/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ package com.liferay.portal.store.s3.configuration; import aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta; import com.liferay.portal.configuration.metatype.annotations.ExtendedObjectClassDefinition; /** * @author Manuel de la Peña */ @ExtendedObjectClassDefinition(category = "foundation") @Meta.OCD( id = "com.liferay.portal.store.s3.configuration.S3StoreConfiguration", localization = "content/Language", name = "s3.store.configuration.name" ) public interface S3StoreConfiguration { @Meta.AD( description = "access-key-help", name = "access-key", required = false ) public String accessKey(); @Meta.AD( description = "secret-key-help", name = "secret-key", required = false ) public String secretKey(); @Meta.AD( description = "bucket-name-help", name = "bucket-name", required = true ) public String bucketName(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "us-east-1", description = "s3-region-help", name = "s3-region", required = false ) public String s3Region(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "STANDARD", description = "s3-storage-class-help", name = "s3-storage-class", optionValues = {"REDUCED_REDUNDANCY", "STANDARD"}, required = false ) public String s3StorageClass(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "10000", description = "connection-timeout-help", name = "connection-timeout", required = false ) public int connectionTimeout(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "50", description = "http-client-max-connections-help", name = "http-client-max-connections", required = false ) public int httpClientMaxConnections(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "5", description = "http-client-max-error-retry-help", name = "http-client-max-error-retry", required = false ) public int httpClientMaxErrorRetry(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "7", description = "core-pool-size-help", name = "core-pool-size", required = false ) public int corePoolSize(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "20", description = "max-pool-size-help", name = "max-pool-size", required = false ) public int maxPoolSize(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "7", description = "cache-dir-clean-up-expunge-help", name = "cache-dir-clean-up-expunge", required = false ) public int cacheDirCleanUpExpunge(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "100", description = "cache-dir-clean-up-frequency-help", name = "cache-dir-clean-up-frequency", required = false ) public int cacheDirCleanUpFrequency(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "5242880", description = "minimum-uploads-part-size-help", name = "minimum-uploads-part-size", required = false ) public int minimumUploadPartSize(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "10485760", description = "multipart-upload-threshold-help", name = "multipart-upload-threshold", required = false ) public int multipartUploadThreshold(); @Meta.AD( description = "proxy-host-help", name = "proxy-host", required = false ) public String proxyHost(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "12345", description = "proxy-port-help", name = "proxy-port", required = false ) public int proxyPort(); @Meta.AD( deflt = "none", description = "proxy-auth-type-help", name = "proxy-auth-type", optionValues = {"username-password", "ntlm", "none"}, required = false ) public String proxyAuthType(); @Meta.AD( description = "proxy-username-help", name = "proxy-username", required = false ) public String proxyUsername(); @Meta.AD( description = "proxy-password-help", name = "proxy-password", required = false ) public String proxyPassword(); @Meta.AD( description = "ntlm-proxy-domain-help", name = "ntlm-proxy-domain", required = false ) public String ntlmProxyDomain(); @Meta.AD( description = "ntlm-proxy-workstation-help", name = "ntlm-proxy-workstation", required = false ) public String ntlmProxyWorkstation(); }