/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.manifoldcf.agents.output.kafka; import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.Configuration; import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ConfigurationNode; import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException; import org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.system.ManifoldCF; import org.junit.Test; /** * @author tugba */ public class APISanityHSQLDBIT extends BaseITHSQLDB { @Test public void sanityCheck() throws Exception { int i; // Create a basic file system connection, and save it. ConfigurationNode connectionObject; ConfigurationNode child; Configuration requestObject; Configuration result; connectionObject = new ConfigurationNode("repositoryconnection"); child = new ConfigurationNode("name"); child.setValue("Test Connection"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("class_name"); child.setValue("org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.tests.TestingRepositoryConnector"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("description"); child.setValue("Test Connection"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("max_connections"); child.setValue("10"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("configuration"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); requestObject = new Configuration(); requestObject.addChild(0, connectionObject); result = performAPIPutOperationViaNodes("repositoryconnections/Test%20Connection", 201, requestObject); i = 0; while (i < result.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode resultNode = result.findChild(i++); if (resultNode.getType().equals("error")) { throw new Exception(resultNode.getValue()); } } // Create a basic null output connection, and save it. connectionObject = new ConfigurationNode("outputconnection"); child = new ConfigurationNode("name"); child.setValue("Kafka"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("class_name"); child.setValue("org.apache.manifoldcf.agents.output.kafka.KafkaOutputConnector"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("description"); child.setValue("Kafka Connection"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("max_connections"); child.setValue("100"); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("configuration"); //Kafka Output Connector parameters //IP ConfigurationNode ip = new ConfigurationNode("_PARAMETER_"); ip.setAttribute("name", "ip"); ip.setValue("localhost"); child.addChild(child.getChildCount(), ip); //port ConfigurationNode port = new ConfigurationNode("_PARAMETER_"); port.setAttribute("name", "port"); port.setValue("9092"); child.addChild(child.getChildCount(), port); //topic ConfigurationNode topic = new ConfigurationNode("_PARAMETER_"); topic.setAttribute("name", "topic"); topic.setValue("topic"); child.addChild(child.getChildCount(), topic); connectionObject.addChild(connectionObject.getChildCount(), child); requestObject = new Configuration(); requestObject.addChild(0, connectionObject); result = performAPIPutOperationViaNodes("outputconnections/Kafka", 201, requestObject); i = 0; while (i < result.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode resultNode = result.findChild(i++); if (resultNode.getType().equals("error")) { throw new Exception(resultNode.getValue()); } } // Create a job. ConfigurationNode jobObject = new ConfigurationNode("job"); child = new ConfigurationNode("description"); child.setValue("Test Job"); jobObject.addChild(jobObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("repository_connection"); child.setValue("Test Connection"); jobObject.addChild(jobObject.getChildCount(), child); // Revamped way of adding output connection child = new ConfigurationNode("pipelinestage"); ConfigurationNode pipelineChild = new ConfigurationNode("stage_id"); pipelineChild.setValue("0"); child.addChild(child.getChildCount(), pipelineChild); pipelineChild = new ConfigurationNode("stage_isoutput"); pipelineChild.setValue("true"); child.addChild(child.getChildCount(), pipelineChild); pipelineChild = new ConfigurationNode("stage_connectionname"); pipelineChild.setValue("Kafka"); child.addChild(child.getChildCount(), pipelineChild); jobObject.addChild(jobObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("run_mode"); child.setValue("scan once"); jobObject.addChild(jobObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("start_mode"); child.setValue("manual"); jobObject.addChild(jobObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("hopcount_mode"); child.setValue("accurate"); jobObject.addChild(jobObject.getChildCount(), child); child = new ConfigurationNode("document_specification"); jobObject.addChild(jobObject.getChildCount(), child); requestObject = new Configuration(); requestObject.addChild(0, jobObject); result = performAPIPostOperationViaNodes("jobs", 201, requestObject); String jobIDString = null; i = 0; while (i < result.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode resultNode = result.findChild(i++); if (resultNode.getType().equals("error")) { throw new Exception(resultNode.getValue()); } else if (resultNode.getType().equals("job_id")) { jobIDString = resultNode.getValue(); } } if (jobIDString == null) { throw new Exception("Missing job_id from return!"); } // Now, start the job, and wait until it completes. startJob(jobIDString); waitJobInactive(jobIDString, 120000L); // Check to be sure we actually processed the right number of documents. // The test data area has 3 documents and one directory, and we have to count the root directory too. long count; count = getJobDocumentsProcessed(jobIDString); if (count != 3) { throw new ManifoldCFException("Wrong number of documents processed - expected 3, saw " + new Long(count).toString()); } // Now, delete the job. deleteJob(jobIDString); waitJobDeleted(jobIDString, 120000L); // Cleanup is automatic by the base class, so we can feel free to leave jobs and connections lying around. } protected void startJob(String jobIDString) throws Exception { Configuration requestObject = new Configuration(); Configuration result = performAPIPutOperationViaNodes("start/" + jobIDString, 201, requestObject); int i = 0; while (i < result.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode resultNode = result.findChild(i++); if (resultNode.getType().equals("error")) { throw new Exception(resultNode.getValue()); } } } protected void deleteJob(String jobIDString) throws Exception { Configuration result = performAPIDeleteOperationViaNodes("jobs/" + jobIDString, 200); int i = 0; while (i < result.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode resultNode = result.findChild(i++); if (resultNode.getType().equals("error")) { throw new Exception(resultNode.getValue()); } } } protected String getJobStatus(String jobIDString) throws Exception { Configuration result = performAPIGetOperationViaNodes("jobstatuses/" + jobIDString, 200); String status = null; int i = 0; while (i < result.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode resultNode = result.findChild(i++); if (resultNode.getType().equals("error")) { throw new Exception(resultNode.getValue()); } else if (resultNode.getType().equals("jobstatus")) { int j = 0; while (j < resultNode.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode childNode = resultNode.findChild(j++); if (childNode.getType().equals("status")) { status = childNode.getValue(); } } } } return status; } protected long getJobDocumentsProcessed(String jobIDString) throws Exception { Configuration result = performAPIGetOperationViaNodes("jobstatuses/" + jobIDString, 200); String documentsProcessed = null; int i = 0; while (i < result.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode resultNode = result.findChild(i++); if (resultNode.getType().equals("error")) { throw new Exception(resultNode.getValue()); } else if (resultNode.getType().equals("jobstatus")) { int j = 0; while (j < resultNode.getChildCount()) { ConfigurationNode childNode = resultNode.findChild(j++); if (childNode.getType().equals("documents_processed")) { documentsProcessed = childNode.getValue(); } } } } if (documentsProcessed == null) { throw new Exception("Expected a documents_processed field, didn't find it"); } return new Long(documentsProcessed).longValue(); } protected void waitJobInactive(String jobIDString, long maxTime) throws Exception { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + maxTime) { String status = getJobStatus(jobIDString); if (status == null) { throw new Exception("No such job: '" + jobIDString + "'"); } if (status.equals("not yet run")) { throw new Exception("Job was never started."); } if (status.equals("done")) { return; } if (status.equals("error")) { throw new Exception("Job reports error."); } ManifoldCF.sleep(1000L); continue; } throw new ManifoldCFException("ManifoldCF did not terminate in the allotted time of " + new Long(maxTime).toString() + " milliseconds"); } protected void waitJobDeleted(String jobIDString, long maxTime) throws Exception { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + maxTime) { String status = getJobStatus(jobIDString); if (status == null) { return; } ManifoldCF.sleep(1000L); } throw new ManifoldCFException("ManifoldCF did not delete in the allotted time of " + new Long(maxTime).toString() + " milliseconds"); } }