+" required but not set"); if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Docbase = '" + docbaseName + "'"); if (userName == null || userName.length() < 1) throw new ManifoldCFException("Parameter "+CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME+" required but not set"); if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Username = '" + userName + "'"); if (password == null || password.length() < 1) throw new ManifoldCFException("Parameter "+CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD+" required but not set"); Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Password exists"); if (domain == null) { // Empty domain is allowed Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: No domain"); } else Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Domain = '" + domain + "'"); if (caseInsensitive) { Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Case insensitivity enabled"); } if (useSystemAcls) { Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Use system acls enabled"); } hasSessionParameters = true; } } /** Get a DFC session. This will be done every time it is needed. */ protected void getSession() throws ManifoldCFException { getSessionParameters(); if (session == null) { // This actually sets up the connection GetSessionThread t = new GetSessionThread(); try { t.start(); t.join(); Throwable thr = t.getException(); if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof java.net.MalformedURLException) throw (java.net.MalformedURLException)thr; else if (thr instanceof NotBoundException) throw (NotBoundException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else throw (Error)thr; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } catch (NotBoundException e) { // Transient problem: Server not available at the moment. throw new ManifoldCFException("Server not up at the moment: "+e.getMessage(),e); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Treat this as a transient problem throw new ManifoldCFException("Transient remote exception creating session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { throw new ManifoldCFException("Remote service interruption creating session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } // Update the expire time for this session, except if an error was thrown. lastSessionFetch = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** Perform a DQL query, with appropriate reset on a remote exception */ protected IDocumentumResult performDQLQuery(String query) throws DocumentumException, ManifoldCFException { while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); try { return session.performDQLQuery(query); } catch (RemoteException e) { if (noSession) throw new ManifoldCFException("Transient error connecting to documentum service",e); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } protected class CheckConnectionThread extends Thread { protected Throwable exception = null; public CheckConnectionThread() { super(); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { try { session.checkConnection(); } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public Throwable getException() { return exception; } } /** Check connection, with appropriate retries */ protected void checkConnection() throws DocumentumException, ManifoldCFException { while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); CheckConnectionThread t = new CheckConnectionThread(); try { t.start(); t.join(); Throwable thr = t.getException(); if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else throw (Error)thr; } return; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) throw new ManifoldCFException("Transient error connecting to documentum service",e); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } /** Perform getObjectByQualification, with appropriate reset */ protected IDocumentumObject getObjectByQualification(String qualification) throws DocumentumException, ManifoldCFException { while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); try { return session.getObjectByQualification(qualification); } catch (RemoteException e) { if (noSession) throw new ManifoldCFException("Transient error connecting to documentum service",e); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } /** Get server version, with appropriate retries */ protected String getServerVersion() throws DocumentumException, ManifoldCFException { while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); try { return session.getServerVersion(); } catch (RemoteException e) { if (noSession) throw new ManifoldCFException("Transient error connecting to documentum service",e); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; continue; } } } protected class DestroySessionThread extends Thread { protected Throwable exception = null; public DestroySessionThread() { super(); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { try { session.destroySession(); } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public Throwable getException() { return exception; } } /** Release the session, if it's time. */ protected void releaseCheck() throws ManifoldCFException { if (lastSessionFetch == -1L) return; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentTime >= lastSessionFetch + timeToRelease) { DestroySessionThread t = new DestroySessionThread(); try { t.start(); t.join(); Throwable thr = t.getException(); if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else throw (Error)thr; } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Treat this as a transient problem Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("Transient remote exception closing session",e); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("Remote service interruption closing session",e); } else Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("Error closing session",e); } } } protected class GetUserAccessIDThread extends Thread { protected String strUserName; protected Throwable exception = null; protected String rval = null; protected AuthorizationResponse response = null; public GetUserAccessIDThread(String strUserName) { super(); setDaemon(true); this.strUserName = strUserName; } public void run() { try { // Need the server version so we can figure out whether to try the user_login_name query String serverVersion = session.getServerVersion(); boolean hasLoginNameColumn = (serverVersion.compareTo("5.3.") >= 0); IDocumentumObject object = null; try { if (hasLoginNameColumn) object = getObjectByQualification("dm_user where "+insensitiveMatch(caseInsensitive,"user_login_name",strUserName)); if (!object.exists()) object = getObjectByQualification("dm_user where "+insensitiveMatch(caseInsensitive,"user_os_name",strUserName)); if (!object.exists()) { if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: No user found for username '" + strUserName + "'"); response = RESPONSE_USERNOTFOUND; return; } if (object.getUserState() != 0) { if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: User found for username '" + strUserName + "' but the account is not active."); response = RESPONSE_USERUNAUTHORIZED; return; } rval = object.getUserName(); } finally { if (object != null) object.release(); } } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public Throwable getException() { return exception; } public String getUserID() { return rval; } public AuthorizationResponse getResponse() { return response; } } protected class GetAccessTokensThread extends Thread { protected String strDQL; protected ArrayList list; protected Throwable exception = null; public GetAccessTokensThread(String strDQL, ArrayList list) { super(); setDaemon(true); this.strDQL = strDQL; this.list = list; } public void run() { try { IDocumentumResult result = session.performDQLQuery(strDQL); try { if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Collection returned."); while (result.isValidRow()) { String strObjectName = result.getStringValue("object_name"); String strOwnerName = result.getStringValue("owner_name"); String strFullTokenName = docbaseName + ":" + strOwnerName + "." + strObjectName; list.add(strFullTokenName); if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: ACL being added: " + strFullTokenName); result.nextRow(); } } finally { result.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { this.exception = e; } } public Throwable getException() { return exception; } } /** Obtain the access tokens for a given user name. *@param strUserNamePassedIn is the user name or identifier. *@return the response tokens (according to the current authority). * (Should throws an exception only when a condition cannot be properly described within the authorization response object.) */ @Override public AuthorizationResponse getAuthorizationResponse(String strUserNamePassedIn) throws ManifoldCFException { if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Inside AuthorityConnector.getAuthorizationResponse for user '"+strUserNamePassedIn+"'"); // We need this in order to be able to properly construct an AuthorizationResponseDescription. getSessionParameters(); // Construct a cache description object ICacheDescription objectDescription = new AuthorizationResponseDescription(strUserNamePassedIn,docbaseName,userName,password, domain,caseInsensitive,useSystemAcls,responseLifetime,LRUsize); // Enter the cache ICacheHandle ch = cacheManager.enterCache(new ICacheDescription[]{objectDescription},null,null); try { ICacheCreateHandle createHandle = cacheManager.enterCreateSection(ch); try { // Lookup the object AuthorizationResponse response = (AuthorizationResponse)cacheManager.lookupObject(createHandle,objectDescription); if (response != null) return response; // Create the object. response = getAuthorizationResponseUncached(strUserNamePassedIn); // Save it in the cache cacheManager.saveObject(createHandle,objectDescription,response); // And return it... return response; } finally { cacheManager.leaveCreateSection(createHandle); } } finally { cacheManager.leaveCache(ch); } } /** Uncached get response method. */ protected AuthorizationResponse getAuthorizationResponseUncached(String strUserNamePassedIn) throws ManifoldCFException { if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Inside AuthorityConnector.getAuthorizationResponseUncached for user '"+strUserNamePassedIn+"'"); try { String strUserName = strUserNamePassedIn; String strAccessToken; while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); GetUserAccessIDThread t = new GetUserAccessIDThread(strUserName); try { t.start(); t.join(); Throwable thr = t.getException(); if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else throw (Error)thr; } if (t.getResponse() != null) return t.getResponse(); strAccessToken = t.getUserID(); // Exit out of retry loop break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("DCTM: Transient error checking authorization: "+e.getMessage(),e); return RESPONSE_UNREACHABLE; } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Go back around again } } // String strDQL = "SELECT DISTINCT A.object_name FROM dm_acl A // WHERE (any (A.r_accessor_name = '" + strAccessToken + "' AND // A.r_accessor_permit > 1) OR ANY (A.r_accessor_name in (SELECT // G.group_name FROM dm_group G WHERE ANY G.i_all_users_names = '" + // strAccessToken + "') AND A.r_accessor_permit > 1)) AND '" + // strAccessToken + "' In (SELECT U.user_name FROM dm_user U WHERE // U.user_state=0)"; String strDQL = "SELECT DISTINCT A.owner_name, A.object_name FROM dm_acl A " + " WHERE "; if (!useSystemAcls) { strDQL += "A.object_name NOT LIKE 'dm_%' AND ("; } // Include ACLs with positive groups and users strDQL += "(any (A.r_accessor_name IN (" + quoteDQLString(strAccessToken) + ", 'dm_world') AND r_accessor_permit>2) OR (any (A.r_accessor_name='dm_owner' AND A.r_accessor_permit>2) AND A.owner_name=" + quoteDQLString(strAccessToken) + ") OR (ANY (A.r_accessor_name in (SELECT G.group_name FROM dm_group G WHERE ANY G.i_all_users_names = " + quoteDQLString(strAccessToken) + ") AND r_accessor_permit>2))) "; // Exclude ACLs with negative groups and users strDQL += "AND NOT (any (A.r_accessor_name IN (" + quoteDQLString(strAccessToken) + ", 'dm_world') AND r_accessor_permit<=2) OR (any (A.r_accessor_name='dm_owner' AND A.r_accessor_permit<=2) AND A.owner_name=" + quoteDQLString(strAccessToken) + ") OR (ANY (A.r_accessor_name in (SELECT G.group_name FROM dm_group G WHERE ANY G.i_all_users_names = " + quoteDQLString(strAccessToken) + ") AND r_accessor_permit<=2)))"; if (!useSystemAcls) { strDQL += ")"; } if (Logging.authorityConnectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: About to execute query= (" + strDQL + ")"); while (true) { boolean noSession = (session==null); getSession(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); GetAccessTokensThread t = new GetAccessTokensThread(strDQL,list); try { t.start(); t.join(); Throwable thr = t.getException(); if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else throw (Error)thr; } Logging.authorityConnectors.debug("DCTM: Done processing authorization query"); String[] strArrayRetVal = new String[list.size()]; int intObjectIdIndex = 0; while (intObjectIdIndex < strArrayRetVal.length) { strArrayRetVal[intObjectIdIndex] = (String)list.get(intObjectIdIndex); intObjectIdIndex++; } // Break out of retry loop and return return new AuthorizationResponse(strArrayRetVal,AuthorizationResponse.RESPONSE_OK); } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); if (noSession) { Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("DCTM: Transient error checking authorization: "+e.getMessage(),e); return RESPONSE_UNREACHABLE; } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Go back around again } } } catch (DocumentumException e) { if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("DCTM: Transient error checking authorization: "+e.getMessage(),e); // Transient: Treat as if user does not exist, not like credentials invalid. return RESPONSE_UNREACHABLE; } throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e); } } /** Obtain the default access tokens for a given user name. *@param userName is the user name or identifier. *@return the default response tokens, presuming that the connect method fails. */ @Override public AuthorizationResponse getDefaultAuthorizationResponse(String userName) { return RESPONSE_UNREACHABLE; } protected static String insensitiveMatch(boolean insensitive, String field, String value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (insensitive) sb.append("upper(").append(field).append(")"); else sb.append(field); sb.append("="); if (insensitive) sb.append(quoteDQLString(value.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))); else sb.append(quoteDQLString(value)); return sb.toString(); } protected static String quoteDQLString(String value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("'"); int i = 0; while (i < value.length()) { char x = value.charAt(i++); if (x == '\'') sb.append(x); sb.append(x); } sb.append("'"); return sb.toString(); } /** Test the connection. Returns a string describing the connection integrity. *@return the connection's status as a displayable string. */ @Override public String check() throws ManifoldCFException { try { try { checkConnection(); return super.check(); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) return "Connection temporarily failed: "+e.getMessage(); else return "Connection failed: "+e.getMessage(); } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { return "Connection failed: "+e.getMessage(); } } @Override public void connect(ConfigParams configParams) { super.connect(configParams); docbaseName = configParams.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE); userName = configParams.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME); password = configParams.getObfuscatedParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD); domain = configParams.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOMAIN); if (domain == null || domain.length() < 1) { // Empty domain is allowed domain = null; } String strCaseInsensitive = configParams.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CASEINSENSITIVE); if (strCaseInsensitive != null && strCaseInsensitive.equals("true")) { caseInsensitive = true; } else caseInsensitive = false; String strUseSystemAcls = configParams.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USESYSTEMACLS); if (strUseSystemAcls == null || strUseSystemAcls.equals("true")) { useSystemAcls = true; } else useSystemAcls = false; cacheLifetime = configParams.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CACHELIFETIME); if (cacheLifetime == null) cacheLifetime = "1"; cacheLRUsize = configParams.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CACHELRUSIZE); if (cacheLRUsize == null) cacheLRUsize = "1000"; } /** This method is called to assess whether to count this connector instance should * actually be counted as being connected. *@return true if the connector instance is actually connected. */ @Override public boolean isConnected() { return session != null; } /** Disconnect from Documentum. */ @Override public void disconnect() throws ManifoldCFException { hasSessionParameters = false; if (session != null) { DestroySessionThread t = new DestroySessionThread(); try { t.start(); t.join(); Throwable thr = t.getException(); if (thr != null) { if (thr instanceof RemoteException) throw (RemoteException)thr; else if (thr instanceof DocumentumException) throw (DocumentumException)thr; else if (thr instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)thr; else throw (Error)thr; } session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; } catch (InterruptedException e) { t.interrupt(); throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); if (e2 instanceof InterruptedException || e2 instanceof InterruptedIOException) throw new ManifoldCFException(e2.getMessage(),e2,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); session = null; lastSessionFetch = -1L; // Treat this as a transient problem Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("DCTM: Transient remote exception closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } catch (DocumentumException e) { // Base our treatment on the kind of error it is. if (e.getType() == DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION) { Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("DCTM: Remote service interruption closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } else Logging.authorityConnectors.warn("DCTM: Error closing session: "+e.getMessage(),e); } } docbaseName = null; userName = null; password = null; domain = null; cacheLifetime = null; cacheLRUsize = null; } /** This method is periodically called for all connectors that are connected but not * in active use. */ @Override public void poll() throws ManifoldCFException { releaseCheck(); } // UI support methods. // // These support methods are involved in setting up authority connection configuration information. The configuration methods cannot assume that the // current authority object is connected. That is why they receive a thread context argument. /** Output the configuration header section. * This method is called in the head section of the connector's configuration page. Its purpose is to add the required tabs to the list, and to output any * javascript methods that might be needed by the configuration editing HTML. *@param threadContext is the local thread context. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param parameters are the configuration parameters, as they currently exist, for this connection being configured. *@param tabsArray is an array of tab names. Add to this array any tab names that are specific to the connector. */ @Override public void outputConfigurationHeader(IThreadContext threadContext, IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, ConfigParams parameters, List<String> tabsArray) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.UserMapping")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.SystemACLs")); tabsArray.add(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Cache")); out.print( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"+ "<!--\n"+ "function checkConfigForSave()\n"+ "{\n"+ " if (editconnection.docbasename.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.PleaseSupplyTheNameOfADocbase") + "\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.docbasename.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.docbaseusername.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.TheConnectionRequiresAValidDocumentumUserName") + "\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.docbaseusername.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.docbasepassword.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.TheConnectionRequiresTheDocumentumUsersPassword") + "\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.docbasepassword.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.cachelifetime.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.CacheLifetimeCannotBeNull") + "\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Cache") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.cachelifetime.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.cachelifetime.value != \"\" && !isInteger(editconnection.cachelifetime.value))\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.CacheLifetimeMustBeAnInteger") + "\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Cache") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.cachelifetime.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.cachelrusize.value == \"\")\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.CacheLRUSizeCannotBeNull") + "\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Cache") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.cachelrusize.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " if (editconnection.cachelrusize.value != \"\" && !isInteger(editconnection.cachelrusize.value))\n"+ " {\n"+ " alert(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.CacheLRUSizeMustBeAnInteger") + "\");\n"+ " SelectTab(\"" + Messages.getBodyJavascriptString(locale,"DCTM.Cache") + "\");\n"+ " editconnection.cachelrusize.focus();\n"+ " return false;\n"+ " }\n"+ " return true;\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "//-->\n"+ "</script>\n" ); } /** Output the configuration body section. * This method is called in the body section of the authority connector's configuration page. Its purpose is to present the required form elements for editing. * The coder can presume that the HTML that is output from this configuration will be within appropriate <html>, <body>, and <form> tags. The name of the * form is "editconnection". *@param threadContext is the local thread context. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param parameters are the configuration parameters, as they currently exist, for this connection being configured. *@param tabName is the current tab name. */ @Override public void outputConfigurationBody(IThreadContext threadContext, IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, ConfigParams parameters, String tabName) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { String docbaseName = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE); if (docbaseName == null) docbaseName = ""; String docbaseUserName = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME); if (docbaseUserName == null) docbaseUserName = ""; String docbasePassword = parameters.getObfuscatedParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD); if (docbasePassword == null) docbasePassword = ""; else docbasePassword = out.mapPasswordToKey(docbasePassword); String docbaseDomain = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOMAIN); if (docbaseDomain == null) docbaseDomain = ""; String caseInsensitiveUser = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CASEINSENSITIVE); if (caseInsensitiveUser == null) caseInsensitiveUser = "false"; String useSystemAcls = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USESYSTEMACLS); if (useSystemAcls == null) useSystemAcls = "true"; String cacheLifetime = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CACHELIFETIME); if (cacheLifetime == null) cacheLifetime = "1"; String cacheLRUsize = parameters.getParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CACHELRUSIZE); if (cacheLRUsize == null) cacheLRUsize = "1000"; // "Docbase" tab if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Docbase"))) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocbaseName") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"docbasename\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseName)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocbaseUserName") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"docbaseusername\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseUserName)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocbasePassword") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><input type=\"password\" size=\"32\" name=\"docbasepassword\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbasePassword)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DocbaseDomain") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"docbasedomain\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseDomain)+"\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { // Hiddens for "Docbase" tab out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"docbasename\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseName)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"docbaseusername\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseUserName)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"docbasepassword\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbasePassword)+"\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"docbasedomain\" value=\""+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(docbaseDomain)+"\"/>\n" ); } // "User Mapping" tab if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.UserMapping"))) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.AuthenticationUsernameMatching") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " <table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><input name=\"usernamecaseinsensitive\" type=\"radio\" value=\"true\" "+((caseInsensitiveUser.equals("true"))?"checked=\"true\"":"")+" /></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.CaseInsensitive") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><input name=\"usernamecaseinsensitive\" type=\"radio\" value=\"false\" "+((!caseInsensitiveUser.equals("true"))?"checked=\"true\"":"")+" /></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.CaseSensitive") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " </table>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { // Hiddens for "User Mapping" tab out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"usernamecaseinsensitive\" value=\""+caseInsensitiveUser+"\"/>\n" ); } // "System ACLs" tab if (tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.SystemACLs"))) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.UseSystemAcls") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\">\n"+ " <table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><input name=\"usesystemacls\" type=\"radio\" value=\"true\" "+((useSystemAcls.equals("true"))?"checked=\"true\"":"")+" /></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.UseSystemAcls") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><input name=\"usesystemacls\" type=\"radio\" value=\"false\" "+((!useSystemAcls.equals("true"))?"checked=\"true\"":"")+" /></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.DontUseSystemAcls") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " </table>\n"+ " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { // Hiddens for "System ACLs" tab out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"usesystemacls\" value=\""+useSystemAcls+"\"/>\n" ); } // "Cache" tab if(tabName.equals(Messages.getString(locale,"DCTM.Cache"))) { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr><td class=\"separator\" colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.CacheLifetime") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"5\" name=\"cachelifetime\" value=\"" + org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(cacheLifetime) + "\"/> " + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.minutes") + "</td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.CacheLRUSize") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"5\" name=\"cachelrusize\" value=\"" + org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(cacheLRUsize) + "\"/></td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } else { // Hiddens for "Cache" tab out.print( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cachelifetime\" value=\"" + org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(cacheLifetime) + "\"/>\n"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cachelrusize\" value=\"" + org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.attributeEscape(cacheLRUsize) + "\"/>\n" ); } } /** Process a configuration post. * This method is called at the start of the authority connector's configuration page, whenever there is a possibility that form data for a connection has been * posted. Its purpose is to gather form information and modify the configuration parameters accordingly. * The name of the posted form is "editconnection". *@param threadContext is the local thread context. *@param variableContext is the set of variables available from the post, including binary file post information. *@param parameters are the configuration parameters, as they currently exist, for this connection being configured. *@return null if all is well, or a string error message if there is an error that should prevent saving of the connection (and cause a redirection to an error page). */ @Override public String processConfigurationPost(IThreadContext threadContext, IPostParameters variableContext, Locale locale, ConfigParams parameters) throws ManifoldCFException { String docbaseName = variableContext.getParameter("docbasename"); if (docbaseName != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOCBASE,docbaseName); String docbaseUserName = variableContext.getParameter("docbaseusername"); if (docbaseUserName != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USERNAME,docbaseUserName); String docbasePassword = variableContext.getParameter("docbasepassword"); if (docbasePassword != null) parameters.setObfuscatedParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_PASSWORD,variableContext.mapKeyToPassword(docbasePassword)); String docbaseDomain = variableContext.getParameter("docbasedomain"); if (docbaseDomain != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_DOMAIN,docbaseDomain); String caseInsensitiveUser = variableContext.getParameter("usernamecaseinsensitive"); if (caseInsensitiveUser != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CASEINSENSITIVE,caseInsensitiveUser); String useSystemAcls = variableContext.getParameter("usesystemacls"); if (useSystemAcls != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_USESYSTEMACLS,useSystemAcls); String cacheLifetime = variableContext.getParameter("cachelifetime"); if (cacheLifetime != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CACHELIFETIME,cacheLifetime); String cacheLRUsize = variableContext.getParameter("cachelrusize"); if (cacheLRUsize != null) parameters.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM_CACHELRUSIZE,cacheLRUsize); return null; } /** View configuration. * This method is called in the body section of the authority connector's view configuration page. Its purpose is to present the connection information to the user. * The coder can presume that the HTML that is output from this configuration will be within appropriate <html> and <body> tags. *@param threadContext is the local thread context. *@param out is the output to which any HTML should be sent. *@param parameters are the configuration parameters, as they currently exist, for this connection being configured. */ @Override public void viewConfiguration(IThreadContext threadContext, IHTTPOutput out, Locale locale, ConfigParams parameters) throws ManifoldCFException, IOException { out.print( "<table class=\"displaytable\">\n"+ " <tr>\n"+ " <td class=\"description\" colspan=\"1\"><nobr>" + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.Parameters") + "</nobr></td>\n"+ " <td class=\"value\" colspan=\"3\">\n" ); Iterator iter = parameters.listParameters(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String param = (String)iter.next(); String value = parameters.getParameter(param); if (param.length() >= "password".length() && param.substring(param.length()-"password".length()).equalsIgnoreCase("password")) { out.print( " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(param)+"=********</nobr><br/>\n" ); } else if (param.length() >="keystore".length() && param.substring(param.length()-"keystore".length()).equalsIgnoreCase("keystore")) { IKeystoreManager kmanager = KeystoreManagerFactory.make("",value); out.print( " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(param)+"=<"+Integer.toString(kmanager.getContents().length)+" " + Messages.getBodyString(locale,"DCTM.certificate") + "></nobr><br/>\n" ); } else { out.print( " <nobr>"+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(param)+"="+org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(value)+"</nobr><br/>\n" ); } } out.print( " </td>\n"+ " </tr>\n"+ "</table>\n" ); } protected static StringSet emptyStringSet = new StringSet(); /** This is the cache object descriptor for cached access tokens from * this connector. */ protected static class AuthorizationResponseDescription extends org.apache.manifoldcf.core.cachemanager.BaseDescription { // The parameters upon which the cached results are based. protected String userName; protected String docbaseName; protected String adminUserName; protected String adminPassword; protected String domain; protected boolean caseInsensitive; protected boolean useSystemACLs; /** The expiration time */ protected long expirationTime = -1; /** The response lifetime */ protected long responseLifetime; /** Constructor. */ public AuthorizationResponseDescription(String userName, String docbaseName, String adminUserName, String adminPassword, String domain, boolean caseInsensitive, boolean useSystemACLs, long responseLifetime, int LRUsize) { super("DocumentumDirectoryAuthority",LRUsize); this.userName = userName; this.docbaseName = docbaseName; this.adminUserName = adminUserName; this.adminPassword = adminPassword; this.domain = domain; this.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive; this.useSystemACLs = useSystemACLs; this.responseLifetime = responseLifetime; } /** Return the invalidation keys for this object. */ public StringSet getObjectKeys() { return emptyStringSet; } /** Get the critical section name, used for synchronizing the creation of the object */ public String getCriticalSectionName() { return getClass().getName() + "-" + userName + "-" + docbaseName + "-" + adminUserName + "-" + adminPassword + "-" + ((domain==null)?"NULL":domain) + "-" + (caseInsensitive?"true":"false") + "-" + (useSystemACLs?"true":"false"); } /** Return the object expiration interval */ public long getObjectExpirationTime(long currentTime) { if (expirationTime == -1) expirationTime = currentTime + responseLifetime; return expirationTime; } public int hashCode() { return userName.hashCode() + docbaseName.hashCode() + adminUserName.hashCode() + adminPassword.hashCode() + ((domain==null)?0:domain.hashCode()) + (caseInsensitive?1:0) + (useSystemACLs?1:0); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof AuthorizationResponseDescription)) return false; AuthorizationResponseDescription ard = (AuthorizationResponseDescription)o; return ard.userName.equals(userName) && ard.docbaseName.equals(docbaseName) && ard.adminUserName.equals(adminUserName) && ard.adminPassword.equals(adminPassword) && ((ard.domain==null||domain==null)?(ard.domain == domain):(ard.domain.equals(domain))) && ard.caseInsensitive == caseInsensitive && ard.useSystemACLs == useSystemACLs; } } }