/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ package com.liferay.alloy.mvc; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQuery; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Projection; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Property; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.PropertyFactoryUtil; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.BaseModel; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.TextFormatter; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.List; /** * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan */ public class AlloyServiceInvoker { public AlloyServiceInvoker(String className) { Class<?> clazz = getClass(); ClassLoader classLoader = clazz.getClassLoader(); int pos = className.indexOf(".model."); String simpleClassName = className.substring(pos + 7); String serviceClassName = className.substring(0, pos) + ".service." + simpleClassName + "LocalServiceUtil"; try { Class<?> serviceClass = classLoader.loadClass(serviceClassName); Class<?> modelClass = classLoader.loadClass(className); addModelMethod = serviceClass.getMethod( "add" + simpleClassName, new Class<?>[] {modelClass}); createModelMethod = serviceClass.getMethod( "create" + simpleClassName, new Class<?>[] {long.class}); deleteModelMethod = serviceClass.getMethod( "delete" + simpleClassName, new Class<?>[] {long.class}); dynamicQueryCountMethod1 = serviceClass.getMethod( "dynamicQueryCount", new Class<?>[] {DynamicQuery.class}); dynamicQueryCountMethod2 = serviceClass.getMethod( "dynamicQueryCount", new Class<?>[] {DynamicQuery.class, Projection.class}); dynamicQueryMethod1 = serviceClass.getMethod( "dynamicQuery", new Class<?>[0]); dynamicQueryMethod2 = serviceClass.getMethod( "dynamicQuery", new Class<?>[] {DynamicQuery.class}); dynamicQueryMethod3 = serviceClass.getMethod( "dynamicQuery", new Class<?>[] {DynamicQuery.class, int.class, int.class}); dynamicQueryMethod4 = serviceClass.getMethod( "dynamicQuery", new Class<?>[] { DynamicQuery.class, int.class, int.class, OrderByComparator.class }); fetchModelMethod = serviceClass.getMethod( "fetch" + simpleClassName, new Class<?>[] {long.class}); getModelMethod = serviceClass.getMethod( "get" + simpleClassName, new Class<?>[] {long.class}); getModelsCountMethod = serviceClass.getMethod( "get" + TextFormatter.formatPlural(simpleClassName) + "Count", new Class<?>[0]); getModelsMethod = serviceClass.getMethod( "get" + TextFormatter.formatPlural(simpleClassName), new Class<?>[] {int.class, int.class}); updateModelMethod = serviceClass.getMethod( "update" + simpleClassName, new Class<?>[] {modelClass}); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public BaseModel addModel(BaseModel baseModel) throws Exception { return (BaseModel<?>)addModelMethod.invoke(false, baseModel); } public DynamicQuery buildDynamicQuery() throws Exception { return (DynamicQuery)dynamicQueryMethod1.invoke(false); } public DynamicQuery buildDynamicQuery(Object[] properties) throws Exception { if ((properties.length == 0) || ((properties.length % 2) != 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Properties length is not an even number"); } DynamicQuery dynamicQuery = buildDynamicQuery(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i += 2) { String propertyName = String.valueOf(properties[i]); Property property = PropertyFactoryUtil.forName(propertyName); Object propertyValue = properties[i + 1]; dynamicQuery.add(property.eq(propertyValue)); } return dynamicQuery; } public BaseModel createModel(long id) throws Exception { return (BaseModel<?>)createModelMethod.invoke(false, id); } public BaseModel<?> deleteModel(BaseModel<?> baseModel) throws Exception { return (BaseModel<?>)deleteModelMethod.invoke( false, baseModel.getPrimaryKeyObj()); } public BaseModel<?> deleteModel(long classPK) throws Exception { return (BaseModel<?>)deleteModelMethod.invoke(false, classPK); } /** * @deprecated As of 1.0.0, replaced by {@link * #executeDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery)} */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery) throws Exception { return executeDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery); } /** * @deprecated As of 1.0.0, replaced by {@link * #executeDynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery)} */ @Deprecated public long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery) throws Exception { return executeDynamicQueryCount(dynamicQuery); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List executeDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery) throws Exception { return (List)dynamicQueryMethod2.invoke(false, dynamicQuery); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List executeDynamicQuery( DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end) throws Exception { return (List)dynamicQueryMethod3.invoke( false, dynamicQuery, start, end); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List executeDynamicQuery( DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<?> obc) throws Exception { return (List)dynamicQueryMethod4.invoke( false, dynamicQuery, start, end, obc); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List executeDynamicQuery(Object[] properties) throws Exception { return executeDynamicQuery(buildDynamicQuery(properties)); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List executeDynamicQuery(Object[] properties, int start, int end) throws Exception { return executeDynamicQuery(buildDynamicQuery(properties), start, end); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List executeDynamicQuery( Object[] properties, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<?> obc) throws Exception { return executeDynamicQuery( buildDynamicQuery(properties), start, end, obc); } public long executeDynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery) throws Exception { return (Long)dynamicQueryCountMethod1.invoke(false, dynamicQuery); } public long executeDynamicQueryCount( DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, Projection projection) throws Exception { return (Long)dynamicQueryCountMethod2.invoke( false, dynamicQuery, projection); } public long executeDynamicQueryCount(Object[] properties) throws Exception { return executeDynamicQueryCount(buildDynamicQuery(properties)); } public BaseModel<?> fetchModel(long classPK) throws Exception { return (BaseModel<?>)fetchModelMethod.invoke(false, classPK); } public BaseModel<?> getModel(long classPK) throws Exception { return (BaseModel<?>)getModelMethod.invoke(false, classPK); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List getModels(int start, int end) throws Exception { return (List)getModelsMethod.invoke(false, start, end); } public int getModelsCount() throws Exception { return (Integer)getModelsCountMethod.invoke(false); } public BaseModel updateModel(BaseModel baseModel) throws Exception { return (BaseModel<?>)updateModelMethod.invoke(false, baseModel); } protected Method addModelMethod; protected Method createModelMethod; protected Method deleteModelMethod; protected Method dynamicQueryCountMethod1; protected Method dynamicQueryCountMethod2; protected Method dynamicQueryMethod1; protected Method dynamicQueryMethod2; protected Method dynamicQueryMethod3; protected Method dynamicQueryMethod4; protected Method fetchModelMethod; protected Method getModelMethod; protected Method getModelsCountMethod; protected Method getModelsMethod; protected Method updateModelMethod; }