/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ package com.liferay.portal.tools.db.upgrade.client; import com.liferay.portal.tools.db.upgrade.client.util.StringUtil; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author David Truong */ public class AppServer { public static AppServer getJBossEAPAppServer() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String extraLibDirPrefix = "/modules/system/layers/base/"; sb.append(extraLibDirPrefix); sb.append("javax/mail,"); sb.append(extraLibDirPrefix); sb.append("javax/persistence,"); sb.append(extraLibDirPrefix); sb.append("javax/servlet,"); sb.append(extraLibDirPrefix); sb.append("javax/transaction"); return new AppServer( "../../jboss-eap-6.4.0", sb.toString(), "/modules/com/liferay/portal/main", "/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war", "jboss"); } public static AppServer getJOnASAppServer() { return new AppServer( "../../jonas-5.2.3", "", "/lib/ext", "/deploy/liferay-portal", "jonas"); } public static AppServer getResinAppServer() { return new AppServer( "../../resin-4.0.44", "", "/ext-lib", "/webapps/ROOT", "resin"); } public static AppServer getTCServerAppServer() { return new AppServer( "../../tc-server-2.9.11", "", "/liferay/lib", "/liferay/webapps/ROOT", "tomcat"); } public static AppServer getTomcatAppServer() { return new AppServer( "../../tomcat-8.0.32", "/bin", "/lib", "/webapps/ROOT", "tomcat"); } public static AppServer getWebLogicAppServer() { return new AppServer( "../../weblogic-12.1.3", "", "/domains/liferay/lib", "/domains/liferay/autodeploy/ROOT", "weblogic"); } public static AppServer getWebSphereAppServer() { return new AppServer( "../../websphere-", "", "/lib/ext", "/profiles/liferay/installedApps/liferay-cell/liferay-portal.ear" + "/liferay-portal.war", "websphere"); } public static AppServer getWildFlyAppServer() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String extraLibDirPrefix = "/modules/system/layers/base/"; sb.append(extraLibDirPrefix); sb.append("javax/mail,"); sb.append(extraLibDirPrefix); sb.append("javax/persistence,"); sb.append(extraLibDirPrefix); sb.append("javax/servlet,"); sb.append(extraLibDirPrefix); sb.append("javax/transaction"); return new AppServer( "../../wildfly-10.0.0", sb.toString(), "/modules/com/liferay/portal/main", "/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war", "wildfly"); } public AppServer( String dirName, String extraLibDirNames, String globalLibDirName, String portalDirName, String serverDetectorServerId) { _dir = new File(dirName); if (extraLibDirNames != null) { for (String extraLibDir : extraLibDirNames.split(",")) { _extraLibDirs.add(new File(dirName, extraLibDir)); } } _globalLibDir = new File(dirName, globalLibDirName); _portalDir = new File(dirName, portalDirName); _serverDetectorServerId = serverDetectorServerId; } public File getDir() { return _dir; } public String getExtraLibDirNames() { return StringUtil.join(_extraLibDirs, ','); } public List<File> getExtraLibDirs() { return _extraLibDirs; } public File getGlobalLibDir() { return _globalLibDir; } public File getPortalClassesDir() { return new File(_portalDir, "/WEB-INF/classes"); } public File getPortalDir() { return _portalDir; } public File getPortalLibDir() { return new File(_portalDir, "/WEB-INF/lib"); } public String getServerDetectorServerId() { return _serverDetectorServerId; } public void setDirName(String dirName) { _dir = new File(dirName); } public void setExtraLibDirNames(String extraLibDirNames) { if (extraLibDirNames != null) { for (String extraLibDirName : extraLibDirNames.split(",")) { _extraLibDirs.add(new File(extraLibDirNames, extraLibDirName)); } } } public void setGlobalLibDirName(String globalLibDirName) { _globalLibDir = new File(_dir, globalLibDirName); } public void setPortalDirName(String portalDirName) { _portalDir = new File(_dir, portalDirName); } private File _dir; private final List<File> _extraLibDirs = new ArrayList<>(); private File _globalLibDir; private File _portalDir; private final String _serverDetectorServerId; }